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Updated Mar 16
Updated Mar 16

Meet your Posher, Maria

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Hi! I'm Maria. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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rebounded @mblaesing220 Hello! I am always willing to consider reasonable offers. Please use the Offer link to submit. Thanks!
Mar 30Reply
mblaesing220 How much lowest you can go?
Mar 30Reply
jessisstew7 My lowest on the bag is 250
Apr 10Reply
jessisstew7 I don't discuss in my comments you can always make an offer
Apr 10Reply
mblaesing220 @anjshopssend me pictures please
Apr 11Reply
msteejay @mblaesing220 if you can do 210 i will meet you there
Apr 13Reply
msteejay @mblaesing220 hi on the Gucci set I will take 200 if you are still interested. I'm sorry I thought you are taking about the Gucci purse that I had listed but 200 will work if you still want it. Thanks
Apr 15Reply
celiloveyou Lowest can go for Prada 350$ poshmark has 20% fees here ma'am
Apr 20Reply
xogossipgurl Hi... I can sell the Gucci shoes to you for $125 ($25 lower than your comment)
Apr 21Reply
ejake19 I just updated the price over there for you
Apr 22Reply
rebounded @mblaesing220 Thanks for your offer on the Celine bag! I wish I could meet your price, but my cost is higher and I have to account for the 20% selling fees. I will counter offer one more time to help with shipping costs, but that is the best I can do. If we don't connect on this bag, I hope we can work together in the future on another! Cheers!
May 19Reply
kolonko @mblaesing220. Am the sunglasses seller, there was a problem with the post office at my area due to the hails and snow because l live in mountainous area.This delayed the post office in shipping the package and the package was return back to me. so can l post it again for you to buy it. Thanks
Jun 10Reply
royaltyfina Hi Doll, I can’t do $300 I can do $475 on 🅿️ and shipping here They are like new and super super cute/sexy! I also live in Ca so it take a day or two fast shipping
Jul 20Reply
alexsekulic Hi lovely! I’m currently running a sale on my page where any 3 clothing items are $35, or if you find any items to bundle, I will lower pricing. Feel free to check it out, thank you! 💗🌸🌹
Sep 29Reply
mblaesing220 @siara_ramos thanks for the heads up:)
Oct 13Reply
ladykrc @mblaesing220 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Oct 16Reply
lovelyfashfinds @mblaesing220 Hi hun I have a Chanel Le Boy bag in Black Caviar With gold hardware. Old medium. New condition with receipt/full set. If you’re still looking let me know. Thanks hun! 💓💓
Oct 20Reply
luxhangers thank you for your offer can you do $27 that is my lowest price for my sell I'm just honoring the prices from the weekend sale for closet clear out
Nov 04Reply
claudinehaliman hi there! i would be willing to go lower if we could make this transaction thru a different media/platform ☺️
Nov 11Reply
claudinehaliman hey are you on de pop too? ☺️
Nov 14Reply
cavintageluxury Hi hon will accept your offer for the chanel belt . But I’m on Vacation will ship nov 27. If okay please let me know thank you 😊
Nov 18Reply
mblaesing220 which one is this?
Nov 18Reply
mblaesing220 @cavintageluxury which chanel belt,what color?
Nov 18Reply
mblaesing220 @cavintageluxury I will wait until you come back
Nov 18Reply
cavintageluxury @mblaesing220 hi hon I added to your bundle let me know if you want me to accept your offer and I will mail nov 27 thank you
Nov 18Reply
thuylinha2c thank you for 5 star rating for me :)
Nov 27Reply
beautyqueen731 Could you email me Briananicole142 @ G mail. Com ... I will send you half your money back 🅿️🅿️
Dec 12Reply
beautyqueen731 Nicolebriana142 @ g mail. Com
Dec 12Reply
mblaesing220 @beautyqueen731 I will return your bag :)when I receive it
Dec 12Reply
beautyqueen731 @mblaesing220 you can keep it .. merry Christmas. I honestly thought you knew ... it’s a 3000$ purse for 200... just please don’t let the cancellation reason be for authentic reasons or my account will close.
Dec 12Reply
mblaesing220 @beautyqueen731 you can just honesty answer the truth,when I asked you if it is...
Dec 13Reply
pinkystorel Hi!!  Welcome to my closet! Feel free to look around and ask me any questions. My prices are super low, so it pays to bundle and save. I’m always adding new items, so come back and visit often! Follow me @pinkystorel  You get automatically 15 % when you add 2 iteams to your cart. When you add 3 iteams to you cart send me a message and I will give you free shipping. Thank you! 🍃🌸🍃
Dec 13Reply
sarmarmads Please stop offering $35 on a $250 jacket
Dec 22Reply
laurayuki Hey! I’m about to ship my bags to fashionphile this afternoon so I’m countering now lemme know if my counter works.
Jan 05Reply
laurayuki fP is offering me 950 buy out so I won’t be able to accept anything less plus posh fees
Jan 05Reply
yoche951 Hi Maria! Welcome to poshmark!!! please check out my closet !! I’m also in Corona 👑 😃 happy poshing!!
Jan 08Reply
fashionqueen561 Shared & Followed!! ❤️❤️ Happy Poshing Doll!!❤️
Jan 15Reply
lindanguyen236 HappyPoshing ❤️
Jan 20Reply
gphillnov @mblaesing220 hey I would love to accept your offer but Poshmark takes a huge percentage of the profit, do you mind paying elsewhere?
Jan 25Reply
mblaesing220 @gphillnov is it sold already?
Jan 25Reply
gphillnov @mblaesing220 no it’s still for sell
Jan 25Reply
mblaesing220 @gphillnov this are the lv meltis?
Jan 25Reply
gphillnov @mblaesing220 correct it is
Jan 25Reply
1011jsmith Hi. I saw your offer on my LV. I can do 900 but not thru here. Fees are too high. Let me know if you’re still interested. Thanks for looking.
Jan 28Reply
kingkenjiii I noticed u liked or commented on a profile with Louis Vuitton purses. Don’t send anyone $ outside of posh. They say they want to avoid “fees” but it’s all a scam. Please report their profiles, don’t take transactions outside of Posh! Take care!
Feb 07Reply
smurfpb Hi Maria...can you decline my offer so I can delete this listing...thanks!🤓
Feb 13Reply
fashionqueen89 Hi, i cant do lower than my counteroffer because its brand new with prove of authenticity. It comes with everything that you get at the store too :)
Feb 19Reply
mblaesing220 @fashionqueen89 too bad,thanks, but let me know if you change your mind:)
Feb 19Reply
fashionqueen89 @mblaesing220 your welcome. Unfortunately, unless we do it through zelle. I can do 140 and ship it today as well. Thank you!
Feb 19Reply
hsbkimberly Hi! Were you still interested in the Chanel thermos? I have it set aside but hey are flying out of here and I wanted to follow up 😘
Apr 12Reply
mblaesing220 @kreslr I'll take it what I offered:)
Apr 12Reply
hsbkimberly @mblaesing220 I’m sorry, but that is too low. Thanks so much for your interest though! If you want to counter feel free! Have a great Sunday ❤️
Apr 12Reply
blakless22 Hey !! I notice we’ve been counter offering on my bag, I just wanted to say it’s very very new so I would not go much lower from asking price but I would do a little bit of a deal if we did 🅿️ business
May 08Reply
tbonencredible Hellooo!! So cute!! Thanks for stopping by. The LV is so cute and perfect. Let me know if u need more pics
May 17Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
May 19Reply
gg46 Hi. Your offer for my mui mui boots exported and I couldn’t get it back to you at the same price(from my side). So if you resubmit the same offer I’d approve!
May 21Reply
mblaesing220 @gg46 with free shipping?
May 21Reply
gg46 I’m so sorry I missed your offer again. I didn’t have my notifications on. Please send and I’ll be sure to accept it!! You’ll love the boots, practically new. :)
May 24Reply
thishermitcrab 🌹🌹🌹
May 24Reply
gg46 I just managed to resend the offer, but they asked me to add a dollar as I couldn’t do the same exact price. Hope that’s ok!
May 25Reply
chelly_chic @mblaesing220 hey Maria! Was wondering if you were still interested in my bag? Let me know, thanks!
May 26Reply
miami305lux Hi thanks for the like are you interested in the Hermès sandals
May 31Reply
pattycakes9111 Hi! I missed your offer on the Gucci. If you want it let me know. (Sorry I work nights! )
Jun 14Reply
nhendershot Sending your Lv bag today. Sorry for the delay.
Jun 23Reply
bambam391 hi just a heads up: @rebreccax is a scam account
Jun 24Reply
mblaesing220 @bambam391 thanks,how did you know?
Jun 24Reply
bambam391 @mblaesing220 they are popping up accounts every half hour, they ripped me and many others off.
Jun 24Reply
mblaesing220 @bambam391 just wondering how did she ripped you off?
Jun 24Reply
bambam391 @mblaesing220 they have no bags, those photos are stolen. they will give you their # to pay another way for a cheaper deal. if you click buy now, they will cancel the order.
Jun 24Reply
mblaesing220 @bambam391 I see,thank you for letting me know.
Jun 24Reply
eclairchouxx @mblaesing220 hello i can offer that price for celine nano . Txt me at 917 two59 four1nine8.
Jul 26Reply
artisticflow05 🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋 How are you enjoying being on Poshmark? I hope you are loving it here as much as I do! Please feel free to visit my closet when you have a chance. Happy Poshing!! 💖✨Live~Love~Laugh✨💖
Jul 31Reply
maysalove Hi! I noticed you sent the same offer a few times, but I can’t go lower than my counter on my Celine because the percentage Posh takes out. I already dropped it a lot just for your counter. If it doesn’t work for you, please release it,otherwise I’m happy to ship it out for you first thing tomorrow morning 💜
Aug 27Reply
ahisamarantonia Hi! I’m new to Poshmark, please check my closet, all high end fashion designer bags and accessories. Have a beautiful day and happy poshing! ☀️🛍
Sep 02Reply
rooster1984 Hello!! If you're interested I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price! Some purses and tools not included. I also love offers! Have a blessed day 🙂
Sep 26Reply
destiny0808 Hi there, thank you for making the offer. Can you do $99? I can counter offer it right now. This is a brand new wallet. Please let me know. Thank you!
Nov 04Reply
timma235cheer Ill do those bracelets for $200. you could of counteroffered
Nov 04Reply
jillyp26 Hi Thanks for stopping by .I made a mistake on counter .I meant to put $28 but no glasses on Lol Enjoy if you want to Purchase 😀
Nov 21Reply
jillyp26 If you want for $23 It’s ok 👍No prob either way
Nov 21Reply
jillyp26 Hope u loved candle .Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🍁
Nov 26Reply
emilycallister Welcome to Poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet. Thank you!
Dec 12Reply
fma Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to buy and sell stuff. I’m happy to help answer any questions you may have. Wishing you success! 🥳🤗
Dec 12Reply
laurenkeppler Thanks for the 1 star review, I did in fact find the color and sent you the color you ordered. Extremely rude buyer, and if you received the wrong color it would have been by mistake. Your review was very accusatory and immature.
Feb 09Reply
theblushempire 💜💜💜
Feb 15Reply
catguialim hello kindly check my offer for the pink balenciaga and let me know thanks
Mar 31Reply
catguialim hello! i offered back again pls accept thnks!
Apr 01Reply
mblaesing220 @catguialim I will able to send the bag tommorow because I have work today,will include some freebies for you:),I will keep you posted as soon I send the bag:)thanks for your purchased and understanding:)be safe:)
Apr 01Reply
catguialim @mblaesing220 no worries thank you ❤️
Apr 01Reply
mblaesing220 @catguialim my pleasure:)
Apr 01Reply
mblaesing220 @catguialim It's on the way in posh for aunthenthication,i include a freebies of new lipstick and eyeshadow.:)
Apr 03Reply
catguialim @mblaesing220 ty appreciate it!
Apr 03Reply
mblaesing220 @catguialim my pleasure:)
Apr 03Reply
mcardenas457 Hey 👋 stop by my closet anytime☺️
Jul 17Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jan 04Reply

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Last Active: Jan 16

Corona, CA
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Last Active: Jan 16

Corona, CA
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