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Updated Sep 12
Updated Sep 12

Meet your Posher, Megan

Meet the Posher



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Hi, I'm Megan. Thanks for stopping by! I’m decluttering & cleaning out the closet, hoping to find new homes for all-time faves that I’m ready to pass on & new/like-new items that never worked for me. My husband & I are starting a home reno & I'm hoping to help us move along. No trades, but I am open to reasonable offers. I love to know items sadly stuffed in my closet are getting new life & making someone happy. Leave a comment so I can check out your closet too.
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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jkozlov Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy your experience here👍🏼😊
Dec 09Reply
meganmarissa Hi @jkozlov! Thanks so much. I am loving Poshmark so far!
Dec 09Reply
emmagwicks Thanks for the follow! Please let me know if I can help you with a discounted bundle 💖💖🌞
Mar 05Reply
th3guy Heeellllooooo! Megan 😍 how are you?
Apr 01Reply
closetoptimist Great job, megan!! I see you nearly doubled your followers and you're following a lot more people! Have you been having luck with the tricks I shared or did you devise a brilliant alternative?? :)
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist Thanks, Cece I nearly doubled my followers and made two sales this weekend all due to your ticks. I just went through great closets and suggested users and followed everyone. I can not thank you enough for your advice! My husband said you shouldn't have given me your tips because I might steal your sales. Lol!
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist Now this week I just have to list more stuff!
Apr 03Reply
closetoptimist @meganmarissa no way !! I'm so happy for you!! And tell your husband that we all succeed together, we're not competing, there are plenty of sales to go around ;) !! You have a gorgeous closet you should be proud of and others should be able to benefit from your fabulous style!
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist Thank you so much! I appreciate your help so much!
Apr 03Reply
closetoptimist @meganmarissa anytime! Where on LI are you? I live near Adelphi, haven't been here that long but I love the area :)
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist I live in Patchogue but went to Adelphi for college!
Apr 03Reply
closetoptimist @meganmarissa is Patchogue close to garden city? I'm from upstate originally, my long island geography knowledge is terrible lol I went to law school at Hofstra and never left long island
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist I'm about 45 minutes east of Garden City. Patchogue is on the south shore. They recently renovated most of the village and it's a really nice area for dinner and live music. A lot of fun!
Apr 03Reply
closetoptimist @meganmarissa that sounds awesome!! I like living in places that have a lot going on. Garden city is great because the college is there and they cater a lot of the town to the college students. "Technically" my address is west hempstead but Adelphi is in my backyard lol. Patchogue sounds like a lot of fun - especially now that the warm weather is coming! How long have you guys been there?
Apr 03Reply
meganmarissa I've been there 7 years and my husband 10. It was not as nice back then, but they put a ton of money into revitalizing the area and so many good restaurants and bars moved in. I'm from Smithtown originally. It's a nice area but very quiet. I love having all the life around me. Garden City is such a beautiful area and so much going on with the collge there.
Apr 03Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Megan. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 04Reply
meganmarissa Hi @hmsimon1. Your creations are beautiful, and I am happy to follow and share!
Apr 04Reply
closetoptimist OMG look at all the sales you have made!!! I'm so happy for you!!
Apr 05Reply
meganmarissa @closetoptimist Thanks! And thanks do much for all of your help!
Apr 05Reply
tannyaustin @meganmarissa ty for following. :)
Apr 07Reply
afroditie77 @meganmarissa Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is much appreciated. Happy Poshing to you.
Apr 21Reply
meganmarissa Hi @afroditie77!
Apr 21Reply
meganmarissa Hi @afroditie77! Your closet is beautiful, and I'm happy to share. Thank you for sharing mine. Happy Poshing!
Apr 21Reply
rosieismypuppy 💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I'm Wendy, I would love the opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
Apr 27Reply
ja528 Hi Megan, thanks for being my 7000th follower! Congrats and please feel free to take 20% off of anything in my closet today! 😊
May 05Reply
cps26 Hey Meg I am moving to Spain. You can have anything in my closet for any fair offer :) Please offer if you like anything!
Jun 15Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 24Reply
meganmarissa @adoringstyles Of course! Thanks!
Nov 13Reply
meganmarissa @krissyany Happy to share your closet!
Dec 05Reply
cutehosiery @meganmarissa Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 21Reply

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