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Updated 21 hours ago
Updated 21 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Lisa

Meet the Posher



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🍒🤗🙏HELLO! I'm LISA. I ENJOY and LOVE shopping for myself and my loved ones. I think FASHION is something that's UNIQUE to each INDIVIDUAL. Since my Lupus diagnosis and Covid my closet is collecting dust. I hope my closet can provide you with that UNIQUE PIECE for yourself or your loved one🍒🤗🙏
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bkshoes Hi, Welcome to Poshm
Aug 05Reply
wlew @labyrd007 Hi and Welcome to Poshmark!! Enjoy
Sep 20Reply
umarilandy01 🤩Happy poshing🤩. I would love it if you visit my closet. Thanks!!!.
Jan 16Reply
shebasplace @bkshoes I took a look at your closet and shared an item.
Jan 17Reply
shebasplace @wlew I love your items. I did share one of them.
Jan 17Reply
shebasplace @sue_sells Thanks for your message. your closet had some nice items. I shared one of them.
Jan 17Reply
shebasplace @umarilandy01I visited your closet and shared a few items. Thanks
Jan 17Reply
wlew @labyrd007 Thank you for sharing, and the compliment!
Jan 18Reply
rockycash Hi Lisa...I hope you are enjoying this friendly and helpful community of Poshers. Wishing you much success with many sales! Thanks for visiting my closet and liking the Vintage Coach Dark Brown X-Body Purse. If you are interested in purchasing this or any other items, a 10% discount is offered on bundles of 3 or more items. Have a wonderful weekvand stay healthy and safe during this difficult time in our country.
Mar 26Reply
shebasplace @rockycash thanks for sharing
Mar 26Reply
sueshoo1 thank you for all the Posh love. Feel free to bundle or make me an offer. I will hold off making individual offers since you may be interest in more than one item,. Thanks!
Apr 25Reply
shebasplace Thanks for visiting my closest. If you see anything you want please let me know.
Apr 26Reply
lana911674 Hey cute closet! Feel free to check out my closet and make offers on anything!💕
Jun 20Reply
blreibman1948 Thank you🌺 for your generous shares and for your like. Nice to see your closet! Many sales🌷
Jul 03Reply
starzelda7 Hi Lisa, Thx so much for all the shares❣️Back atcha girlfriend!👍😀
Jul 07Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐕‍🦺 (Your profile pic)
Jul 11Reply
zardiva1 @shebasplace You’re welcome 👍🙂
Jul 11Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. I'm currently having a huge sale on each items 💃💃💃. I would love for you to take advantage before they goes back to regular price. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes. I also apply an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Thanks in advance:)
Aug 02Reply
fashionaffairs @shebasplace Thank you, I will ship Monday
Oct 17Reply
fashionaffairs @shebasplace I shipped your package today, it should start tracking soon
Oct 19Reply
crichards290 Hi Lisa! Thank you for all the shares! Really enjoying your closet. Cute pup! Is she a shih-tzu? I'm a fan of the breed. Well, any dog, really. LOL 💞
Oct 20Reply
shebasplace @crichards290 yes she is a shi zhu. she passed a week ago. I enjoyed every moment with her. This breed along with any other will bring joy to your household.,😊
Oct 20Reply
shebasplace I love your closet as well. You have many unique items that's hard to find. Much success.😊
Oct 20Reply
crichards290 @shebasplace Oh! I'm so sorry for your loss! Forever would not be long enough with these furkids. Thanks for the kind words. Wishing you speedy sales! ❤
Oct 20Reply
fashionaffairs @shebasplace Thank you for the rating!
Oct 24Reply
babybee72396 hi just making sure u got ur item? I've been having issues with the mail lately... just checking 😁
Jan 24Reply
shebasplace @babybee72396 yes it came. I really like them. Thanks😊
Jan 24Reply
wilhelmx I made you an offer on the Jos A Banks blue suit. Let me know what you think.
Feb 16Reply
pugsinparadise Beautiful pup in your profile picture. So sorry for your loss. 💔
Feb 22Reply
eatond85 Hi!! I've liked your post to remember you! I'm trying to increase followers and increase sales! I will try everyday to share many of your items, please return the favor! 🛍💜🤗 Happy poshing!!
Mar 06Reply
kfabdesigns_pm @shebasplace Hello There! 🥰 I am Kimberly! Welcome to my Wholesale Closet! I am super excited to partner with you in finding the right style for your clients. I offer discounts on 2 or more bundles and gifts 🎁 you can share with your buyers! Thanks for stopping by! ❤️
Aug 09Reply
klynn63 Hello from @klynn63 I wanted to ask you a question as a posh mentor. I have a buyer who wants to purchase many items in two separate bundles. It will nearly wipe out my closet. I’m excited but still suspicious. How do I know the buyer is legit? Is the money automatically already guaranteed? Thank you
Aug 28Reply
shebasplace @klynn63 I usually don't do business with blank closets that has no information listed. If Poshmark sends you a label that should mean that they sent the money and Poshmark confirmed it's there. To be safe you can contact Poshmark customer service and ask them if they received the payment. I hope this helps.😊
Aug 28Reply
klynn63 @shebasplace Thank you so much! I appreciate the guidance. Wishing you many sales.
Aug 29Reply
parisann10 Thank you! I love your doggy pic!!
Oct 02Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace thank you for stopping by! You made my day. Thank you so much - really!!! XOXO
Oct 04Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Hi!!! How are you my friend? You got some beautiful things in and people NEED to see that red swing coat (among other gorgeous things)!!! I hope you're doing well and I'm wishing you love and prosperity, and God's blessings!!!! XoXo, Eileen (@ezlawrence)
Oct 27Reply
ezlawrence @shebasplace Hi!!! I'm just saying hI - was thinking about you & a couple of my posh friends & hoping all is well!!! I just saw how beautiful you are in the background picture on top of your closet...a beautiful young lady, inside & out!!! God Bless & keep you & that puppy safe & happy! XoXo Eileen
Nov 14Reply
ahuot Hello 😁 I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my eclectic closet. I am purging!... SERIOUSLY 😉 So, if you see anything that you like, put it in a Bundle, as I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. I'll even sweeten the deal! ✌️❤️
Nov 26Reply
shebasplace Good evening hope you're having a good weekend.😊
Dec 19Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our listing price on most items.  😍
Dec 31Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 19Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer for a great deal!
Feb 15Reply
shopper411411 Lisa, thanks for the like on the vintage shorts. I'll do 14 if interested. Any questions don't hesitate to ask. 🙂
Feb 16Reply
shopper411411 I can reduce the vintage shorts to 14 today and Poshmark will give you discount shipping today. If interested let me know and I'll reduce.
Feb 18Reply
santanajjt Hi 🙂 Poshmark offers $4.99 shipping every Friday, if you like anything or things from my closet I'll help you get that shipping offer, just bundle and let me know. They also chose other days randomly to offer the shipping discount that I love because it comes out their pocket and helps you and me 🙂 hope to make business with you
Feb 24Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 24Reply
nicholepruitt73 HAPPY SATURDAY!!! Feel free to browse my closet, if u find any 2 items u would like to purchase I will give u a 3 rd item of equal or lesser value absolutely 💯 FREE, plus get the BONUS ITEM BELOW FREE GOODY SURPRISE PACK VALUED AT $10-$15
Feb 27Reply
favchanes Plenty of items on my pg you will ❤️. If you don’t see something ask I may have. I try to upload daily😊 jordan, furs, helmet Lang,Gucci,jerseys,the north face,Canada goose, vans…😎
Mar 09Reply
ldmtreasures Hey Welcome I’m Linda Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours💋 I Love Jewelry ALL Styles and Shapes Buy Made in America One Of A Kind Jewelry
Apr 16Reply
watsonlilmommy @shebasplace hello check out my closet all offers are accepted see something you like
Apr 18Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Apr 19Reply
lovenarf Hi Lisa. Thanks for liking the NWT Leslie Fay dress in my closet. Since it is closet clear out day, I can reduce it to 30 and Poshmark will give you discounted shipping. Please let me know if you are interested in this offer.
Apr 22Reply
4winwin Hi Lisa! Please check out my closet sometime. Thanks;❤️🙏💖
May 20Reply
barbara7477 Hi Lisa. While sharing something in your closet tonight I accidentally hit the bundle/offer button. Sorry. You have some amazing items and I will be sure to return! Have a great night🙂
May 28Reply
cutehosiery @shebasplace Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 23Reply
broohr35 Hey! Thanks for following and supporting, i’ll make sure to check out your closet! Let me know if your looking for anything in specific. I have a 3 for $25 and $4.99 shipping sale for all items marked “🐝” don’t miss out!! Thank you💕🦋
Jul 30Reply
a_new_beginning @shebasplace Hi! Thank you for your purchase! It will be picked up by USPS on Monday.🦋
Aug 06Reply
watsonlilmommy @shebasplace good morning check out my closet all offers are accepted she something you like I also have so beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in
Aug 12Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, it’s made up by my sisters, my mom, and myself and we all have different styles and body types so we’ve got something for everyone! Maybe you’ll find something you like :) Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Aug 24Reply
quurex Thank you for your purchase, I will ship them out asap. Ann 🥰
Sep 19Reply
sankay1210 Hi Lisa! Thanks for the like!
Oct 23Reply
Oct 24Reply
michellebail894 that sounds great Lisa, so happy that you've enjoyed browsing my closet, 😊💓 problem is, we can't trade outside of Australia ( for now anyway, apparently 😀) I think you need an address here to fall back on, but, maybe we could work something out, have a wonderful, night (hehe, it is night I believe all the way over there 😊✨️)
Nov 18Reply
triplesquared Hi Lisa, thank you so much for liking the Nine West Chunky Heel Pumps in my closet!!
Dec 11Reply
triplesquared Hi there Lisa, thank you so much for liking the red faux suede Nine West Luminous Open Toe Pumps and the Nine West Abalene Stiletto Pumps in my closet.
Dec 21Reply
oliviaami Hi @5b6626de250c5d47fdd4bbf7 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Dec 28Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Feb 06Reply
shebasplace @smilez22222 My pleasure. You have a nice closet.🧡🌻
Feb 06Reply
smilez22222 @shebasplace Awe, thank You so much! 🙂 Feel free to make an offer on something You like. 🦋
Feb 06Reply
marilynweber758 Hi Lisa! Thank you for shopping my closet and liking my pretty purse! For your convenience I’ll put it in your bundle. Blessings and Happy Poshing! Marilyn
Feb 21Reply
armoiretreasure Love your fur baby.
May 12Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
May 24Reply
thriftwgrace Hi there, Nice Closet. I see that we both love to shop, shop, and shop (Smile). I am so happy to share your closet with my followers and would love for you to stop by my place. My closet is full of fun, feel-good items for all sizes. Well, thanks a million and Happy Poshing. Grace @thriftwgrace
Oct 16Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply
susanpot63 Hi Lisa , I put the measurements in the description section
Dec 20Reply
mrytelewski Hi Lisa! Thanks for following my closet and for finding a treasure you like! Reasonable offers always welcome! Happy Holidays!😊
Dec 27Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals! Bundle up and save more🎉🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 16Reply
rmsilvey Aloha Lisa! Welcome to my Closet!!! I LOVE fashion and shopping for amazing clothing and bargains. Used to wear it when I worked in TV but now I own a Pilates Studio and live in black leggings!!! But shopping is my therapy and my entertainment. So let’s all SHOP SAVE SELL AND SHARE OUR WAY TO SUCCESS! Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply
maryannshark Thank you for your picture of the adorable pet and your follow 😊👍
Sep 17Reply
shebasplace @maryannshark Thanks. I love your closet. So many beautiful handbags.🤗
Sep 17Reply
peppermintstyle @shebasplace Hello fellow Lupus Warrior! I’m Melody. I just had to say hi. Lovely closet, hope to make it to your show. 🥰🥰🐺💜
Sep 21Reply

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Ypsilanti, MI
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Last Active: this hour

Ypsilanti, MI
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