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Updated Jan 05
Updated Jan 05

Meet your Posher, Mia. 🤗



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I am a single mom to an almost 8-year-old little boy named Jaidenn! He has an extra chromosome of happiness (aka “down” syndrome) but that’s never stopped him much! He’s my little assistant. 🙂 I am a local real estate agent in Texas, who has a love for fashion, and shopping! I’m also a giver. If you are in a tight spot, and are just looking for nicer clothes, shoot me a message, or just get yourself a bundle together and make me an offer. Sharing is caring! 🤗 Everyone deserves to feel good!
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poshativity I'm so glad I got to "meet" you! Your bundle ships out first thing Monday morning. Hope you love everything :-) have a great weekend!
Jul 20Reply
miajune7 @mccombshop I am so excited to receive it! 🤗 Thank you so much for accepting my offer, and I hope that you have a good weekend!!
Jul 20Reply
sallysingerlbk HI! I wanted to thank you for the oh so nice comments you made about the things you bought from me. So glad you loved the fringe purse, it is certainly one of a kind. Hated to let it go, but happy it found it’s new forever home! Oxoxoxo Check back with me, I list often and have other vintage items to let go. Anything specific...I may have it. Collector and vintage lover for years!
Jul 22Reply
miajune7 Thank you!! I am seriously in love with this purse! The pictures didn't do it as much justice as having it in reality. Beautifully made!! I will definitely be checking back with you and following your future finds.
Jul 22Reply
racks_25 Hello ! Welcome to Poshmark 😁 My name is Raquel and I’m an ambassador 🎉 Feel free to ask me any questions or concerns at any time ☺️ I will be happy to help ! Also, whenever you get a chance, feel free to check out my closet 😊 I have a lot of great clothes and shoes and accessories from little ones to things for yourself 🥳🥳 I even offer great deals on single purchases and bundles as well :) HAPPY POSHING 🤗🤗
Jul 23Reply
clineq Hello gorgeous💕 ! I would love to share 10 of your items & if you could share 10 of mine🥰! Sharing is SELLING! Please Comment under my page when done! Please give me one day to return the shares❣️❤️❣️
Jul 24Reply
miajune7 @clineq done 🤗
Jul 24Reply
kelci10 Thanks for the like!!! Add another items to your bundle for 20% off or make an offer🤗♥️🎉🤗♥️🎉
Jul 26Reply
ladykrc @miajune7 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 30Reply
twnrunr Thanks for the shares
Jul 30Reply
kamikundu Welcome 🙏😀🌺 Nice closet 😘🎁☀️
Aug 04Reply
pitbullmamainfl Good morning, Mia!! Thank you so much for your purchase! It’s going out today. Your little man is so handsome! I’m sending him a little surprise too. (I had already closed your package so it’s coming separately) Thanks again and have a fantastic day 😃
Aug 14Reply
miajune7 @pitbullmamainfl You are so awesomely sweet! To think of him! Thank you! I can hardly find much in terms of resale clothing that is still in good enough condition for him most of the time. We do a lot of secondhand shopping because little boys are so hard on their clothes! LOL! Especially mine. 💚😄 I hope that you have a fantastic day!
Aug 14Reply
sarrah Hi Welcome to Poshmark 💗 I’m Sarah and it’s great to meet you! Your son is soo adorable & love that your in real estate, it’s a field that I’m looking to get into 💕 I would be honored if you stopped by and visit my sweet little boutique. If you have any questions please let me know.. I’m happy to help. Have a beautiful day!! Wishing you all the best 🌷 xx Sarah
Aug 14Reply
takecarevtg Hey Mia! Don't want to be obnoxious but I saw a few items you liked in my closet. If you're interested i'm happy to do the two wallets and sock bundle for $50 (3 items gives you 15% so it'll actually be 42.5 and shipping) Let me know if that sounds reasonable. I can a mystery item too like a bracelet of decoration piece. I'll be organizing my listings and adding this week so just let me know and happy to make your virtual acquaintance!! Happy Holidays =)
Dec 13Reply
uneekbuys Hi there I haven’t seen you for a while. Glad to see you again and the beautiful little boy. I will ship your item out tomorrow and I hope you have a wonderful evening.
Dec 16Reply
miajune7 @uneekbuys thank you so much!! 💚💚 I keep in mind to check out your closet periodically 😉
Dec 16Reply
uneekbuys Hi it’s me again I just wanted to mention that I had a pair of Air Jordan boys on my site that are real nice shoes and they’re 7 1/2 boys. I don’t know what your boy wears but I thought I’d mention and you might take a look at them they’re black with a little red on the inside. Have a nice evening.
Dec 16Reply
uneekbuys Oh it’s me the past again. I just noticed that you put in a bundle the fringe skirt and the Fringe boots. I thought they would go great together and if you decide you liked them, I am open to an offer so let me know.
Dec 16Reply
uneekbuys Sent you some summer surprises
Dec 16Reply
miajune7 @uneekbuys I actually have some fringe boots and a skirt that are nearly identical to yours!! LOVE them!! I can’t believe they haven’t been purchased yet!
Dec 16Reply
miajune7 @uneekbuys Jaidenn wears a size 12 in shoes now, but he has soooo many, and is growing so quickly right now. Thank you so much though! You’re such a sweet soul. 💜
Dec 16Reply
uneekbuys @miajune7 good he deserves tons of shoes.
Dec 16Reply
sallysingerlbk hi Mia, such lovely photos of you and your son. I sent you a more discounted offer on your bundle, so I hope you like it! Oxoxoxox
Dec 16Reply
uneekbuys Thank you so terribly much again for your five star rating. It makes my day — little things are important in life— except this is a big thing to me. And I hope you spoil that little boy rotten and have a wonderful holiday.
Dec 18Reply
miajune7 @uneekbuys I’ve been wearing the boots all morning, and I absolutely love them! Thank you so much, again. 💚
Dec 18Reply
uneekbuys Oh I’m so happy. I love fashion and I looked at those boots and I thought they had character to them also. Anyway have a wonderful holiday and give that boy a big fat kiss.
Dec 18Reply
thwelshbohemian Hi Mia June, thank you so much for your offer I counted back with my best price as I have to take into account polishes 20% and these are really special boots because they have the Thunderbird on the front and the back which is rare. I hope it works for you
Jan 30Reply
miajune7 @thwelshbohemian I can’t let these slip away! They are so unique and right up my alley. Thank you so much! 💜
Jan 30Reply
thwelshbohemian @miajune7 yay I'm so happy they're going to a good home where they will be appreciated ☺️ you just called me in time to I'm at the shop so I can grab them and get them out to you today
Jan 30Reply
thwelshbohemian Hey girl, thank you so much for the rating. It made my heart smile that your little guy thought they were cool. No better praise than that, I have two littles too and they definitely make the world a better place. Have an awesome weekend having fun with your little fashion star 😘♥️🌈
Feb 02Reply
mel_plus3 You have a lot of likes from my closet. Bundle them and make me an offer! Btw your son is absolutely adorable!!
Mar 22Reply
gmastyles Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! Because of the situation we all find ourselves in & the fact that I have a senior & immune compromised in my home, I ship once a week. In an effort to keep my family as safe as possible, I minimize my trips out. Therefore, I ship all orders every Monday. Your order will ship out Monday. Thanks so much for your patience! Have a great weekend!
Mar 28Reply
goodgaudy Such a sweet message.. 🌹
May 25Reply
uneekbuys Hi there I haven’t heard from you for a while. And there’s that cute boy in there. I will ship this morning And I hope you have a wonderful day.
Aug 05Reply
uneekbuys You are always so kind. And the boy is the handsomest guy in the world but he has such a kind mother doesn’t he? I hope you come back soon I haven’t been listing much lately because I’ve had some medical issues but things are looking up now so I have tons to put on
Aug 10Reply
gleitzeking Thank you very much for your purchase, I really appreciate you. I will be shipping out your shoes today.
Oct 08Reply
miajune7 @gleitzeking thank you so much!
Oct 08Reply
klbny74 Hi there thank you for liking my bath and Bodyworks said this is the last one I have please feel free to make an offer and we can make this happen today and ship out today thank you
Dec 21Reply
cutehosiery @miajune7 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 02Reply

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Last Active: May 31 2021

Fort Worth, TX
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Last Active: May 31 2021

Fort Worth, TX
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