Meet your Posher, Loan
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Hi! I'm Loan. One of my favorite brands is CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

11 others
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@badgirlsimms yes !! Email me more pics please, I'm looking for black with gold, trandiemloan
Apr 10Reply

Thanks for your offer ☺️ text me (804) 368-6737
Apr 25Reply

Hi, I can only do 1900 through p. Fees here are high. I cannot do lower than what I already offer. Plus this is brand new bag
Jun 09Reply

I will accept a lower offer on Channel bag via 🅿️ email me arlenegonzalez60@gmail
Jun 21Reply

Hi! I sent you a counter offer for the Chanel boy wallet... are you interested?
Aug 13Reply

Hi! I got your offer. Are you willing to go thru 🅿️🅿️ for $2800? It's brand new! Thanks
Sep 17Reply

@stylishqueen yes ! But I want a purchase on posh, do you want me to offer brooches, or you can tell me the price on both, thanks
Sep 20Reply

Thanks for like.
Oct 11Reply

@nam74 I️ just counter offered for my Chanel bag, I️ hope you accept my offer as I️ am meeting you 1/2 way on it. It’s in excellent condition and my offer is fair. Hope u can become one of my many happy poshers.
Nov 08Reply

@nam74 hello again, I️ hope you saw my counter offer on my Chanel le boy you are interested in . Your response is much appreciated:)
Nov 09Reply

@dezignerbagz1 thank you!! I think that all I can afford it , sorry,
Nov 09Reply

@nam74 thx for your reply. What about $3500? It’s a great deal for this bag. Can you do 🅿️🅿️?
Nov 09Reply

@dezignerbagz1 sorry I don't have p account, thank you for your offer!!
Nov 09Reply

@nam74 so can you do $3500 ? I’m reducing it by $800
Nov 09Reply

@dezignerbagz1 no thank you!!
Nov 09Reply

@nam74 ok no problem. I️ understand , but I️ cannot sell it that low because I️ have posh fees that take a big chunk out it. If you change your mind, let me know 👍
Nov 09Reply

Interested in the chanel box?
Nov 10Reply

@nam74 hello again. You had offered $3,000 for my Chanel Le Boy Bag , and I just wanted to tell you that I’m willing to take your offer now and sell it to you for your price. Can you resubmit your offer so I can accept? Thanks so much
Nov 18Reply

@dezignerbagz1 thank you !! That's offers its been closed, I just make an new offer that I can afford it right now, if you would accepted I really appreciate and purchased right now, thank you!!
Nov 18Reply

@nam74 your very welcome. Yes just make a new offer at $3,000 and I will accept it . Thx so much
Nov 18Reply

@dezignerbagz1 sorry the new offer is the new price I can afford it, if you would accept my offer, and good luck with the sell, thank you !!
Nov 18Reply

@nam74 I’m not understanding what your implying. The offer you had made me was $3,000 . Please resubmit the offer and I will accept it 👍
Nov 18Reply

@dezignerbagz1 can you please check my last offer was yesterday is $2,500 and you're counter is $ 3,000 I haven't accepted for you're counter,
Nov 18Reply

@nam74 hi dear, I never received an offer from you for $2500 , and that would be veryyyy low... you offered $3,000 and I countered at $3500 . But I cannot go further than $3,000 .
Nov 18Reply

@nam74 hi dear, just checking to see if you’ll be resubmitting your offer for my Chanel le boy bag for $3,000 .. I’m discounting it by more than 40% for you because my price on here is $4300 .. hope to see your new offer soon . Thx so much
Nov 18Reply

@dezignerbagz1 I'm apologized that I was offered the red boy bag for $2,500 I thought its one , yes let's me think about it because i just bought one , I'll get back with you as sooner, thank you!!
Nov 18Reply

@nam74 oh ok , I figured there was a misunderstanding. I’ll await to hear from you soon 👌🏻👌🏻
Nov 18Reply

Hi darling. May i have your email or phone to talk about the Chanel bag price?
Dec 12Reply

@nam74 thanks for the like on chanel sandals. they are in great condition!! I just discounted them. Hope we can make a deal
Mar 10Reply

😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Mar 14Reply

What’s your number I can meet you at the price you want on 🅿️🅿️ msg me 3️⃣2️⃣1️⃣5️⃣2️⃣5️⃣1️⃣9️⃣3️⃣7️⃣
Mar 24Reply

Hi you bought a bag from my closet, i am not sure if my bag is real, i want to make sure you know it. Because i will not accept return.
Mar 26Reply

Good morning! Please enjoy 15% off anything you please today!
Apr 06Reply

Hi! I don’t accept offers under the price I listed on here because of posh fees :(
Apr 09Reply

Hello if you’re a serious buyer I can ship out Chanel bag for you first thing in the morning please contact me asap regarding bag. I do not do transactions off posh due to various reasons but have no worries I can assure you things are 100% legit. Please contact me if interested thanks (320) 961-4953
Apr 13Reply

Hey girl! Check out my closet! I’ve got some of that you’re looking for!💕😘🌹
Apr 24Reply

I canceled ur orders. Thanks for listening to these fake profiles. I told u to call me to give u more info. U didn't want to.
Apr 30Reply

Hello! I can do 285 on cash app for the Chanel shoes
May 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! You’ll find it great fun! Let me know if you have any questions 😊💕
May 12Reply

Hi! Thanks for your purchase ❤️ just so you know I’m leaving for a 2 1/2 week vacation tomorrow morning. If you’re not willing to wait awhile you can go ahead and cancel your order. Just thought I’d let you know ! Thanks
May 13Reply

Hi hun saw you were interested in luxfashiondiva's pink chanel boy
Heads up this bag is fake along with other ones in her closet.
May 14Reply

@annieshopp thank you ! No wonder it’s great price, thank you for the heads up 💕
May 14Reply

@nam74 no problem! Weve got to look out for one another 💖 So many scammers out there unfortunately.
May 14Reply

@annieshopp god bless you!! 😘
May 14Reply

@annieshopp hi ! I would like to know if a fake bag ? Why they’d sold on posh I seen all their bag was sold on posh,thank you!!💕
May 16Reply

@nam74 the buyers buy then but she never sends it then the shipping time for posh runs out. The seller claims she is out of town then she tells them she will send it off poshmark. I talked to the people that bought all her items. They said the same thing. If you go look at the people who bought her stuff and go to their page, i asked them and we talkes about it. The seller then blocked all of us.
May 16Reply

@annieshopp oh !! I see , thank you so much 😘
May 16Reply

@nam74 welcome to stop by. Offers considered
May 17Reply

Hi 💕 check out my closet! Happy shopping 💕
Jun 04Reply

@nam74 Hi! I'm happy to accept your offer however due to high fees I can't through here. If you're still interested lmk. Thank you and nice closet!
Jun 09Reply

Contact me for the Chanel bag we can work something out I see couple things I like (708) 498-7012
Jun 11Reply

I can take yur offer on ven mo
Jun 14Reply

hey i do sell through posh but would like for you to text me regarding your offer (805) 568-7374 or email if you prefer!!
Jun 18Reply

@daejab123 you can counter in the box, thank you!!
Jun 18Reply

@nam74 it’s not about the price love
Jun 18Reply

Hey girl! I changed my listing to add the size to it but it closed your offer. If you still want to offer the bracelet is still available!
Jun 18Reply

@nam74 Hey could you message me about your offer
Jun 19Reply

Hi dear loan, you was right about that Chanel bag, if you need some help with authentication, please let me know, I’m pretty sure that I can help, have a blessed day🙏🙏
Jul 23Reply

Hi hun! I have a Cartier bracelet if you’re interested! 😊
Aug 10Reply

Hello darling. I can accept your offer on the bracelet on a cash app. Too low for poshmark. Please let me know!! Thanks. It’s a gorgeous one!
Aug 15Reply

@nam74 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and sharing Dior Sunnies from your closet store⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I have over 900 items preloved, new and designer items up for sale. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 02Reply

Hi doll, welcome to Poshmark. Feel free to check out my closet I have lots of dresses, bags, and shoes on sale. xoxo
Nov 02Reply

@sugarbaby20152 it’s been sold?
Nov 27Reply

@sugarbaby20152 oh , okay!!
Nov 27Reply

@sugarbaby20152 yes !!
Nov 27Reply

@lisahdj look she tells all potential victims same story
After Someone buys her listing
All lies. Just to get them to pay outside of poshmark
Sugarbaby is a scamer !!
Nov 28Reply

@junkattics I told her I’m passing thank you! I also read that poshmark doesn’t stand by trades because I’m sure they can’t control if someone sends the actual package so I think it’s just a bad idea anyway. Thanks again!
Nov 28Reply

@lisahdj don’t trade unless they have positive feedback
She’s got nothing. But you see how she uses the same story ??
Nov 28Reply

@junkattics totally
Nov 28Reply

Hi there, see you recieved your chanel bag today and hope you are truly happy with your purchase! If you wouldn't mind when you get the chance to go online and click that you accept and received it I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much!
Dec 11Reply

@teribrown2219 hi ! Can I offer for 4,500 on Poshmark? If it’s okay I’ll submit another offer, please let me know, thank you!!
Dec 18Reply

@teribrown2219 I can meet up and pay in person, you can ship it to your sister, then contact me 316 992 9400 thank you!!
Dec 18Reply

Thank you for your offer on the Chanel bag. I’d accept it on 🅿️🅿️. you can find me at nuccia13 at America online for com.
Dec 21Reply

I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to my closet. If you have a minute please stop by and take a straight through! I'm always willing to work with you on both price and shipping if you find something of Interest. Always nice to meet a new Posh friend!
Jan 27Reply

Hi there! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 14Reply

@hannasophia , hi ! Thank you for an offer, which the lambskin leather I would like to offer $2,700 , if it’s okay with you , Thank you!!
Mar 11Reply

@hannasophia sorry I don’t have p account,
Mar 11Reply

Aug 16Reply

Aug 16Reply

Hi! 🤗 Im Jazzmin😊 Posh Ambassador & Top Rated Seller!🤩👩💻🎉🤗🤩 I hope you are doing great here in Posh. 😊 Enjoy and have fun selling and buying!🤗 When you get a chance, please visit my closet!💃🤗 I do offer Free Shipping for every $75 worth of purchase & great discounts on bundles! 🛍💰🎉Happy Poshing!😊😍
Aug 29Reply

Hi dear! Welcome to Poshmark.🤗 I'm Jazzmin, Posh Ambassador and Top Rated Seller!🤩🙋♀️Thanks for stopping by in my closet💃 and for liking the gorgeous Chanel Trendy CC Flap bag!😍 It is marked down for the "🎉FINAL SALE🎉 from $4,500 down to $3,000!🙀🎉"PRICE FIRM!" Feel free to purchase them sooner as the Final Sale only runs til October 5th. 🤗 Let me know if you have any questions. Have a good day/evening!🤗
Sep 17Reply

Hi! Thank you for the like on the Hermès Snadals. If you are interested you can make an offer!
Happy Poshing 😊
Oct 01Reply

@nam74 hi honey I can take offer on other 💕 feel free to text me. Just logged in. Was away from posh on vacation. 872 999 6268
Oct 04Reply

Hey i saw you just comment on @middlelove. I just got scammed from her, plz be aware and report her
Oct 11Reply

@tammyguierre could you please counter it thank you!!
Oct 18Reply

@tammyguierre I want a purchase small classic too but it’s on hold
Oct 18Reply

@tammyguierre I want a purchase classic black for $1,900 but on receivers
Oct 18Reply

@tammyguierre 2 toe and classic on bundle please
Oct 18Reply

@tammyguierre yes both bundles discount please I’m ready
Oct 18Reply

@tammyguierre how?
Oct 18Reply

Hi Loan! I hope you're enjoying this awesome place buying and selling fashion stuff 👠👗👜👝👛💄🕶 Just wanted to introduce myself I'm Dalila, feel free to visit my closet I'll be adding new items every day. Hugs and kisses 😘🤗😘🤗
Nov 01Reply

Hello 👋 I am reaching out to let you know I have an incredible suit sale that started today. Buy a suit (pantsuit or skirt suit) $40 value or more and you will receive One free. 🍀Great time to save and update your wardrobe. Have a Posh Happy 😊 Day!!! 👠
Dec 16Reply

Stopping by to say hello! I have a large Chanel business affinity flap bag available and it's in excellent condition. I'd love it you stopped by to check it out! Happy poshing!
Jan 02Reply

L❤️VE Your closest!! So glad I found you on! Hope you will check out my (3) closets and give them a follow 💕⭐️🛍
🧡@luckijewelsla 🧡@rls3691
(My other 2 closets)
Feb 18Reply

Hi thanks for the offer. 1k more and I will accept
Jul 10Reply

@nam74 hello i can accept that price via 🅿️🅿️ em ail me at janessajung at hot ma il
Jul 16Reply

@luzeboutique hi ! I Just wanna purchase here , thanks
Jul 16Reply

Hi there welcome to Poshmark. Visit my closet for authentic Louis Vuitton. Reasonable offers are always welcome 😊
Sep 27Reply

Please check out my closet. I think I have the style and Design of jewelry you will Love! I noticed other items that you loved and I have similar items. ~Robyn, please say Hello. Free Shipping off your first purchase
Nov 15Reply

@nam74 Hi! I saw you liked the gorgeous brand new with tags CHANEL so black caviar leather coco handle I’m selling. Are you interested at all? I can be flexible on price, within reason. Not only is this absolutely stunning, but it’s sold out and very hard to find! The perfect piece to add to your collection. Let’s chat 💕🥰
Mar 07Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Aug 27Reply

"Why not spend less and get same quality jewelry Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ
ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +①③④⑦②④⑧③⑦④④"
Jul 23Reply

Hi Loan! Yes you can purchase the Zimmermann dress. We just sold out of our last piece but I have more coming next week and I can reserve it for you 💖 Will then expedite to you. Where are you located?
Aug 08Reply

@alyluxe I’m in TX I thought I was offered a medium size , and I would like to receive it before the 8/17 , I’ll be out of state for a month!
Aug 08Reply

@nam74 I will reserve one for you! 💖
Aug 09Reply

@alyluxe yes ! In size 2 medium please! Message me when it’s available! Thank you
Aug 09Reply

@nam74 Definitely will do!! 😊
Aug 10Reply

@alyluxe thank you so much!
Aug 10Reply

@nam74 Hi! The Ramie in M is available. It’s AU 1 = M. Are you still interested? I can ship tomorrow 😊
Aug 17Reply

@nam74 Hi Nam! Still interested in the dress?
Sep 05Reply

@nam74 1 last dress in Zimmermann Ramie M is available! Reserved for you — did you still want it?
Sep 08Reply

Hi👋🏼Nice to meet you!😀This is a great place to buy🛍and sell!💰Let’s have fun!🌺
Sep 28Reply

@nam74 hello. I can sell the balmain sweatshirt for $320 if you are still interested? Please counter offer
Dec 27Reply

Hi Loan 💓 come take a look at my closet 💓
Feb 15Reply

@nam74 Hi - I saw you liked the gorgeous brand new with tags BALMAIN light blue cardigan I’m selling. Are you interested at all? So perfect for spring/summer and super comfortable, you’d love it. Happy to be more flexible on price elsewhere too 🖤
Apr 13Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
May 19Reply

Hi Lauren, just introducing our closet of 7 friends donating some very fine and interesting jewelry at great prices for different causes; mainly animal rescue. Love for you to take a look. Thanks. Lori ❤.
Oct 17Reply

Hi, thank you for your likes. If you’re interested in both Fendi sets and bundle 3 items I have a bundle discount plus I can do a additional discount :)
Dec 28Reply

Also, I tried to match your offer but your offer timed out. If you want to resend I’ll match it :)
Dec 30Reply

Please beware of that dress you just purchased, its not authentic, I purchased some Versace sock boots from her and she accidentally sent that Chanel dress and I looked over and Chanel don't make items cheaply like that dress was made and where is the tags of authenticity? She's a scammer and so I decided not to do business with her, I sent the dress back and reported her, but somehow she managed to get the dress back on her page for sale. Get your money back.
Apr 20Reply

Hi love! I saw you left a comment on my page about the tweed Chanel jacket. It’s not authentic but it looks real. Very good quality. Price reflects authenticity. The tags on inside read CHANEL and buttons look authentic. I bought it when I was traveling in China.
Apr 20Reply

Hi ! I’m Talia 👋🏼 i have designer clothing, shoes, makeup, jewelry, bags and accessories you might be interested in for sale in my closet. Most items are brand new with tags. I have some rare vintage items as well for sale. Have a great weekend!😁
May 17Reply

Hi there 🥰 New Year New DEALS!!! I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything for the new year!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing 🎉🎉
Jan 30Reply
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