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Updated Apr 17
Updated Apr 17

Meet your Posher, Meghan

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Meghan. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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missybob Welcome Meghan! Best of luck with your Posh closet!!
Apr 24Reply
classychicdiva Dear New Posher, Welcome to Poshmark 🌺 i hope you enjoy it as much as I have. As a Posh Ambassador, I’m happy to share my knowledge and answer any questions you have. Don’t hesitate to ask❣️ Megan @classychicdiva and Bam Bam Adventures on YT & IG. 🤗🎉🎊
Apr 27Reply
bohobeachloft @missybob thank you!! 😊
Apr 27Reply
bohobeachloft @classychicdiva thank you so much I appreciate it 😊
Apr 27Reply
classychicdiva @bohobeachloft my pleasure. Come from the heart. ❣️💜🌺🎊🎉🥇
Apr 27Reply
auctiondiva Welcome to Poshmark😊💃💵💰🛍Hope you will enjoy it
Apr 28Reply
bohobeachloft @auctiondiva thank you so much 😊💗
Apr 28Reply
sweetstylechick Welcome to Posh! Hope you enjoy the community! Happy selling
Apr 30Reply
ninetimes99 Hi Meghan, Welcome to PoshMark! I’m glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun and feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about Poshing or my closet goodies, as I’m here to help, and always open to feedback. ✨🌸✨If you are inclined to, and haven’t visited my closet yet, please do. I’ve got several items on sale now-Just look for the 🎈New items added each week. Warm Wishes of Success to Us All, Kim Posh Ambassador & Mentor
May 08Reply
bohobeachloft @ninetimes99 thank you so much for your kind words!! I appreciate it and I definitely will go into your closet and share!!
May 08Reply
bohobeachloft @sweetstylechick thank you I appreciate that!! 😊
May 08Reply
beadshine Thank you for the Posh shares. All the Posh love is much appreciated. 😊 Big Smiles, @Beadshine
May 21Reply
mygrant486 Thanks so much for sharing my listing!!! In addition your closet. Your welcome to visit my closet ant time!
May 31Reply
bohobeachloft @ninetimes99 thank you so much!! Happy to be here I love seeing so many amazing products and people all in one place!! ♥️
May 31Reply
bohobeachloft @mygrant486 Great Closet!! Good Luck To You!! ♥️
May 31Reply
ninetimes99 @bohobeachloft you’re most welcome ✨🌸✨it is truly fun
May 31Reply
queenclarice334 Hi Megan ! I’m. Clarice have a great week love your closet 😘
Jun 10Reply
bohobeachloft @queenclarice334 Thank You So Much!! You have a Great week as well!! I stopped by your closet and it looks great!! Keep up the good work and feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions! 😊
Jun 10Reply
calsummer4 hey thanks for all the shares! have a great day!! I never have a Tues off, so I'm basking in it!:)
Jun 25Reply
bohobeachloft @nearparadise8 Thank You as well!! Have a Fabulous Day!!
Jun 25Reply
beauty_today901 Hi Meghan. I’m Elizabeth and I’m new in this poshmark thing. I wonder if you can help me with something because I got my first sale and I was so excited and sent the package next day to my buyer. That was on Jun 2. I’m tracking the package and is ready for pick up since Saturday morning. Still there ready for pick up. Why “ready for pick up” ? Is not supposed to be delivered at the buyer ‘s adress?
Jul 08Reply
beauty_today901 Could you please give me some advice please?
Jul 08Reply
beauty_today901 I’ll appreciate any help. Thank you very much for your time.
Jul 08Reply
beauty_today901 I sent a email to poshmark but still waiting for an answer.
Jul 08Reply
bohobeachloft @beauty_today901 Hello there!! Yes the person has 3 business days to pick up the item and then the funds should be submitted. If not then I would definitely send an email to Poshmark like you did!! 😊
Jul 08Reply
beauty_today901 @bohobeachloft oh ok. Thank you very much for answer my question. Have a wonderful week!!😊
Jul 08Reply
crystalababon Thank you for the welcome!! I was wondering what was the best way to ship items sold like shoes and is there a way to charge for shipping or is it just free for everyone who buys items?
Sep 05Reply
bohobeachloft @crystalababon Hello there!! The best thing to do is get your free shipping supplies from the US Post Office online or some of the actual physical post offices have them. They are free and you will want to use Priority Mailing boxes. Poshmark emails you the mailing label for you to print and place on the package. Shipping is paid by the buyer but the seller can also give the buyer a discount $1.80 or $6.79 when making an offer which in turn comes off your profits. Hope this helps😊
Sep 05Reply
crystalababon @bohobeachloft yes thank you for you response!
Sep 06Reply
meibellamuse Aloha Meghan 🌴🌴🌴 I’m a newbie at posh and I just got through visiting your closet! I’m feeling the boho vibes & holiday vibes too!!! Please feel free to stop by my closet any time & tell your friends & ohana too! 💏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Much success to you! Mahalo 🤙🏽 🍍🌺🍍🌺🍍
Sep 28Reply
bohobeachloft @meibellamuse Thank you for all of your love and support!! Your closet is beautiful as well! Feel free to reach out anytime if you have any questions! Enjoy your weekend!!❤️ Meghan
Sep 28Reply
abellc32 Thank you for sharing my closet 😍
Oct 04Reply
bohobeachloft @abellc32 Absolutely!! Thank You!! ♥️
Oct 04Reply
crystalababon Can we just post a sticker on our cover picture. Bundle 3 for 20?
Oct 07Reply
bohobeachloft @crystalababon that’s a great idea I don’t see why not!!! 😊
Oct 07Reply
qkittythrift Yay!! Blessed 😻
Nov 10Reply
vtsquare Thank you for the follow on Poshmark! I also followed you on Instagram....squarevt2018 and hope you will follow me back as well. Working together is amazing!❤️
Dec 21Reply
bohobeachloft @vtsquare Thank You For the follow and I will definitely follow you back as well!! I agree working together is so much better ♥️♥️
Dec 21Reply
emmyboopboop ❤️ Hey! My name is Emily and I just joined Poshmark! I’m looking to declutter my wardrobe so come look at my closet, I’m willing to negotiate on the pricing on everything! Thanks! ☺️❤️
Jan 09Reply
mka22359 Hi Meghan! How are you)? Nice to meet you! Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply
tracymsnyder74 @bohobeachloft , do you make custom signs? If so, are they they same price? Thank!
Feb 01Reply
bohobeachloft @tracymsnyder74 If you have a specific design or you are looking for something I would definitely do it for you!! Just let me know what you have in mind. Prices on all my rounds are now $28 if you do more than one I do give a discount we definitely can work something out!! ♥️
Feb 01Reply
tracymsnyder74 @bohobeachloft I’d LOVE. Gold pineapple with a green actual crown with gold jewels on the tips and. Purple pineapple with a gold crown and hot pink jewels on the tips that says Elvis and Tracy. I have pics of our tattoos if I could post them on my closet for a few so you could get an idea??
Feb 01Reply
bohobeachloft @tracymsnyder74 Yes please I would love some examples!! I will definitely see what I can do for sure!!
Feb 01Reply
bohobeachloft @tracymsnyder74 Let me know when you add the pictures and I will screen shot them.
Feb 01Reply
bohobeachloft @tracymsnyder74 perfect!! I will let you know!! ♥️
Feb 01Reply
antaresbytess you are very artistic! love the plaques.
Aug 17Reply
bohobeachloft @antaresbytess Thank you!! These signs are all Printed and Custom made not hand painted. They turn out very cute when They are transferred on the wood and then Bows or hangers are added for accents I have so much fun creating them. Thank you so much for your interest and supporting my small business!! ♥️♥️♥️
Aug 17Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Happy Poshing!
Aug 18Reply
bohobeachloft @lamarquez16 Absolutely!!! Thank You!!! I am happy you have been enjoying the selling part of Posh now too!! Hope you have a Fabulous Day!!♥️
Aug 18Reply
lamarquez16 @bohobeachloft Wishing you an AWESOME say. Be blessed!
Aug 18Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means I’ll accept anything as long as it’s not to low
Aug 23Reply
mommagingerj Thank you for the shares :)
Aug 23Reply
nitasadventure I absolutely love your closet
Aug 30Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Sep 03Reply
jebwa Hello! We are glad you followed our closet. We are Jebwa, a top-rated seller and specialized on selling designer brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, CHANEL & many more. 15% OFF on your first order. Check out our closet. Happy Poshing 🥰🥰💖💖
Sep 06Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Sep 07Reply
sandydallison Welcome to postmark enjoy buying and selling with postmark as wonderful people
Sep 07Reply
pjhb Hi Meghan! Thanks so much for sharing my jewelry! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Sep 23Reply
bohobargains4u Hi Meghan! Thanks for all the sharing and kindness. Sending love and prayers to Florida. I have a great Uncle that lives in Fort Myers. I am having charity sale. Any profits for my closet will be donated to Hurricane relief.
Sep 30Reply
bohobeachloft @bohobargains4u That is very generous!! ♥️ Thank You!
Sep 30Reply
bohobargains4u @bohobeachloft Your Welcome! Every little bit can count to help! :)
Sep 30Reply
melshe89 Thanks for the follow, your products are so cute!
Oct 01Reply
oliviaami Hi @5cc05834454fe3fd5d996a84 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 13Reply
oliviaami Hi @5cc05834454fe3fd5d996a84 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Oct 20Reply
oliviaami Dear @5cc05834454fe3fd5d996a84 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 20Reply
oliviaami Dear @5cc05834454fe3fd5d996a84 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 20Reply
meishi33 I love your closet ♡ ♥ ♡ so cool !
Oct 22Reply
bohobeachloft @meishi33 Thank You!! ♥️♥️
Oct 22Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the follow! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my a “FALL SAVINGS” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet every weekend in October! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Oct 27Reply
harrisonmel665 👋 Megan just starting out super excited to see lots of closets ✨️💋
Oct 28Reply
rakesler Hi just came across your closet and I believe I just found my Christmas shopping for this year lol. Very nice looking unique gifts. I will be following up with you. Thank you for the inspiration……( if I want 2 of the same, would I just put it in bundle twice?)
Nov 05Reply
bohobeachloft @rakesler Awe Thank You!!!! I am happy you love the items!! I believe that is how you would do it by adding twice unless it allows you to pick a quantity. Thank You So much and please reach out if you have any questions about anything! ♥️♥️
Nov 05Reply
coracoller Hi Meghan 💜 I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve.
Nov 12Reply
nicholepruitt73 hi there GORGEOUS!! SATURDAY FUN DAY$$$ BOGO SALE When u buy 1 item get one item of equal or lesser value ABSOLUTELY 💯 FREE LIMITED TIME ONLY
Nov 19Reply
cherylwhite214 !! Please come shop!! I have been helping a lady in a poorly mobile home. Thank you for helping!!🌹🌹🌹
Dec 07Reply
centroparigi Hi Meghan, thhank you for sharing my closet! 💕
Jan 08Reply
lydstchest I enjoy your closet! You put a smile on my face! I will be checking in regularly!
Feb 14Reply

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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Rapid City, SD
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Last Active: 18 hours ago

Rapid City, SD
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