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Updated Mar 05
Updated Mar 05

Meet your Posher, Miss Nobody Designs

Meet the Posher



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Jennifer & Kelly are the minds behind Miss Nobody Designs! #anotherlove on the clothes in our personal closet. All our pieces are still in great pre- owned condition. Some still have the new tags. We sell clothes, purses, home decor & MORE!! Feel free to make offers! Thank you for stopping by! Leave us a comment so that we can check out your closet too 
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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morssiee18 Hey girl! I saw you liked my Lilly Pulitzer listing, if you have any questions or wanted to make an offer using the offer tab the price is negotiable! Otherwise, enjoy your night and happy poshing!💖
Apr 23Reply
shortsnmore Thank you kelly
Jun 01Reply
morssiee18 Hey girl! I noticed you liked three of my listings, let me know if you have any questions 💖
Jun 02Reply
atdarla Hi Kelly! Your new outfit is on the way. Just shipped it. Happy Poshing :)
Jul 03Reply
kaleyheider Hi, it's nice to meet you!💖
Jul 20Reply
jaquij2004 Hi are you still interested in the express dress
Oct 24Reply
jaquij2004 @kelsrivas 30 is too low , but I will work with you . Make another offer
Oct 25Reply
jaquij2004 @kelsrivas I’ll do 35
Oct 25Reply
jaquij2004 @kelsrivas hi , I hope you are enjoying your dress . Thanks again for shopping .. please accept ... happy selling this weekend .
Oct 28Reply
jaquij2004 @kelsrivas please accept
Oct 29Reply
lulabean21 Hi! I hope you love my Lula-filled closet 😀 Please feel free to stop by and let me know if you have any questions 💕
Nov 05Reply
lillycolette Thank you for ur Hollister sweatshirt!!! I will be shipping it tomorrow! Enjoy 😊
Dec 09Reply
missnobody @lillycolette yay !! Thank you , can’t wait!
Dec 09Reply
ballinandhaulin Hi Kelly just checking on the shipment date for the chevron jumper? I’m super excited for it and hoping I’ll get in time for my cruise at the end of the month:)
Jan 06Reply
nancynorth Hello friend, thank you for like my beautiful closet hope you have decided for something new, all my jewelry is unique 😊best regards and good shipping 😻👍🌟🌟
Feb 01Reply
nancynorth Take your time and I will be happy to help and work through 🐺☕remember to bundle and save 🐰😊
Feb 01Reply
nancynorth Thank for visiting very good taste my dear 😀😍👍🙏
Feb 04Reply
nancynorth Hi thank you for the likes hope you have a blessed Sunday 👋☀️😁🙏
Mar 04Reply
fashionista_kim 🎉Thanks so much for the 5-star rating Kelly!!!! I'm happy that you're satisfied with our transaction and your new purchase. 🎉 As always, You're welcomed back to my closet anytime hun 🤗
Mar 10Reply
missnobody @fashionista_kim thank you !! You know I’ll be back as Always lol 💕
Mar 10Reply
fashionista_kim @kelsrivas Hey Kels! I sent you a counter offer😊 check it out when you get a chance 💕
Mar 20Reply
bell1971 HI. My name is Shelley. I want to help you gain followers. I am on a team of Super Poshers that have Games to help you. Look in my closet. I have a Super Lippie💋 Game ....Like the game and read the directions. COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE LIPPIE TO SIGN UP. Also on my slides are a list of my team members that also have SUPER POSHER GAMES. I got 100K Followers in 9 months !!! Let me know if you have questions 😀 Thank you “The lipstick Addict” @bell1971
May 27Reply
littlefire33 Thank you Beautiful, for all the shares. I’ll be back with my 🛒.....😊
Jun 22Reply
missnobody @littlefire33 lol your awesome !!
Jun 22Reply
mskaribbean1 Hey hun! Thanks so much for stopping by my closet and for your likes, let me know if you have any questions, or feel free to bundle for an additional discount🏵😊
Jul 02Reply
missnobody @mskaribbean1 Hi!! Thanks so much :)
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody Thanks so much for your purchase...I'll do my best in getting these out today🌹
Jul 02Reply
missnobody @mskaribbean1 Great!! Thank you😁
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody Hey hun! I'm so sorry I'm packing up your items I noticed a tiny black spot on the Superman Tee☹...just didn't want to send it without telling you. You are welcome to pick another T-shirt at no additional cost, and I can still send the Superman sorry, let me know, thnks
Jul 02Reply
missnobody @mskaribbean1 Hi, Thank you for letting me know :) I will take a look now real quick..
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody Ok great! Thanks for understanding...again so sorry for the inconvenience.
Jul 02Reply
missnobody @mskaribbean1 No problem :) how about the I can't adult today shirt maybe tomorrow or a pair of the nude or blush pink sunnies (I meant to order those :(
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody No problem...the ball is in your court Lol
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody Just like what you decide in & I'll throw it in the package😊
Jul 02Reply
missnobody @mskaribbean1 I would love the nude sunnies hun :)
Jul 02Reply
mskaribbean1 @missnobody Think I have more than one listed that's why I wanted you to click "like" on the one you want
Jul 02Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jul 07Reply
missnobody @vtorres0926 Hey! Thanks so much for stopping by, liking & sharing! We will do the same :)
Jul 12Reply
georgianlibra Hi, this is a very late thank you for sharing my item on Twitter 🙏 Truly appreciated 💜❤️💕
Jul 14Reply
missnobody @georgianlibra of course!!😁
Jul 14Reply
look_fabulous THANK YOU for all the shares! You made my day! 🌻
Jul 24Reply
missnobody @look_fabulous Of course & you’re welcome! 😁
Jul 24Reply
loribushing Hi, thank you!!! It’s already wrapped /boxed & Shipped!! Enjoy!! I put a note in there, that it’s a “vintage” style chain, & it can get tangled if not hung up. I have had it hung till the sale. But it takes only a few min. To untangle it. It’s a beautiful piece!!! Enjoy that &’a lil gift I included!! 😀
Jul 26Reply
missnobody @loribushing Ok, awesome!! Thanks so much!!😁
Jul 26Reply
wendym198 Hey girl! I so appreciate your offer on my WHBM strapless top! But I just can’t let it go for less than list price ($20). It’s like brand new and I’m already taking a huge loss. I do want it to go to a good home so if u still want it please do buy! 😘
Jul 31Reply
wendym198 Aweeee thank you for the lovely feedback! And I’m so glad you loved your top— Enjoy!💕
Aug 08Reply
ijules You purchased a bundle from me and I just realized that I sent out the wrong pair of jeans. I am so sorry!! I have never done this before and I’m not sure how to handle the situation. Do you know what I should do?
Oct 11Reply
missnobody @ijules No worries! You just need to contact Poshmark and they will send you a return receipt 😁
Oct 11Reply
missnobody @ijules well to me probably lol sorry!
Oct 11Reply
ijules @missnobody thanks!! I already contacted Poshmark to let them know. I’m so sorry about this 😖
Oct 11Reply
ijules Hello - just wanted to check in with you regarding the jeans I sent. Did you receive the return shipping label? Please let me know when you get a chance!
Oct 15Reply
missnobody @ijules Hi, I have not received the label as of yet but I will be on the lookout for it. Thank you!
Oct 15Reply
ijules @missnobody ok, thanks! Please send me a message with any updates!
Oct 15Reply
missnobody @ijules Hi, I still haven’t received anything from PM. Do you recall when you contacted them by chance? Have you mailed the ones I bought? Thanks so much!!
Oct 16Reply
ijules I contacted PM the same day I sent you a message. They sent me an email.... asking me for the order #. And, I replied with the info. & that’s it.
Oct 17Reply
missnobody @ijules Ok, I’ll continue to keep an eye out for the mailing label. Did you have a chance to mail the ones I purchased?
Oct 17Reply
ijules @missnobody I have not received a shipping label from PM to send the correct Jeans to you.
Oct 17Reply
missnobody @ijules Hello, Do you mind following up with PM please? I just want to get this resolved ASAP☺️
Oct 19Reply
ijules I heard back from PM. They said for you to open up an official return case for the item. Once they receive your request, they will send you the label. Please keep me updated! I apologize sincerely for the inconvenience
Oct 19Reply
missnobody @ijules Thanks, I contacted them. Did they send you a shipping label to mail the correct jeans by chance?
Oct 20Reply
ijules Did you see my last message?
Oct 20Reply
missnobody @ijules Hi, yes I did and contacted PM support.
Oct 20Reply
ijules Ok! I just sent another message as well. I feel so bad about this 😢
Oct 21Reply
missnobody @ijules Hi, you should be able to use the original shipping label to mail the correct jeans. PM sent me an email saying they received my request and will be in touch :)
Oct 22Reply
ijules @missnobody this is nuts!! I can’t believe that this taking so long for PM to send instructions to resolving this issue. I’ve sent them 3 emails! I can’t reuse the same shipping label. At this point, I’ll just create the shipping label myself and ship you the jeans. And, you can just keep the jeans I shipped you. I am so sorry about this!
Oct 23Reply
missnobody @ijules Thank you! This happened to us once before, it was a total accident. We reprinted the label I believe. I’ll try contacting PM again to get yours sent back. If you don’t mind sending the ones I bought as soon as you can. I was hoping to have soon as I’m going out of town :(
Oct 23Reply
missnobody @ijules Any updates?
Oct 26Reply
ijules @missnobody unfortunately no, nothing!! And, I sent them another message a couple of days ago. I’m giving up. I have them packaged up and I will be shipping them today.
Oct 26Reply
ijules Your jeans are on their way!!
Oct 27Reply
ijules @missnobody the tracking says you will receive them on Monday
Oct 27Reply
missnobody @ijules Thank you!
Oct 27Reply
ijules @missnobody again I am sorry about this. Please don’t beat me up on the rating 😔
Oct 28Reply
missnobody @ijules Hi, I received the jeans but they aren't what I ordered :( I ordered the Express jeggings & these are actually Holister short jeans?
Oct 30Reply
ijules @missnobody OMG!! This is jinxed. I’ll send out the right pair and send a return shipping label.
Oct 30Reply
missnobody @ijules I know right! I hated to even tell you but wanted you to know :)
Oct 30Reply
ijules @missnobody I’m really not this incompetent! I’ve never done this before. Let alone twice. Thankfully you are super sweet about it.
Oct 30Reply
missnobody @ijules it was an accident, I understand 😊
Oct 31Reply
ijules @missnobody I shipped the jeans USPS Priority Mail. You should get them by Saturday.
Nov 01Reply
missnobody @ijules Thank you!!
Nov 01Reply
ijules @missnobody I didn’t send a return shipping label. You can just keep them. Hopefully, you can sell them to make up for my mistake. I’m hoping you don’t beat me on my rating 😊
Nov 01Reply
mskaribbean1 Hello again hun! Thanks for stopping by and for the likes, you're always welcomed to make offers😊
Dec 09Reply
savichick Thanks for the likes💕💕💕 Bundle your likes for a private discount and get your items before Christmas 🌲!
Dec 18Reply
brrayan207 Hi, welcome to Poshmark thanks for visit my closet 😊
Feb 11Reply
ellimax_fashion Thank you so much for sharing my closet. Wish you many sales and followers, have a wonderful day and weekend ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 23Reply
missnobody @ellimax_fashion You are welcome & Thank You also!!☺️😁
Jun 23Reply
amynigro Girlie you have the patience of a saint. I have your tissue box all ready to ship out. I am finally starting to feel much better. Then my son caught my virus. But we should be back to our routine tomorrow and I plan to go to the post office. I’m shocked you haven’t cancelled but thank you. And I’m so so sorry. I hope you love it. And next thing from my closet is at a huge discount!😘
Sep 03Reply
missnobody @amynigro could you include one of the earrings I liked in my purchase ? I’m pregnant so I guess I do have some extra patience 🤣🤣
Sep 03Reply
amynigro Honestly your box is packed so tight bc of the tissue box being mercury glass I used a lot of bubble wrap. I’m afraid to open the box. But I promise to give you 2 pairs for free if you order something else. Or if you order one pair I will give you the lowest possible price just to get a label and send the others too.
Sep 03Reply
amynigro Lmk when you finish the bundle.
Sep 03Reply
anniebunnii Hey I’m having a huge closet clear out! I’m open to all offers so give it a try - you might be surprised! I’m also giving out great bundle discounts and free shipping so you’re invited to check out the rest of my closet to see if you’d like anything else 💕 Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays love 💝
Dec 04Reply
3rosedaughters Thank you for the like!! The joggers are too cute!! I dropped the price as I am clearing my closet!!🌸🌸🌸
Feb 17Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! If you get a chance I’d love it if you could stop by and check out my closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing:)
May 20Reply
shopfoxy hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
May 27Reply
cutehosiery @missnobody Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 02Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Charlotte, NC
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Last Active: Feb 27

Charlotte, NC
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