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Updated Jul 23
Updated Jul 23

Meet your Posher, Kristy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Kristy. Some of my favorite brands are Nike,Victoria's Secret, The North Face, Vera Bradley, Under Armour, Free People, Levi’s, Disney, OshKosh, Simply Southern, Jessica Simpson. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) ALL ITEMS IN MY CLOSET HAVE BEEN FRESHLY STEAM CLEANED, SANTIIZED, and STEAM PRESSED IF APPLICABLE. PURSES AND SHOES ARE THROUGHLY SANTIZED😃 MY CLOSET IS SMOKE FREE🌺 I LOVE MY 🐶THEY AREN’T ALLOWED IN MY CLOSET!
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bowbecca Hi, welcome to the PoshMark communuty. Please let me know if I can answer any questions. Enjoy!
Jul 16Reply
poshstylemedic @becomewinners Thank you so much. I'm really new to using poshmark and trying to learn using this site and one other one. Very sweet compliment!
Jul 31Reply
midgemaster2000 thanks for the compliments!!° I can't wait!!!
May 18Reply
bobgreen79 Pease accept my offer
May 21Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 Thank you so much for looking at my items! I will check yours out as well! Unfortunately as I’m sure you understand I can’t lose money on my items especially items at that price NWT. Thanks
May 21Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - we are talking 12 Quarters??? Counter offer than so I can accept
May 21Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - 12 quarters Mam???
May 21Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - you have to counter Man in order for me to accept you 15
May 21Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - If you want to sell both the t-shirt and shorts; you need to counter so I can re-accept your 15 offer. Thank you Mam
May 21Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 yes I know this, I was no longer on Posh andI I will do that now that I’m here. Thank you for your purchase and when you accept I will be getting your items packaged, I will be adding many items this week as well if you would like to keep a check on my closet:) Again, Thank you and have a great day 😃🛍
May 21Reply
poshstylemedic I’ maintain have and offer from you after I counter!!! Thank you again and have a great day!!
May 21Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 hi, As I was packing your items for shipment I realized the shorts have a small unrecoverable fade spot on them. I photoed this spot to discuss with you as I do my best to note all flaws! I held shipment to message you. Due to the loss on this bundle personally I can’t discount however we can cancel, we can replace it with another Item. I have brand New Shorts in Perfect Condition that have not been listed yet. Various Brands, Sizes Let me know! Thank You
May 22Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - just curious as to why you failed to mention that?
May 22Reply
May 22Reply
bobgreen79 You're supposed to write in your description when you're selling your items whether the item is in good condition rips tears Etc
May 22Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 As I stated I DID NOT NOTICE THE FLAW!!!! As an online seller my reputation is very important to me, even on a Posh which I’ve recently just started selling on!! As soon as I noticed this flaw, I put it aside to discuss with you the buyer and never considered shipping!!!!
May 23Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 I just did a large outlet buyout and could have very easily replaced with many items even Shorts of much higher value but thank you for your In the professionalism you have shown and I will certainly cancel your order!
May 23Reply
bobgreen79 @emtpkris - Take care and have a good summer. 🇺🇸 💪🤙
May 23Reply
bobgreen79 So what happened with the T-shirt
May 23Reply
bobgreen79 You also wrote in your ad that the shorts are new nwt and in your photos you show new tags
May 23Reply
poshstylemedic @bobgreen79 That is correct because they are New! If I was interested in continuing this further I would post a photo of the shorts with the tags on! Apparently you do not understand the points I have discussed so no further discussion needed on this.
May 23Reply
poshstylemedic As a fellow posher I’m sure every sale isn’t perfect for you as well. I will not respond to your negative comments as I have and will handle this without communication with you as this doesn’t influence my my customer service! Do not contact me AGAIN!
May 23Reply
poshmarinabo I was going to accept your offer and tried on the Tory Burch shoes. They are size 8, but fit more like a 7.5 or maybe even 7. Send me a message if you still want them. Thanks.
May 31Reply
midgemaster2000 thank you for the Posh love, chiccckkkaaadddeee!! I tried to return!! you have a cool closet!
Jun 05Reply
poshstylemedic @midgemaster2000 Thank you I love your prices and variety!! My closet right now is mainly a lot I need to get rid of after cleaning out several closets and things I had packed up a year or two 😀 I’ll be doing a huge sale as I get to the end of listing everything and revamping my closet doing things a little different.
Jun 05Reply
poshstylemedic @midgemaster2000 This has been a good way to sell these items and learn about Posh 💕 I will continue to follow your closet and share and Thank you so much for all the love! Any tips from a fellow posher are always welcome as I haven’t had a lot of time for communication
Jun 05Reply
louise3769 The carhart shirt you sent is not the one in the picture. What happened?
Oct 31Reply
poshstylemedic @louise3769 I am so sorry I have so many designs I must have grabbed the wrong one 😮 I will get that in the mail to you ASAP again I’m so sorry! I’ll let you know as soon as I shop it!
Oct 31Reply
anhinton1321 Hello...I'm rather new at this...but not amthe gullible type. have you seen the bundle I created? where do we go from here?
Dec 26Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 hi and Welcome, I remember being new to Poshmark and began wanting to sell, however I love selling and was amazed at buying! I rarely even shop clothing stores anymore! I had to learn so many little things, which led to great deals! I’m going to look at your bundle now as I haven’t due to being so behind from Christmas Shipping🤭😃 I was overwhelmed, however appreciative of the orders! ❤️
Dec 27Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 I had many questions along the way and over two years later, I’m still learning and have so much to change as far as my closet when time allows!
Dec 27Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 First of all you did great making a bundle, with the flat rate shipping on posh of 6.79 for up to five pounds, I always take advantage! I’ll see a shirt I want that is $10 however if the closet has nothing else I’m interested in, I don’t purchase! This is where I have 100s of items I need to list lol😃
Dec 27Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 You also made an offer I see which I always try to do, because as buyers we want the best possible deal, I do everything I can to offer that 😃 I only get a little upset if someone gives me a $5 offer and they to are a seller they know posh charges us the seller at the least $2.95 and after that 20 %
Dec 27Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 Please let me know if I can help or you have questions 😃😃 I look at your bundle now and reply there❤️🔥 Thank you so much 😃
Dec 27Reply
poshstylemedic @anhinton1321 😃 I see I had already partly replied! See your bundle and how I stated I have more in stock😃 Don’t forget how shipping works and we can definitely work out something 😃 Always the more you purchase, the better discount I try to offer😃🛍
Dec 27Reply
mortellaro2 Hi dear thank you for visiting my closet and for the likes, I have the $3 sale, you just have to bundle 4 items for that price. Thanks
Jan 05Reply
longreneemarie @strugglezglo Hi Kristy. Please ship my purchase, thanks. Renee
Jan 06Reply
poshstylemedic @rmsl1958 Hi 😃 I’m very sorry for any confusion as I thought, I did a cancel with a note to you explaining why I had to do a cancel! I’m more than happy to work out any order with you to purchase wax melts, however on this listing in the details, they are listed as an add on to any other purchase! I can’t sell and ship a $6 order in which posh charges me $2.95 plus my shipping supplies. I’m so very sorry for your inconvenience 🤭
Jan 06Reply
poshstylemedic I’m also my reply was delayed due to a very busy Christmas Season, and not realizing the cancel and note that was attached did not go through! Thank you so much for your purchase and please let me know if you want to do a bundle of wax melts and I will do my best to give you a great deal 😃😃
Jan 06Reply
blueyes515 I have my bundle ready
Mar 21Reply
2muchstuff3691 L❤️VE your closet. So glad I found it on Poshmark. Hope you will check out mine and follow me back 💕💕💕
Apr 13Reply
prissnruds Hi, thanks for the bundle price. I love Fresh Produce. Although I ‘be been a seller for some time, you are my first purchase!!!Thanks again 😊
May 22Reply
msmelg1980 Hey Kristi is there anyway you can hold these for me until Thursday? I’m stocking up on some candles needless to say. But I get paid on Thursday and I’ll be able to pay you then.
May 27Reply
msmelg1980 Good evening Kristi, just looking to see what my total is. I'm hoping my check will drop in my account after midnight, but if not it will be tomorrow morning. Depending on the accounting team, when they finished their job! But I'll give you a shout in the morning.
May 28Reply
poshstylemedic @msmelg1980 Sounds Great Just let me know and Thank You😃❤️🔥
May 28Reply
msmelg1980 Good morning Kristi, I am ready whenever you are to do this transaction.!
May 28Reply
poshstylemedic @msmelg1980 Thank You so much 😃❤️ I’m going to get these packaged right now so they can be shipped today and you can start enjoying 😃🌺
May 28Reply
msmelg1980 That's great! Can't wait to get them!!!!
May 28Reply
caroastrada Hi Kristy, I purchased the "ROSELAND BY GIBSON DINNERWARE / CHINA" but I’m still waiting for the package. Is there an ETA you can give me?
Jul 15Reply
caroastrada Any answer to my comment? I need to know what happened to what I purchased? When is it going to be shipped?
Jul 21Reply
caroastrada Order # 5f02532de2c4325e76d6fc40 I bought the “ROSELAND BY GIBSON DINNERWARE / CHINA” but was never shipped nor I got any response from you @poshstylemedic I sent you several messages and texts. I need to know if you are going to send the package I paid for and when. Please.
Jul 26Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Feb 06Reply
cccrew44 Thanks for following
Apr 15Reply
montreasures Thank you for the follow 🙏stop by my closet when you get a chance 😁 I’d love for you to to take advantage of this month’s FREE shipping + 25% off 4+ items promotion! Or a buy 2 get 1 free deal 🎉 I accept all fair offers 🥳 Feel free to send me an offer at any time ❤️
May 09Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Kristy. Thanks🙏🏾 so much for the share. Am following you now & happily shared back. You have some fantastic items in your closet. FYI if ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & am taking 30% off bundles of 2+ items through Mother’s Day🌹. Hope you have a wonderful week, have fun & Keep Poshing🛍!!!
May 10Reply
spanishluna thanks for the like let us know what you think is a good price have a safe and blessed night be careful out there
May 21Reply
snowblessed Hi Just checking in as you accepted my order but have never shipped it, are you ok? I needed it by the 30th is all...if I need to cancel the order can you please tell me so i can order from someone else. Hope all is ok for you.
Oct 06Reply
poshstylemedic @snowblessed hi first of all let me apologize for a delay and shipping as well as responding to your messages!! I’m so sorry!! My new granddaughter has been in the hospital with covid and I’ve been with her! My daughter has been trying to handle some posh things for me however she is still learning!!! Again my apologies 🥲 I did drop off your package today and I did include a free candle for your inconvenience 😃 If there a anything else I can do for you please message me again my apologies 😃
Oct 06Reply
snowblessed @poshstylemedic No worries at all! Thank you for loving on your granddaughter...Im praying for her...I too am in nursing...its a very difficult time and will be with us for the long haul im afraid. Thank you for your generosity too....its hard to text your concerns...i am in no way upset...just easier for me to shop online!! and safer as im with high risk patients.
Oct 06Reply
poshstylemedic @snowblessed exactly I shop online much more now as well😀 Thank you so very much for understanding and all your patience again if you have any questions or I can do anything else let me know 😀❤️
Oct 06Reply
lovelyllexii Welcome to the fun of buying and selling on Poshmark :) Feel free to stop by my closet and start a bundle for 15% off 3 items!!⭐️ New Items Added Daily 📦🤩
Sep 06Reply

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Last Active: Mar 09

Whittier, NC
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Last Active: Mar 09

Whittier, NC
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