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Updated Mar 31
Updated Mar 31

Meet your Posher, Niki

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Hi! I'm Niki. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Nike, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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dsang Welcome to Poshmark! I hope that you like the community as much as I do. If you have questions or need help let me know! The best advice I can give you is the more you follow and share the more likely you are to make sales! Happy poshing! Please check out my closet! 💞🛍
Mar 31Reply
nikihibbert @dsang thank you so much!! I really appreciate the advice!
Mar 31Reply
langmad "Welcome to poshmark! I think you'll find this a wonderful community to both buy and sell alike. If you ever have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help! Happy poshing! 💕"
Mar 31Reply
nikihibbert @langmad wow you are too sweet! I am sure I will have questions! Thanks so much
Mar 31Reply
saskicarrerabsq Hello Love!!! Welcome to Posh ✨❤️😘 by chance, do you have a BLACK TIE Silpada Ring in a size 7 or 8 that you're thinking of selling? Thank you so much 😊
May 04Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq shoot! I don't have that one anymore! I ❤️ it. I will be on the lookout for you!
May 04Reply
saskicarrerabsq I may send an offer, depending if my payment clears tomorrow. Please do not be offended in any way. If it doesn't work for you, I totally will understand. I always offer in bundles so that the actual prices are never disclosed. Thank you ahead of time for considering and for your time
May 04Reply
saskicarrerabsq Thank you again ✨❤️
May 04Reply
saskicarrerabsq Hello there! I really could not do counter, especially after earlier purchase 😂 no worries if you're unable to accept new offer on single. I have been trying to buy one forever since mine broke.
May 05Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq I am sorry! I really appreciate your purchases earlier! I want to work with you on a good price since you did buy a lot earlier!
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq Thank you so much for being an A+ Posher and striving to work with me. I'm unable but will hopefully be able to sometime soon. I'll try and remember counters. My daughter needed a replacement Q for a D ring I was so sad I missed that one. Looking so forward to seeing purchase! Thank you again 😘
May 05Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq I will be posting more this weekend! Thank you for your support
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq Absolutely no worries. I know both sides of being a Posher. Perhaps someone will come along at your price points. No worries 😉 you've been a doll and I do look forward to earlier purchase 😘
May 05Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq going in the mail tomorrow! I am new to this so still learning the ropes. It's just so hard to go below the 50% off because it's still such good quality!!
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq Will you have a Q for a Day in size 5 or 6? And I of course was looking for the Black Tie in 7 or 8 - encourage bundles for the reason I already explained it saves them money besides. But most importantly those numbers stay private
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq I totally understand. Have been a faithful Silpada girl since they were cool Jewels 💎 I'll keep an eye out ✨❤️😘
May 05Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq thanks for the advice! I just enabled that feature! Make me another offer on your necklace!
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq I really hate to offer on a single item. Why don't we do this? In your post title for my wanted necklace, put RESERVE 24 hours and I'll see if a check cleared tomorrow and I'll try a new bundle offer. Would that work for you?
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq I'll have to wait. Thank you for allowing me some time. 😘😘
May 05Reply
saskicarrerabsq Nikki I forgot I was going to ask you if you by chance had the Under the Sun Bracelet and complementary necklace, I can't remember if the necklace had the same name but it's coral and brass with Turquoise
May 07Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq hey you! I did well that one!
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq Noooo you sold it already???
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq I should have given you my list 😂😂😂
May 07Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq I sold that one before I discovered the Posh World😂
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq Agh! Okeedokee- well if you come across one preferably from a former rep I would love to consider if we can be at a reasonable price point. I know they're available on Silpada website but after everything we've been through I prefer to spend money in support of fellow past reps
May 07Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq I feel the exact same way!!! I will keep my eyes open!
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq Almost every week I've had to refocus myself on being grateful and positive and continue to chip away on the stock that they offered us at 30-40% off. Not knowing what was coming next, it seemed like a fab idea. I sold one of the stackables last August late for $25 and my buyer was happy. Yesterday I sold my last one and she almost acted like I should be grateful she bought it at $10. New in bag pouch and box!
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq Sorry for the whining, and thank you 😘😘
May 07Reply
saskicarrerabsq @nikihibbert Nikki your last bracelet is the Radiance B28xx
May 07Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq yes it is!!! Fixed. Thanks for looking out
May 07Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq I feel your pain!! It is hard selling these for so cheap!!
May 07Reply
luxurylenna Hi Niki! Shipping out the pants tomorrow. Including a MIRA water bottle as gift with purchase too!
May 24Reply
nikihibbert @luxurylenna awesome!!! I can't wait. Thank you
May 24Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq thanks girl for always sharing my goodies! My doggy is having his leg amputated Wednesday so that's my why in selling all my pieces!!
May 30Reply
saskicarrerabsq Oh my gosh WHAT HAPPENED???
May 30Reply
saskicarrerabsq Awww oh my gosh! I'll have you and your furry one in my thoughts and say a prayer. Poor baby! Sending lots of hugs
May 30Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq thank you so much! You have been awesome
May 30Reply
on13thstreet @nikihibbert Hope you're enjoying Poshmark! If you see something you like, make me an offer or bundle 2+ items for 10% off!
May 30Reply
sundaytosunday Hi! I love the Silpada ornate cuff bracelet. Just missed an auction on the same bracelet, on another site (I could post you a photo of I knew how to do it!). It was $97, free shipping. Would it be ok if I made an offer for the bracelet? Or if you prefer and would like to, perhaps you could make me an offer? Kind regards, Carol
May 24Reply
nikihibbert @yadnus hi. Yes please make an offer. Would $100 work? It was originally $300
May 24Reply
sundaytosunday Thanks so much, just offered.
May 25Reply
nikihibbert @yadnus just accepted!!!!
May 25Reply
sundaytosunday @nikihibbert Thank you so much!!!!!
May 25Reply
nikihibbert @yadnus thank you!!!!
May 25Reply
saskicarrerabsq Thank you so very much Niki ✨❤️😘😘
Jun 01Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq you always help me and I happen to LOVE cabi
Jun 01Reply
saskicarrerabsq Uh oh! 😂😂😘😘 I love CAbi too, it’s so effortlessly on trend and classic at the same time! Not to mention how awesome it looks with Silpada. 💙
Jun 01Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq oh my goodness! You spoiled me! Thank you so much! I really appreciate it
Jun 06Reply
saskicarrerabsq I hope it all works out but if you decide to sell absolutely no worries 😘😘 happy to send happy vibes your way!
Jun 06Reply
saskicarrerabsq Accept when able 😂
Jun 06Reply
nikihibbert @saskicarrerabsq will do! I am not able to yet but will keep checking!!!
Jun 06Reply
saskicarrerabsq ✨✨❤️❤️✨✨👍🏻👍🏻😘😘
Jun 06Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Jan 28Reply
adseriksen I have fixed my cc issues but if you don't want to fool with me l totally understand. Please accept my apologies
Oct 18Reply
cutehosiery @nikihibbert Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 01Reply
nikihibbert @cutehosiery thank you so much for the nice words❤️
Jun 05Reply
femininefeline Hey! Having a "Send me an offer" sale where you can offer any price and i'll either accept or counter with my lowest possible offer. Feel free to filter my closet for your size and make a bundle or single offer! Hope you can find something good and get the best deal! :)
Nov 14Reply
eingall Hi!! I’ve added a ton of kids/baby boy and unisex listings to my closet (as well as other categories)!! Please check it out and spread the word!! I’m a recent law grad who started my career during covid and Poshmark has been a huge support🤍 feel free to bundle your favorite items for big discounts!
Aug 22Reply

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Last Active: Mar 28

Missoula, MT
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Last Active: Mar 28

Missoula, MT
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