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Updated May 26
Updated May 26

Meet your Posher, Kristen

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kristen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow.  We're Posh Anbassadors and would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items.  Happy Poshing!
May 13Reply
pandacutieco Welcome to Poshmark! Should you have any questions regarding buying or selling etc, please don’t hesitate to contact me; as an ambassador I should be able to answer your questions 😀. You can contact me at my closet @pandacutieco or yours. Looking forward to hearing from you! -andi🐼 PS I include a surprise with every purchase
May 13Reply
swscraftshop Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer.  Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! 🌝Happy Poshing!!
May 23Reply
patrickmarti325 Thank you for sharing I hope my sharing helps!!! Happy poshing to you and your closet 🤗😁😄😃😀
May 31Reply
strawberrygrove @patrickmarti325 Yes, thank you! Your closet is great, you have beautiful items for sale! 😊 I’m new and still learning so I’m happy to follow & share! Happy posting to you! ⭐️
May 31Reply
patrickmarti325 @strawberrygrove I'm learning myself if in anyway I maybe of help. please feel free to ask. I will continue to share your closet 😊 ☺️ 🙂
May 31Reply
patrickmarti325 Thank you for sharing I greatly appreciate it! How have your sales been? I hope well.
Jun 14Reply
strawberrygrove @patrickmarti325 I was making sells every day last wk, some days I had 2-3 sells. Then slowed down & have only had one since Friday. I didn’t do closet clear out. I’m still unsure about that but I need to start sending offers to likers. It’s a lot just to keep up with all the follows & shares. I don’t want to miss out on anybody who has been kind to share my items. How about you? How has your sells been?
Jun 14Reply
patrickmarti325 Sales have been steady on and off. It is alot to follow and share closets. I try to keep up on those who share such as yourself. I greatly appreciate it very much. I'm glad that you had a good week. 👍 Wish you much more success!! I will continue to share your items 😊 ☺️ 🙂 😀
Jun 14Reply
1sumrgrl Hi, Kristen, and a belated welcome to Poshmark! I hope you are having a great experience so far. Thanks for the follow and the shares ! I appreciate your support ❣️
Jun 20Reply
strawberrygrove @1sumrgrl Thank you so much for the message. That’s very sweet of you. I’m enjoying Poshmark & I enjoy learning as I go from all of you! 😊
Jun 20Reply
tootie2258 @strawberrygrove Welcome 🙋‍♂️ Thank you for the shares and have a nice afternoon, Mike😊
Jun 22Reply
strawberrygrove @tootie2258 Aww, you’re very sweet. Thank you for the message & shares also! 😊
Jun 22Reply
ealm2847 Thank you for all the love and sharing you have done over the past week of my closet! ❤️ I’ll try to return the favor!
Jun 23Reply
strawberrygrove @ealm2847 Your welcome, you have a nice closet & items. Thank you for taking the time to send the message! I’m just a month in PM but enjoying it & learning as I go. Happy Poshing! 😊✌️
Jun 23Reply
scubamvg You have amazing closet!
Jul 14Reply
strawberrygrove @marcusgalembeck Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you & sweet to message me. I appreciate it! 🤗 You have great items too & impressive followers, I’m working on it to get up there. 😉 Thanks for sharing!
Jul 14Reply
scubamvg @strawberrygrove you have great taste and amazing closet you will get there!
Jul 14Reply
scubamvg Thank you again for sharing my items you’re the best!!!!
Jul 15Reply
strawberrygrove @marcusgalembeck You’re very sweet, thank you for the message. Happy Friday! 😊
Jul 15Reply
1sumrgrl Hi, Kristen! Thanks for the follow and the shares; I appreciate your support ❣️
Jul 15Reply
scubamvg You’re the best!!!!!
Jul 16Reply
shopnstuff2 Thank you kindly for all the shares 💖
Jul 19Reply
scubamvg You’re very kind 😃👍
Jul 20Reply
tootie2258 @strawberrygrove Thank you for Always sharing my signs! Good night, Mike
Jul 23Reply
brooklyn_blues Thank you for sharing my items, much success to you on your Posh journey. Enjoy the rest of your day and have a bless weekend.
Jul 24Reply
strawberrygrove @tootie2258 Awww, that’s nice of you to send a message. Thank you too! 🤗
Jul 24Reply
strawberrygrove @brooklyn_blues That’s very sweet of you! Thank you for all the shares too. I get behind during the day but try to catch up at night. You have a great rest of the wknd too! Thx again! 😊
Jul 24Reply
lildee16157 Thank you for all the shares 💕 I always try and reciprocate. I love mutual sharing of closets.
Jul 26Reply
lisamilisci @strawberrygrove I wanted to make sure you saw my listing special. Any listing at $15 or below are now 3 for $20. Just pick 3 make a bundle, offer $20 for all 3 and I will accept. Great savings and only 1 shipping fee. Happy Poshing!!
Aug 09Reply
pjhb Hi Kristen! Thanks so much for sharing my active wear! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Nov 24Reply
pjhb Hi Kristen! Thanks so much for sharing my listings! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Nov 26Reply
fiver1512 Thank you for sharing my listing. I’m new to this but am learning a lot by viewing closets like yours and how you represent yourself and your listings! Gratefully, scott
Dec 11Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Kristen and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Dec 14Reply
maryellamcafee Hi!  Thanks for following my posh closet. :)   I wanted to let you know of a huge "4 for $25" closet sale I have going on.  Find 4 items you like in my closet with that heading ... bundle them, offer $25 and the deal is yours! :)    ... some Matilda Jane, Gap, Old Navy, J Crew... kids, ladies, books, shoes, and household items!!! There are even some FREE add-ons hidden in there!  Let me know if you have any questions.   :) Have a GREAT DAY and ... Happy Poshing!  🌺🌻🌿 ~Ella
Dec 26Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 30Reply
timmy2021 Good morning Kristen. Thank you for the follow and shares. I see that you’ve been a member since April 2022, and currently an ambassador. I also see that have 45k in followers, wow impressive, how did you get so many? I am very active and share with others and in the parties consistently. I have less than 2k and only follow less than 150 and would love to get a fraction of the amount of followers you have! Sorry to bug, still learning here, any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks, Tim
Feb 02Reply
strawberrygrove @timmy2021 When I 1st started I worked the app a lot. Follow ppl every single day & sharing as much as I could. I don’t do that like I did now that my numbers & inventory are up, I get consistent sales. You do have to work the app every day. Instead of posting a lot at one time, post a few new items every day. It will help your algorithm to stay consistent. Share your closet multiple times a day. Find sellers with large followers & follow them. Most in turn will follow you back.
Feb 02Reply
strawberrygrove @timmy2021 When you’re just sitting around watching TV or lying bed, make a goal to follow 100 ppl a day. Follow ambassadors & the big dog sellers with large numbers.
Feb 02Reply
timmy2021 @strawberrygrove thank you, thank you! many of the things you suggested I do regularly, with the exception of following “the big dogs” and others…that will be my new goal.
Feb 02Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 03Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great weekend and successful Poshing!😊
Mar 26Reply
mstorrm Hello nice closet and thank you for listing your items honestly.
May 10Reply
susiemal23 SUNDAY SALE! ALL EARRINGS BUY ONE GET ONE FREEE!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 Add to your bundle shopping bag and I will discount the price for you before you pay! SUNDAY ONLY!!
Jun 11Reply

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Last Active: Nov 07 2024

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Last Active: Nov 07 2024

Bowling Green, KY
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