Meet your Posher, Lisa
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Hi! I'm Lisa. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark! 🌷✨☺️
Apr 16Reply

@leolexa thank you :)
Apr 16Reply

Hi did you create a bundle or is it just for the tunic? Thx!
Apr 27Reply

I’m really confused it says you created a bundle offer but it just shows up on the tunic with no other pricing ? Sometimes poshmark is so confusing lol
Apr 27Reply

@sasyjaqs lol - I think it is just for the tunic - I know, I just started with them, very confusing
Apr 27Reply

@lizamk1 are you wanting to buy the tunic? If so you just need to make an offer so I can accept
Apr 28Reply

Thank You so much!!!!💖🙏🏻🌷🦋💕😃
May 02Reply

@pennie3 you are so welcome - I ❤️ Free People and have so much more
May 02Reply

@lizamk1 Yeeyy!! That Sounds Wonderful!!!😍💃🏻💃🏻🌷💕
May 02Reply

Hi I purchased 3 hours before the auction on eBay ended. So shouldn’t I receive the bag since I sent money first
May 05Reply

I have receipt money sent st 5:24am your auction ended at 8:10am. Not fair at all. Should be who buys first or you should not list on multiple sites like that
May 05Reply

@lascola3 this person had been private messaging me for 3 days and so please forgive me - because of that i thought her payment was first her promise to pay for sure was - I am a very fair seller and always have been - I also had this bag listed in 3 international sites as she do with all my bags -
May 05Reply

I do no she do - I saw her offer from Ray I am. It always on Poshmark and like I said we had been corresponding about this for a few days - I have many many designer items so I hoe you find another item you like
May 05Reply

@lascola3 I am trying to text whilst driving - never a good idea - I honored the conversations I was having with her - I have many more designer bags to list - hope you are able to find one ..
May 05Reply

@lizamk1 your email shows the time when money is sent. There wasn’t but now on eBay it world of bought there
May 05Reply

@lizamk1 I have no bag and my money is not refunded for 3-5 days.
May 05Reply

@lascola3 this recently happened to me with two items I purchased that the seller than could not find so my order was cancelled and it takes a bit to get the $$ back - unfortunately this is Poshmark’s policy not mine -
May 05Reply

@lizamk1 if you were so sure of selling to her why did you not cancel your listing on Poshmark? This would of never happened. I have many designer bags myself and was only interested in a Mulberry Polly. I would be afraid this would happen again if you are listing the same way
May 05Reply

@lascola3 - I have lost out on things in the past also - sorry that this has happened to you
May 05Reply

@lizamk1 just because this has happened to you does not make it ok for you to do it to me. I sell on other sites and have 100% feedback. Maybe that’s the problem on Poshmark they need a rating system so others will know how the seller is. That could be why it is so common for sellers to not respect the buyers and their hard earned money. Good luck to you
May 06Reply

Hi Lisa! I just want to ask you when you are planning on shipping my purchase, the Free People tunic top dress?
May 07Reply

Lisa, I have to tell you, this was not a good experience. I was sad to see the tunic has 2 threads pulled at its front that could not be seen in pictures or description. I even asked about the condition before purchasing. The communication has been so poor with no updates at all from you as you take your time to ship & reply & you ignored me writing you & didn’t get back with me after I last wrote you. I gave you 5 Stars feedback out of kindness but you should know about these issues.
May 11Reply

@pennie3 - I had surgery on Friday to remove cartilage from my neck and I have not been on Poshmark for days - if there are loose threads- I did not see at all and I always check everything - I paid over $100 for this dress and only wore it a few times - 🦋
May 13Reply

@lizamk1 When being a seller it is very Frustrating for a buyer when you disappear without any further notice and not replying back plus taking forever to ship without letting a buyer know your shipping plan. As for the pulled threads, I saw them right away, they are very noticeable. It doesn’t matter how much you paid for the tunic or how many times you used it, it is still damaged which makes it useless to me.
May 13Reply

@pennie3 thank you for all your kind words - take care and best wishes in the further - I have been buying and selling for 30 years and have never had such negativity from one person - I sell on eBay and now Poshmark and high end consignment shops in Los Angeles and CT - if you are expecting perfection than you should purchase new - you mention a few loose threads which could have happened as you took out of bag - you paid less than $10 for this which would have sold at consignment for more
May 13Reply

@lizamk1 I have to believe that you can’t be serious. Kind words? Yes I was very kind giving you 5 stars regardless. I did not expect a new tunic, I expected it to not have these flaws as I asked you before purchasing. If I would have known about the flaws I would never have bought it since I can’t wear it. You can go on about all the sites you sell on, it doesn’t help each bad case. You don’t even care to apologize, and to me that is an even worse buying experience from you. I wish you luck.
May 13Reply

@pennie3 you are talking about flaws that I NEVER saw !!! I inspect all items very carefully- and there were no FLAWS - The anxiety and stress that you have caused on the heels of major surgery is not something I can deal with - please stop messaging me -
May 13Reply

@lizamk1 So you think it’s Ok to act the way you do just because you didn’t see the flaws and not apologize to a customer due to how much they paid for an item and they even gave you a 5 Star Rating out of kindness? Don’t you worry, I won’t purchase from you ever again and I will not message you. Have a healthy recovery.
May 13Reply

Hi Lisa! Are you still interested in the Campomaggi bag? I can do a bit better if you are. Lmk 🙂
May 17Reply

Lisa, I’m out of the country and just saw that you made an offer on my bag. I’m willing to accept but missed the deadline. I will be back in LA on Friday night. If you’re still interested make your offer again and I’ll accept! 😊
May 30Reply

Hi there! Thanks so much for your offers on the mother pants. I just want you to know that $75 is the least I can do on them. Unfortunately I have that much invested in them and don’t want to take much loss. Just wanted you to be aware and don’t want to waste your time going back and forth. ❤️🌸🌺❤️
Aug 23Reply

Thanks so much for 5 star rating ...hope you enjoy wearing your sport bra 😎
Nov 08Reply

Hi there Lisa....did I read correctly that you are looking for Magnolia Pearl things of do trades for them? <3
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for your purchase! It’s so gorgeous! I’ll get her ready and headed your way first thing Monday. Cheers! 🤗🎉🌸
Mar 02Reply

When I’m back I will let you know and approve your 75$ offer!
Mar 04Reply

Hi there, I saw you made offers on my Alo legging. Not sue if you’re the same person who made the offers on another site. If you are, I can do $50 on that site. Otherwise, it’s $55 on Poshmark.
Mar 06Reply

Hey Lisa-My apology for not shipping your coat yet, had a medical procedure that has wiped me out. Will do my best to get it out on Monday. Thank you for your patience.
Mar 09Reply

You have made 2 very low ball offers on my mint green Johnny Was tunic dress. I listed the dress originally for $100 and lowered it to $81. I appreciate that Johnny Was is an expensive brand and it would be lovely to be able to buy it for $30 or $35 but I wonder if you have considered that if I donate it the value of that dress is about $200 worn only a couple of times. And $ into my pocket would be 50 plus. Please do not low-ball. ThankS😊
Mar 10Reply

Ok! I am back now and can accept offer of 75$ for the Patagonia puffy!
Mar 10Reply

Please rate the black Vince slides so o can be paid
Thank you
Mar 13Reply

Please accept the Vince black slides so I can be paid by posh. Thank you
Mar 13Reply

Hi Thank you for checking out my closest. I see you’re very interested in my Lauren Moshi hoodie. My price is pretty firm. I paid a lot of money for it & only wore a handful of times. Plus I’ve discounted it a couple times already. It’s in perfect condition. So please no lowball offers as I’ve made that very clear on my listing. Thank you.
Mar 15Reply

Hi Liza👋🌺. I’m pleased that you like this item. Pants is so good, great quality, pattern and fabric. If you would like, give me an offer, I hope $50 will be good deal for this brand new designers pants? Live me your comments. Thanks. Lana❤️👋
Mar 18Reply

Ill do 35 for the R13 jeans if you want to resend that offer! I meant to except it but it expired before I had the chance.
Jul 13Reply

Hi!! I’m so glad you got the Fillyboo dress!! It is soooo pretty! I am away for work for the weekend, but I will ship it first thing Monday!!
Jul 19Reply

Lisa I'll ship your awesome tee asap Tues! Thanks so much!🥳❤✌
Sep 02Reply

Hi there! Looks like you got your tee! Yay!😁 Would you mind to accept? Appreciate it! Happy Poshing✌
Sep 06Reply

Good Morning! I am away and will ship your boots on Wednesday morning. I hope this works for you.
Sep 23Reply

Hello Liza! I really appreciate your offer, but I need a minimum 55 for this dress after Posh fees. Please no offense please, 65 - is my lowest.
Feb 29Reply

Hello🌷Sending along Warmth and Good Health, and a prayer for Healing across the Planet
What we need is Love sweet Love 🎶
to guide and protect us all 💜
Mar 28Reply

Hi - Thank you for your offer! I am sorry I missed the window to accept. If you are still interested in the sandals, please make the last offer again and I will accept it. :)
May 17Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Dior, Lululemon, Nike, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Apr 28Reply

@samantharemy hey bud-check out this lady’s closet. I love it!!!
Jul 01Reply

Hi Lisa! I am running to the postal office now to get this out today!!
Jul 22Reply

@kymtodisco thank you luv
Jul 22Reply

@lizamk1 it is being delivered to you today! Please let me know, I hope you love them!!!
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco I got them and love them but I found two holes - 😢😢 do you have any more spell ?
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 oh my gosh, really? i am sorry, i never saw any holes since i only tried them on..too tight for me :( probsbly why i got a deal on them!!
Send them back, i apoligize!!!!
I only have 2 other Spell items..they are both listed..Wanderer jacket and Maverick flannel
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco I am going to keep but just did not know if you could discount them somewhat ❤️🦋 I could send u pics to show u
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 i totally believe you! just send them back if you would like, once again i truly apoligize!
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco it’s my first set of bells so would love to keep but would have negotiated price if I had known about holes - you could PayPa! Me lisamkeil@yah00
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 im sorry luv
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco PayPa! whatever u think is fair ❤️❤️ I will leave that up to u
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 unfortunately i only have $1.03 in my bank account right now..thats why i am forced to sell my Spell sorry
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco oh what size is the flannel maybe we can work a deal
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 size medium on E
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco I love the t’s and tanks you had - u don’t have any more ?? Or any sweatshirts by Spell ?
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 no, i only have a couple left that i am keeping! Just started collecting again a few years ago..trying not to overbuy and then resell..ya know!!
Jul 24Reply

@kymtodisco oh ok -
Jul 24Reply

@lizamk1 once again, i am so sorry hun, looking forward to receiving the bells back
Jul 24Reply

Hello! I would like to buy the purple velvet skirt you may be listing by Ewa Walla (I believe). It is from the lot of Magnolia Pearl and Ewa Walla that you just listed and are in the middle of organizing. Thank you so very much for your time and help! Very best wishes, Nadia :-)
Aug 15Reply

@sansmerci it is Ewa I Walla ❤️I will get you some info - I have so many pieces to go thru 😍
Aug 15Reply

Thank you Lisa! I greatly appreciate it! :-)
Aug 15Reply

@sansmerci u are so welcome ❤️
Aug 15Reply

@sansmerci taking pics tonight -
Aug 16Reply

@lizamk1 Thank you ! xoxo I look forward to seeing them :-)
Aug 16Reply

Have you had any luck with the info o. The dr martens Sinclair’s
Dec 03Reply

@cbrago317 it now says they shipped - but these exact pictures have been on Depo❤️ and Merca❤️ and she listed here three times - so confused .. She won’t get paid here till we send approval so not sure what is going on - waiting to hear back from Posh as I sent them pics .. Very strange
Dec 03Reply

@cbrago317 just saw my order was cancelled - it is a scam - hope posh removes her
Dec 03Reply

@lizamk1 thank you. Just annoyed more than anything hahah
Dec 03Reply

@cbrago317 me also - because I really wanted them
Dec 03Reply

@lizamk1 me too :/
Dec 03Reply

You probably know that you can call MP and they will ship you some MPs to try on?? You can purchase what you want and send the rest back.
Did you know that?
Jan 17Reply

@mntntop4me yes - I like the older pieces or sold out ones
Jan 17Reply

@lizamk1 😀🥰💝💐
Jan 17Reply

Hi Lisa I left a message in your bundle regarding the MP top.😊
Jan 19Reply

I hope you got it!! Great buy!
Feb 02Reply

Hello Liza, I am wondering about my purchase status. I still have not received any notification re: shipping. Thanks.
Feb 07Reply

@02vivian is this about the shoes ? I have them still but have been very sick and now my car is in the shop till tomorrow - I had to put shipped or they would have cancelled the order .. Of course you do not pay until you receive so fortunately you are not any $$ I’m so sorry for this - been very unexpected and hope to ship tomorrow when I pick up my car -
Feb 07Reply

@lizamk1 I didn't see your reply before I cancelled the order. BUT, I really, really would like these clogs, so if you are still willing to accept my offer, and when you are better :) please let me know and I will go through the purchase steps again! Thank you and feel better!
Feb 08Reply

@02vivian ok thank you - ❤️
Feb 08Reply

Thank you Lisa.💕❤️💕 Have a wonderful Monday I will mail out your purchase tomorrow morning .🙋♀️🌺
Feb 21Reply

@raezer2323 you also ❤️ I also love your Frida piece wondering thru P how much
Feb 21Reply

@lizamk1 Hi, if you can pay $350 we can do this!!! LMK.
Feb 21Reply

@lizamk1 Hello $300 will work LMK
Feb 21Reply

@raezer2323 I will ❤️
Feb 21Reply

@lizamk1 Just pay we can change price for $3 I will ship.❤️
Feb 21Reply

@lizamk1 Do you have the info to proceed?
Feb 21Reply

@raezer2323 is like to get one - after something sells ❤️
Feb 21Reply

@lizamk1 Sounds good.🙋♀️
Feb 21Reply

Is there anything you are looking for that maybe you would consider trading the peyote gown for?
Mar 03Reply

@misohapa I’m only looking to sell right now 😍
Mar 03Reply

Hi Lisa. I know you love Magnolia Pearl like me and I wish I could I accept your offer but it’s really way too low and I’m in no rush to sell. I’m so sorry. I hope you find that someone who will though. Take care and hope you enjoy your weekend. 😊
Mar 25Reply

🌄 G'Morning Lisa/Liza !
🦌 FOLLOWING 🐕 🐾 🦔 🐾
Feb 08Reply

Hi Lisa! I can get that sweatshirt out to you this morning. It’s amazing quality
Oct 02Reply

Hi I actually have another offer out for 111$. If you want to bid that amount I will accept.
Oct 05Reply

Lisa Amazing beautiful pictures 🤩 Nice closet Wishing you happiness health and prosperity 🙏 Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50+ from my closet. Expires 10/27/24 I also wholesale: purchase any items priced $20 or less for only $5 each with a minimum of $50. Start your closet for $50 or replenish your inventory. Check out the Poshmark videos on the YouTube Channel : Great news to increase your sales 😀
Oct 18Reply

@lizamk1 Hi Lisa, thank you for the like of the Fred Segal small crossbody body bag. I really appreciate your interest, so I just lowered the price to $20 so if you have any questions please let me know? Cheers, Renee😘
Oct 29Reply
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