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Updated Feb 05
Updated Feb 05

Meet your Posher, Missy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Missy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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brittscloset123 Hey!! I saw you liked a pair of Steve Madden Sandals from my closet!! I just want to tell you all prices are negotiable and I also give at least 20% off a bundle of two or more so please feel free to keep looking through my closet and if there is anything you love I welcome all offers!!😊 also i have plenty of other Steve Madden Sandals and booties that size!
Aug 12Reply
collegethreads What a beautiful chicken 😍! Thank you for stopping by my closet! If you are interested in several items and create a bundle (saves on shipping!), I can offer a discount for you (or you can make an offer)! Happy poshing! ☀️ 🌻🌻🌻🌻
Aug 13Reply
kortmissy @collegethreads your so sweet..chicken is named "Speedy"..she quite skidish..but sweet..thanks for an interest in my closet..i will send people your way as I can..🐔❤❤
Aug 13Reply
collegethreads @kortmissy Awh thanks! Speedy, like the roadrunner character?? Love it! What type is she? She has beautiful coloration on her feathers!!
Aug 13Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Aug 13Reply
milvetpicker Welcome to Poshmark. Good luck with your closet!
Aug 14Reply
mst5717 Hi, welcome to Posh 🌷
Aug 16Reply
swagslayer Welcome to Poshmark a place you can shop, turn your old clothes into cash, and find great items. I like to check out new closets for marvelous fashion finds. I look forward to seeing what great things you will add to your closet. Quick Tip: Dont forget to follow your fellow followers and always share their items if they share yours. Stop by my closet to see if we are Stylemates @swagslayer I hope we are. WELCOME new POSHER!!!!
Aug 18Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Missy, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Aug 20Reply
Aug 23Reply
amycf74 Hey Missy! Thanks so much for being so sweet to share for me ❣ Have A Beautiful Day ❣😉💐💕
Aug 24Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 31Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 20Reply
diver_diane Hi! Nice chicken! :)
Sep 21Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Sep 21Reply
mandamay1019 Love ur rode island red! I’ve got one too. Her name is beep beep. 🐓
Sep 25Reply
kortmissy @diver_diane HI thanks for the follow! Nice chicken as well 🤗🐔🐓
Sep 25Reply
kortmissy @mandamay1019 Beep Beep such a cute name love it!! 🐔🐓😂
Sep 25Reply
lifestylechoice Hi! :D Offering Buy One Get One Free On all of my items :) Take advantage of this great offer! All you do is add to your bundle and send the offer for the higher priced item. You can do this for multiple items. Thanks!
Oct 12Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for sharing
Oct 18Reply
kortmissy @jtcr455 anytime!! Thanks for the shares as well!!😍😍 cute puppers!!
Oct 18Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🎃 All prices are negotiable and I add new listings daily : ) I also give 20% off bigger bundles and free gifts, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Oct 23Reply
idevine1 Hi, I just noticed that you liked Trump Marina Velour Tracksuit in my closet.  I just sent you a private discounted offer of 20% off PLUS $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item.  I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items.  I'd love for this item to go to a good home.  Please let me know if you're interested.  ☺☺☺☺☺
Oct 24Reply
idevine1 Thank you so much for your purchase of the Trump Marina Set. I will pack it up and drop it off at the post office tomorrow morning.
Oct 24Reply
kortmissy @idevine1 I'm delighted to have purchased this set from you..Thank you so much!! Happy many Poshing sales to you!!😍😍😍😍😍
Oct 24Reply
idevine1 @kortmissy Thank you so much. I'm so happy you found something you liked in my closet. I appreciate your business. Have a good night.
Oct 25Reply
fortheloveofash Hi there 😊 Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash! Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕 With Love, Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Oct 25Reply
kortmissy @fortheloveofash you are the sweetest!! I've shared some loves too!! 😍😍😍
Oct 25Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Oct 30Reply
kortmissy @reynolds57 aww..Thanks for the follow as well!! 😃 Love your closet!! 😍😍
Oct 30Reply
idevine1 Mimi, thank you so much for 5 star rating and lovely comments on the Trump Marina Set. I'm sooooo glad you love it. I'm not trying to be pushy, but I have 2 new items from Trump Marina if you or your friends are interested. Enjoy your purchase. Thanks again.
Oct 30Reply
vickag24 Hi, my name is Vicky and I just wanted to say Hello and introduce my little closet. All handmade necklaces, bracelets and earrings are made by me from Semi Precious stones. I believe in healing they provide. Have fun here on Posh
Oct 31Reply
kortmissy @vickag24 Hi Vicki..I am Mimi K. I did see your closet and it is very interesting you make them a lover & believer of beautiful stones..Thanks so much for the follow..i will definitely share and look over your beauty for prosperity for you! 😍😍😍😍
Oct 31Reply
designerchic03 Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Free gift with each purchase. Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 20Reply
webyty Great closet! Wish you many sales! Happy Poshing and have a great Thanksgiving :)
Nov 20Reply
kortmissy @webyty Thank you!! Your closet is amazing!! Sending great sale vibes right back at ya babe!! Have a blessed Happy Thanksgiving! 🍗🍗🦃🦃
Nov 20Reply
nevaeh994 Thanx for the follow
Dec 02Reply
msneverending1 Izzy just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following & sharing my listings from my closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 04Reply
kortmissy @msneverending1 Hi Carol!! Thanks for the follow as well..pretty closet you have!! I wish you many happy posting vibes your way!! Mimi K.
Dec 04Reply
msneverending1 Missy just wanted to stop by and welcome you to Poshmark and thank you so much for following & sharing my listings from my closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Dec 04Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Dec 06Reply
kortmissy @lady_snowblood You are very welcome!! I shared some more too..Happy Holidays to you too!!🎄🎄🎄
Dec 15Reply
kortmissy @lady_snowblood You are the greatest!! Thanks 😙😙
Dec 15Reply
marycox1218 Enjoyed sharing your lovely things. Wishing you many sales in the new year! Happy Poshing!! 👠👛👗💰
Dec 29Reply
chonka68 Thanks for GENEROUS offer on green coat--- but I'm pretty sure it won't fit😢Keeping in my likes for When I loose a few👍Love it though
Jan 11Reply
kortmissy @chonka68 Your Welcome & Thank you for Loving it!! I wish you much Luck in losing the few you think that you may have to lose..Im sure you are beautiful just the way you are..Have a Wonderful & Loving yourself More Day!! 😍😍😍😚😚😚😊😊😊
Jan 11Reply
chonka68 @kortmissy Awe-how sweet.I am going to check measures(have similar in my actual closet).Just love the color👍HP
Jan 11Reply
ghstrider83 Thanks for the shares and stopping by my new closet!! Cute baby dog!!
Jan 14Reply
thepickinpeach Thanks for the shares! 😊🌼
Jan 22Reply
mach_5 Love your dog’s ears🐕
Feb 08Reply
kortmissy @mach_5 Lol..Thanks!! She was just staring at me like that.when she woke was too funny..shes a character!!
Feb 09Reply
danasdoings 💍Hello Missy thanks for the Follow I took a few minutes and looked through your closet I loved your items so I shared a few . Come by anytime HAPPY POSHING💍
Mar 18Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️ ps super cute pup!!
Mar 18Reply
kortmissy @danasdoings Hi Dana... Thank-you for the follow & shares..I shared some of your Amazing closet you have, it's like a museum of fabulous jewelry!!😍😍😍 Adorable Granddaughter 😚😚😚 Happy Poshing as well..its oh so FUN!! Have a Blessed Day !! 😊😊😊
Mar 18Reply
kortmissy @vpl1116 Hi V..Thanks for the follow and stopping by my closet..Cute closet you have😍😘😄 Love your Adorable puppy as well, looks so cuddly & loving 🐶🐶 What's his/her name? The one I have in Picture is named Lily, she is a 14 yr old Jack Russell Terrier, she's amazingly funny🐕🐕 but older and blind now 😎😔 ..
Mar 18Reply
kortmissy @malekica Hello to you too!! Happy Posting as well 😍😍😍
Mar 21Reply
grammytata2012 Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
May 14Reply
presley523 Hi, thanks for following my closet. If you are selling or just shopping, it is a great place for bargains on quality items. For sellers, I wish you the best in sells. For those shopping, I wish you the best in finding that perfect bargain. Whether new or a veteran to the site, I invite you to visit my closet where you will find fair prices. I also negotiate or accept reasonable offers. Happy Poshing and hope you are able to visit my closet.
Jun 06Reply
simone740 Hi there! Thank you for the shares 🤗. I belong to a wonderful share group and would love for you to join. Please stop by my closet to check out the listing for rules and directions. You have a beautiful closet by the way❤️
Nov 24Reply
kristyberry 🔥🔥🔥Hey! I’m doing a deal right now, spend $50 in my closet get a free item from my DEAL listing or spend $85 and pick 2 free items! Some of the free items include : still in its packaging Nike sweatband, 2 full bottles of bath and body works perfume, 2 different pairs of new earrings, a new necklace, or the movie Why Him on dvd and Blu-Ray! I have lots of Nike, Forever 21, PINK, and Adidas in my closet🔥🔥🔥
Nov 27Reply
cynduf88 Hi!! Thank you for the shares. Hope you enjoyed looking at my closet. My prices are negotiable and I will accept reasonable offers. I enjoyed looking at your closet and shared it with my followers. Hope you have a great day!
Dec 06Reply
sanurse53 Thank you for sharing my listing! I have just reduced everything and ready to deal! I also discount for bundles! Please take a look! All items are beautiful quality and perfect condition!
Dec 11Reply
jilkauffman Love your fun friend!! Happy Poshing!!🙋‍♀️🌺🌺🌺
Dec 11Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Happy Holidays🤶 very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Shares of your most awesome closet. 🎅The Holidays are here and the hustle and bustle start.❄ Get in your Pjs.A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale also if you purchase $15⬆️ receive 1 lighted Xmas card w/batteries included. Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Holiday Season filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve❄⛄
Dec 15Reply
smxcollectables Hello would you like to Share 25 items from our closets? Thanks in either case. Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 13Reply
kortmissy @smxcollectables 34 shared thank you!
Jan 13Reply
smxcollectables Shared and thanks back❤️
Jan 13Reply
bell1971 @kortmissy 💄💄💄ENJOY YOUR LIPPIE DAY💄💄💄 100K is AWESOME 😀🎉🎉🎉
Jan 18Reply
anthonynf 💙Thanks For Sharing💙Happy Poshing💙
Jan 23Reply
kortmissy @anthonynf thank you for yuh our shares as well.
Jan 23Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun. May every day of the new year glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family. God Bless!
Jan 24Reply
csims76 Thanks for all the shares!
Jan 25Reply
madblk3 🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡
Mar 02Reply
mommom501 Missy, I love the chicken! 👏👏 I hope you are having a great week. I am going to check out your closet and share it as I do, and I hope you will do the same for me when you have a few minutes. I am always happy to give my best deals and I'm a recommended seller with great ratings.
Aug 25Reply
bell1971 @kortmissy 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher today 💄💄💄Enjoy💋
Dec 23Reply
thelillyjoyce Hi:) everything in my closet is $2 off! If you bundle its even more off😍 I ship same or next day!! Stay safe!
Jan 30Reply
cinderella927 Hi Missy‼️I see you liked The RUNWAY👠‼️Welcome‼️We are a great group of Poshers who share each other's closets while having fun‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured this week and have openings Mon. 2/1 through Thurs. 2/4. Let me know if you would like to "walk" The RUNWAY👠‼️
Jan 31Reply
nylifeaccess Hi gorgeous , thank you very much to check out and following my closet. Just to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Jan 30Reply
trishadi Hi fellow Hoosier! I am a born and bred Indiana girl thank you for the follow and the shares, let me return the same. I’m in California now came for college never left but I get home when I can ❤️
Feb 04Reply
cutehosiery @kortmissy Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 08Reply
neatnix I submitted an offer 3 days ago on your yellow patent croc Sperry Top Siders and haven't received a response. So, then I wrote you two days ago inquiring about these and if you're still active. When I didn't receive a reply, I contacted Poshmark Customer Service asking for advice on this matter and they told me to try this option. So that's why I'm writing this to you via this forum. I look forward to hearing from you.
Jul 03Reply

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Last Active: Sep 24 2023

Aurora, IL
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Last Active: Sep 24 2023

Aurora, IL
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