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Updated Jul 24
Updated Jul 24

Meet your Posher, Mae

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Maela. Some of my favorite brands are LV,Gucci,Chanel,PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, Coach, Kate Spade,Converse,Sperry,and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too.I only wear and use authentic items so I will only sell authentic items,too.
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noplainjane57 🍥🍥Welcome to Poshmark!! Can't wait to see more of your closet as you build it 💕 Happy Poshing! 🍥🍥
Apr 09Reply
mptstevens @noplainjane57 thanks! I love looking at everybody's closet.. When I get a chance,I will be adding more and more items!
Apr 14Reply
kristta12kristy Hello, thank you for your offer. I'm sorry, I can't not really go any lower, due to a high 20%. Seller's fee that I have to pay. :)
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens Hi, sorry I can't accept your offer due to posh take 20% from seller, my best price is 450$ , thank you
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @kristta12kristy will my iPhone 6 plus and wallet fit in here?
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @banana59 it's free shipping,right?
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @kristta12kristy is it free shipping?
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @banana59 I will take it for 450$.
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens not sure hun, normally posh make buyer pay for shipping around 6.49$ and seller can't do anything only posh they set up for shipping
Apr 14Reply
kristta12kristy @mptstevens I don't think so. Did the shipping show up when you accepted my offer? :))
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens sounds good hun, do you want me to change the price or do you want to resend offer?
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens the price change now, thank you, 😊
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens thank you so much hun, you will love her, have a great weekend, 😍😘👌
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @banana59 it shows no shipping fee on this item.
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens oh that great, 😍😆
Apr 14Reply
mptstevens @banana59 I still paid for the shipping..😒😒😒
Apr 14Reply
banana59 @mptstevens Hi there, I check tracking number say they left note for you to pick up at post office because posh mark send me tracking with signature confirmation but no body home when mail guy at your house so when you have a chance please go pick up your package, thank you, 😊
Apr 18Reply
mptstevens @banana59 i received the notice yesterday and I signed it and left the notice in my mailbox so that the mailman will deliver it tomorrow.
Apr 18Reply
banana59 @mptstevens oh ok, thank you doll for your update, have a great evening, 😍😘❤❤
Apr 18Reply
mptstevens @banana59 i was wondering why didn't get it today..I received a priority mail today from another seller and I thought it was from you!
Apr 19Reply
banana59 @mptstevens i check tracking number today, still say notice left for you to go pick up at post office I think you have to go there for pick up the package doll,
Apr 19Reply
mptstevens @banana59 But they took the notice that i signed.I always do this because I have no time to go to the post office because it's already close after I get off work.
Apr 19Reply
banana59 @mptstevens oh really? Not sure what to do but I can call them tomorrow to find out what we can do next, will give you an update, 😊
Apr 19Reply
mptstevens @banana59 thanks!! I am vey excited to see it!
Apr 19Reply
bluesea38 Hi my dear Marla, I have to counteroffer because here we pay 20% fee for selling, that's why I can't accept the 600 offer for the bundle, will be 480 total😱😱is unbelievable ! I'm sorry again but thank you so much for visiting my closet, many blessing for you 🙏🙏
Apr 20Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 I understand.. I guess you will also counteroffer my 650 offer.. I just love the items i saw in your closet!
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens thank you so much my dear, I width I can do better, my prices are very reasonable,, yes, I'll counter now, thank you so much for your understanding, you are very nice 💝
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens hi dear, I accepted the last offer, was something wrong, let me know darling
Apr 20Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 it says the payment was unable to process. I will check on this tomorrow after work as it is already 11 pm here and I get off work tomorrow at 3:30 and I will head straight to the bank.
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens no problem sweetheart, take your time, no rush, have a blessed night 🙏
Apr 20Reply
banana59 @mptstevens Hi doll, they say delivered at your address at 130, 😍😘
Apr 20Reply
mptstevens @banana59 i will look for it when I get home..Thanks!
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 Hello my dear Maela, thank you very much for your purchase😘 glad that you can make it, I was afraid because I realized that I didn't Reserved for you and the girls asking all the time 😂 I'll ship it out first thing in the mornig👍you are a wonderful girl and Great buyer💝no drama al all, 😂😂hope you enjoy and have a blessed day 🙏🙏
Apr 20Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 Thanks!!!I always see to it that I keep up with my promise!
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens like I said, you are a blessed and such a great girl 😘💝💐 thank you again !
Apr 20Reply
banana59 @mptstevens your very welcome doll, 😍😘
Apr 20Reply
bluesea38 Good morning my dear, I'm preparing the shipment for you this morning, thank you again for your purchased, 😘🌹💝
Apr 22Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 Thanks a lot and God Bless you more!
Apr 22Reply
mrsm103 Thank you for shopping my closet! I will ship out first thing Monday morning since it is a weekend. Hope you have a wonderful weekend :)
Apr 22Reply
jennifernora32 @mptstevens Hi Maela. Welcome to Posh. I'm Theresa, I know you will love the support system we have here, it's so great to be apart of it all. If I can ever help with a problem or question please reach out. I'm happy to help. Wishing only great experiences here and New Friends as well 💖💖💖 xoxo
Apr 23Reply
mptstevens @jennifernora32 thanks and I will!!
Apr 23Reply
onedogandacat Hello, you just purchased my Chanel sunglasses, wanted to confirm your address listed on your page is correct?? im showing your address doesnt exist, please advise
Apr 23Reply
mptstevens @onedogandacat i never had anyone telling me that i don't have my address listed. I already received some of the items I purchased off this site.
Apr 23Reply
onedogandacat I received an email from Poshmark confirming your order and that is where your sddress is listed, okay, I will ship your sunglasses tomorrow
Apr 23Reply
mptstevens @onedogandacat 🙏 thanks!!❤️️
Apr 23Reply
yiayia61 I am very sad, but I am going to cancel the sale for my Gucci sunglasses. They were given to me as a gift, I believed that they were authentic, but when I researched the style number I discovered that if they were authentic they would have "GG" listed in front of the style #, i know you will be disappointed, but It is much better to cancel instead of receiving inauthentic goods.
Apr 24Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens omg! That was fast!! Thank you my dear for the 5 start rating! God bless you🙏🙏❤️
Apr 24Reply
bluesea38 Hello my dear maela, did you received the packages ? Let me know please
Apr 28Reply
bluesea38 Hello my dear, thank you for the 5 star rating😘I hope you enjoy💃have a very blessed day 🙏🙏
Apr 28Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 I am sorry! I thought I already did click on the accept button! The other package will probably be delivered today,though..
Apr 28Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens no problem dear, I just realized that the Gucci bag was in a regular dust bag because I found the Gucci dust bag in another Gucci purse, please,give me your address to send the Gucci DB as soon as possible, sorry for the mistake 😰
Apr 28Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 I realized that,too.. I just didn't pay much attention...My address is 2222 Brohard Road Brohard,WV 26138.... Thanks!
Apr 28Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens will be out in a few minutes,sorry again 😰🌹
Apr 28Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens already out dear, many blessing for you🙏🙏
Apr 28Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens thank you again🌹🌹that's why I told you the other day that you have a great taste! When I put the shoes and bag together, I notice the super cute matching colors😍😍
Apr 28Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 thanks a lot!
Apr 28Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
grace4d Hi again! How are things going? Just was thinking of you.. 🌻🌻🌻💖Dee
May 02Reply
mptstevens @grace4d hey!I found some clothes in your closet that I like.. I am kinda hesitant though coz every clothes i bought so far are not in excellent condition.😒😒😒
May 02Reply
grace4d @mptstevens hi Maela! If they r NWT Or boutique they will be in new condition. used items i inspect & point out flaws. if u purchase (in anyone's closet) & they r not as described, posh allows u to open a case n return them w no charge & u get ur $ back. just don't accept the package untul u've inspected ur purchases ok? Like the items in my closet&I'll help u.💖💖
May 02Reply
bluesea38 Good morning my dear maela, did you received the Gucci bag? Please let me know🌹thank you dear 💝
May 07Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 i am sorry i forgot to tell you that I did!Thanks! By the way,I got a lot of compliments when I wore the Zara booties I purchased from you!❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
May 07Reply
bluesea38 @mptstevens wow! How nice to heard that🌹another girl was trying to buy them today😱I have to delete the original listing!! Remember check my closet everyday, I'll post some Chanel bags and shoes in a few💃🏻💃🏻have a very blessed Sunday dear 😘❤️
May 07Reply
shoestyling @mptstevens 💕🙋Thank you for your offer beautiful💕I hope my counteroffer works for you😊Whatever you decide, I appreciate your interest 💝
May 10Reply
mptstevens @shoestyling how about i will continue to look at your closet and I will ask you to bundle them?
May 10Reply
shoestyling @mptstevens 💕🙋Sounds perfect huni. Bundles are 25% off today🎉🎊💕Happy to answer any questions 🌸
May 10Reply
mptstevens @larcbabyy what is it?
May 10Reply
bluesea38 Hi maela,have a very blessed Mother's Day 💝🌹🙏😘
May 14Reply
mptstevens @bluesea38 Happy Mother's Day,too!!
May 15Reply
mokaz88 Thanks so much for your offer. Unfortunately i can't go that low (I'm selling the purse for my aunt). For some weird reason Posh will not let me counter with my lowest, which is $425. I can basically drop the price of the purse by $30 and throw in the other items for free. Let me know if you're still interested and I will drop the price. Thanks!
Jun 08Reply
mptstevens @mokaz88 I think because you offered 20% discount for a bundle of 3..You can cancel it if you want to.
Jun 08Reply
mokaz88 @mptstevens ah you are right, I did. I should have taken into account the purse (which is not mine!). I'm so sorry about that, I feel awful. Ok I'll give it to you for 20% off and will give my aunt the difference. This was my mistake not yours! 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol
Jun 08Reply
mokaz88 @mptstevens ok I reposted them and tagged you. I will honor the 20% discount. Sorry for the confusion!
Jun 08Reply
mptstevens @mokaz88 i am so sorry... Looked for a tape measure so i have an idea of what the purse's size..It's too small for me,I prefer the MM size...
Jun 08Reply
mokaz88 @mptstevens ok no problem 😉
Jun 08Reply
mptstevens @mokaz88 i like to have the 2 items though.
Jun 08Reply
bluesea38 Hello my dear maela, just to say hello and let you know that I posted new items that maybe you like it🌹stay bless my dear 🙏
Jun 29Reply
frenchonista Hi Maela! I am the seller of the Gucci bag you just purchased! Congratulations! Just to let you know that I completed all the informations the very same day but still have not receive the tag to send you the bag. Hope to receive it tomorrow! Have a good day! 😎🎊
Jul 18Reply
mptstevens @frenchonista you mean to say that you don't have it with you?I guess,I will just cancel it then.
Jul 18Reply
frenchonista @mptstevens no sorry I had some issues receiving the Poshmark email with the printable address. Problem solved, I apologize for the delay!! I will send you the bag tomorrow morning as post office opens!
Jul 20Reply
mptstevens @mrsjn thanks for the info!
Jul 24Reply
mptstevens @frenchonista 👍👍👍👍👍
Jul 24Reply
shoeaddictgirl Hi! Thank you for your counteroffer but I unfortunately can't go lower then my offer amount since it already includes my bundle discount and both items are basically brand new. Hope you understand. Thanks again for visiting my closet! 💞
Aug 15Reply
shoeaddictgirl @mptstevens thank you so much for understanding and for your purchase! I have dropped it of at the post office and should be on your way! 💌
Aug 15Reply
grace4d Thinking of you! Have a great weekend! 🙋🌻🌻🌻Dee
Aug 18Reply
mptstevens @grace4d thanks Dee... Been busy because school started and getting ready for the eclipse on Monday!
Aug 18Reply
grace4d @mptstevens yes, we are waiting on Monday too I haven't seen a solar one since 1979! My son started 6th grade & it's been a bit overwhelming for all of us, lol. It's now middle school so more of everything like homework etc.. He's taking robotics! That's out of my league! You take care & I'll be back to share blast you some more!🌻🌻🌻 Dee
Aug 18Reply
spreadlove Hello! I know there are so many lovely closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way have a wonderful day!
Oct 04Reply
mptstevens @spreadlove I sure will! Have a good day,too!
Oct 04Reply
pspxbox4 @mptstevens VERY TRUSTWORTHY! Beautiful and good person inside and out! Thank you!!! I love my LV bags!
Oct 19Reply
mptstevens @pspxbox4 Awe,thanks Mel!!!Thanks for the friendship,too!!
Oct 19Reply
dustycarrotclub Hi Mela! I see you have some shoes bundled in my closet! If you are interested since those are a firm price at 10, you can add another item 10 dollars or under for FREE! I’m having a buy one get one free sale! Let me know if you have any questions❤️ have a great weekend!
Mar 24Reply
alcita @mptstevens Hi ,I have great deals of Louis Vuitton bags in my closet. Please feel free to check it out.Thnk u and have a wonderful day 🌻
Nov 19Reply
gina729barra hi - i see you purchased a jabel necklace here from another seller...please let me know if you want to resell! i am interested. thanks!
Apr 23Reply
mptstevens @gina729barra I can sell it to you for the same price.,,Only worn it once..
Apr 23Reply
ladykrc @mptstevens Hello fellow Posher!! Stopping by to say hello and shopped through your fab closet store👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕I would like to invite you to visit my closet store🌈OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Oct 05Reply
shopfoxy hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
Mar 04Reply

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Last Active: Oct 13 2024

Parkersburg, WV
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Last Active: Oct 13 2024

Parkersburg, WV
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