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Updated Dec 08
Updated Dec 08

Meet your Posher, Lisa

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Hi! I'm Lisa. I'm from Manalapan. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dimitra713 @halfpint0420 hi! I’m so sorry but I can’t go that low on the Jennifer behr piece. I will counter the lowest I can go which I hope can work for you 💕
Feb 21Reply
juliamariew95 hi love the lowest on the romper i can do right now is 60 because it’s so much less than i paid and i just listed it 🥰 i will counter you back if you want to purchase i will ship tmrw morning :)
Mar 15Reply
juliamariew95 hello babe if you put in an offer for $55 on my beach riot romper I will accept! really need to sell 😌
Mar 19Reply
sassy926348 Hello! Thank you for your purchase. Just a heads up, the PO is closed today for Columbus Day so I’ll ship on Tuesday! 💕
Oct 14Reply
_harperscloset_ Hi Lisa! Thanks so much for your purchase, I will get that in the mail for you today💕
Oct 31Reply
classiccloset47 Hi Lisa, thank you for your purchase. I’ll get it shipped out in the morning. Have a wonderful night. 💜🌹
Nov 06Reply
4everparis Hi Lisa. Accept the tarte eyeliners please. Shannon
Nov 10Reply
sarrah Hi Welcome to Posh ☀️ I’m Sarah and it’s nice to meet you! I’d love to invite you to visit my boutique 💕 if you have any Posh questions lmk I’m happy to help. Have a great day!
Nov 11Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy Tuesday 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
Nov 19Reply
shj1956 Hi Lisa - Thank you for the offer on the beautiful delicate camisole - But the price is firm - -Wish you all the best as you shop on Poshmark 🛍🛍🛍
Sep 11Reply
sferrata @halfpint0420 Hi! Love your tag name “half pint” too cute! Lol! Thank you for the likes! I sent you an offer for you to consider, please let me know if you have any questions or anything! And, if you have a chance, check out my love notes, I include extra gifts! 😊❤️👍🏻
Oct 11Reply
myspace2yours99 Hi Lisa! Sorry I can’t go that low plus I have a rule that anything below $15 must be bundled because if not I would lose money.
Oct 18Reply
lauraparr Hello - I wanted to reach out about the pink jacket you bought from me. I made it incredibly clear that it was not a love shack fancy jacket and I provided over 12 detailed photos including several of the label. So it was really inappropriate to give a one star rating for the brand new item you got at a fabulous price. Please be more considerate and follow Poshmark rules and regulations and etiquette in the future
Apr 15Reply
halfpint0420 I hear you but you should never use brand name reference
Apr 15Reply
ilovefashion170 Sorry price is firm
May 17Reply
kutiesbykaiti2 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you thrive in our community & have plenty of exciting moments from great finds to Bountiful sales. Peep my closet as I shall keep my 👀 on yours! Any questions you have ask me, as an ambassador I will guide u the best I can & give great advice! Sharing + following is the shiny key to success here, tedious yet rewarding work... And we're in it to win it, right?! :) happy poshing!
Sep 19Reply
greatfinds111 Welcome to Poshmark❣️🥰🌷
Sep 20Reply
khristianlopez Hello Sweet 🍭🍭🍭Posher Welcome to KhristianLopez Closet... Stay tuned to this Closet 🌈🌈🌈for some serious Closet🛒🛒 blow out deals coming soon. Great name brand & maximum quality 🥿🥿👠💄📿🛍items for a fraction of the price. Remember to bundle and save👜🛍 for the most valuable prices. Like any ítem in my closet over $10 💰and get a immediate 10% off plus a shipping discount. In honor of #AutismAwareness ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎 this September. Free toys with any Children's ítem purchase  Isabella's Boutique 
Sep 24Reply
deva1016 Hi, I appreciate your off but I’m asking what I pd + PM fee, I can’t take that much less. Thank you
Nov 02Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing! & Happy Holidays 💝
Dec 26Reply
talfin14 Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have high quality designer clothing, shoes, lingerie, makeup and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Most are brand new with tags! Lmk if you have any questions! Have a great weekend😁
May 13Reply
eschellapurvis warm beautiful welcome to poshmark its gorgeous lv Nd new xo
Jun 16Reply
more4u123 Thanks for visiting. You liked a new with tags boy’s swim suit. It’s only $17. Use the buy button and it’s yours! I’ll mail it Monday morning. Better yet—look around my closet. Earn a discount when you bundle any 2 or more items. Have fun shopping in my closet. 🙂🌺
Jul 02Reply
ronron1718 Hi Lisa, Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it like I do. If you have a few minutes, please feel free to check out my closet and offer. If you're interested, I'll be sure to give you the best deal and let me know if you've any questions. Happy Poshing!
Jul 02Reply
madalynnemarie Hello- if you bundle the 2 items you like in my closet you will automatically save 10%. Happy poshing
Jul 03Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 01Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Thanks for the like and visiting my closet! Please feel free to ask questions. Happy Poshing! 😊
Nov 03Reply
sharken71 Hi@halfpint0420 thanks for checking out my closet and for the like! I consider all offers and discount bundles!!
Nov 18Reply
6151richmond @halfpint0420 Do you watch Little House?
Nov 19Reply
allyfontes Hi! I’d so appreciate it if you could check out my closet. I am open to offers and negotiating. Have a great day(:
Nov 26Reply
thillbill Hello fellow posher! Feel free to check out my closet sometime, few thousand items and many to still add. Sometime for everyone. Hit the search button if looking for specific size or items. shopping 🛍
Jan 13Reply
trendsavvy Hi, Thanks for liking and following. Happy poshing.🙏💐💝
Feb 17Reply
magas62 Hey Lisa, I accepted your offer on the RMS ribbon but you need to update your payment method, please. I will ship right away as soon as you take care of it
May 09Reply
halfpint0420 @magas62 sure it will probably be later on
May 09Reply
merylsm Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to check out my closet and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! ⭐️❤️
Jun 01Reply
girlslikeus28 Hi Lisa thanks for the like and visiting my closet Pauline🦋
Jun 15Reply
alexaluxury Hi! I would love to sell the A + O top to you! I sent you an offer! Fast shipping 🩷 thanks!!
Jul 13Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions.  I offer bundle deals of 15% on any 2 items or more. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Aug 05Reply
prowlings214 Good afternoon. You just liked a Tommy Bahama shirt. Right now they are running a special but if the item is 10% lower you will get discounted shipping. II lowered it to 27$ so it will qualify. Hope we can make a deal!!
Aug 11Reply
jls72 Hi Lisa! I sent u an offer on the New Veronica Beard dress. It does have the $450 tags on it. If you had a different number in mind please feel free to counter offer. This particular dress happens to me my friend's dress, but I will prepare her! Lol
Aug 22Reply
jls72 Hi, let me know if you have any interest in the Veronica Beard Blue dress. It has tags and is in perfect condition. Im happy to take an offer.
Aug 25Reply
letychula Hi Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated, Happy Buying/Selling to you my friend 💕 💖 😊 🙏
Aug 30Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love 💕on Poshmark 🛍️Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of 🍀luck🍀
Sep 14Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 👋 It’s nice to meet you 👋 🛍️ I hope you find everything you love 💕on Poshmark 🛍️Please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me when you get a moment. 💫 Wishing you the best of 🍀luck🍀
Sep 14Reply
jadedbunny28 @halfpint0420 first, your comment is extremely rude. If you had a question regarding pricing and offering a further discount, you could have added this to a bundle and respectfully sent a message there. Second, last we checked, we aren't Walmart. We don't price match.
Sep 17Reply
jadedbunny28 @halfpint420 Third, if you had actually done the math, you would see our promo of buy 2 get 1 free is already a better price than Aveda, even with the mentioned sale. If you though for a moment that Aveda offered better pricing, you would have bought there already instead of attempting to chew down our pricing with your uncouth remark.
Sep 17Reply
jadedbunny28 @halfpint420 although we see you have a habit of not only lowballing, but also leaving terrible reviews even on brand new products. we recommend you purchase directly from Aveda, considering your behavior towards sellers on Posh. We have blocked you and recommend other sellers do the same to save themselves the heartache
Sep 17Reply
tatianaboutique Hi! The payment didn’t go through with your offer !
Sep 23Reply
mhsp105 thanks for your interest in Tatcha skincare. Make a bundle if serious. thanks
Sep 27Reply
stephers723 I see you’re a serial low baller. Enjoy being blocked
Oct 02Reply
stephers723 @jadedbunny28 glad to see I’m not the only one having a problem with this buyer making nasty comments on Listings where she doesn’t like the price. Sounds like she needs to get off Poshmark and go garage sales instead. Or just keep her comments to herself!
Oct 02Reply
halfpint0420 @jadedbunny28 low baling you not supposed to be charging full price plus 18 .5 as comiision Times are not great for every one they come to poshmark for a deal not for you to steal from them I happen to know the original prices of everything and see the extra fees you tack on disgusting
Oct 02Reply
timelinestyle ✨ Lisa ✨ thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 excellent service + same day shipping! ✨
Oct 04Reply
stephers723 @halfpint0420 clearly you have no idea how poshmark works. I start listings at a high price. When they get a good deal of likes I start dropping the $$ and likers all get notified. So to call me disgusting shows how uneducated you are. I will list an item for the price I want. You have 0 sales so you’ll see what portion poshmark takes. Or you won’t have any sales because you’re rude. There’s a reason I have 130K followers & over 600 sales. Take your slander elsewhere!
Oct 08Reply
pippisan Welcome to Poshmark selling! Remember don’t take anything outside/off of Poshmark. Your pictures are fine, they know you’re real, you don’t need to email, text or call anyone for anything. It’s actually against Poshmark policy. They are just trying to scam you. Poshmark will notify you through email and your News feed if you make a sale. Happy Poshing!🎉
Oct 12Reply
msold Hi. Thanks for the like in the Henri Bendel bag. I am your neighbor near Marlboro
Oct 18Reply
moddom @halfpint0420 Hello, if you are still interested in Henri Bendel Merino Angora Wool Wrap, I will accept your last offer of $92 that expired yesterday. Thank you
Oct 21Reply
rposen Hi Lisa! It’s great to meet you!💝
Nov 01Reply
cmboi10182013 Hi ! I saw you liked the coach wallet I have on my page for 20.00. I sent you an offer for 12.00. Feel free to accept ❤️
Nov 02Reply
angelic_host ✨Hi, Cone shop my closet, smoke-free home✨
Nov 03Reply
angelic_host ✨Hi, Cone shop my closet, smoke-free home✨
Nov 03Reply
classygirl41 @halfpint0420 Welcome to posh, and thanks so much for the like on my bracelet. If interested, let me know. I typically ship the same day or next. Happy Poshing 🙂💕❤️
Nov 05Reply
hdlady7120 Hello Darling❣️While you’re browsing all the amazing closets looking for the stuff you love, I hope you’ll stop into mine too! You’ll probably find some awesome things you gotta have, want, need or to give as a gift! Reasonable offers are encouraged…Special Bundle deals! You will not be disappointed purchasing from my store…check out the Love Notes 😃! Enjoy your Posh journey!
Nov 17Reply
valerieconey96 Hello, please check out my closet. I think I have some beautiful items you will love. 😊
Nov 20Reply
shopfoxy hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
Dec 04Reply
motherxposher Hi gorgeous 💕stop by my closet for newly listed Hermes, Dior & more of your favorite designer items! I always accept reasonable offers and ship same day🌟have a wonderful weekend.
Dec 08Reply
mhsp105 thanks for your interest in Tatcha products. place in bundle for questions and offers
Dec 23Reply
myobu_san Check out my closet for a great opportunity to get a baby grinch doll similar to the one you liked! If you don't like the price, create a bundle and l'm confident that we can get together on something that works for both of us!
Jan 04Reply
chases_closet_ Hi, I have a lot of different items listed in my closet. Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jan 11Reply
kkkhu Hello Lisa. Would u like to get the coach dust bags for $22 and discount shipping please lmk. Thanks
Jan 12Reply
mckenziejruud Hey girly. I have a ton of different brands such as Michael Kors, Hollister, Maurices, Aeropostale, PINK, Apt 9, buckle, rue 21, Express and many more. Size range from XS to 4X and Tons of things that are new with tags! Everything is listed for $10 or less. Will be posting more daily. If you have time check out my closet. Ship same or next day depending on time of purchase😀 Happy Poshing! ❤️
Jan 25Reply
edunc22 Hi Lisa, Thanks for taking a look at the Marc Jacobs Daisy tote bag in our closet. If you'd like to purchase tonight for $18 just let me know & I'll make a price drop for you. You'll also get the $4.99 shipping POSH is offering tonight on price drops.
Feb 08Reply
chases_closet_ Hi, I have a lot of different items listed in my closet. Feel free to check it out and let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 😊
Feb 15Reply
tippy1224 @halfpint0420 Hello 👋 please let me know if you're interested in bundling the items you liked ❤️ in my closet 😊 Hopefully we can work out a price that works for us both 🫠 Thanks ❣️
Feb 21Reply
raezer2323 Lisa Hello from Washington State and thank you for stopping by where I see you like the LV vintage box. I made an offer if you are interested in reviewing I took enough off to help with your shipping costs. LMK if you have questions.
Feb 23Reply
jodyert Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking the LoveShackFancy Indiana Embroidered Scallop-Trim Minidresss. All offers are appreciated. Have a super Saturday
Mar 15Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Lisa 👋 thanks for liking the Joie dress in my closet. I sent you an offer that I hope will be perfect for you. I’m actually beginning the process of truly clearing my closet. I moved and we are in a much smaller house so I have no extra place for my things. If it turns out you’d like to get more then 1 item. I do have a promo for buy one get second at equal or lesser value.
Mar 17Reply
dshanno Hi Friend! Welcome to the Poshmark community! Check out my closet!😊
Mar 21Reply
cowgirlfromcity Poshmark will not allow me to send you any more offers. When I try I get an error message telling me this member has received many offers already for this item or something like that. You are welcome to make an offer though.
2 days agoReply

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