Meet your Posher, Patricia
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Hi! I'm Patricia. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, PacSun, Nike, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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I saw your comment. Thank you
Jun 08Reply

Thanks for the heads up … I figured it was a scam when she refused the offer and then attempted to sell over PM.
Jun 09Reply

@diamond2324 what trash im a single mom and 1000 wasnt enough she had to get me for $2980 almost my entire account, i contacted poshmark 20 times yesterday this was my first time ever looking on poshmark and making a purchase garbage bag man
Jun 09Reply

@sonyamahlum what trash im a single mom and 1000 wasnt enough she had to get me for $2980 almost my entire account, i contacted poshmark 20 times yesterday this was my first time ever looking on poshmark and making a purchase garbage bag man
Jun 09Reply

@trish_2402 ugggg … hate sheisty people😐
Jun 09Reply

@sophie4252 wont let me comment in your posting
Jun 30Reply

@trish_2402 Hi, what happened.?
Jul 05Reply

@trish_2402 What happened.?
Jul 05Reply

@luxstylenyc remind me what is this about did i send u a message?
Jul 05Reply

@trish_2402 yes, you’re right to have send me the message regarding the member who us selling the LV bag what did she do to you ?
Jul 05Reply

@luxstylenyc not sure id the same person nut most likelt bc she stole the listings from M too and she posts listings of clothes just like that- my first time on posh i been wanting this one bag the monogram alma bb- i saw her listing she contacted me and she conned me so bad w snaps that were insanely good and for something i was suppose to pay $1000 for i ended up getting robbed for 2980
Jul 05Reply

shes made 3 profiles since same exact listing on 2 and the 3rd same bag stole differnt listing from M but used tbe same oic of the date code as the other bag- she also had a neverfull posted and she stole it from the same seller on M that bad the bag that i bought well robbed- i contacred posh so many times got back to me maybe 2-3 times i sent them pics of all her fake profiles pics of the listings pics of the listings she stole prior reported the profiles
Jul 05Reply

and then listings meanwhile contacting everyone asking about it and making offers privatley and to this day all 3 profiles are up along with the listings only listing taken down was the first one she robbed me on and took forever tbis was june 8 people still were commenting up until i message them all- posh told me if the sellers on M need assticance to have them contact rhem LOL ARE THEY NUTS LOL
Jul 05Reply

- they sold their bags i need assitance the new profiles she started to make jume 10 its july 5 and i reported everything and sent photos of all and they have not taken any down - im a single mither and they knew that my birthdat eas 4 days prior and 3 days before my bday my 7 yr relationship ended so i was already at the bottom all i wanted was this bag i wanted forever- and she wasnt happy w 1000 no she needed another 1000 and that easnt good enough 2500 wasnt good enough
Jul 05Reply

she rejected the 500 and needed 980 i never wanted to break someones face as i did ber bc i never seen such disgusting behavior - ok u robbed me but u had to rob for everythung i had at the moment-
Jul 05Reply

@trish_2402 I’m not understanding, you purchased a bag from the seller who is for sure a spammer, thanks for confirming it. You made a purchase on which Louis Vuitton bag the Dueville.? Did you buy and pay through Poshmark or pay her outside of Poshmark and paid her privately.? And what did M have to do with this.? I’m just trying to understand the severity of how desperate sellers are to steal and what being awareness time this
Jul 05Reply

@luxstylenyc i was looking out bc i seen this kisting on M THEonw u commented on- i made an offer like u do on a diffeeent bag - i got scammed- M has ro do w this bc the liating u commented on is a listing from M they stole it- as did thr seller who scammed me and ooated it on 3 ofher 4 profiles
Jul 05Reply

i ourchased alma bb
Jul 05Reply

i sae the kisting knew it was stolen and commented to let u know its a scam thats it
Jul 05Reply

@trish_2402 much appreciated. But did you buy the bag on Pm or M or was it an outside transaction?
Jul 05Reply

You just purchase an LV phone case
What iPhone do you needed it for ?
Jul 08Reply

iphone 12 pro max
Jul 08Reply

@zuzeemaggie iphone 22 pro max
Jul 08Reply

Jul 08Reply

I don’t have for iPhone 12 Pro Max
Only for 12 pro
I’ve mention on my description the only ones that are available
Jul 08Reply

@ysitnikova be more then happy to still take tbe ring r u trying to sell it or not
Jul 14Reply

@ysitnikova u canceled my order, when telling me gonna ship monday. reasoning for canceling was bc bundle with other order, immediatley its for sale, im offered a procate offer i message to ask what happened yesterday, i go to accept the offer and you blocked me? i was nice and now im
pissed bc u canceled reason was a lie had u just answered me before i accelted new offer everything would bave been freat but no u blocked me like
Jul 14Reply

a sketch, and i since i acfually ourchased i had my heart set on it, and bc you lied about the cancel reason and blocked me while making me an offer im going to report.
Jul 14Reply

Hi. The LV charm photos were stolen from my listing in my closet. To prove it, ask them to post the full image of the original receipt. They are going to ship you a fake charm with no receipt.
Jul 15Reply

Hi. I’m just reaching out to everyone that “Liked” the cheap Louis Vuitton Fleur de Monogram bag charm that was posted and sold for $115. The detailed images of the charm were stolen from a current Host Pick listing in my closet. I own and have in my possession the authentic charm and they will be sending whoever purchased theirs a fake without a style number, date code, or receipt. You can tell because theirs is way to shiny.
Jul 15Reply

yes i have lenses tools is included i
Aug 10Reply

✨❣️Thank You So much For Your purchase❣️✨Will ship out Tomorrow morning🍃Happy poshing🛍💐💐
Aug 11Reply

@prettythingsz hi , how were you able to get the emoji in your name?
Aug 12Reply

nvm ! i thought u had to do something thinking other than the keyboard lol thanks anyways!
Aug 12Reply

@trish_2402 i was thinking what emoji
Aug 12Reply

Hello🥰 Hope Poshmark is treating you well✨ always welcome to check out my closet, offers are always considered & prices are always negotiable🌼 let me know if you ever need anything❣️
I sell tons of purses/bags, shoes, clothes, accessories and more😁
Sep 05Reply

🙋♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 I’d love 💕 if you’d stop 🛑 by my closet and take a look. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Nov 08Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 10Reply
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