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Updated Mar 10
Updated Mar 10

Meet your Posher, Martha

Meet the Posher



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I am a not LLR consultant. I am a Lularoe addict. These are called butter soft because they are so soft and comfortable. Some prints are hard to find and that's why they are called Unicorn prints. They are someone's Unicorn. I love everything Lularoe not just Unicorns. On here I am just selling things I have bought but have not worn. It's called de-stashing. Since I'm not a consultant I can't sell as cheap as they do. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you fall in love with LLR too.
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nenlasvegas It sounds like you and I are alot alike. I can't get out very much either. I buy things the same way you have to buy them. It sucks because we do pay more.
Jan 12Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher... 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯 2️⃣ share share share 👠👗👙 3️⃣ follow follow follow 👣👣👣 4️⃣ and ask questions!! 🤔 If you want I can send you the names of a few closets that's a big help for new poshers! 👍🏻
Jan 14Reply
lularoeunicorn @vickyss Thank you. I would appreciate the names of those closets
Jan 14Reply
vicky_ymcagirl These closets are full of good info regarding posh compliant items and for just getting started in general! 💕 Tap on their name to get to their closet, 'category' then 'other' for info @ex_globetrotter @jodisjewelry @allyoop23 @kookc @abstractdreams @queenmumm @meg23 @iqclothessavvy @teresamarie01 @jays_boutique_ @pink_bee- @vickyss - follow game instructions
Jan 14Reply
lularoeunicorn @vickyss Thank you. I really appreciate your help.
Jan 14Reply
51twenty Hi Martha! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜@vickyss ☺️
Jan 14Reply
vicky_ymcagirl 👍🏻☺️
Jan 14Reply
lularoeunicorn @kookc Thank you Carolyn. I was just looking through your closet a little while ago. You have some great stuff. I will check out the blog. Thank you soo much
Jan 14Reply
51twenty Thank you! You're welcome @lularoeunicorn
Jan 14Reply
cyndra0322 Thanks for all the likes and sharing of my closet! 😘
Jan 16Reply
lularoeunicorn @cyndra0322 😊You have a great closet. I will be back to visit.
Jan 16Reply
cyndra0322 Thanks! I'm going to be posting A LOT of stuff in the next few days! Keep your eyes open! 👀
Jan 16Reply
lularoeunicorn @kecampbell2006 try lularoe addict or put in lularoev leggings in the search and you should find me.
Jan 26Reply
amberlmcd @lularoeunicorn Hi! So glad to meet you! I LOVE Lularoe!!!! No leggings compare!! <3 WILL be doing business with you :)
Jan 26Reply
lularoeunicorn @ameikins Nice to meet you too. Thank you for stopping by my closet.
Jan 28Reply
lularoeunicorn @kecampbell2006 I'm so sorry. Just saw this. Which leggings again?
Jan 28Reply
lularoeunicorn @kecampbell2006 Found them. I have a bad memory. Soo sorry to hear about your house. I hope everything is ok. Thank you for letting me know to release them so quickly. Best of luck☺
Jan 28Reply
nouveautara @lularoeunicorn Tks for the follow, I am paying it forward!✌️💖⚜
Jan 29Reply
mmmartha I love meeting other Marthas! 😄
Mar 21Reply
lularoeunicorn @mmmartha Hi. I do too, there are not bet many of us. I used to get teased in middle school because kids had Grama's named Martha but there were no kids except me with the name.
Mar 22Reply
lularoeunicorn I many very many of us ☺
Mar 22Reply
chloe_ru I had to cancel the order because you hadn't shipped my product after over 2 & 1/2 weeks. Very disappointed.
Nov 07Reply
lularoeunicorn @chloe_ru Hun, I did ship. I contacted Poshmark after the first notice and they were supposed to do a search. I guess they didn't find it but your Leggings are out there somewhere.
Nov 07Reply
lancaster1951 I have not received my order. It wants me to confirm so you get paid and if I received package says it in process. Roxanna Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 23Reply
lularoeunicorn @lancaster1951 Poshmark issues the label for us, when the post office scans it Poshmark gets updates. So Poshmark must have information that tells them your package was delivered. Maybe the mailman dropped it off at the door and it was stolen? I really don't know other than contacting Poshmark to let them know you didn't get it, they will need to do something I think.
Nov 23Reply
lularoeunicorn @lancaster1951 oh I just looked at all my sales to see what you purchased. You just purchased that Irma a few days ago and I just got in the mail today. I think that you saw was Poshmark telling you that I have finally shipped it and telling you that when you receive it you need to do the rating thing. I don't think they expect you to say you received it yet because they know I just mailed it.
Nov 23Reply
mamawolfe86 Hey I'm new to Poshmark! A complete LLR Addict, 😂 Great stuff! I'd love for you to check out my closet as well! 💕💕
Jan 06Reply
bevvy1313 I purchased the sm Shirley from you approximately Sept 12. It still hasn't shipped, when can I expect it?
Sep 24Reply
lularoeunicorn @bevvy1313 bevvy, I am soo soo sorry. The first day I should have shipped your Shirley I honestly forgot to do it. But later that day I did something to my back and couldn't move all week. Today I am up and moving and was actually just getting ready to get Shirley packaged and ready to go out tomorrow. I really am soo sorry about this.
Sep 24Reply
joyful633 Hey Martha, happy Poshing. Thanks for stopping by my closet and liking one of my pieces. Have a beautiful and prosperous day.
Oct 15Reply
lovenarf Hi Martha. I would love for you to visit my closet. I think I might have some items that would be appealing to you. Thanks very much.
Sep 22Reply

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