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Updated Feb 25
Updated Feb 25

Meet your Posher, Melissa ann

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Hi! I'm Melissa ann. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Michael Kors, lululemon athletica, AEROSOLES, and Anastasia Beverly Hills. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

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purplearies @melissarnibclc Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Dec 12Reply
prettypimpen Hello melissa! I want to let you know I'll be shipping your purchase out first thing tomorrow morning! I was away on a cruise, and had my mother take over my account while I was gone. It all wound up being to hard for her, she couldn't even figure out how to leave a comment. I apologize and I am so sorry you weren't made aware sooner. I'm back in town tonight, and it will all get taken care of! Thank you Melissa! I appreciate your Buisness! Nicole
Dec 26Reply
melissarnibclc @prettypimpen no worries doll! Glad you were out cruisin'!!!
Dec 26Reply
kikistore Hi! Trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated thanks !
Dec 27Reply
thriftynista Welcome to Poshmark 💃💃💃
Dec 28Reply
lexi020612 Please let me know my total on my likes
Dec 29Reply
melissarnibclc @lexi020612 I do not understand your question
Dec 29Reply
lexi020612 How much for the likes I have
Dec 29Reply
melissarnibclc oh you want to buy them ? you can have them for 15 each
Dec 29Reply
kmcnett Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pic! ♡
Dec 30Reply
khaliqrm3 Any more true religion shirts like the one I bought but any other colors ? 😭😭😭
Jan 03Reply
wilkinsshell @melissarnibclc Omg I'd buy out your closet if I could! It love it❣️💕@meghan5150 Check out her closet!! ❣️
Jan 08Reply
melissarnibclc @wilkinsshell thank you!!! We can always work out a payment plan deal lol
Jan 08Reply
melissarnibclc @kmcnett ahhh yes I am
Jan 08Reply
wilkinsshell @melissarnibclc Ahaha! Ohhhhhhh don't do that, I've been on a spree and am trying to be good but trust you'll get an order from me soon and I'll totally be back. Tagged this as one of my favs 😉💕
Jan 08Reply
copsara You declined my previous offers on both items . I would love to purchase from you but it seems we aren't making progress .
Jan 16Reply
copsara You declined every offer so I guess we wont be making a deal. Thanks for the opportunity 😯
Jan 16Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Melissa Ann, thanks for sharing from my closet - yours is great! I hope you get a chance to check out my closet for Coach bags you might like and other cute things. Happy Poshing, see you soon!
Jan 22Reply
jahmariposa Thanks for sharing items from my closet :-)
Jan 23Reply
melissarnibclc @lucirose2 ditto! Your blouses 👚 are beautiful
Feb 01Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks for sharing 🌹
Feb 04Reply
eirynn_oneill I wanted the medium in the red men's true religion not sure if you got the other message. I already paid the $30
Feb 05Reply
melissarnibclc did you receive it?
Feb 05Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill USPS tracking number is 9405 5108 9935 9218 0631 80
Feb 05Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill
Feb 05Reply
eirynn_oneill @melissarnibclc is it supposed to be here today ?
Feb 05Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill no just sent on friday.
Feb 05Reply
rmansueto Selling any reformation maxi or short dresses for $50?
Feb 05Reply
eirynn_oneill What day will it be here by ?
Feb 06Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill This is the tracking information that I sent you yesterday. I just checked it but the system is down at the USPS. Since there is no mail on Sunday it will take a bit longer.
Feb 06Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill
Feb 06Reply
eirynn_oneill Thank you thank you thank you thank you. 💕 if you have any more men's stuff size Medium let me know right away ! My fiancé lost most of his clothes from living out his car, and it crashed so we're slowly but surely building up together for our family. Thank you again !!!
Feb 06Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill you are very welcome. What a unfortunate event for your family to undergo. I have a lot of men's TR in medium just let me know which ones and you could do a bundle
Feb 06Reply
eirynn_oneill @melissarnibclc if you could tag my name in them that'd be great and I'll take a look !
Feb 06Reply
eirynn_oneill @melissarnibclc cause I can't find any 😕
Feb 06Reply
melissarnibclc @eirynn_oneill ok i will go in my medium tote and update what I have for you now
Feb 06Reply
morquita Thank You🌸
Feb 08Reply
jamielynn62 @melissarnibclc Thanks so much I will ship this in the morning 😊💕😊💕
Feb 15Reply
melissarnibclc @jamielynn62 thank you!!! Hoping it fits lol 😂 it's too adorable! So what is the poshfest like?
Feb 15Reply
jamielynn62 @melissarnibclc It was to tight on me but I like everything Really baggy And I didn't even go to Poshfest just love the tee I hope it works for you as well Let me know 😊💕😊💕
Feb 15Reply
tribal_creation Hey sweets I adore your fabulous closet and you are so amazing sweet and kind I am truly excited that I found your closet and you too HAPPY POSHING SWEETHEART BLESSINGS peace love to you my sweet friend xoxo love Carla
Feb 15Reply
tcovington08 @melissarnibclc you're about to take all of my money. I have a t-shirt obsession! If you come across the "whiskey tango foxtrot", "I slay", or "kind of classy kind of hood" tees from torrid in a 1 or 2 please let me know. Also if you come across any smart ass or jerky comments on tees like those from hot topic in a 1 or 2 please let me know. Thank you so kindly. I see a long shopping relationship ahead ;)
Feb 16Reply
jamielynn62 @melissarnibclc How did the top work for you ? Hopefully okay
Feb 18Reply
jamielynn62 @melissarnibclc Thanks for the rating I appreciate you
Feb 22Reply
robinyrobin Do you want to trade for the bundle I made?
Feb 24Reply
melissarnibclc @tcovington08 Hello doll :) I have TONS of Torrid tees in size 1 and 2 I better start working on those now :)
Feb 24Reply
melissarnibclc @robinyrobin how can i see your bundle
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin @melissarnibclc I commented on them. You'll have to make a bundle out of them and list them for 3.00, and then I'll make a bundle for 3$ and we can trade them
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin It's 4 tops
Feb 24Reply
melissarnibclc @robinyrobin can you do me a favor and please go to each shirt and put a number 1,2,3,4 and what size
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin @melissarnibclc ok done. 😄 can you do the same so I can make yours?
Feb 24Reply
melissarnibclc @robinyrobin yes lol, i just finished doing 10 bundles lol
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin @melissarnibclc wow that's a lot!
Feb 24Reply
melissarnibclc @robinyrobin I don't think I have Cinderella
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin @melissarnibclc did you see the bundle I made for you also did you make the bundle for me yet?
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin I put that bundle as not for sale until you are ready to do the rmtrade, that way no idiot comes along and buys it for $3 😂
Feb 24Reply
robinyrobin @melissarnibclc FYI I have your bundle all boxed up I just haven't sealed it yet in case you want to add anything. 💜💜
Feb 25Reply
poshtaaastic Sharing is caring so thank you Happy Poshing
Feb 25Reply
melissarnibclc @lilkittylady exactly :) have a blessed day. I have been bombarded with orders the last 3 days, thanks for the shares
Feb 25Reply
tjohn155 @wilkinsshell I know right!!!!
Mar 09Reply
wilkinsshell @tjohn155 😊💸💸💸lol
Mar 09Reply
bobbie2300 Hi i purchased a true religion shirt from you on the 1st did you send out yet?????
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc @bobbie2300 let me look it up thats strange
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc i found the tracking number and it does not show it scanned into the usps system. that has happened in the past and then it just shows up at the persons house. Let me go look and see if the shirt is still here and I by accident did not send it ???
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc @bobbie2300 I have a large here, maybe i thought i sent it and didn't. I think that day i sent off 10 orders. Can I still send it to you?
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc i found the tracking number and it does not show it scanned into the usps system. that has happened in the past and then it just shows up at the persons house. Let me go look and see if the shirt is still here and I by accident did not send it ??? 24 minutes ago Reply
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc @bobbie2300 i found the tracking number and it does not show it scanned into the usps system. that has happened in the past and then it just shows up at the persons house. Let me go look and see if the shirt is still here and I by accident did not send it ??? 24 minutes ago Reply
Mar 10Reply
melissarnibclc @bobbie2300 I just went ahead packaged it and will mail it tomorrow
Mar 10Reply
ambermw7 Hey! I saw that you ordered a mystery box from another posher and I was wondering if you liked the items you received? I'm just wondering because I was debating on getting one or not!
Mar 27Reply
maziesprague1 Hi i made a purchase 2 days ago didn't know what day you plan on shipping I need it before Easter thank you please get back to me asap !
Apr 08Reply
melissarnibclc @maziesprague1 i apologize i just saw this :( Yes I usually ship out the next day
Apr 23Reply
laster2277 @melissarnibclc hey when will you get more True Religion shirts I bought from you before in size Large???
May 03Reply
poshnqueen Melissa, come take another look at my closet! Most things have additional markdowns and since you bought from me before, I'll give you an additional 15% off anything you purchase today!
May 29Reply
melissarnibclc @laster2277 sorry I buy once a year in November from this manufacturer
Jun 24Reply
riversiren Thank you for your purchase! You'll love how super soft the leather is. Your Stone Mountain Leather purse was mailed out this afternoon.💌 Happy poshing and happy 4th!🎆🎆🎆
Jul 03Reply
ibstylinmelissa I placed an order for four shirts on 8-3-17 and they still show pending shipment. I was just wanting some info on when they will be shipped? Thank you
Aug 10Reply
melissarnibclc @ibstylinmelissa I am so sorry, was on vacation for a month, had it on vacay mode on PM so i apologize. Only have one of your shirts and i tagged you on other shirts in 5x if you are interested. If not let me know and I will cancel the order
Aug 11Reply
lexi020612 hi are you still selling true religion shirts on here? I have bought from you before and would like to buy again!
Aug 16Reply
melissarnibclc yes lexi I still have some TR shirts but not as many
Aug 19Reply
wendy_24 Thank you i try my best to ship as soon as possible even though i have no copy machine to print the labels and have to car at all i tend to take long shipping 😔thats why i have a couple canceled items which i now is wrecking my profile but any ways thanks again 😉
Aug 28Reply
jacqv I'm looking for an XL black Tessa dress but the Reformation, would you happen to have one for sale? Thank you for your time!
Mar 29Reply
jennieinmt I see that you have lots of Torrid tees. I am desperately looking for the one that says" First of all, no. Second of all, no" In a 3 or 4. Any chance you may have one???
Oct 06Reply
nicolel8dh When will you ship my tee I bought weeks ago????????
Oct 13Reply
kimrose11 Are you an active seller? I have tried to purchase items from you in the past, the order gets canceled because it never ships and now I have sent you several offers with no response?
Nov 25Reply
thelacyhem Hi @melissarnibclc !! Did you receive your bundle? 😊
Jan 28Reply
studio595 Hi how are
Jun 05Reply
studio595 Hey hi
Jun 05Reply
studio595 I made offer hello
Jun 05Reply
myakyser Hi, i seen you want to look at my dress email me
Sep 18Reply
kathej @melissarnibclc Love your dress with the matching purse -- I would just love to wear it!
Feb 04Reply
melissarnibclc @kathej ahhh so kind of you
Feb 04Reply
kmk_ambassador thank you for the generous offer! I appreciate it! happy poshing! peace and love ❤
Feb 05Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Hi. Welcome to Poshmark.  I'm Cora and I'm a 5 star Poshmark Ambassador and Mentor. I'm here to offer you any assistance or answer any questions you may have.  Poshmark is the place to Buy and Sell merchandise securely and with confidence.  If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains and Offering a Mega Mega Sale Prices. Wishing you Abundant Success on your Poshmark journey.  Enjoy your experience.  Remember you can Posh in Pjs. ❄⛄❄
Feb 09Reply
haertfelt1 Hi Melissa Ann. Thank you so much followng my closet. While I was here I viewed and shared posh love from your closet. Happy poshing....
Feb 11Reply
melissarnibclc @haertfelt1 thank you for visiting & sharing!
Feb 11Reply
melissarnibclc @makeyoulaugh67 thank you kindly!
Feb 11Reply
melissarnibclc @kimrose11 I was away for some time as I was hospitalized then lost my grandmother.
Feb 11Reply
melissarnibclc @nicolel8dh My apologies I became severely ill and hospitalized with pneumonia and then list my grandmother and did not think to put the closet on vacation
Feb 11Reply
melissarnibclc @jennieinmt so sorry i just am getting back to old messages, and i apologize i do not have the shirt
Feb 11Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 02Reply
babsgilbert Melissa Ann, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 05Reply
myllie21 I’m Melissa Anne too
Mar 07Reply
curatedbythesea Dawn here at Beachresale. Noticed you liked one of my items. My closet will be 50% off all items on 3/29. Feel free to Make me an offer and I will accept.
Mar 29Reply
blaisekepple Hello! Just wanted to make sure my order was received for the fuggler. Thanks! :)
Apr 01Reply
seller015 Thank you so much for the rating and comment! I’m so glad you’re happy with them 🙂 I appreciate it❣️
Apr 09Reply
rosen13 @melissarnibclc Hi I’ve been trying to contact you about the tank top I purchased can you please give me an estimate on when you will ship? Thanks
Apr 23Reply
smme78 I ordered a Torrid T-shirt size 6 that says Today has been Cancelled. that was last Friday, the day you listed it, 5 days ago. new listing. it has yet to ship. may I get an update on shipping. thank you so much.
Apr 30Reply
smme78 Can I get a shipping update please.
May 01Reply
smme78 @rosen13 Did you ever get your Tank Top? I have a shirt I purchased on 4/24 , and no response nor have I received it!
May 07Reply
rosen13 @smme78 nope I had to cancel the order
May 07Reply
mckinney1203 Just checking in to see when you’re gonna ship the two tees I purchased?
May 20Reply
oliverscloset65 Hi are you still selling
Aug 03Reply
cutehosiery @melissarnibclc Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 01Reply

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Last Active: Jun 12 2021

Los Angeles, CA
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Last Active: Jun 12 2021

Los Angeles, CA
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