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Updated May 17
Updated May 17

Meet your Posher, Rena

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Rena. Some of my favorite brands are Dooney & Bourke, Coach, Louis Vuitton, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cinderella1990 Welcome to Poshmark 😃
Sep 21Reply
vitaliya_y Welcome to Poshmark. Happy Poshing . Stop by to checkout my closet 👗👚👙💕
Sep 21Reply
martamccall Welcome to PoshMark!! xoxo
Oct 12Reply
naturallyjaded thank you everyone
Oct 12Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Jan 08Reply
tigerlilyrose @hotcocoachanel Welcome to Poshmark! Thanks for the "Like," of my Dooney & Bourke handbag. I just dropped the price, and I'm willing to take off an additional $25, if you're interested. Just lmk. Thank you, and happy Poshing! :)
Jan 20Reply
naturallyjaded @tigerlilyrose it's a beautiful bag I will be watching price is a little steep for me as is it retailed for $398 originally
Jan 20Reply
tigerlilyrose @hotcocoachanel Unfortunately, $500 is my lowest given the 20% fees. I'd also rather have it go to Poshmark authenticate, then directly to buyer. I set my price given the fact that it's brand new, and no longer available, and I'd like to break even after the steep fees. Thanks for your interest though.
Jan 20Reply
yukonval Rena, This is Valerie the Posher you bought the Dooney&Bourke from, I’m very sorry for the delay so I included a little something extra to say Thank You for being patient.
Jan 28Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonval thank you so you shipped yesterday?
Jan 29Reply
yukonval We got home at 3:45 yesterday, I packed the handbag and dropped it off at the mail cache they said it would go out with this morning mail...
Jan 29Reply
yukonval I think you are going to Love it, Brand new, gift included
Jan 29Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonval did you get a tracking number the item is still showing pending USPS scan?
Jan 31Reply
yukonval I contacted Poshmark about this, so they are working on it... I was concerned about it also, there’s a lot of money in that box trust me
Jan 31Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonvalI'll give it a few more days
Jan 31Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonval it doesn't seem there is any movement on the pkg. I am going to cancel the order.
Feb 01Reply
yukonval I reached out to them again, it’s because I used the last label that they sent, they did not send a new one to me once we had an agreement to wait till I got back from vacation to ship, the old label will not track, but the package had been sent so they are going to find that tracking number regardless because my merchandise is out there, and I need to be credited for it
Feb 01Reply
yukonval Did you cancel the order? I’ve been in contact with Poshmark every day since I knew it wasn’t tracking, they are aware and are supposed to be working on this
Feb 02Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonval it just arrived
Feb 02Reply
naturallyjaded @yukonval thank you for the gift
Feb 02Reply
ladykrc @hotcocoachanel Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 16Reply
traceyb927 @hotcocoachanel Congratulations on your Sunflower Smith bag! You got some color! The Smith bag is one of my favorite styles. I have 6 of them! I almost bought this rare beauty last night! Enjoy!😍
Jul 24Reply
naturallyjaded @traceyb927 thank you and thank goodness you left one for the rookie. I have one in brown tmoro and love it. I’m so excited
Jul 24Reply
traceyb927 @hotcocoachanel You got an excellent deal. Yellow isn't my color. Sunflower is harder to find than your lavender! I am more of earth tones, pinks, and burgundies. Plus, I just got my Coach Unicorn 2 days ago. I am glad that you are the one that got her. Now, you and Brooklyn are twins!😊
Jul 24Reply
naturallyjaded @traceyb927 yes we are she’s just excited as I am. I like this yellow because it’s not a bright yellow. I’m like you I prefer earth tones I do red and raspberry no baby pink, strawberry or bright colors. Congratulations on getting your unicorn.
Jul 24Reply
traceyb927 @hotcocoachanel 😃 Did Brooklyn tell you that you better buy it before Tracey does? Baby pink is my favorite! I have the Smith and the medium satchel in baby pink! Brooklyn went far to get me my satchel at a phenomenal price.
Jul 24Reply
naturallyjaded @traceyb927 lol when I said I wasn’t sure about it she put me in my place real quick... I didn’t even think anymore I hit Buy and told her ok. I call her the purse whisperer.
Jul 24Reply
nickkitraylor @hotcocoachanel thank you for your purchase I will get this out shortly have a great day
Sep 04Reply
jweezi24 Hi! I love your closet! Such cute items! I think we have pretty similar styles, make sure to check mine out too 💕😎
Sep 18Reply
kfrench97 I am pulling back to back 16 hour shifts, I will ship out your bundle Friday morning when I get off work! 💕
Sep 25Reply
abfb Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great weekend 🌸🎉
Nov 16Reply
blingnthings Hi Rena! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute - I have lots of fun items for everyone and I'm open to reasonable offers. Have a great day and stay healthy ✨ 💝 Carol
Apr 13Reply
lilizd Hi I have some DB bags with great prices 🥰🥰
May 09Reply
vintageaddict12 Fellow collector??
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel Meeetooo. I peeked at your love note/purchase history and was like omg a collector! I like seeing things like that go to collectors :)
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I purchased the Gladstone and was outbid for a wallet on E B A Y
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel Oh man. I've been on the lookout for a few things and keep hitting refresh on new listings. I've missed out on two items in the small timeframe I WASN'T looking. With bags like this, it can be so frustrating because if you don't grab it when you can, who knows when you'll find it again/at that price!
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 don't I know I missed out on a backpack but found a beauty 2 days later
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel Yeah, I know. That's what happened with me with the duck coin purse. Actually purchased though, seller backed out/cancelled, and a few hours later, another one offered me one in the same price range and shipped out same day. It was fabulous. I'm on the hunt for a backpack atm too.
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 i just uploaded a pic of my backpack
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel It's gorgeous! Congrats! :) The one I'm looking at is the smaller one that comes in AWL, glove leather, etc. Has the flap and two exterior pockets with snaps.
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I know exactly which one you're looking for
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I've been collecting florentine i just recently started with vintage
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel It's cute! Not a major must have atm, but one of those "if I find it and the price is right, I'm jumping on it!" things haha. Just missed out on one that went for 20 bucks !! :( I was looking into the florentine and possibly getting a mini satchel, but then I heard some of the cons of owning florentine and they don't make the pebble grain in the mini, so I've moved on from that one for now. Just got myself a metro dome bag, a doctor's bag, and hobo shoulder bag.
May 16Reply
vintageaddict12 They're so hard NOT to collect. The vintage stuff is awesome.
May 16Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 florentine gets a bad rap the only color I feel is hard to care for is natural but I just spray apple guard on it and carry. 95% of my bags are florentine the other 5% vintage AWL. I love AWL I just wish they made larger bags that's why my favorite is the Gladstone with the carrier shoulder bag a close second. I've been collecting the sick coin purses and now I'm on planners and agendas.
May 17Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel Yeah. it'd make sense that the natural would be iffy since something about that color tends to attract the issues. I've noticed that too with the vintage bags. Depends on the model though. Not sure what your size preference is, but also look into the small vintage satchel and the zip top dome or Norfolk. Tend to be roomier. I've recently snagged a few bags to rehab to resell, but I end up loving them and would rather keep haha.
May 17Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I've been looking at the Norfolk but can't get my hands on the large size. the natural is untreated so that's why it soaks everything up. I have 4 natural florentine bags and that's enough. They're beautiful but I get so nervous when I carry them. I'll have to look into the other bag you spoke of. Thank you
May 17Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel I just recently got a small vintage satchel and I absolutely love it. It's got the same shape as the Gladstone, just not as big. I like smaller/mid sized bags. Too big and it's too bulky, too small and you're having to tetris your stuff in there. This one appears smaller, but so roomy! I got the navy and burnt cedar combo and I'm in love with it. Ah, the natural being untreated makes a lot of sense, and I think that's the color that had the issue. I'll have to rethink that one.
May 17Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel I just read the description on that bag I tagged you in. Sorry! Wasn't trying to send one your way with flaws like that! But I also wanted to show you which one I was talking about too. If I see any good black/british tan ones come up, I'll tag you. :)
May 18Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 thank you my bone and natural Gladstone arrived I can't wait to get the matching wallet from you.
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel 👍🏻 shipping them out today!
May 18Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 thank you I'm so excited
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel ♥ You going to be able to make use of the zipper case bag too?
May 18Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I'll probably gift it since it's in the smaller side. my niece gets all my smaller bags since my daughter refuses to carry handbags. that's why I asked would you separate I really only needed the wallet. My niece is getting a great collection going herself.
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel ooh lucky niece. She'll be excited about that one. It's in such great shape.
May 18Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 I found a brand new smaller vintage wallet to go with it. it'll be a Christmas gift.
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel spoiled niece! If I had one, I'd probably do the same haha
May 18Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 yes she is my daughter likes backpacks and fanny packs so I buy those for her. She's a wallet girl.
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel when I was younger, I wasn't much of a purse girl myself. Total tomboy and didn't want the hassle of carrying a bag. Funnily enough, when I did carry my first one, it was some sort of CD case that I turned into a bag - had a shoulder strap and pockets and the like. It looked okay as a bag too haha. That kind of got my feet wet and eventually was okay with bags. Sounds like your daughter likes the hand free/out of the way approach to bags
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel just dropped it off!
May 18Reply
vintageaddict12 @hotcocoachanel Hey, head's up- If you need Dooney dust bags, they're having a 30% on the website. The medium one is 4.90 on sale!
May 22Reply
naturallyjaded @vintageaddict12 lol I have 5 in the cart that's the max
May 22Reply
bigmama100 Hi, I have your Dooney bag ready to go I just need to find a box so I can package it securely, I'm going to try to get it in the mail today thanks!
Sep 09Reply
naturallyjaded @bigmama100 thank you for the update
Sep 09Reply
naturallyjaded @bigmama100 hi did you get it shipped
Sep 10Reply
bigmama100 @hotcocoachanel first thing in the morning I will message you as soon as I drop it off at post office.
Sep 10Reply
bigmama100 I dropped your package at the post office this morning. thanks!
Sep 10Reply
bigmama100 yes!! shipped this morning:)
Sep 10Reply
nikray24 Hi! Just wanted to let you know I shipped this on the 28th. Sometimes they never scan or it doesn’t track until delivery. The service here has some issues, so I’m keeping tabs on it!
Oct 01Reply
jonesji26 Thank you for your purchase! I’ll get this shipped tomorrow!
Oct 18Reply
jonesji26 Ok never mind I see that you cancelled. Sorry
Oct 18Reply
naturallyjaded @jonesji26 sorry I purchased for my daughter she said she doesn't want it without the strap
Oct 18Reply
jonesji26 @hotcocoachanel yes I totally understand!
Oct 18Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!!
Feb 11Reply
buttondwn Well HALLELUJAH Rena! I’m glad that you purchased him. To be honest, I had a ton of likes and shares on the little guy bit no one buying; I was beginning to get concerned! Thanks so much: I’ll do my best to get him in the mail today!
Mar 01Reply
naturallyjaded @buttondwn lol I have him but it's going to be a great gift for my daughter.
Mar 01Reply
buttondwn Oh good! So we don’t need to talk about how needy he is and all that - you already know!
Mar 01Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi. Nice to meet you. I’d love it if you would 🛑 by , take a look at my closet, and, Follow me. And… I will do the same. Wishing you all the luck 🍀 in the world 🌎
Jun 25Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jun 11Reply

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