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Updated Mar 21
Updated Mar 21

Meet your Posher, Ronnette

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ronnette. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, kate spade, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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eyecandas Ronnette, Your JACK ROGERS ‘Milia’ Black Canvas Slip On Sneakers, TALBOTS Brown Patent Leather w/ Bow Loafers, LUCKY BRAND Elizabeta Mesh Sequin Flats, & SPEEDO Hydro Active Thong Flip Flips have shipped. Thank you for your purchase. Enjoy! Candas
Jun 10Reply
gigio3 I am sorry, unable to shop the shoes as they are no longer available. Please accept my apology.
Jun 11Reply
ladie107 It’s okay, I understand!
Jun 11Reply
sherawilkey Your Nine West Myst Peep Toe Heels 8M shipped today! Thanks so much!
Jun 12Reply
eyecandas Ronnette, Thank you for the 5⭐️ rating. I am so pleased to know that you are happy with your purchase. Enjoy! Candas
Jun 13Reply
getthriftystore @ladie107 hello. I just noticed your package was delivered. Please leave feedback. I strive for 5 star rating. I hope you are happy with your shoes.
Jun 14Reply
sammiensum Hi - I am so sorry, but I had to cancel the Calvin Cline wedged heel purchase. I no longer have the shoes available and had not gotten the chance to update the status on Poshmark yet.
Aug 24Reply
closet_thinner Hi Ronnette, Thank you for you visiting my closet and your purchase. I will ship this out first thing in the morning! Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing! Danielle
Sep 15Reply
ladie107 @eyecandas thank you! I was also interested in a blue dress you have as well.
Sep 15Reply
eyecandas @ladie107 Hi Ronnette, I sold you Jack Rogers, Lucky Brand, Speedo, & Talbots Shoes back in June - again, Thank You! You sent me a message this morning about a blue dress that, I believe, may have been intended for Danielle? Didn’t want you to miss the opportunity to get your dress. Have a wonderful day! Candas @eyecandas
Sep 15Reply
shopwithcarly Thanks so much! I’m mailing your blouse today!
Oct 28Reply
breezzy1975 Thank you so much for the like regarding the PIYO by BeachBody workout set. I greatly appreciate it! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Thanks again.
Dec 02Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 You’re welcome! I’m very interested in it. I was looking at it on Amazon today and thought I would check here before I purchased it. It always nice to find a good deal and help each other out. I’m supposed to be shopping for family but this would be for me:)
Dec 02Reply
breezzy1975 @ladie107 I loved it. I used it when I couldn’t go to a gym regularly. This set saved me!!
Dec 02Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 I wish I would start it tomorrow! Is your price pretty firm?
Dec 02Reply
breezzy1975 I can do $36. I offered that deal to all “likers” a little while ago.
Dec 02Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 could you do $36 with the discounted shipping? If so, I’ll purchase it right now if you send me the offer.
Dec 02Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 awesome! It’s time to shed some of these extra pounds off!! Holidays and making me look a little fluffy:)
Dec 02Reply
breezzy1975 Thank you so much. I hope you enjoy it and find much success. I will ship this first thing in the am, however I found it usually won’t be scanned or start tracking until that night. I’ll let you know as soon as I mail it tomorrow! Thanks again, please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! 😊Kara
Dec 02Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 Thank you so much! I’m really excited to start using it!!!
Dec 02Reply
breezzy1975 Good Morning! I just dropped off your package. The dvd and booklets are all in great condition, but the box that holds them all is a little worn. So, I threw in a resistance band, and extra BeachBody 18 minute cardio workout! Hope that works! Thanks again.
Dec 02Reply
breezzy1975 Good Morning! I just got notification that your package is now tracking. Estimated delivery is Friday, hopefully sooner🤞. I sure hope you like it. Let me know if you need anything! Thanks again for your purchase😊 Kara
Dec 03Reply
ladie107 @breezzy1975 Thank you so much!
Dec 06Reply
breezzy1975 Good Evening! I just got notice that your workout package arrived. I hope you received it! I truly hope you enjoy it. Let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! Thanks again! Kara
Dec 06Reply
breezzy1975 Good Morning! I just wanted to double check to see if you received your PIYO package? Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I appreciate your purchase, and hope it’s what you were hoping for! Thanks again.
Dec 07Reply
sacposh Thank you for your rating! I hope you enjoy your shoes. Thankful and Grateful for your business. Let me know if you are interested in anything else. Select bundle and I can use your coupon to make you an offer. SAC
Mar 08Reply
what_women_need saw you liked some more items just wanted to let you know I'm giving an extra discount on bigger bundles for over the 15% off I automatically give on all bubdles
May 16Reply
ladie107 @amyhaubein After I put an offer in on those shorts I realize that I would have probably bundled about five more items but I thought it was too late to do that since I already put the offer through. Looks like some of those other items are already gone:(
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I'm sorry. if there are any items you still like and are available, make a bundle and ill.give you free shipping and depong on the size ill give you an extra discount over the 15%.
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 anytime hun. repeat buyers are about 50% of my sales, due to the pricing, packaging and little gifts I always include. so I always try to hook up.repeat buyers as much as I can. and I'm sorry the other items went so fast. some weeks I won't make any sales then I have one or two days where I have 10 packages to send out and that was what just happened lol
May 17Reply
ladie107 @amyhaubein it’s okay - I’m happy you are selling! I love one five one so if anyone cancels their order for the shorts I had saved I want them. lol. I have a bundle together now. I came on looking for motorcycle gloves (that I still didn’t find) and clearly can’t stop shopping for everything else.
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 sadly I have to sell everything I own that I can to pay for the expenses from my mom recently passing. It stinks to have to sell everything but I had way too much clothes and jewelry that I never wore so this was my best option to make the money I need. everything that's says sold has already been shipped out already so it won't be canceled
May 17Reply
ladie107 @amyhaubein I’m so sorry for your loss. I also lost a parent and it is not easy.
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I had a pair of gloves that I wear when we are on our bike and I can't find them, otherwise I would list them bc you would love them. they are lightly padded on palms in just the right areas, fingertip less and super cute. If I find them ill.let you know. we haven't rode in a while. here in FL the roads have been crazy for the last few months
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 its been rough she was an alcoholic and ended up needing her leg amputated which i didn't think she would survive even at only 65 but she did. then suddenly got pneumonia and was gone in days. I swear it was this virus bc no antibiotics helped her pneumonia at all and she just got worse. I was just mad by the doctors lied to me and I lost the little time I had with her while she was still conscious. that's they hardest part and of course she had nothing set up for when she passed
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I'm so sorry for your loss as well. I did send you and offer on the bundle I took another $10 and gave free shipping
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 thank 🙏 you so much 💓 for your purchase. I'll ship it out first thing in the morning 🌄 your a doll. I really realty appreciate it and ill add a few extra goodies in there for you as well
May 17Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 okay for some reason I cannot locate the coral blouse in your bundle is there anything else that i could switch it out for. I'm going to keep looking for it and if I find it ill include it in the bundle as well
May 18Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I am so sorry 😞 as you can see I have a lot of clothes listed which takes up two walk in closets in our spare bedrooms and a spare bedroom. I have it all organized and rarely can't find anything so ill probably find it but if there is anything I can replace it for please let me know asap so I can mail your package out first thing in the morning....thank you and I hope there is something else you liked or even if it's a few items that equal the same as that top
May 18Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I see you liked that nautical bracelet which I could include instead....unless there is something else
May 18Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I have two other rompers in closet as well which fit similar to the one in your bundle. one is blue and white haulter top and super silky the other is orange and white and is more casual everyday type. both are listed with the dresses in my closet or at least they should be
May 18Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I also have another pair of army green shorts like the other pair that got sold on you before you could buy them. they are in my closet and are size 10 just like everything else and are old navy shorts I'll package everything else up and have it ready until I hear back from you on what you would like me to do for the coral top that I can't find for some reason.
May 18Reply
what_women_need @ladie107 I did find a shirt that I thought I lost so I put sold on it that you may like as well. it's in my closet it is a red blouse that is sleevless, has a floral lacey front to it. it is marked as sold but I found it while trying to find your top
May 18Reply
bonosone Thank you for shopping my closet!! Your order will ship today.
Sep 14Reply
bonosone Your order should be delivered today. Thanks again!
Sep 16Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item✨ all orders placed before 11 AM CST will ship today 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Jan 26Reply
teeena Hey hun just checkin in it’s been a while ... I’ve got tons of new stuff listed from my boutique & lots of $10 & below items all 5star return buyers get special 40% off bundles again 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 26Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️ Welcome To Poshmark‼️🛍
May 18Reply
drummersrock As I was getting ready to pack the pantsuit, I noticed that the pants are actually a size 6. Sorry about any confusion. I will decline your offer and change my listing. If you are still interested, please make an offer again. Thank you.
Jun 03Reply
luvcoachgal7 Thank you for purchasing MK belt bag. I dropped it off at the post office and tracking information should be available shortly 🙏
Oct 19Reply
mydiversecloset @ladie107 hi you purchased the torrid distressed jeans from mydiversecloset, as I’m packing them up to ship I realized that the bottom hems are more distressed that the stock photos. So I want to make you aware before I mail. Im going to duplicate the post of these jeans with additional pictures of the actual hem, please advise me on whether they are acceptable or if you’d like to switch out for something different or cancel. Just like another item up to $28 and I’ll simply switch out,
Feb 22Reply
ladie107 @mydiversecloset it’s really hard to tell from that photo is it’s just distressed or if it’s actually ripped. I’ll look through to see if there is anything else.
Feb 23Reply
mydiversecloset @ladie107 I hear ya, I’m trying to figure that out too. It’s the same on both sides of both legs, I’m guessing it’s made that way but I can’t be for sure. But yes find something else and I’ll replace.
Feb 23Reply
ladie107 @mydiversecloset Let’s just go through with the purchase. I’ll take a chance on them:) Thanks!
Feb 23Reply
mydiversecloset @ladie107 ok but what size tops do you wear? I’m sending you a gift
Feb 23Reply
mydiversecloset @ladie107 hi, I mailed out your order, wasn’t able to send a gift as I wanted because you didn’t tell me your top size, but I do appreciate your business and hope the jeans work out!
Feb 24Reply
ladie107 @mydiversecloset I’m sorry I’m late to reply! It’s okay, I appreciate the thought:)
Feb 26Reply
ccherra Hi. Sorry I missed your offer on the shoes. I just sent back an offer with discounted shipping and hope you consider. Thank you.
Apr 06Reply
estrianna Hi u were interested in the Calvin Klein coat I tried to resend the offer but I am unable to unless I drop the price you offer me $20 I will accept
Oct 07Reply
rposen Hi Ronnette! It’s great to meet you!💗
Jan 15Reply

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Virginia Beach, VA
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Virginia Beach, VA
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