Meet your Posher, Laura
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Hi! I'm Laura. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

22 others
like this

Did your see my comment? Awful mistake. Her address should be on the flip side of the label. I dropped off to shipping place, they taped up for me! So terrible. Your address was last printed, my printer reprinted it, I turned it over and printed hers. Last name is Chang. Can you check if it's still there? Please text me if possible. 410.456.2144 thanks love. So sorry.
Mar 23Reply

@leconomides hello you recently purchased Frye boots from me but it says your address had an undeliverable address, so it was taken to your post office :) have you checked up on your order?
Mar 26Reply

@leconomides Hi Laura I'm Gabriele nice to meet you and welcome to posh please don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have 🌻🌷🌸💐🌹🌻
Apr 02Reply

@leconomides I have shipped the Moccasins off just a while ago Thanks for the purchase
Apr 09Reply

Welcome! Your closet seems off to a good start. 👍🏻 best of luck! 💚
Apr 14Reply

Hi! Welcome to Posh =) your closet is awesome! Share everyday to get your items more noticed
May 02Reply

@leconomides please mssg me back. Im the one selling the 74pc littlest pet shop
Aug 17Reply

I love your white north face ,I know its worth more then what I offerd,but I lost weight ,I think its going to be 2 big,for the right price ,Ill try it.
Nov 10Reply

Hi! If you are still interested in the baby girl denim jumper, you can re-submit your original offer & I'll accept - if it's done today.... I have to drop another item at the post office today, so I wouldn't mind accepting a lower offer on a non-bundled item if I could drop the orders in the same trip 😊
Sep 03Reply

Thank you for your order! ❤ It will probably ship out Tuesday from the post office due to the long holiday weekend 😊 Have a great day!
Sep 04Reply

Hello I have an issue with the true religion shorts size 34 please email me at post office returned my package I'm very disappointed.
Sep 24Reply

What a great closet!
Oct 30Reply

When will you be shipping ?
Nov 23Reply

@nigilbuteau5611 what is it that you purchase what
Nov 24Reply

Spellcheck darn,,,,
Nov 24Reply

The red true religion jacket
Nov 24Reply

@nigilbuteau5611 tomorrow😀
Nov 24Reply

Ready to go Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 24Reply

Ok thanks
Nov 24Reply

Hi! I do still have the 6mo overall dress for $12. If you’re interested just let me know and I’ll create a separate listing since it’s currently bundled with another item. Thanks!
Jan 30Reply

Thanks for the offer. I won't go lower than what I countered on the OshKosh dress by itself, but take a look at the rest of my closet. If you bundle I would consider it.
Jan 30Reply

Heeyy! Does that bundle offer include 6 or 8 hats?@leconomides anyway to offer free shipping?
Feb 11Reply

Hey I'm the one who sold you the shoes did I send the purse to you I'm so sorry it has been so crazy here....if you haven't messed the shipping label just send back to me tell post office you refused it and when I get the shoes I will send to so sorry
Feb 16Reply

Are you not interested in selling any of the snap backs anymore? I just wanted to be clear on what I was receiving bf accepting offer.
Feb 19Reply

@0ndek hi give me this week let me see if I can locate them I looked for them once before but let me look one more time are they still listed I thought they weren't listed anymore when I do find them I promise I will let you know
Feb 19Reply

Honestly I want to sell them all as one lot I will contact you it's my son went off to college and I'm not sure where he put them in
Feb 19Reply

Okay and yes they are removed. I was wanting to make offer on both to save on shipping. @leconomides
Feb 20Reply

@0ndek good news I am sure I still have them..bad news I don't know where promise to l👀k this week
Feb 20Reply

Okay great! Thanks again my nephew will love the surprise and his cousin won't feel left out! Thanks again for the quick response! @leconomides
Feb 20Reply

@lala505to503 sure no problem
Mar 07Reply

Hi there! It took me a bit to figure it out, but I think I received a package that was meant for someone else. I bought a fleece pullover from you, but also received a box of odds and ends. How would you like me to get it back to you? Joe
May 01Reply

@jalorek I am trying to contact you by leaving my number or my email and posh blocks it saying I cannot contact you outside of posh to Do business..Please tell me if you have any suggestions
May 01Reply

I have lost sleep over a misplaced package thank you for your honesty
May 01Reply

Two four oh four eight one seven one three five try this.Im Laura
May 01Reply

@leconomides Should I just send it back to the return address? Ya, it’s weird that they expect us to leave private info like phone nu,beers or email addresses for everyone to see. I don’t like that, either.
May 01Reply

I’ll have to find some packing material, as I assumed it was a package to my boys from my parents and we opened it and my wife threw the packing material away!
May 01Reply

@jalorek I don’t care if it’s even paper towels if this is my missing package you have made my week! I would happy to let you pick out something else in my shop within reason for free😊For your troubles plus pay for shipping
May 01Reply

@leconomides thanks, but don’t worry about that. I’m really tied up during the next couple days, so I’m not sure I can get to the post office before it closes until May be Friday. I can put my email for pay**l on a note in the box with the USPS receipt. How does that sound?
May 01Reply

Funny how you have to disguise the use of certain words. Starts with pay. Ends with pal.
May 01Reply

@jalorek That would be great thank you so much for all your help this means the world to me I have a very upset customer at the other end thank U thank U..I sent Ebay customer and I’m already in punishment with them for a lost package
May 01Reply

@leconomides geez, sorry to hear that. Mistakes happen.
May 01Reply

@galore hi any luck with the package? Ebay has now limited my number of items I can sell.I don’t have a leg to stand on till I deliver that package.Thank you and I don’t mean to bother you .Laura
May 07Reply

@jalorek Hi any news on my package sorry to keep bothering you
May 09Reply

@leconomides I’m out of town for work for the next couple weeks. I asked my wife to wrapt the stuff up again and send it. I’ll ask if she got it done. Very sorry, I had to leave in a hurry. I’m in law enforcement. I’ll ask her and make sure it gets done, if it didn’t already.
May 09Reply

My apologies for such a delay. No excuses, but we have a very busy schedule. Just got back in town last night. Package went out today..
May 19Reply

@jalorek Please is there anyway you can check with your wife on the package please my customer still wants her stuff everything she writes negative Ebay reads I am at your mercy😩
May 20Reply

@leconomides just said package was on its way. Went out today. Sorry it took so long.
May 20Reply

@jalorek Oh my gosh I just read your comment thank you so much thank U thank U thank U thank U thank U
May 20Reply

Hi Laura! I'm so sorry, I deleted the listing because I sold them yesterday. So sorry about that!
Jul 28Reply

Hi there Laura! Thank you for purchasing the baby girl overall. I just shipped it 😉
Sep 08Reply

Laura is there any imperfections on the Bicycle Jacket I have been low offering on? (Thank your for your patience with me!)
Oct 16Reply

@poshpaulh No it is in good shape it is one of 40 shirts that my son has😊
Oct 16Reply

Hello! Wondering when you will be shipping the northface jacket?
Oct 19Reply

@brandielea9112 Is it the 3T one for Brandie?
Oct 19Reply

@leconomides yes the all black 3t one
Oct 19Reply

So funny I just packaged that it was taping the label on as I read your message out tomorrow morning first thing
Oct 19Reply

@leconomides thank you!
Oct 19Reply

Did this go out in the mail this morning? Still haven't received tracking email?
Oct 19Reply

Oct 19Reply

@brandielea9112 yes it went out today went to the post office around 11
Oct 19Reply

@leconomides ok sorry usually it updates the shipping information quickly but it has not did they give you a tracking number I could follow?
Oct 19Reply

@brandielea9112 Shows on my end that it started shipping did you get the same message yet
Oct 19Reply

Hi do you know when the best will.ship?
Oct 25Reply

Hello Dear. I just got in from church. I’m confused....Which purse that I purchased from you that didn’t go through? If I purchase something I want to make sure that I make it right. I think my Poshmark account was hacked earlier, but I want to make sure that it was me and not someone else.
Nov 04Reply

Hey I’m sorry that I made an error! I submitted an offer to wrong person ! I went ahead and canceled quickly, so please forgive my “airhead” Sunday afternoon self!
Nov 04Reply

Hello. Yes, I’m still very interested! I did go to the bank this morning and got everything straightened out. I had 3 dr appts. today. I had to see my breast surgeon, radiation oncologist, and chemo oncologist. I will be back home in about an hour and half. If the other order has cancelled, I will resend it for the $240. I’m so sorry about all the confusion. This has been a drooling day!
Nov 05Reply

Hi, this is Amanda Donahue.
I recently purchased the 4t Victorian dress from you and didn’t receive an email confirmation. Can you confirm you have my Vestal address? Thanks!
Dec 10Reply

Please let me know if you are mailing the 4t Victorian dress to me or should I cancel payment? I see my credit card paid $36 to poshmark.
Dec 11Reply

@acdonahue Looks like it’s been delivered to you today thank you it went out two days ago I think the tracking says it’s received in your area 720 this morning
Dec 11Reply

@leconomides hmm maybe there was a mixup. I didn’t receive it and didn’t purchase it until Monday the 10th, so couldn’t of gotten it yesterday. Can you confirm it was mailed to Amanda Donahue?
Dec 12Reply

@acdonahue If you go on your purchases and push the little truck it shows the tracking number and where it is it’s still shows it’s in District Heights Maryland for some reason it was there yesterday also
Dec 12Reply

@leconomides thank you! It arrived today. Lightning fast shipping and the dress is gorgeous! My daughter will look stunning in the Victorian Christmas show!
Dec 14Reply

hello :) what do you think the chances are of that harley hat being shipped here by christmas?! its a gift for someone so i was just curious.. thank you!!!!
Dec 19Reply

Thank you! I been looking at this for a week but have been waiting on other people to accept!!!! I would have been so upset had I missed out on this!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Jan 06Reply

@nicks504 You will be very happy it will go out Monday
Jan 06Reply

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Hermès tie that you have listed is a replica. No Hermès ties are ever made in Italy. There are other obvious signs as well, but I just wanted to let you know ASAP before someone reports it to PM or even worse, someone posts a rude comment about it on the listing itself. I’ve been an Hermès scarf collector for years and my husband has dozens of Hermès ties. So, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Jan 06Reply

Hello what's the best price 4 the redskins thiesmann jersey
Jan 10Reply

I'm interested n ur jersey. If the price is right
Jan 10Reply

@kwanbanks2013 I could do 75
Jan 10Reply

I'm new 2this site. I can't find the item
Jan 11Reply

Hi Laura, I absolutely love your closet! You have great stuff. Love it!!!
Jan 28Reply

Hi Laura, I love your closet too! You have such a variety of cool stuff.
And sorry for carrying a conversation under your listing 😐
Jan 28Reply

Hello, I bought a sweatshirt from u a week ago and it says it still hasn’t shipped, are you going to do that soon?
Feb 07Reply

@risk_addiction Yes I’m sorry I could not find it I just located will go out late today or early tomorrow my apologies for the inconvenience
Feb 07Reply

@leconomides ok thank u soooooo much 😁
Feb 07Reply

Laura, Your Baby GAP 100% Cotton Embroidered Top has been shipped. Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy! Candas
Feb 12Reply

Laura, Thank you for the 5⭐️ rating. I am so pleased that you are happy with your purchase. Enjoy! Candas
Feb 19Reply

I wish to cancel my order. No need to ship the doc Marten's. Thanks.
Feb 27Reply

@caitlyn87 I am at work and they are already at the post office as of this morning
Feb 27Reply

Ok. I don't want to purchase them. Maybe later though. Thanks.
Feb 28Reply

@caitlyn87 Like I said they were already shipped out when you wanted to cancel if I still had them in my possession I could cancel you need to contact posh support
Feb 28Reply

It's no prob. My bestie just talked me back into them. Thank you so much for dealing with my back and forth. I appreciate your patience and professionalism.
Mar 01Reply

@caitlyn87 No problem they are adorable on with a dress Or capris so cute
Mar 01Reply

Hi! I was wondering when I can expect shipping info? I'm very excited for these boots!
Mar 05Reply

@caitlyn87 Which boots were these????
Mar 05Reply

The colorful doc Marten's.
Mar 05Reply

Hi! I was wondering if you had a tracking number for the doc Marten's? I haven't received one yet. Thanks.
Mar 06Reply

Hey. It's been a few days since I've heard from you. Since this has taken so long, Poshmark is allowing me to cancel this order. Sorry for the inconvenience of them already being shipped out
Mar 07Reply

@caitlyn87 OK thank you no problem
Mar 07Reply

I recently bought a jersey from u
Just want to make sure you confirm the order please thanks
Apr 06Reply

@ordaz88 trotter jersey????Was shipped out 2day😊
Apr 07Reply

Thank u so much for the Eagles Jersey
I will be buying from u a lot more thanks!!!
Apr 09Reply

@ordaz88 😊
Apr 09Reply

Pleas let me know when my puchase is shipped. This is a gift
May 01Reply

@missminab3335 I’m sorry I just didn’t want to get back to you till I really found an answer I had it out to wrap and I believe it got re-donated by accident. If I locate it I will sell it to you if you still are interested at half price right now I’m about to cancel the order it is not because I want to I apologize for the inconvenience
May 01Reply

@leconomides I really want it so if you find it, let me know. Thank you!
May 01Reply

I have been comparing the lv shoulder strap I received and I do believe it is not an authentic lv strap. I would like to return it
May 31Reply

When will u be shipping?
Jun 02Reply

@tmoneybandz44 It should be tomorrow Tuesday at the latest
Jun 03Reply

Hi- I'm new to the app bc I've been searching for a watermelon dress and came across your slicked dress. Was wondering if you'd do $20 shipped?
Jul 17Reply

Hello I purchased a leather studded jacket from you almost 2 weeks ago, I still really want the jacket... is there a reason you haven’t shipped it? I see you have great reviews about fast shipping I’m just wondering if you’d planned on sending it out? Let me know so I can figure out what to do please thanks 🙂
Aug 15Reply

@smokingflowers I’m sorry are usually do. I’m having trouble locating the jacket even though I know I have it. It is one of my best pieces and I remember putting it up I am also working with a dislocated shoulder at this time so it’s a little difficult I can refund your money and Offer it back to you at a discounted price .I’m 100% positive it’s still here it just may be hanging higher than I can reach right now.My sincere apologies it is a fabulous jacket and it was hardly worn.
Aug 15Reply

@smokingflowers Give me till this evening I have not found it by tonight I will refund your money I will have help here today thank you and again I apologize for the inconvenience
Aug 15Reply

@leconomides aw no worries sweetie! I’m so sorry you’re not doing your best right now, I hope you feel better soon! And I’m happy you still have it bc I still very much want it I have it in black and want the tan one too 😆 thanks again for getting back to me can’t wait to receive it 😍
Aug 15Reply

Hi there! I was wondering if you'd shipped the overalls yet. My son needs them for this Saturday. 10/26
Oct 22Reply

@princesspea2004 I’m sorry give me to this evening I’ve been looking everywhere for them I cannot locate them.If you would like I would refund you right now if not give me till this evening I have my family looking for them to.Apologies for the inconvenience
Oct 22Reply

@leconomides OK No problem. Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
Oct 22Reply

@leconomides Did you have any luck finding the overalls? If not, please issue a refund as soon as you are able. Thank you.
Oct 23Reply

@princesspea2004 I’m terribly sorry I’m just not sure what happened to them I will issue you a refund immediately
Oct 23Reply

thanks for the offer on the kids Levis jacket but I just dropped the price from $30 to $15 this morning so I can't take any less. Hope you understand :)
Oct 25Reply

Hi there! I'm just following with you in regards a purchase of a pair of Dr. Martens. Please advise. Thanks
Dec 10Reply

@lilianarazocald my apologies 100% I have been looking high and low for these.Give me one more day if I cannot locate this today I will cancel the order this evening I apologize for the inconvenience fthank you for your patience and again my apologies🙃
Dec 10Reply

@leconomides , I understand, please keep me posted. Thanks
Dec 10Reply

Why it’s not saying I bought the slobiato shirt from you
Dec 16Reply

@moochie456 Somebody in Beltsville Maryland bought it!Is that you????
Dec 16Reply

Dec 16Reply

I’m in belts ville did it ship out yet
Dec 16Reply

@leconomides Does it say when it will get here
Dec 16Reply

@moochie1995 Yes it’s always one or two day shipping it’s already at the post office
Dec 16Reply

@leconomides Ok thank you
Dec 16Reply

Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow! Make holiday shopping easy 🎄🎁🧸
Dec 18Reply

Hi Laura! I recently purchased a purse from you which was shipped 2/23 USPS. Pretty sure it’s lost since it hasn’t updated in 5 days. I did send an inquiry to USPS. Do I need to send you anything? Can you email me at thanks.
Mar 06Reply

@staszakc Hi I just notified Poshmark support they will get back to me within 24 hours sometimes they can pop up with information.I’ve had very good luck with them never a problem.I will notify you as soon as I hear from them
Mar 06Reply

@leconomides great thank you so much 😊
Mar 06Reply

@leconomides I see the case was opened March 5th and closed today. Did you hear anything from Poshmark? I still don’t have the package. Thank you.
Mar 10Reply

@staszakc I am not sure what that means. I wrote Poshmark again this morning because I have not heard from them we should shortly I think that is USPS inspection... I’ve never seen this before
Mar 10Reply

@staszakc Again I honestly wrote them this morning because I had not heard from them over the weekend
Mar 10Reply

@leconomides that’s really weird. Ok ty.
Mar 10Reply

@leconomides since I still haven’t gotten the package, I’d like to get a refund at this point. It’s been over three weeks. Guess it’s lost at this point. Really bummed.
Mar 14Reply

@staszakc I just contacted Post support again could you also do that where it says where there’s a problem I have told you you’re requesting your money refunded this is honestly the fourth time I have contacted them. It says they will get back to me in 24 hours. Would you please contact them also
Mar 14Reply

@leconomides sure. I also contacted them and USPS.
Mar 14Reply

My Spyder jacket was never sent. Canceled. Bummer
Mar 15Reply

That white wicker basket coach bag needs me in it’s life. I had one years ago and it was ruined. Worst day ever. You have so many beautiful bags. 😍
Apr 02Reply

when will you ship
May 09Reply

@bryanwasky Post office close today at 12:30 is closed all day Sunday but will ship out first thing Monday morning
May 09Reply

Hi! Thank you for your order. I really appreciate it. I just wanted to let you know that it is shipping out tomorrow. Thank you again.
May 21Reply

@dmaccloset 😀thx
May 21Reply

@leconomides hey gorgeous ! I’m Vanessa :) w Chic Nation it’s nice to meet another posher. I think we have similar style :)
Jun 13Reply

Just taking some time off, need to refresh;so sweet of you to be thinking about me 🥰!
After 8/15, I’ll be back with some new things & ready to make some deals.
Be safe.
Aug 06Reply

@vintagelives 😀
Aug 06Reply

GM Laura,
Thanks for purchasing the vintage Mary-Jane style shoes for girls! These will ship tomorrow😊! Feel free to re-visit and make more offers in the future! Happy Poshing 😊 😃 😺!
Aug 23Reply

Hi Laura!! Are you a fellow troll collector?? I love your closet btw!
Sep 05Reply

Thank you for checking out my closet!
Sep 13Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Sep 19Reply

I am Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Sep 24Reply

Thank you for my order, the cute packaging and note. With gratitude 🙏
Oct 08Reply

Hi Laura. I’m bob @robertfarrell. Thank you so much for your share of Eskandar linen skirt
Oct 26Reply

so many wonderful choices! I will follow and share!💛
Oct 27Reply

awesome awesome awesome closet!!!😍👍💜
Nov 04Reply

Hi,thanks for accepting the offer,I’ll have it straight by morning if that’s ok?
Nov 19Reply

Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed ....
Nov 25Reply

Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle or send an offer for a great deal! Have a great Holiday Season☃️😊❄️
Nov 27Reply

Thanks for sharing
Merry Christmas
Dec 20Reply

Thanks for sharing!🥰
Dec 23Reply

Hello! The HA pjs were sent on time but moving so slow in USPS system :(. Hope you receive them very soon!
Jan 04Reply

Hi! All of my items are $2 off! If you bundle its another 10% off !! I ship same or next day! Stay safe
Jan 07Reply

@leconomides I'm thankful for the support and share 🥰 your posh love has been returned 💞 wishes for many posh sales in 2021👗👜🧥👠🛍️🎉
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for sharing my beautiful shawl!
Jan 18Reply

Great closet!! I had a fun time window shopping and sharing!
Jan 20Reply

Laura beautiful funny pictures Happy New Year!!! special for you,enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more(free shipping for $25 purchase) expires 1/31/21
Jan 29Reply

BEST EVER...closet, I'm in lobe with all your TOMMY HILFIGER and western styles. Will be window shopping regularly.😍😍😍
Feb 04Reply

Blessings Laura on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Feb 20Reply

Hi Laura! Thanks for sharing my Jason Wu Top!
Feb 23Reply

@leconomides Laura I’m having trouble finding the baby dress. I know I still have it. Do you want to wait and see if I find it or send the bracelet? I was throwing in the dress for free. I paid $125 for the bracelet but if you want to cancel I’ll understand
Mar 04Reply

@parisgirl2005 I have no problem waiting to see if you find it please I love the dress also-just don’t let them cancel out if they give you a final notice-Thank you for letting me know
Mar 04Reply

@leconomides ok it is a baby dress. I’ll keep looking. My bins are very heavy and I’m not very strong so I’ll do my best
Mar 04Reply

@leconomides hi. Received
Package the Ralph Lauren best is fine but the overalls are much
Bigger than 50. I saw the tag tat said 50/30 but it wasn’t attached. I measured an depending where you place the tape it is actually 56” or 28 flat which follows that the hips and legs are huge. I know if I open a case I will have to send both back. Unless
I see something to exchange I
Will have to do that. So sorry about this. Nan
Apr 04Reply

@leconomides Hi. In case you did not see my questions, I wanted to know the hip and top of the thigh measurements on the tommy overalls and also if this is smoke free. Thank you.
Apr 20Reply

@scfashnpashn Yes definitely smoke-free but I’m not sure which overalls you mean I did not see your question. I may not be with the product right now could you tell me which pair it is please
Apr 20Reply

@leconomides Tommy Jeans,Tommy Hilfiger sz S Overalls
$45 $95
Size: Small
Tommy Jeans
Apr 20Reply

@scfashnpashn I will get back to you this evening when I am with the product. It’s weird your comments is coming at the end of about 100 other comments it’s probably better if you leave questions under the product you want then it pops up right away!Not being bossy just a suggestion suggestion 😀Take care and stay safe
Apr 20Reply

@leconomides Will do. Thank you.
Apr 20Reply

Hi. I just want to say “Thank You” for the really nice comment you left.
Thank You🙂
Apr 24Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
May 01Reply

If you buy more than 1 band t-shirt from my closet I only charge $5 each plus shipping. Thanks for checking me out!
Jul 08Reply

Items must be listed $40 or less;))
Thank you for your interest
Jul 24Reply

Hey Laura I just left you a message on the Redskins jerseys I'm just down here in Fredericksburg (shipping)Pat
Jul 31Reply

Laura I'm here Pat
Aug 01Reply

Are you going to screenshot the listing?
Aug 01Reply

Laura I put an order in at about 130am I hope I got it right. Thanks for your patience and service. Pat
Aug 01Reply

Could you possibly ship by Tuesday? If not no big deal. Thanks 😊Pat
Aug 01Reply

Laura thanks for the quick shipment 😍 Pat
Aug 02Reply

Hi Laura, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Aug 09Reply

Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply

Hi there Laura and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Sep 24Reply

Hi! I really like your Patagonia kid jacket, is it waterproof? Thanks
Oct 19Reply

Hi there I noticed that you liked one of my homemade beautiful little girls dresses and I just wanted to let you know that if you were interested in the last three that I have that are gorgeous I would be happy to let all three go for $40. I don’t usually sell children’s clothing but they are beautiful. Anyway just thought I’d let you know. have a lovely day
Oct 23Reply

hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 17Reply

Thanks for Sharing, Laura!
Nov 28Reply

hi just checking to see if you have my order for this purse. I really wanted the other one but you had previously sold it. I love your store.
Nov 30Reply

@leconomides I purchased one of your soccer jerseys for my son 10 days ago. You haven’t shipped it or responded to any of my comments although the app shows you have been active the last hour and nearly every day since. So disappointed. Hope you’re ok…
Dec 02Reply

@carladyan I am so sorry I have not received any messages I get about 500 a day I’m sorry I did not see yours I would’ve answered immediately. There is only one order I have not been able to find and I hope it’s not yours I really am sorry. Is it a green jersey?I’m sorry for the inconvenience I can cancel the order now if it’s the green jersey and when I locate it I can offer it to you at half of the price you paid because of the inconvenience. I am really sorry
Dec 02Reply

@leconomides Hi! Yes. The green jersey with the lion. My son loves it.
Dec 02Reply

This first time I will be with u items thanks
Dec 28Reply

Vintagelives here;
My latest posting are items I paid a premium for.
Everyone’s prices seem to be going up.
I know you can appreciate that I have to ask a little more for some pieces.
Thank you for your support & I wish you success with your site.
Jan 05Reply

@vintagelives Absolutely no problem I love your stuff. Totally understand
Jan 05Reply

May I have measurements on your red and white polo hoodie please? Thank you 😊
Jan 16Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase. You will love these dresses they are beautifully made. I will ship them first thing Monday morning and I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you again.
Feb 06Reply

Thank you so very much for your kind comments and I’m so happy that you’re happy with the dresses. Because I thought they were just wonderful and I’m glad that someone who loves them will get them. Please visit my closet again soon and have a wonderful day.
Feb 11Reply

Thanks. I’ll ship it out tomorrow morning and have a lovely evening.
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for your five star rating. I hope you visit my closet again soon. And have a lovely week.
Feb 17Reply

I'm going to be having massive markdowns as I'm getting ready for a huge move, so I will b leaving POSH. So if you r interested in something please just ask. What doesn't sale will b in a massive yard sale. Today is BYGO ON EVERYTHING. IF U BUY A $20 ITEM U GET A $20 ITEM FREE
Mar 30Reply

BOGO ON EVERY ITEM in my closet
plus every customer gets a free gift valued at $10 just for shopping with me
Apr 01Reply

I'll sell you the girls party dress for 25 and free shipping
Apr 05Reply

@thetoweress Sure send me the offer please for the party dress thank you
Apr 06Reply

@thetoweress I would love to buy the party dress for 25 and free shipping
Apr 06Reply

I love trolls. I remember my sister and I playing with them as in the 60s.....sigh.
May 15Reply

@leconomides Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 27Reply

Thank You for sharing my listing!💜 I Truly Appreciate It:)🦋
Jun 29Reply

Hello Laura Thanks so much for sharing my closet! You’re a great inspiration w your thousands of followers and very successful store! Someday I’ll be like you! Great profile pic too!! Thanks so much again ! 💝😁🛍🍀🥂❤️🤗🥰👍🏼🍀😁🛍
Oct 06Reply

Can you message me about the Red Wings jacket? I had my old address in there and I need to update it
Oct 16Reply

I must say you have a enormous and awesome closet😍. If this is just from your family, OMG😂
Oct 28Reply

Not sure how to reach you🤪. I’ll take the 32 offer on the cards. Thanks
Oct 30Reply

LOVE your style! 🦋
Aug 22Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer ! I really appreciate it ! Jenn k
Nov 27Reply

Hi i got like $60 dollars to my name for that flannel out the door can you work with me if you can please
Dec 12Reply

Hi Laura! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Feb 09Reply

Hey there! I’m just stopping by to let you know I will be closing my closet so ALL items must go. Please help me get rid of all items by stopping by and sending offers. Find something for yourself, someone else, or buy low from me to resell and profit for yourself. 😉 as always , please feel free to ask any questions you may have. ❤️ -Ortiz Discounts
Jan 17Reply
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