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Updated Nov 28
Updated Nov 28

Meet your Posher, Lori

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lori. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

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shop4q and 85 others like this
claudette621 Hi 👋🏽😃, welcome to Poshmark 😊🎀
Aug 11Reply
iclothes4u @claudette621 Thank you! I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing. Lol. Just figured out how to add a comment. 👍
Aug 11Reply
moxiesplice Hello new neighbor😊 welcome to the Posh neighborhood🌐 Please feel free to join others 👪👫💃and I 🙆as we discover 👣Posh closets and boutiques together.👠👜👗👒💍💄👟🛍 Have fun💐💕🍾
Aug 11Reply
thriftychicla Welcome! Happy Poshing!!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Aug 16Reply
iclothes4u @thriftychicla Thank you!! I think I'm addicted already 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Aug 16Reply
iclothes4u @tegwest Thanks! Just getting started and literally going through my closet for items to post.
Aug 16Reply
moxiesplice @iclothes4u Yaasss👌👌👌
Aug 17Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for like.
Aug 26Reply
jacaranda1831 I just looked at your start date, I am just two months older than you - June. It was a top party and it shares more broadly than just your followers - gosh, I hope what I am saying is correct. Regardless, more share, more ppl will see. Happy poshing!!!
Aug 26Reply
iclothes4u @jacaranda1831 I get it. Lol!! Will try to follow more parties. Thanks for the tip!!
Aug 26Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to ask!😊
Aug 26Reply
iclothes4u @donnastreasures Thank Donna! Im sure I'll be taking you up on that.
Aug 27Reply
babyblusam Of course! And thank you!
Aug 29Reply
lifeinstiches Ty for the follow & WELCOME TO POSH💐 It is such a great community. You will find out many are always willing to help out😀 If you ever have any ?'s feel free to ask me anytime & or any Suggested user. Your closet looks great already 🤗HAPPY POSHING 🎉
Aug 31Reply
iclothes4u @hotpantsrhoads thank you so much!! I am having fun already!! 🎉🎉
Aug 31Reply
lifeinstiches Ps. There is a Posh approved group on FB called The Best Poshmark Tips anyone can join & it is run by a few great SU they always answer ?'s & Give advice👍😊 if you are interested. Have a great weekend.
Aug 31Reply
iclothes4u PS. My husband keeps telling me to stop playing with my phone. Lol
Aug 31Reply
lifeinstiches & your welcome anytime. I am always popping in if you need anything.
Aug 31Reply
iclothes4u @hotpantsrhoads Awesome tip! I will def. join. You have a wonderful day!
Aug 31Reply
tigernurse82 Love ur closet!
Sep 02Reply
iclothes4u @tabbab10 Yours is awesome too!
Sep 02Reply
shikgupta Hi Lori! Thanks so much for the shares and the ❤️ on the Madewell transport bag- it's my absolute favorite tote :) Please let me know if you have any questions or if I can help you with a purchase 💕😘
Sep 08Reply
2muchstuff3691 Welcome to posh ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 17Reply
gypsybeauty1111 I just noticed that ur a fellow F.I.T. alum!🌸
Oct 05Reply
iclothes4u @gypsybeauty1111 Yes yes yes!! Graduated many moons ago!!
Oct 05Reply
gypsybeauty1111 @iclothes4u "Many moons ago." 😂
Oct 05Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Lori. Hope you get 1,000 new followers 🌹
Oct 06Reply
rosegoldgem Thank you for all the shares!!❤Beautiful closet you have! 😍 Love your closet! Very unique and creative!!!❤️Happy Poshing!
Oct 07Reply
iclothes4u @catherez2003 👍Thanks so much. I love yours too! It is so happy and colorful. Here's hoping for lots of sales today!
Oct 07Reply
iclothes4u @hmsimon1 Wow, that would be awesome! ❤️❤️
Oct 07Reply
iclothes4u @gypsybeauty1111 lol. It's true! I loved FIT. It was some of the best days of my life! My daughter just graduated from the Interior Design program a few years ago. She had a love/ hate relationship with FIT. It kicked her booty. Lol. Now she works for an awesome architect in Manhattan.
Oct 07Reply
mxj_make_deals2 Hi there, happy holidays! I’m fairly new to Poshmark and I have a question. Why do poshers put only one item in a bundle? Are they just looking for a personal discount? Why don’t they just make an offer? I’m a little confused.
Nov 29Reply
iclothes4u @mxj_make_deals2 Welcome! Happy Holidays to you too! Sorry for the delay in responding but I'm decorating my house for Christmas. I think it's because they really don't understand how it works.
Nov 29Reply
iclothes4u @mxj_make_deals2 However, it is a great way to make a private offer and not let all potential buyers see that you are willing to discount the item. Sometimes it could be from a repeat buyer that might want a private discount. Either way, if you don't want to discount your item, just don't send an offer. You can always go to the buyers closet and let them know that you can't discount that specific item. Hope that helps!
Nov 29Reply
mxj_make_deals2 @iclothes4u Yes, that helps a lot! Thanks for your response. My sales have been going pretty good, but I don’t have the best of luck with discounting bundles. I’ve been offering a 30% discount, but it seems as though the potential buyer turns their nose up at it. I’m like, what, did she want the item(s) for free???!!!😆😆😆sheesh...Thanks again 🙂
Nov 29Reply
iclothes4u @mxj_make_deals2 no problem. I know exactly what you mean. I have never successful with a bundle offer either. Just do what works for you and good luck!!!
Nov 29Reply
berniesangel @iclothes4u Good Morning, I wanted to Say Hello. Also Introduce myself. I am Lisa(Leese). I hope you will love our share group. I keep it like a family. We have each other’s back. I have two girls who are really sick. If they don’t Share you they catch up in the week. They are in n out of chemo. If you have a problem with anything let me know privately. I will fix it privately. It is slow on Posh .. continued
Dec 05Reply
berniesangel @iclothes4u normally this group really kicks up a storm. If my time on Posh tells me anything.. December is normally Quite for Closets like ours. However, they get Christmas $ and it picks up nicely! Welcome. I know Ronna suggested our group to you. ❤️ Her. Ask anything to anyone in the group. We are all open to ?’s. 😘😇
Dec 05Reply
iclothes4u @berniesangel Thanks Lisa! It is good to know that December is slow! I thought it would be the complete opposite and I have packed my office with priority mail boxes that are collecting dust. lol I'm sorry to hear about the women who are ill! I am happy to share their closets regardless and I will say some prayers for then too! They need all the support they can get now. ...contunued
Dec 05Reply
iclothes4u I can tell that I already like your share group because it is well organized and easy. i love that!! I thought I joined another last night but I'm still not sure if I'm actually in the group. Keep me posted on the girls that need the extra help during this difficult time and I will be sure to share their closets. Lori
Dec 05Reply
berniesangel @iclothes4u Lori, helpful hint use international label holder for your shipping labels. They are free! Waterproof! Use no tape! You can order up to “5” or 50 at a time. Saves a bundle on shipping. Also TJ Max has cheap tissue paper. 120 For $3.99.
Dec 05Reply
iclothes4u @berniesangel thanks so much!!!😘😘😘😘😘
Dec 05Reply
silverfoxylady @berniesangel good morning this is Ginny/Silverfoxylady.. I was just reading your comments here and would like to ask where do we find the international labels that you are referring to? Thanks
Jan 16Reply
iclothes4u @silverfoxylady Sorry but I just saw this post. I went into the USPS site and ordered them on line. They are a life saver if you’re in a rush while packing!!
Feb 07Reply
silverfoxylady @iclothes4u thank you for your response, I will go online and check this out. Blessings
Feb 07Reply
mjbp @mjbp yes I got u
Feb 15Reply
bettys_bags Thank you for your follow. I am now following you too. Share With Me? I'd like to invite you to my one time share blast. Share only 20 of my items and I will share 20 of yours. The more views we have of our items into the eyes of fellow buyers the more sales we will receive. Please, do not share over 20 items. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns,on any items in my closset? Please, feel free to contact me, anytime. Interested In My Item/s? Make Me An Offer!
Feb 23Reply
tetullis Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Feb 23Reply
tetullis Thanks for sharing
Feb 23Reply
iclothes4u @nicknacknancytx of course. Tag me when you game is ready and I’ll share with my followers. Thanks for all the shares!!!
Mar 13Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Lori, let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Apr 18Reply
ffm_designs Hi Lori! Thank you for following my closet. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about any of the listings.
Apr 20Reply
philosomom Thanks for sharing my closet!
Jul 31Reply
katienichole00 Hello, I'm Katie! Thank you so much for the follow! I hope to work with you in the future! Share for share? :)
Aug 23Reply
iclothes4u @katienichole00 Hi Katie, you are so welcome!! I am in several share groups and often miss private shares but I share as much and as often as possible. I will send you a couple of groups to your bundle that you might want to check out. Happy Poshing!!
Aug 23Reply
goldiecouture Love your closet!! ❤❤❤
Sep 15Reply
iclothes4u @goldiecouture TY!!!!😘😘😘
Sep 15Reply
cherylsboutique I love your closet.....Beautiful 😍
Sep 16Reply
mbebegirl63 Hi Lori can you hold the MK sneakers really want them I broke my left foot and would love to purchase them on Friday please🙋‍♀️💐
Sep 20Reply
iclothes4u @mbebegirl63 I have reserved them for you. I don’t know how to review your offer so please lmk how much you are offering or lmk how to review your offer.
Sep 20Reply
mbebegirl63 Good morning 😍🤩it was $57 I will re new the counter offer just don’t accept till Tomorrow morning I’m in San Diego time zone thank you 💐
Sep 20Reply
mbebegirl63 I’m ready🙋‍♀️💐
Sep 22Reply
mbebegirl63 To purchase sneakers🙋‍♀️💐
Sep 22Reply
mbebegirl63 Good morning Lori I sent my offer on sneakers👟
Sep 22Reply
iclothes4u @mbebegirl63 Good morning. I got it and accepted. Will mail today. Hope your foot gets better soon! I have been there done that and my best advise is to be super careful if your using crutches. I fell over my crutches the day before I was to get my cast off and tore the Achilles’ tendon in my other foot. UGH. But all is healed now. 😘
Sep 22Reply
mbebegirl63 Omg I’m using a scooter and crutches I know I hear you it’s scary I think even after my cast comes off I’ll still be scared it’s a lesson learned to be more careful with my age every step I take and not take it for granted life‘s too short not to have fun thank you so much for working with me and responding to me quickly these are coming to a good home for a good use do they have the box by any chance?
Sep 22Reply
nesherhun Thank you so much for the shares on Twitter and tumblr!! I’m not on social media but I’ll share from your closet to my followers here 😊 Blessings to you and yours!
Sep 24Reply
lovefashionyay Hi Welcome! ❤️ I’m Jacquelyn 🌺 new to posh & followed u! I shared ur cute closet! Ty for any and all shares! I have lots of Lularoe & I love it!😍will be adding lots of u Unique clothing in all sizes!!! New buyers get big di$counts & offers!!! ****Plse check out my closet! 👗 👠 👚 👕 👔 👟 🌂 follow me/I’ll follow you! & share plse! I will do the same! Ty! 🌺 🌸 🌺Happy 😃Poshing! ❤️
Nov 03Reply
closetandpine Hey Lori, just a heads up. I saw that you left a comment on a users MTP in regards to them lowballing you on a Free People NWT item. She seems to be creating multiple accounts and harassing people with the same strategy 🙄 I guess this is why Poshmark created the block feature.
Nov 16Reply
iclothes4u @georin Thanks so much for the heads up. She was just making the same offer over and over and frankly it was less than I paid for the item. I usually just decline anything that low but she kept coming back. No worries.
Nov 16Reply
closetandpine Yup, she did the same thing to me. Three separate $10 offers earlier this week and then woke up this AM to another $10 offer from a different account with the exact same location and name under their profile. Not sure why she thinks this strategy is going to result in anything but declining. I reported her two profiles to Poshmark, but I know they're overwhelmed with other issues. Have a great weekend!
Nov 16Reply
iclothes4u @georin Thanks again! You too.
Nov 16Reply
kharrison0714 Hi. I have an issue I hope u can help w/...I just listed some men’s items, now when I go to my closet, or any other closet, it only shows the men’s items for sale. I have to click on the men icon & change it to all or I have to scroll to the bottom of the page & click see all listings. Is there a way to set my closet & everyone else’s closets to all forever? I don’t want people going to my closet thinking I only sell men’s clothing b/c they don’t see the women’s clothing. Help please!!
Dec 13Reply
iclothes4u @kharrison0714 @kharrison0714 lol I did exactly the same thing last week and Elsie helped me out. So you have to go to the bottom of the Shop tab, for then scroll down to Posh Markets and choose All. You probably have Men chosen now. LMK if that works.
Dec 13Reply
iclothes4u @kharrison0714 Sorry, then choose all in the drop down list in the upper left corner.
Dec 13Reply
kharrison0714 @iclothes4u Yes it worked!!! Your a lifesaver!!!! Thank u so very much!! I will remember that for future reference!
Dec 13Reply
iclothes4u @kharrison0714 lol, you’re welcome. I know exactly how that feels!! Have a great night and good luck with the men’s stuff. You go girl!!
Dec 13Reply
cosmiksouls Hi Lori, Thanks got stopping by by closet. Means so much to have support of fellow Poshers💖Your closet is amazing✨✨🌟Really special, I can tell you know your stuff and you put a lot of your style and self into it. Best kind of closet to have ! Thanks again and Happy Poshing✨✨❤️✨🌹
Jan 09Reply
lalato4 Hi! Welcome to My Closet ! Don't forget if you Bundle 3 or more items from my closet you get 5% off , and all your items are shipped for the same shipping cost so it's like your getting free shipping for 2 items. The Bundle button is at the bottom of each listing. It's FUN TO BUNDLE!!! Give it a try! I am a Posh Mentor and a Top Rated Seller so let me know if I can help you in any way .I hope you have much success here on Posh! 💄👠👙👛👒👜🧣👚👕👞👖👗🧥👡
Jan 09Reply
1kentucky Very cute closet! 🥰❤🌻👡🌾👛💫
Apr 27Reply
iclothes4u @1kentucky Thank you. I love yours too. Your photos are are crisp and clear. I Love that!! Happy Poshing. 💕
Apr 27Reply
1kentucky @iclothes4u Thank you. A work in progress. 🙂
Apr 28Reply
iclothes4u Hi Kelly, hope all is well and that you are feeling a little better. We all miss you in Group 9 and were wondering if you’d like to be taken off of vacay so that we can start sharing your closet again. LMK 💕 -Lori
May 31Reply
catpvaughn Beautiful closet!! Wishing you all the best. ❤️
Jun 23Reply
cocobellechic Hi! Thanks for inviting me to the party tomorrow!! If you have time I would be honored if you would look at my closet for a host pick! I have some really great pieces! Thanks so much & have fun!🤩🌸Jill
Jun 23Reply
koshfinds Hi Lori, my name is Kosha, I recently joined Posh Canada and am super excited to be on the platform. If you could kindly visit my closet and select an item as a Host Pick for the upcoming party I would be honoured! 😊💖
Jun 24Reply
thatssoposh77 Hi Lori 🙏 thank you, thank you, thank you for choosing my jewelry set as a HP!You are a Posh Goddess! I promise to pay you back by sharing your closet. Thanks again, you made my day.
Jun 24Reply
msuppes1 Thanks for throwing the jewelry party yesterday! I got a lot of traction from the opportunity to be part of it!
Jun 25Reply
nereichek Congrats on hosting the party what a wonderful accomplishment. I hope you don’t mind I’ve sent you a couple of pictures to possibly consider but if not believe me I realize what a hard job you have and no worries. I really appreciate all you do thank you NANCY
Jun 29Reply
kaileey15 aloha! 🌺 congratulations on co-hosting a party on poshmark 🥳 please check out my closet and consider choosing something from my closet as a hosts pick 💖 thank you and goodluck on your sales! 🍀
Jun 29Reply
chante_allday Congratulations on co-hosting the posh party!! Best of luck to you.☀️Please check out my closet for dope finds hoping for a HP🎉🎉 Please follow me on Instagram I’ll return the favor @chante_allday
Jun 29Reply
kundora Congratulations on your Poshmark status. We are a large online retailer and have several things listed on here at amazing steals as we are also Poshmark ambassadors. Please check out our items to promote as a host pick as they really are the best deals online. We are doing this as amazing giveaway price.
Jun 30Reply
cbednarek22 Oh my I could cry. Thanks for choosing an item for kids for a Host Pick. That is so sweet and AWESOME. I appreciate the Posh love more than you can imaging.
Jun 30Reply
cashmerethreads Congrats on hosting the Best in Jewelry and Accesories Party! I’d be honored if you chose one of my listings as a host pick. Thank you! 😊🌸💕
Jul 01Reply
thing2and3 Shared twice as I didn’t share yours on Friday 😘 you didn’t have shared mine back
Sep 07Reply
sargebill Lori hi and good morning, thank you so much for the kind follow, have a super $$$$$$$$ day, Bill
Oct 25Reply
sunnybluz Lori, can you let your group know that on Friday when they are to share group 15... that our new member’s closet was misprinted as: gloria710 It should have been: sgloria710 We are hoping our new member (Sarah), doesn’t get missed her first week. Thank you 😉 Sharon
Jun 01Reply
blueskyday Hi! 😃 You have an amazing closet!💫 👗👠 👚👖🎒👡👜
Jul 01Reply
iclothes4u @blueskyday Thanks so much!! Sending you some Posh Love 😍😍😘😘🥰🥰
Jul 01Reply
blueskyday @iclothes4u 🥰 Oh WOW! Thanks for all the shares!!! 😘 🥰 💕
Jul 01Reply
winstondunbar Happy Poshing!🎁😍🎠🎉⭐
Jul 02Reply
athelco Thank you so much. I have never tried this before so I may definitely take you up on you offer.
Jul 07Reply
iclothes4u @athelco 👍 it’s fun and it’s pretty easy. I’ve been doing it for a while now and have learned that you need to know what you want from your closet. Also remember that people often will send you a low ball offer. If you think it’s too low just counter offer at a higher price, closer to what you really want for your item. There is no limit to counteroffers so stick to your guns. If they are really interested, they will bring their offer price up.
Jul 07Reply
msneverending1 Lori I was just cruising through the closets today and discovered your wonderful closet and beautiful pictures & I shared several listings from your closet today. My name is Carol & I love your closet, when you have time please stop by and take a look at my closet treasures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Please Stay Safe, Love & Peace Carol
Sep 30Reply
alott84 @iclothes4u good morning once you make the purchase I will have it shipped out first thing tomorrow morning for you 😃
Oct 18Reply
iclothes4u @alott84 thanks my luv. I’m looking at several before I decide which to buy.
Oct 18Reply
iclothes4u I see it’s closet clean out today. Would you consider dropping your price $1 so that I can get reduced shipping through Poshmark?
Oct 18Reply
alott84 @iclothes4u I have a buy 2 item's and get 10% off sale in my closet on all item's I also have an Everything Must Go Clearance Sale. I will ship out directly tomorrow morning 😊
Nov 09Reply
coastgurl no comments left on pigs: all shared 6/4 grp 13 🍷🍷🍷
Jun 04Reply
iclothes4u @coastgurl Thanks Deona! I just tagged everyone in our group with the overflow page. But no worries, I’ve got you checked off for the shared. Thanks! 😘
Jun 04Reply
coastgurl @iclothes4u thanks so much👍😃
Jun 05Reply
lusu_designs Greetings Lori I hope all is well with you and yours. Thanks much for your interest in my page. Feel free to make an offer on anything you like, and we can go from there. All offers are welcome. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, be blessed! Also, check out my apparel at Brandon
Jul 19Reply
seejanehustle Hi Lori! I noticed that I am not included in Group 9 any longer? Should I still share listings today (7/26) or wait until tomorrow, (7/27)? thanks 😊!!
Jul 27Reply
iclothes4u @seejanehustle Hi Jane, Regina had already made up the schedule for the week before you responded and that’s why you weren’t included. Because the group has grown so big, changes can’t be made after the listing is posted and daily shares are required by all participants.
Jul 27Reply
seejanehustle @iclothes4u that's fine. I was on vacation but you can just leave me off..lots going on with back to school! I hope we can reconnect in the future! you're so very kind!
Jul 27Reply
iclothes4u @seejanehustle Thanks so much Jane. It’s been fun having you in my group. I know Jodi was proud of you and was so happy you were a flying pig. Lmk if I can help you in any way in the future. You have a great school years. 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Jul 27Reply
oac998 hey thanks for the follow! fyi i am taking down my listings soon. so if you wanna check out my closet and see anything you like feel free to make an offer (price are definitely not set in stone)! i ship fast and have five star ratings!!
Jul 27Reply
emilyvenable78 Hii!! Thank you for following me!! Feel free to shop my closet 🥰🌹
Jul 31Reply
iclothes4u @beautifynails thanks so much! Shared some of your awesome beauty items. Happy Sales!!
Nov 05Reply
prcoffee Super stylish closet! Love it! ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 17Reply
happydaysahead Dear Lori that smile jumps across the page and you can just see what fun you were having. I look forward to coming back to do some shopping.🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
May 17Reply
happydaysahead Dear Lori, I was in the process a little of moving from one office to the other and I noticed this amazing generous gift that you've given to me. You are a very special lady and I wanted to say thank you with dozen times for your wonderful gift. I will be back to shop at your fabulous Closet.🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Jun 02Reply
happydaysahead Dear Lori I wanted to comment about your generosity and as it turns out you have sent me two of my favorite tops now. I adore your shop and I will be shopping there more often in fact I have a request today. For some reason or another because of a recent move I have misplaced your gray top and I'm looking all over for it. Without dipping into your own personal stock do you have another gray and Taylor tank?
Jun 10Reply
iclothes4u @happydaysahead Thanks so much for your kind words. I try to supply top quality items in my closet and most of it is new with tags. I’m so sorry, the only other Ann Taylor tanks I have left is a black one, nwt, a white one and a black and gray striped one. They are really nice quality, just like the ones you received.
Jun 10Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Jun 19Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 26Reply
jackiesthreads1 Hello and thank you for following my closet. Enjoy and much success to you!💖
Jul 07Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jul 27Reply
mndpostcloset 💥💥Thanks for following closet. I am running a BOGO sale. Items in my closet marked 💥BOGO💥can be bundled together (buy one get one free of equal or lesser value). Thanks for checking out my closet!
Aug 05Reply
lamarquez16 Hello Ms Lori I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I've shared some items in your closet and I hope you share my closet too. Stop by my closet often, because I do update my closet weekly. Happy Poshing! Be safe.
Aug 06Reply
cinderella927 Hello Lori‼️Thank you for liking The RUNWAY👠‼️Welcome‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week and have openings on Tues. 8/9, Wed.8/10 and Thurs. 8/11‼️Let me know if you are interested in having your closet featured and what day works for you‼️Read over the slides in the listing to get an idea of how the group runs‼️Happy Poshing‼️
Aug 07Reply
iclothes4u @cinderella927 Hi Cindy, thanks so much for considering my closet. This Wednesday would work the best for me. It would be an honor. 🥹🥹
Aug 07Reply
cinderella927 @iclothes4u Wednesday it is‼️Daily featured closets are posted around 11:00 a.m. and you will receive the price drop notification‼️If you are interested in earning extra shares post the I am Featured slide (last slide in The RUNWAY listing) and your host will thank you with 25 extra shares‼️ Purely optional! Thank you for liking The RUNWAY👠‼️The co-host schedule can be found in the listing‼️Happy Poshing‼️
Aug 07Reply
iclothes4u @cinderella927 Ok awesome. Do I add the feature listing on Wednesday mor after it’s up then?
Aug 07Reply
found4ubytracid Hi there, you have a beautiful closet! What program do you use for your photos? I can tell you are creative! Very nice;)
Aug 13Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 Hi Traci, thanks for the compliment. I just use my iPhone and edit in my iPhones photos. I try to take photos on a sunny day for better light and I love to take pics outside when it’s not raining.
Aug 13Reply
found4ubytracid @iclothes4u Good morning Lori ;) Okay , I will definitely play around more with my editing . Have you had any issues using stock photos? I have only used a few. I try not to but I want to use more for certain items that I know would sell faster with the stock photos. It doesn’t seem like posh has an issue with it but I would imagine some of the brands might . Any advice on that? Thanks for getting back to me😊 Enjoy your day… Traci
Aug 13Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 Good morning Traci. You are right about using stock photos, it depends on the brand. Posh pulled one of my listings once when I used the stock photo and the brand complained so they deleted the listing. It’s a crap shoot. Lol. I try to get family to model for me and I did a few photos in the beginning with me in them but I’ve gained too much weight for that now. 🐳🐳 I think a clean photo with good measurements always helps!
Aug 13Reply
found4ubytracid @iclothes4u good morning! That’s too funny , I had posh delete a listing the very first time I used a stock photo ! I also have two family members I’m considering asking to do a little modeling for me . I need 12 pounds off to be able to do it myself 🤦‍♀️ thanks so much and enjoy your Sunday😊
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 Your closet looks great! You are doing an awesome job! I purchased some items wholesale so that I could add boutique items and use their models but I found that these items were priced too high for me to resell so be careful if you try that. I’ve also started adding a short closeup video on a couple of things so you can try that too. Happy Sunday.
Aug 14Reply
found4ubytracid @iclothes4u thank you ! I am not happy with how at least half of my closet looks . I’m thinking about going through my entire closet and doing new photos and some need the entire description written over . That may be a waste of time but when I look at it it bugs me🤦‍♀️. I am trying to be careful on what I purchase and only a little time will tell how many mistakes I’ve made or not. I do not know how to get consistent daily sales . I research and watch resellers a lot!
Aug 14Reply
found4ubytracid Thanks for all your advice! I do add videos as well. I love that addition to Posh;) You have a great Sunday too Lori😊🌸
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 I’ve been doing this for 5 years now and I never have daily sales. Sometimes, I won’t make a sale for a couple of weeks. I only sell on Poshmark. Many sellers are are other platforms as well and that increases their sales. I don’t use any other platform. That all sounds like a lot more work and frankly, I don’t want to work that hard.
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 I’ve noticed lots of listings that just have words listed that will help increase your chances when people search for an item. I think it looks silly on the listing but it probably works. You might try that as well
Aug 14Reply
found4ubytracid @iclothes4u oh my , you just helped relax my mind so much by telling me about your sales . Everyone I watch on these you tube hauls makes sales daily . It might not be healthy for me to watch these as often as I try to . I’ve learned a lot from watching but it might add stress as well
Aug 14Reply
found4ubytracid I also only want to sell on Poshmark . I’m not interested in the other platforms at all. I know what you mean about all the key words. Trying to add more of those as well. We will see;))). Thank you again!!!😊🌸
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 Looks to me like I should get some advice from you. I just checked out your sales and live notes and you are selling lots of high dollar items and getting lots of love notes. That’s impressive. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Looks to me like you are doing even right. Just have patients, respond to your customers and your business will grow! Good luck Traci. Anything I can do to help, I’m here. 😘
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @lovepeace6 lol *everything right.
Aug 14Reply
found4ubytracid @iclothes4u Thank you Lori!!! I will keep plugging along and fingers crossed!!! I appreciate you taking time for me … Enjoy your day 💜🌸
Aug 15Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet. I provide 15% off for 2/3 items or 20% off when you bundle 4/more items from my closet. Pls feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Pls feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun as I have a large selection to choose from. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
Aug 23Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Aug 29Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.😍
Aug 30Reply
gregnrona Shout out to Lori for being the best sharer of Poshery ever. Way to keep it going, Lori!
Sep 02Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹 I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means I’ll accept anything even on bundles as long as it’s not to low
Sep 03Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Sep 17Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there ❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!
Sep 20Reply
luisencin98 Hi! Thanks for following my closet!
Sep 29Reply
luisencin98 What a beautiful closet! ❤️
Sep 30Reply
luisencin98 Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a great afternoon and successful Poshing!😊
Oct 03Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following
Nov 15Reply
iclothes4u @marywilliams130 Your welcome. 😘
Nov 16Reply
coracoller Hi Lori 💜.How are you? I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 17Reply
artbykristina 🌿Thanks for Visiting my Closet “ Art by Kristina “ Offering My Original Hand Crafted Artwork, Fun Vintage items & Creative Gifts! Enjoy browsing my BOUTIQUE. • NEW ITEMS added Daily! I love reading other “Meet the Posher” pages so hopefully you check mine out, too! 😎Blessings and Happy Poshing, Kristina🌿
Dec 28Reply
lvsmoothjzz I apologize for sharing late. I got super busy yesterday. 🙃
Jan 08Reply
robertpalmq13 thank you dear for checking my closet. I will definitely check your closet and if I interested in anything I let you know , thank you!!!
Jan 30Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow & feel free to check out my closet- you just may find a new favourite thing! And of course, welcome to Poshmark! (I'm relatively new to here). Cheers!!
Feb 16Reply
rhonda_anne Hello.... I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse or tote.....this month in March 2023
Mar 29Reply
rhonda_anne I have extended my sale for the whole month of husband added alot of new purses this past weekend!
Apr 06Reply
lvsmoothjzz I shared your closet because I am sharing Group B leaders so I am going to share 10 more. 💕💕💕
Apr 08Reply
iclothes4u @lvsmoothjzz Thank you my love.
Apr 09Reply
mpace8 Thank you for hte help in sharing my closet. New to this and appreciate your help!
May 10Reply
iclothes4u @mpace8 Your welcome. If you have any questions just lmk.
May 10Reply
hiquoll Hey 👋 thanks so much for the follow🤩 Recently joined and am finding that it’s a really lovely community here-waiting for Poshmark UK to sort out global shipping! 👖👕👔🥼🧥👚👗 Bundle discounts are offered on items in my wardrobe!
May 24Reply
fishin406gurl Thank you for the follow! I shared some items within your closet to show some love and support, feel free to browse my closet as well :) Happy Poshing!
Aug 11Reply
iclothes4u @fishin406gurl You are welcome! You have a very nice closet. If you ever have questions or need help, I am a Posh Mentor. Feel free to reach out.
Aug 11Reply
cedar_chest 🎉🎊🎉👏🎉🎊🎉👍 Hi Posher. Nice Closet. 🎉🎊🎉⭐️🎉🎊🎉
Aug 14Reply
iclothes4u @cedar_chest Thanks your too! Love your little piggies!
Aug 14Reply
j_lannigan thx for the follow
Aug 17Reply
j_lannigan Hope u are having a good time:)
Aug 17Reply
wideglide70 Absolutely gorgeous sweetheart!!😘😘😘
Sep 03Reply
retroragz22 If you see anything please make me an offer
Sep 12Reply
xtreme012616 hi how ru? I'm JT. Hope your having a good day.
Oct 10Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 08Reply
plushtags Happy Sunday! I noticed the last time you shared my closet, you only shared 5 items. Is that the new way of doing things? Thanks
Nov 19Reply
iclothes4u @plushtags Good morning, I found your closet in the Share Mavens group. My group didn’t share yours this week but your group shared mine. The shares you received in return are extra shares from your closet for sharing mine. When it’s our turn to share your group, I will always share 10. Hope that helps!
Nov 19Reply
jenposhshop BOXING DAY PRESENTS FOR YOU! Thanks for following! If you want to WIN! Boxing Day Presents, you just need to add a comment, and then Share the listing. There is no risk -pls read entire Ad. You can also find a Free Gift, if you visit my page -click on photo to left. Thank you! Tip just comment then share (easy WIN!)
Dec 27Reply
sandyallison957 Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 29Reply
sandyallison957 Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 29Reply
cutehosiery @iclothes4u Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 28Reply
pink_ladybug Wishing you a very happy birthday, Lori! And best wishes for a happy, successful and healthy 2025 💕 @iclothes4u
Jan 01Reply

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