Meet your Posher, Leslie
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Hi! I'm Leslie. Thanks for stopping by! Am loving emptying and refilling my closet on Poshmark. Leave me a comment so I can check out your closet! I love brands like Free People or Spell and the Gypsy and really anything that has an elegant gypsy pirate look to it. I've been super into collecting kimonos these days. They're pretty much running my whole wardrobe! Am trying to curate my boutique to resemble this style. By day I am VFX artist. I also love to draw and paint.

30 others
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Hi! Thank you for liking my listing. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Jun 07Reply

@tatiana730 thank you! You too!
Jul 11Reply

Hi Leslie! Thanks for all the shares and the follow! I'd you love kimono, I have a beautiful wedding kimono that is unlisted. I really hadn't thought of selling it, but let me know if you might be interested. I am a kimono junkie too! Really all things Asian. I bet you have some beautiful treasures!
Jul 14Reply

@gaylenknack you're so welcome! I love love the look of Asian and Asian inspired fashion. I'm currently trying not to buy more. Keyword is trying. But if you post it and tag me I'd love to look!
Jul 15Reply

Great closet. If you want to join a boho group let me know. You would get more exposure and you can share on days you want🤗
Jul 15Reply

@wildtimetoys yours is amaaaazing!! So many things I want! I just can't decide yet. Yes I'd love to join! I'm just starting and I also have a twitter j more listings to do too, just haven't done it yet. Please send me details! I hope there's even more cool things I'd like to buy for myself. Thank you!
Jul 15Reply

I will put you on the Q&A page. Michele is the one running the group. Read info and if you have questions please ask. Also the list for Sunday is in her closet you have to like it and then place your name in it to be shared. Hope that helps and h e fun!
Jul 15Reply

I sent invite if you don't get it let me know. I misspelled your name then lol
Jul 15Reply

@wildtimetoys thank you! Is the invite going to show up as a poshmark comment? I don't think I got anything. Yeah I made the mistake of making a complicated name :(
Jul 15Reply

Oh no I got it!!
Jul 15Reply

Jul 15Reply

Look in your comments or newsfeed
Jul 15Reply

Or go to @stunning_29 and go to Q&A page and review. Maybe that will work.
Jul 15Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Lol. Not sure I want to sell, unless it's to someone who really wants it. It's a genuine Japanese wedding kimono. I adore kimon. I love the Asian inspired pieces in your shop! I'll check your size and see what I have I might be willing to part with. I bought long, because I'm tall. It'll be a bit though. Rotator cuff injury. No pictures at present. :/. Thanks for responding. Great to meet you!
Jul 16Reply

@gaylenknack you too miss! Xo
Jul 16Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Lmk about the size thing. When I'm better. ;) Awesome pup!
Jul 16Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares luv! You have an awesome closet, and looove your profile write up! Sweet pup too! 🤗 wish you all the best! Happy Poshing!!
Jul 17Reply

@kristynpaige Awww thank you miss! Yours is too which is why I had to share it! I've def got my eye on your page, great photos and great clothes. And yes, Jasper is the sweetest creature I've ever met! And he loves love! Happy poshing to you too!
Jul 17Reply

Thanks for mega shares <3<3<3
Jul 28Reply

@jacaranda1831 you're so welcome! You have some very lovely stuff!
Jul 28Reply

Thank you. Your closet as well!!! Happy Poshing.
Jul 28Reply

Thanks for shares.
Aug 02Reply

@cheatta978 hello miss! Unfortunately my counter offer is already very close to my cost for the item. I hope it works for you but that'll be the lowest I can let it go for.
Aug 02Reply

@kitsuneomajinai yes it works! Just thought id try! But thank u!!!
Aug 02Reply

@cheatta978 I totally believe fashion should be affordable! Thanks so much for your purchase and understanding! Happy to share another kimono with the world!
Aug 02Reply

@cheatta978 so glad to have introduced you to the awesome world of kimonos!! If you ever need more you know where to stop by! Enjoy! I'm happily wearing the yellow one right now to a party!
Aug 05Reply

@ashley70786 Thank you so much for your order! I have already shipped it, expect it soon! I hope you love your beach time with it!
Aug 09Reply

Hope you are having a good time - didn't know where you disappeared to😘
Aug 31Reply

@wildtimefashion thank you miss! Yeah I've had a very rough 6 weeks at work and I was finally able to blast off for some time away. Still busy but soon enough I'll get to rest and feel more restored. Man life is quite the rat race sometimes! Thank you for thinking of me!
Sep 01Reply

I forgot to say.... your closet is so easy to share, so many beautiful, fitting items ☺️
Sep 22Reply

@vintage316 aw thank you! Poshmark has definitely turned me into a Kimono collector :)
Sep 22Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Laughing, that's never a bad thing! 😂
Sep 22Reply

WOW❣❣ If only I had a tree that grew money in my backyard I would clean out your closet. I 💓💓💓💓 your kimonos. You have a beautiful closet, one that I enjoyed greatly sharing. I shared you as well simply because your closet is classy. And I love your art work. I love painting mostly. Have a FAB day and keep the world beautiful with your art.
Oct 01Reply

@carein136 thank you so much! Your shared and compliments have made my day. I can't stop collecting kimonos I think they are so wonderful to enjoy! Xoxo
Oct 02Reply

@carein136 they bring so much color into the world! I hope sometime soon I can share one with you!
Oct 02Reply

@kitsuneomajinai I hope so too. They are all so beautiful. 💕💕
Oct 02Reply

Hi ! I was wondering if u could mail my order out today? I’m leaving on Friday for the weekend and would really like to have these clothes thank you ! Jeri @iamjerbear
Oct 03Reply

@iamjerbear indeed I can! There seems to be a payment issue though so the order isn't going through. Can you double check your profile? I can def get this out today!
Oct 03Reply

@kitsuneomajinai I know I had my credit card stolen and I fixed it now I just need to submit it so thank you very much
Oct 03Reply

@iamjerbear thank you so much for your purchase! I'll ship this today.
Oct 03Reply

@iamjerbear Your package is scanned at the post office with 2 day shipping!
Oct 03Reply

@iamjerbear I didn't get a chance to package as nicely as I would have liked or leave a note but I did include a free gift. It is taped to the bag of the blue kaftan. Thank you so much for your purchase and for bringing a little more color into the world! 😘
Oct 03Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Thank you so much Leslie you are a very artistic artist and your things are quite beautiful and I love your closet to you have a great day and a wonderful week thank you Jeri 🐳💐@iamjerbear
Oct 03Reply

@nolaphoenix thank you!! I always find it a challenge to do more but it really feeds the soul :) you have done awesome looking pieces in yours!
Oct 04Reply

Hey little fox - love the new pictures😘
Oct 04Reply

@wildtimefashion ohhh thank you!!! My goodness I love drawing foxes. I'd be happy to make you some if you like!
Oct 04Reply

@iamjerbear aww thank you for the compliments! I try hard to make even MORE artistic endeavors but there's never enough time in the day. Have a fantastic getaway!
Oct 04Reply

@kitsuneomajinai 🙃👘💙
Oct 04Reply

@kitsuneomajinai that is very sweet of you! I would love to have some foxes I can share in my closet😘
Oct 04Reply

I love your art! I'm an artist too. One of my paintings is on my 'meet the posher' post! Beautiful lines- is it pen & ink?
Oct 19Reply

Beautiful drawings! Thank you for all of the shares! Sweet fur baby, too..:)
Oct 19Reply

Thanks for sharing.
Oct 19Reply

@leanderandhero why thank you so much! I love yours as well, i had a peek! Yes I mostly just do pen and ink. The one for my pick here is pen over a pencil drawing using tracing paper, which made it look kind of a cool blue in the scan
Oct 26Reply

@llbishop thank you so much! He is a daaarling isn't he? You'll lose yourself in his eyes.
Oct 26Reply

@kitsuneomajinai They're wonderful! You're very talented
Oct 26Reply

Hi there! I just wanted to thank you for the shares! It’s much appreciated. Plus, love all your kimonos. You have a very beautiful Posh closet! Wishing you much continued success and many sales!!! 😊👗💕
Feb 02Reply

@alwaysinleopard why thank you! I try to keep it colorful. I liked yours as well hence the shares!
Feb 02Reply

Leslie I love your foxes 🦊 pics!!! 😝They are sooo sweet!!!🤗💗Hows the Jewerly making coming along???🙏🏻💫
Feb 15Reply

@chickenhawk75 thank you so much for the art love! I can't get enough of drawing foxes. I thin often about drawing more,I should post some new ones! I start jewelry making class in a few weeks, I'm pretty excited as I will be learning some metalsmithing along with it. I just put in an order for some beads that I'm excited to get some instant grat from though. You do some as well right? I was inspired by @ruesroom closet of awesome jewelry.
Feb 20Reply

@kitsuneomajinai thanks Leslie for the compliment and That drawing is awesome!!very talented!
Feb 20Reply

@kitsuneomajinai you should post some more!👍🏻I cant draw or make Jewerly 😂 but I definitely can appreciate those that do! 👍🏻 I do love foxes!!!🦊I love their sweet playful nature! 💖 Well I look forward to seeing your Jewerly! 🤩I’m sure it will be amazing just like your artwork!😍
Feb 20Reply

Thanks for sharing my listings
Mar 11Reply

@sheliafinn01 you are so welcome!
Mar 11Reply

@budgetfinds you’re so welcome! Happy poshing!!
Mar 11Reply

Hi, Leslie. I've been loving your closet as I'm doing WG shares. Your artwork is're SO talented!
Mar 17Reply

I love your closet!! Awesome job! I also love your sniper fox pic!! Would you mind if I used it? I will definitely be making a purchase from you soon!!!❤❤❤❤
Apr 28Reply

@toddthefox why thank you! I actually took the sniper fox from the Internet!
Apr 28Reply

Hi Leslie & hope you are doing well!👋I'm having a sale this weekend (take 30% off my listed price on every item)& would really appreciate it if you could share my 2 sale listings up top to your followers & friends❣️Thanks & let them know I'll share back👍Pam
May 12Reply

@dragonflydivas np! All shared
May 12Reply

Good evening Leslie. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 13Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Omg your Puppers is GORRRRGEOUS!!! Those eyes, hypnotize ❤❤❤🐶❤❤❤Awesome, Gorgeous drawings! Gorgeous Closet/Boutique 😍😉
May 15Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Kitsune mean fox in Japanese?
May 15Reply

Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet! I appreciate it very much.❤️
May 24Reply

@gaylenknack Hey there hun! Was just perusing old comments and remembered yours. I hope you are so well! I love how your closet has grown.
May 27Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Hey Leslie! The art is amazing, and it's good to hear from you. 😀 I haven't forgotten your love for kimonos ❤. I hope you are well! If your size hasn't changed, I'll see what I might have for you. Thank you for the sweet compliment.
May 28Reply

@gaylenknack thank you so much on the compliment on the art! Im currently spring cleaning, so i'll be trying to move items OUT of my real closet but thank you for keeping me in mind!
May 28Reply

@kitsuneomajinai I gotcha. 🤗
May 28Reply

You have an absolutely gorgeous closet
Jun 13Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares
Jun 13Reply

What fantastic art! Greetings from a 🎻 fellow 👩🏻🎨❤️
Jun 29Reply

@convintageous thank you so much and you are so welcome!
Jun 29Reply

@cokivishop awww thank you! I really appreciate the reach out! Do you have some of yours posted?
Jun 29Reply

@kitsuneomajinai nah, I’m not a pro just enjoy projects here and there like making my own wedding bouquets with brooches or the occasional sketch or papercraft 😊 art is good for the soul ❤️
Jun 29Reply

Hi and welcome to Poshmark. Feel free to check out my closet and boutique. I add new things regularly and offer 15% off 3+ bundles. Drop me a line if you have questions. And happy Poshing! 🙂🌸💕
Jul 25Reply

I love this art piece, is it for sale?
Aug 03Reply

@bbernadetteb yes! Are you wanting the first one? I also have it as a wood carving. I’ll post it and tag you.
Aug 06Reply

Hi great closet and I will share good luck with your sales. I don't do buying I just do selling right now. Hope u have a great weekend 😘
Aug 31Reply

@debbie245 Than you, you as well!
Aug 31Reply

Amazing closet! I’m in love with just about everything 😍
Sep 17Reply

Oh my goodness!! Gorgeous items!
Sep 18Reply

Hi Leslie, I am so sorry but I think I have to cancel your order, as I was packing your Free People dress I noticed it was mistagged. The size of the dress is XS not S as it was listed. Please let me know if by any chance XS would work for you ? If not I need to cancel the order. I truly apologize for the inconvenience!
Oct 15Reply

@aniabrands oh! It might! I’m typically a size 6. What do you think?
Oct 16Reply

@kitsuneomajinai It is a loose fit so it might fit 😊
Oct 16Reply

@kitsuneomajinai The chest is almost 21” flat, I think it will fit you well. Send it? 😊
Oct 16Reply

@aniabrands yeah that sounds great! Send please!
Oct 17Reply

@kitsuneomajinai On its way 😊
Oct 17Reply

Cute closet! Come by its BOGO FREE time! Xoxo
Jan 07Reply

Gorgeous closet!!!
Feb 10Reply

@jaynie8 thank you!!
Feb 10Reply

@kitsuneomajinai thanks so much for the shares. I have shared several of your items as a thank you!
Jun 28Reply

@isuzie Your welcome ✨🤩💖✨🤩✨ it’s easy to share and meet nice people in this environment of welcoming and love. I’ll certainly look your closet and do Share so we can help each other ✨🤩✨ Thanks for welcoming and be free to ask and visit my closet too, I’m new here since April and enjoy learning from others that help me too!!!
Jun 28Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet.
Aug 19Reply

Wow!!! You have a lovely closet!❤️ so many tempting possibilities. Thank you for stopping by mine. You are extremely talented, I love ❤️❤️ your work, so beautiful ⭐️
Aug 19Reply

Thanks for directing me to your closet, Leslie, it’s lovely! As are you and your four legged furry friend. Nice to meet you both, look forward to many hours checking out your things!
Aug 19Reply

@kristiewithak you as well!
Aug 23Reply

@spamm1096 you are so very welcome!
Aug 23Reply

@jude7598 why thank you! I’ll be heading to bed with a smile on my face. So glad you enjoyed visiting my closet!
Aug 23Reply

Hello!! Love your closet beautiful!!! Kimono 👘 are are so elegant 😊 lovely. I am just starting out and in the middle of building my closet! I absolutely love to draw to I don’t do that and as I used to but I do love you and I trying so gorgeous and nice meeting you my name is SHELLEE btw
Sep 07Reply

@iluv2boogie why hello! What a lovely message!! Yes I also don’t get to draw as much as I would like. I think often about how I will bring myself to make more time and determination to do it. Perhaps we both can eventually post more here even! Good luck with building your closet it’s really quite a fun hobby! And I think totally fine it’s as a creative outlet!
Sep 07Reply

Your closet is awesome and so is your artwork. I'm always adding kimonos to my closet at home too. Can't have to many. I don't have anything in my closet yet but I am working on it.
Have a wonderful week.
Sep 08Reply

@kitsuneomajinai oh btw ❤️ love you furry baby! I love the idea of sharing art work on her really good idea! Really nice meeting you and let’s keep in touch!!
Sep 08Reply

@kitsuneomajinai Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 09Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Nov 25Reply

Absolutely love your closet! I will definitely be back.
Dec 02Reply

@gdaughters glad to hear it and looking forward to your next visit!
Dec 03Reply

Luv ur pup
Dec 22Reply

First of all I love love love your pencils for sketching they are fabulous.
Also thank you for liking all the items in my closet I would be happy to give you a good offer if you want to put them in a bundle, anybody who has a closet on Poshmark through New Year’s Day I’m giving 50% off so feel free to bundle a few items and I will give you a 50% off of everything after and I will except
Dec 29Reply

If you wanted the fun fur coat it has to go in a box by itself so that it has to be a offered by itself because it doesn’t fit with anything else
Dec 29Reply

@janhankel oh wow thank you thank you!! I keep meaning to draw more and yet my own laziness gets the better of me. But I really need to make it a part of my New Years resolution as it brings me much joy and I’m glad to see it be enjoyed!
And thank you for the discount offer!!! Hmmmmmm that very vey much gives me thought for the fun fur coat. I love it because it looks wolf like!
Dec 29Reply

you have such a fun closet!!
Feb 14Reply

Leslie, I love your artwork. Have a happy and safe week my a Posh friend.
Jun 04Reply

Such a cute closet!!! Hope you have a great day. 🌺
Jul 13Reply

Your drawings are really good! Thanks for sharing them.
My brother spent a month in Japan several years ago. He brought back two silk kimonos for my mother and aunt and they were the most beautiful clothing I had ever seen. My mother’s was red silk on the outside and white silk lining on the interior. I was so envious!
There is a small shop in downtown LA that sells beautiful kimonos in the Otani Hotel but they still can’t compare to my mothers.
Happy poshing
Oct 09Reply

Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime.
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
May 15Reply

Love your art & your pup🐾
Dec 20Reply

Hi I did receive your reply on the moon necklace, and I promise I will not forget! See you on the third🌹
May 10Reply

May 10Reply

@moon1feather thank you so much!
May 16Reply

@moon1feather and sounds great! Thank you for leaving such a lovely message!
May 16Reply
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