Meet your Posher, Kay
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Hi! I'm Kay. Some of my favorite brands are, Silpada, Grace & Heart, Logo, Denim & Co. and Skechers. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :).

7 others
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It looks like you just started your closet - I hope you start selling quickly! Self shares and following other poshers helps A LOT! If you have any questions, I'm happy to help! Happy Poshing ❤️
Aug 07Reply

Welcome ❤️
Aug 24Reply

You'll need to go to your sales and cancel my first order so that I can combine both and pay one shipping fee please. Please and thank you you will have to repost first so I may bundle
Aug 25Reply

@saskicarrerabsq hi there, I just made a bundle offer, hoping you will consider or counter ? :-). Thanks so much.
Aug 28Reply

@mistkatmat did you mean this for Kay ❤️ but I look forward to you visiting me again 😘
Aug 28Reply

@saskicarrerabsq lol, I am a ding bat :-). Yes I did !! Hi to you though :-). Hope you are having a fabulous week!! :-)
Aug 28Reply

@mistkatmat no worries!! It's understandable all the excitement of new Silpada ✨😂✨ We are keeping a positive attitude through this terrible storm and are enjoying our respite, running errands as it circles back around. We've had some flooding but it's really the days of sustained winds that have affected us the most
Aug 28Reply

@saskicarrerabsq oh my!! Are you in Texas? I have been watching, just unconceivable. We are on Long Island Ny, so we are used to hurricanes, but, this is just mind blowing. You are in my prayers.
Aug 28Reply

Your closet is amazing! My new favorite!
Sep 12Reply

Hello! I know there are so many lovely closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I'm just stopping in to say hello and wish you a wonderful night!
Oct 06Reply

You have such beautiful jewelry! I’ll be visiting your closet again soon. 💓
Oct 14Reply

@slouchygarage Thank you! 💜
Oct 14Reply

Hello ma'am..just wanted to tell u that the items u sell are absolutely beautiful..hsve a blessed day🌻🌼🌷🐞
Oct 27Reply

@busdriver16 Thank you so much. Bless you. 💜
Oct 27Reply

@kcholden I see you too Love QVC ! I have a lot of Clothing As Well From There! I love & my mom the Tall Denim & Co !jeans ! Lori Grinner, Pamela Dennis I have Her Leather Jacket Listed! It was from her Private Collection you talk about Gorgeous! The Genuine Black Leather Is Saturated with A Stunning Sheen ! Wish I could wear it To top heavy Now! 😊
Dec 28Reply

Kay, thank you again! The two rings that I have received from you are now my two treasures. I will not only wear them, but enjoy them! So sweet of you to share with me rings that were your Mother’s! 🙂❤️
Jan 23Reply

@love_beaches I so glad you like them. My mother would be thrilled to know someone is enjoying them. Thanks for your kind words.
Jan 23Reply

Can you please acept my ofert,it's I can do now
Feb 05Reply

@jaylita I would love to but it's just to low for all this gold. I need to clear at least $200 on this bundle, especially since i have already dropped it so much. Sorry.
Feb 05Reply

@kcholden thank you! i plan to ship out today.
Feb 13Reply

@lotusflower2001 Thanks so much. I had this but sold it when it retired. I have regretted it ever since.
Feb 13Reply

Good morning Kay! Thank you for your purchase of the Silpada ring. I dropped it off at the Post Office yesterday and it hasn’t scanned yet as shipped. I will go there today to check on it- just wanted to give you an update!
Apr 05Reply

@itsrefabulous Thank you for the update.
Apr 05Reply

@kcholden I just left the Post office and the lady said despite not being notified with a scanned message, it is scheduled for delivery to you tomorrow. Pls lmk... you are so close to me, I could’ve driven it to you! 😉
Apr 05Reply

@itsrefabulous ok I sure will.
Apr 05Reply

@kcholden Kay, I am new on here selling, have you had a package where you didn’t receive a notification it was scanned like this? Just curious.
Apr 05Reply

@itsrefabulous Once recently. If was delivered before scan showed up. The scan did eventually show. I’m sure it will be fine.
Apr 05Reply

@kcholden ok!
Apr 05Reply

@itsrefabulous Did you go on the sale page on Poshmark and click all the little boxes and click Yay I’ve shipped it? Do that so it will show it’s waiting for USPS Scan.
Apr 06Reply

@kcholden ok! I had not done that before on any of the previous packages. Will make a habit now! Thank you for the advice. Let me know when you receive them today
Apr 06Reply

@kcholden Thank you for the rating and I am glad you received the ring! Enjoy!
Apr 06Reply

@itsrefabulous Thanks. It’s awesome.
Apr 06Reply

Hi! Can you offer reduced shipping on diamonique ring?
May 04Reply

@1makeuplover Not at the discounted price. The original price is already low for this ring. I’ll do the current offer at $19 or full price and pay the shipping.
May 04Reply

May 04Reply

I would love to go lower on the silpada pieces, but I really can't, they are sterling silver, $34 would be the lowest I could do at this time. Hope you understand
May 17Reply

@ntsunami140 No problem. I hope you sell them. I sell jewelry so I need to watch my pennies.
May 17Reply

I will give you a heads up if I can sell for lower. Thanks
May 17Reply

@ntsunami140 Thank you. I used to sell Silpada but never saw this set. It's very pretty. I am only willing to go to $32. If you decide you can do that please let me know.
May 17Reply

I will do my best to get your purchase shipped today, thanks for purchasing
May 17Reply

@ntsunami140 Thank you!
May 17Reply

Hi there! Thank you so much for the shares!
May 29Reply

@mjgugelman My pleasure. Do you sell Grace & Heart?
May 29Reply

@kcholden no I do not. Used to be a Silpada Rep. the G&H ring I have listed is too big. Was told to go up a size. Usually wear an 8 on that finger so bought. 9 and it is too big. Would love to find it in An 8. Love Grace & Heart ❤️
May 29Reply

@mjgugelman I do love mine. I sold Silpada also but when they closed I went over to Grace & Heart. The quality and guarantee is awesome. I have some of my retired Rings on my page.
May 29Reply

GORGEOUS jewelry! Will you be adding more? I’ll be watching, and will look up your website.
Jun 01Reply

@knollsriverview Thank you. I have pieces I’m waiting to post until I sell more of what I already have posted.
Jun 01Reply

@kcholden Sounds good. Thanks!
Jun 01Reply

Hi, do you trade?
Jun 02Reply

@katheann Sorry but no. Just trying to downsize right now. Thanks for asking.
Jun 02Reply

@kcholden same here so I understand! Love the charms it’s difficult to pick just a few😞 are you posting more g & h?
Jun 02Reply

@katheann Unfortunately that’s all I have right now. I can only post retired items and these are all I have. Being as I sell it I don’t want to break any rules. I love the jewelry,it’s awesome. I sold Silpada and like I like this line even more the quality and craftsmanship it outstanding.
Jun 02Reply

Are you in a hurry to sell your things or could you be patient? I’d love to offer some advice if you’re interested at all. I’m a posh mentor. Let me know if I can help. I’d love to!
Jun 06Reply

@riglem65 No not really. Sure.
Jun 06Reply

I think you could get more for your citrine ring for one, if you wait. If it were mine I’d mark it back up. Considering Posh takes 20%, and you’ll probably get lowballed and/or offer an additional discount, you won’t be getting back what it’s worth. When I started I had people buy my things and then flip them for more on their own page. Just a thought. None of my business, but I’m honestly trying to help.
Jun 06Reply

Anything sale under $15 and posh takes $3 off the top. So if you sold the ring for $8 assuming there’s no additional discount..... I love the ring but I’d feel guilty buying it from you knowing you’d make $5 from the sale.
Jun 06Reply

@riglem65 Thank you for your honesty.
Jun 06Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares!! Happy Poshing 🌺🌻🌹
Jun 28Reply

@luxeclosetfinds You to. My pleasure.
Jun 28Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! ♡
Jul 24Reply

@flbutterflygirl My pleasure.
Jul 24Reply

Hi Kay.... Thank you so much for all your shares. You have a lovely Closet!🌻 I see you went to TNCC. My oldest went to TNCC, he's now at ODU for his BS. My middle son is at TNCC now getting his degree in Emergency Medical Science. He hopes to get into one of the Hampton Fire Deparments. 🤗 Hope you had a nice weekend and thanks again for the likes. 🌻
Aug 12Reply

@theresawright1 You are very welcome, always glad to share. TNCC for me is so long ago. 😂😂 It’s a good school.
Aug 12Reply

@kcholden 😉
Aug 12Reply

Thank you for the shares!
Aug 23Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I mailed your collar necklaces today 😍
Aug 25Reply

@themetaldaisy Thank you. I’m sure I’ll be back. I love your stainless steel.
Aug 25Reply

Thank you for all of the shares!! 🙌🏼
Sep 03Reply

@jtedesco30 My pleasure.
Sep 03Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Sep 08Reply

@sayyestojewelry I followed you and will be sure to shares your beautiful items often.
Sep 08Reply

Thank you for the shares, much appreciated. Happy Shopping!
Sep 26Reply

Please make Offer or bundle.. always wanting to please my customers and thank you for looking at my Closet🐬
Oct 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares! You have some nice jewelry too!
Nov 13Reply

@hamptons_stuff Thanks, you too. 😊 I absolutely love to share. Have a great day.
Nov 13Reply

@kcholden thank you so much for the share love💕😀
Nov 26Reply

@kdtlove my pleasure
Nov 26Reply

Thanks so much for visiting and sharing my closet! 💕👗👜
Dec 23Reply

@sparkielane4u My pleasure.
Dec 23Reply

Hey Kay do u give bundle discount if I wold want t purchase 3 items from ur clset
Feb 02Reply

@janval59 Yes I do give a discount.
Feb 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet 💕
Apr 06Reply

@aussybrandy My pleasure.
Apr 06Reply

Thank you so much for all of the Shares!
Happy Poshing!
Jul 20Reply

@losaylor Glad to do it.
Jul 20Reply

Thank you for sharing 😘
Aug 27Reply

Good morning Kay, Happy Thanksgiving 🦃
Nov 28Reply

@themetaldaisy Happy Thanksgiving🦃 to you as well.
Nov 28Reply

I love your entire closet!!!!
Jun 24Reply

@sarahpmills Thank you so much.
Jun 24Reply

Hi, Kay, Nice to virtually meet you. I was born in Newport News and lived in Hampton from the 3rd grade until the 9th grade. Had a bunch of family and friends there. It was a long time ago and they are all gone now. Small world, huh? Thanks for sharing. I have returned the PoshLove. Stay safe and God bless.
Sep 27Reply

@crafteelinda490 Thanks for touching base. I’ve lived in Hampton for most of my life. Glad I was able to share.
Sep 27Reply

Hi Kay, I was looking at your closet and wow you had beautiful Jewelry. I really like Silpada and Grace and Heart Jewelry. Do you happen to have some more name brand jewelry. I would really appreciate it if you can let me know. Have a blessed and good night.
Oct 20Reply

@thenavycloset Thank you
Oct 20Reply

@goldstar548 Yes I do have a few more Silpada pieces I bed to post. I also have a lot of Grace & Heart but unfortunately I can’t post it because I’m still an active rep with the company.
Oct 20Reply

Hi Kay, Iread your message and I’m going to be in the lookout for your Silpada Jewelery and I would really appreciate it that when ever you have Grace and Heart Jewelry out please let me know. Have a blessed and good evening.
Oct 21Reply

@goldstar548 I’ll keep you posted.
Oct 21Reply

That you so much.
Oct 21Reply

Hi Kay, I now know that you are a representative for Grace and Heart Jewelry,keep me posted on any items that you will be selling. Thank you and have a great day.
Oct 21Reply

@goldstar548 I sure will.
Oct 21Reply

@goldstar548 I just recently posted a few Silpada items if you want to take a look.
Oct 29Reply

Hi Kay, Thank you for letting me know about your new listings of Silpada. Have a good evening.
Oct 30Reply

@goldstar548 You’re welcome.
Oct 30Reply

thank you so much for the nice g and h dove gray ring. I had someone buy it for me on another account with my name. I only have good things to say about the quality and service
Jul 11Reply

@crazygurleee Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy your new ring.
Jul 11Reply

@crazygurleee I appreciate the kind words. If you don’t mind could you ask your friend to accept the order and rate your experience please. Thank you.
Jul 11Reply

@kcholden I will ask
Jul 11Reply

@crazygurleee Thank you. 😊
Jul 11Reply

@beautifynails Thank you.
Nov 30Reply

@kcholden Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 20Reply

@cutehosiery Thanks for the kind words. I do share my closet often in parties and with my followers.
May 20Reply

Hi Kay. See that you’re a lover of Grace & Heart too. So sad they’re shutting down. I’ve purchased from your G&H Amazonite pendant. Looking for the G&H Amazonite bracelet called Pebble Beach. Please let me know if you come across it. Thanks, Vicki
Jul 21Reply

@vwcorson I certainly will. Unfortunately most of the reps are selling on their own websites and not on Poshmark.
Jul 21Reply

hi there - re the j Jill beaded necklace. I was a little confused by the tassel photo. Can u tell me how it is worn? thanks it looks lovely. - kate
Mar 27Reply

@kkleinfelter The necklace slips over the head and is adjustable. The tassels hang down the back, they are at the ends of the cord as a little extra decoration.
Mar 27Reply

@kcholden hello! can you do $100 with reduced shipping for the bundle of flower cuff and black stone/silver stretchy bracelet? If not for the high CA sales tax almost $30, I would have accepted your previous offer. If not, I understand. thank you for your time.
Jun 20Reply

@ralba_308 I’m sorry but I just can’t go that low. The bracelet was originally $200 and I already marked in 50% off.
Jun 20Reply

@kcholden I completely understand and thank you for letting me know. could you at least do a reduced shipping with your previous offer?
Jun 20Reply

@ralba_308 Remind me what the offer was. 😊
Jun 20Reply

@kcholden thank you so much 💓 💖 💗
Jun 20Reply

@ralba_308 My pleasure. Enjoy! I’ll mail tomorrow.
Jun 20Reply

Hi Kay!
I check your majestic closet today and by scrolling I happen to see your baby boy so lovely like his mom YOU. You two are like a gentle winter breeze so refreshing.I can see why you are one of the rarest beautiful Ambassador on Poshmark you have everything that it takes especially class & beauty!They are very lucky to have you.A gentle hug & kiss to your baby boy. Wishing you good health!
May 07Reply

@radolovicneva Thank you so much. God bless.
May 07Reply

Hi Kay!
I was looking for Silpada Basilica necklace in a great condition like you sold it but there wore none. If you happen to get another one like it please send me a message. There are few out there but not nice like the one you sold so I walk away.
Thank you Kay, God Bless
May 07Reply
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