Meet your Posher, Laura
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Hi! I'm Laura. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, CHANEL, Alice + Olivia, Almost Famous, and Amanda Uprichard. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

12 others
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@savearth I can't go lower on the coverup here on posh, however, if you purchase on Ⓜ️ercari I have it listed for $65👍🏼😊
Apr 14Reply

@savearth did you see my message about the cove up dress?
Apr 16Reply

Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers.🙋🏻
Apr 19Reply

Will be shipping your item put on Friday morning doll! Happy poshing.😘
May 04Reply

I'm sorry Dear, my closet is closed at this time
💕Blessings 💕
May 04Reply

Hi Laura- not sure if you saw my post on the Beach Bunny swimsuit top but I'm just checking in to see when you plan to ship it. I've been searching everywhere for the top and I'm just so excited that I was able to buy it from you. It's been 3 weeks since I bought it and it's still saying "in process." I know life gets busy so if you forgot that's totally ok. Just checking in now.
May 09Reply

Also I noticed you were active earlier today so I'm hopeful you'll check your comments now. Thanks doll! Really excited about the top.
May 09Reply

Hi, thanks for peeking in my closet. Just wanted to offer u a special bundle price in the 2 flats you liked... I'll do both for $28
May 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
May 17Reply

Hi Laura, welcome to Posh. Bet you love it already. Thanks for visiting my closet and liking those cute shoes.
May 27Reply

Hi did you get my message about the yellow suede shoes? Go to my page and read the comments I left for you.
May 28Reply

Hey! Thanks for buying the gold shoes! I'll be sending them first thing in the morning. Sorry for the delay I was traveling for the holiday. I hope you love them!
May 31Reply

Hello welcome to posh happy poshing.
Jun 02Reply

Hi again, this is my last plea for you to please accept your package. It takes a lot longer for funds to hit my bank account, I guess since it's a local small bank. Anyway, if you accept today, it's possible I could get payment for the suit I sent you, this week. If not, it could be up to 11-14 days from the sale date for me to get paid. I really do need the money, so I'd really appreciate it. I hope you like it as well as your gift.
Jun 05Reply

You're a truly pathetic person. Stop ripping people off, then harassing them when they leave an honest comment about your item. I really feel sorry for you.
Jun 07Reply

Now I am a racist because I don't like being scammed, being called nasty names, and harassed for leaving an honest comment. Hmmmm....I am sure I'm not the only one who has a problem with your behavior. Have you tried Prozac?
Jun 07Reply

Just wanted to thank you for buying the dress. Please forgive the Packaging. This was my first sale and had to be walked through how to complete it lol. Thanks again.
Jun 07Reply

Hi Laura, I got notified that you're returning the bathing suit top. What ended up being wrong with it? I've never had an item returned, I feel bad!
Jun 07Reply

Hey wanted to make sure you got the dress? I again wanted to apologize for the Packaging it was my fist sale and I know better now than to just stick it in a box lol. If you have gotren it could you please release the funds. Thank you again so much.
Jun 11Reply

OMG! No worries sweetie! Thank you for the concern, but I'm not one who wants people to waste all that extra wrapping on my items. It got here fine and the dress is lovely. Thank you!
Jun 12Reply

I am so glad you like the dress. Thank you for the purchase.
Jun 12Reply

I meant ...I am the person who doesn't want people to waste excess wrapping on my items! I appreciate that Posh wants people to ship things well, but I hate waste! So thank you very much!
Jun 12Reply

Hi! I'm accepting offers in case you're interested in the shirt :)
Jun 13Reply

I'm will to go down to $35 on my purple bikini if you want to recounter that I will accept it. I can ship out tomorrow and include a free little extra
Jun 16Reply

@savearth hey there! Thanks for the liking! Please let me know if you are interested. I am accepting offers.
Jun 17Reply

Hi Laura I am out of town until Thursday so I can put them on hold until I return if that's ok? 💜
Jun 17Reply

That's fine. No rush at all. And thank you. Do I need to make another offer on Thursday?
Jun 17Reply

Hi just checking to see if you received your cover swim wear and if everything is as?
Jun 22Reply

Hey, Laura! Thank you very much that contact us. We have all items from your choice in stock. We can give you 20% off and free shipping if you ordered on our web site. Of course we except exchanges. Let us know if it comfortable for you. Posh takes crazy fee, but if you prefer buy here I'm thinking what we can do. Thank you, Olga
Jun 24Reply

May i have your website address? I don't want you to lose money.
Jun 24Reply

@savearth thank you very much for understanding! For sure we put present for you in your package🙌💯 www fashion miami styles com use Promocode Miamiboom20 to get discount 20 off. Perple swimsuit not yet on web it's new collection, we added today but you can make payment and we put exactly this type. On web we have customer support you always can call us, My name is Olga☀️😻
Jun 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Jun 30Reply

OMG! I'm sorry! Which bottoms were they? I have purchased so many that I have no idea which ones they are?
Jul 01Reply

Yes...I'm a newbie and having WAY too much fun! What is the seller's exact user name. You said it was "Holly," but I've been having trouble finding exactly which purchase it was. I've purchased a ton of swimwear. VS isn't producing their swim line next year, so I've been trying to find all the bottoms I need.
Jul 01Reply

And I've been purchasing tops for my bottoms.
Jul 01Reply

Ok...I found the purchase. But, we have an issue, as I've not gotten anything resembling the items sold in her closet. Which bikini did you purchase? Maybe it hasn't arrived yet?
Jul 01Reply

I'd really like to help, so please respond, as I'm leaving for a few weeks and I need to send it back to you asap.
Jul 01Reply

@elliskelsey1121 I just got home and the top came in the mail today. I'm sorry I can't get it to you before you leave. But, I will send it to you ASAP.
Jul 02Reply

🌷 Hi! My name is Shannon. I noticed you like Lilly Pulitzer dresses. Please checkout my closet and consider following me as I just listed six Lilly dresses. I also have Milly, Trina Turk, and Tibi dresses as well! Happy Poshing! 🌷
Jul 04Reply

LOOKING FOR TRENDY❓Like new designer jeans, jackets and dresses for a fraction of the original price😊. Buy multiple items using the (bundle feature) and receive % off 😉. My loss your gain😉. Happy Poshin'😍😍😍💄👗👠👛
Jul 06Reply

Greetings from Chicago! Saw you were from Mesa, AZ. I was thinking of moving down there. How do you like it?
Jul 15Reply

@rrsanborn Ironically I'm from Chicago. Attended DePaul undergrad and Northwestern grad school. Lived on Gold Coast/Bucktown/Lincoln Park. Worked at Northwestern Memorial/Illinois Masonic. Miss everything about the city! What part of the state are you thinking about moving to? Please let me know so I can give you the 411 on the area.
Jul 15Reply

This state is going to be one hell of a culture shock for you!
Jul 15Reply

@rrsanborn This state is going to be one hell of a culture shock for you!
Jul 15Reply

Actually, i was looking around Scottsdale, but Mesa homes are a lot more reasonable. How strange that you lived in Chicago. Northwestern is an awesome hospital. I work at a hospital as well. Culture shock maybe...tired of Chicago winters!!
Jul 15Reply

I cant imagine what would make you leave downtown, except for the weather!! How are job opportunities down there? I am a medical technologist in the Laboratory.
Jul 15Reply

@rrsanborn Loved downtown! Left due to husbands job opportunities. Ended up divorcing a few years later. Relocated for a man and we are in AZ for for joint custody of his son. Winter is great, but nothing much going on. Summer is full of things to 118 degree heat and there is humidity here as well. Job opps for lab tech out here are very very good. You should Facebook me so I can tell you more. I am under Laura Keithley. My business logo is the profile pic. IF
Jul 15Reply

Thanks for the kind offer! I may take you up on that!
Jul 15Reply

🔷 You purchased an Anne Klein dress from me yesterday. I feel that I need to update you on the condition of the dress before I officially ship it out.
🔷 While I was packing it I noticed a small faded stain on the white part but it is Very Small.
🔷 I want to give you a chance to cancel it in case this makes you change your mind.
Jul 15Reply

@savearth 🔷 It is Barely noticeable but I don't want to ship it out before you take a look at it.
🔷 I have an updated, zoomed in picture of the flaw on a listing in My Closet titled "Updated Anne Klein Dress" Please take a look and reply to me so I can ship it out or cancel it! I'm very sorry about overlooking this!
Jul 15Reply

@lore_14 You at so sweet! Thank you for the update. The dress is for my mom. I asked her about the stain and she suggested that we take the dress and ask you for $5 off. Which is about what it would cost our cleaners to work in the stain. Is that feasible?
Jul 15Reply

Thanks for the like😄
Jul 16Reply

@elliskelsey1121 Excuse me...I didn't make any mistakes...The seller did. Why not make her do something? I've been swamped and my work comes before your top! I don't need to be mistreated over someone else's mistake. I also have not gotten my bottoms that I paid for. When do plan to send those out? How do you think I feel??? How do I know you'll send them out? Especially, after the way you have been messaging me.
Jul 18Reply

💞Thank you for liking my product! If you bundle you will get a discount too!💓🎀🌼
Jul 23Reply

@savearth hey!! Have u gotten ur bobs yet? If so please accept! Hope u love them!
Jul 24Reply

Thanks for liking my product! I will be adding many more items to my closet soon so remember to bundle for a discount!💖💗💞🌼Thanks again for stopping by!!😍
Jul 26Reply

Thanks for liking my product 🌸🌼more things coming soon !!
Jul 29Reply

Welcome to Posh, doll!!!! I hope that you are loving it here!!!!🤗💕💋
Jul 31Reply

Hi, I just wanted you to know before I ship tomorrow that this dress has sequin missing in places all over but they are so tiny. You can actually see them missing in the pictures.
Aug 03Reply

Welcome to posh!!! Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Aug 09Reply

Hey Laura! My entire closet is BOGO 1/2 off right now. Thanks for looking.😊❤️
Aug 11Reply

Thanks, Laura! I'll ship your dress tomorrow.😊
Aug 11Reply

Hi, i accepted your offer, but it said payment could not be processed due to it needing updated :)
Aug 15Reply

@savearth hi there! I just shipped the bikini, i'm so sorry it took so long! I'm selling it for a friend, and I had to get it from her!! :)
Aug 15Reply

What an amazing closet name you have! Love it! ❤️Amanda
Aug 15Reply

Welcome to posh have a look at my closet and let me know if you see anything you like and we can work out a price 😊
Aug 19Reply

Aug 22Reply

Hi Laura nice to meet you ! 🌻🌻 thanks for all the closet love 😍
Sep 02Reply

Her user name is awesome isn't it @rmccouture ???✨✨✨
Sep 02Reply

Whenever you are able to accept your order would you mind leaving a brief feedback? I really value customer comments ❤️
Sep 02Reply

@mangrami Totally Nancy❤️ I hope that you are well beautiful, and Laura, I hope that you love what you purchased from Nancy's closet. She's AMAZING!❤️❤️❤️
Sep 02Reply

@rmccouture no your amazing!!! Big love sweetness! 😘💕
Sep 02Reply

Hope you enjoy your bracelet please rate when you get a chance
Sep 24Reply

Have a good day! Happy Poshing!
Oct 14Reply

Hi Laura thanks for finally accepting package so I could receive my funds. Could you please rate the cute outfit as it is brand new with tags I hope it fits you well. I value my customers ratings. Also love the bathing suit will be Make you an offer hope you accept. Have a lovely night.
Nov 29Reply

@elliskelsey1121 hey girl that savearth is a piece of work! She delete s her items that she has sold so people cannot see the pleas from people requesting their items to be sent or for her to accept so they can receive their funds. She did the same to me! The only way to expose her is on her main page . People like her should be banned. Then block her so she cannot retaliate and spew her lies.
Jan 03Reply

Feel free to check out the discontinued VS swim in my closet xo!
Feb 16Reply

Hi dear.welcome to poshmark. Its a great place to shop n sell.i have pretty good stuff with reasonable price . We can make offer on some stuff if u like. If u wants to add 4 or more then 4 item let me know i will give u 20% off on listed stuff and picture are very define everything..nothing hidden. I wants to empty my closet ASAP.
🔖I hv special deals going on.10% off on bundle and get free jewellery with ur purchase.
Mar 29Reply

Hi! I saw you liked off Shoulder shirts and I'm selling a great one from Tobi. Please feel free to check out my closet :)
Apr 15Reply

Aug 08Reply

Hi Laura this is @heavenlyone2894 checking in with you and letting you know I have many items in my closet you haven't seen and I've reduced also. Come by and check them out ok?💜
Sep 18Reply

Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including Lululemon, haute Hippie, DVF, Anthropologie, free people, kate Spade, BCBG, and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Mar 07Reply

Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Steve Madden, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Apr 05Reply

HELLO pretty 💕💕💕💕
I invite you to visit my closet 👚👗🩱👕👙🧢👒👜💼💍👠👡👓👢🕶️👛👝🧣🧤🩳every week I will be publishing new garments With tags💜 like ZARA, VICTORIA’S SECRET PINK, NORTH FACE & more. HOPE YOU'RE HAVING a GREAT day…😉🤗👍🏻💯💯
Jul 22Reply
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