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Updated Feb 19
Updated Feb 19

Meet your Posher, Rosina

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Hi! I'm Rosina. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, MAC Cosmetics, Nike, UGG, and Sephora. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 4+ Bundle

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raizefashion 🎉Welcome to Poshmark! My name is Joci & I'm a Posh Ambassador. I sell new & nearly new women's & men's clothing, shoes & accessories. I add new items frequently, so check my closet often by following me. Also follow me on IG @raizefashion. I offer 10% off on bundles of 2+ items with discounted shipping. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy Poshing! 😁🛍️
Oct 03Reply
uptowngirl69 Hi, thank you for your purchase. I will ship tomorrow 😊
Oct 04Reply
allie_becker Hi there, and welcome to Poshmark🤩✨🎉 I noticed you liked my “Sterling silver hoop earring set” listing. If you’re interested in purchasing, I give discounts for creating bundles so feel free to check out my closet😊 The more you add the bigger the discount & I also accept reasonable offers‼️ Happy Poshing!!!💛
Oct 05Reply
rosinajadajacob @allie_becker hi Allie thank you for being so kind . I will be back I def have my eye on them ty
Oct 06Reply
shanaandy3944 Hi your order went out today. It should scan in this afternoon. Sorry about the extra tape I wanted to insure its safety. thank you
Oct 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 thx hon🥰🥰 lol sounds like something I would do so no prob totally get it and appreciate it ..thx again n be safe xo
Oct 08Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Okay thanks for your understanding. I appreciate it. Stay safe and thanks so much.
Oct 08Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi, hun! Just wanted you to know the next time you want something (s) from my closet, I will give you an extra discount😊❤️👍
Oct 10Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Hi and thank you. I shipped out right away. You should get your package today. Please let me know how like it ! Thanks and stay safe too ! : )
Oct 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi! Tracking says delivery attempted on the ring I sent you.
Oct 12Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 I saw that but it can't be right . The usps doesn't deliver on Sunday. maybe it will come today??
Oct 12Reply
rosinajadajacob I've received all my other packages and I've even gotten 3 orders in from Amazon today already
Oct 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Same here. USPS doesn’t deliver on Sunday here either. But, sometimes they do. I’m sure it will be there today.❤️😊👍
Oct 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I saw you liked something else just now. If you’d like to make a bundle of some items, I’ll give you free shipping plus an extra discount. On top of when you get 2 or more items it’s an automatic 5% off in my closet. Thank you for everything 😊👍
Oct 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I sent you the black crop top set in one of your packages.
Oct 12Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 oh cool yeah waiting on a few from you . Hopefully there here this week
Oct 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob It looks like most of your packages will be there tomorrow 👍
Oct 12Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁 If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 13Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Thank you for the lovely ratings!😊❤️
Oct 14Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 you very much earned them love ...
Oct 14Reply
ballebrina143 The pandora bracelet seller blocked my comments so I couldn’t respond. I did contact them and never heard back. 🤷🏼‍♀️😒
Oct 14Reply
ballebrina143 You can delete this so it doesn’t confuse anyone and look negative towards you.
Oct 14Reply
rosinajadajacob @ballebrina143 idk who you are talking about but don't post anything negative or harmful to someone business on my page .
Oct 14Reply
rosinajadajacob please if you have or had an issue with someone take it up with posh support or try to work it out with them. Leave your feedback when you do make purchases. TBH I'm new here but from I see these ladies are working hard . This place is a great hussle but you have to be on point . so try to be patient with them. They do what 100people do at these big stores .
Oct 14Reply
shanaandy3944 Hi please rate me as soon as You can I'd greatly appreciate it. They dont pay us till you accept the order. Thank you and stay safe. I hope you love the bracelet
Oct 14Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 oh honey I'm so sorry I thought I did ..I'll check again right now
Oct 14Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Oh thank you so much. Right when I was messaging you before my phone lost wifi. It might've been there but thank you so much. I'm so glad you like it! Also thank you for the lovely rating. I appreciate it so much : )
Oct 14Reply
ballebrina143 @rosinajadajacob wasn’t my intention....thought I was protecting a buyer from being ripped off like I was and like I said go ahead and delete it.
Oct 15Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 sorry ladies I blocked ballerina person don't know who she is .
Oct 16Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Its okay , I don't know who she is either. Maybe she accidentally posted on the wrong thread. I saw that the other day. Thank you so much for the kind things you said about us Poshers.
Oct 16Reply
rosinajadajacob also just for the record I post comments for everything I purchase and will purchase. It will be honest feedback and I have only been on this platform for a few weeks but NO ONE I MEAN NO ONE I bought from has "scammed" me as that other woman was claiming.
Oct 16Reply
rosinajadajacob I am supporting one day what I hope to be become entrepreneur spirit!!!! HAPPY POSHING ALL 🤍💛🧡🤎🖤💄💍👠👜💎💃😁😍🥰🥰🥰🥰
Oct 16Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob ❤❤❤❤❤💗💗❤❤❤❤
Oct 16Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 so so sad tonight..finding out fast that some people on here truly aren't people of their word. Hopping there's more bad than good. and just so everyone knows . from now on if there's an issue with my orders Im contacting through support. I wish this app would let me show pics of what was done to me . but live n learn
Oct 20Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Oh no , I'm truly sorry to hear you had such a bad experience:( You are such a nice person. You purchase on here a lot and defended all Poshers and how hard everyone works last week. I'm so sorry to hear that some people are not nice but there are more good than bad. I would definitely contact Poshmark support. You still can.
Oct 20Reply
shanaandy3944 You can hit problem with order, or hit Contact Poshmark support . You can attach photos or screenshots. They will refund your money or if its harrassment they can be banned for a period of time. Also if you dont want to see the user again. You can block them if you go to their page , top right 3 dots click and block. I would definitely reach out to Posh Support.
Oct 20Reply
shanaandy3944 I'm not sure exactly what happened but I know it wasn't right. You bought something from me and were so kind. I hope everything gets better. I am so sorry to hear this.
Oct 20Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 I tried so hard Shan now what's she's doing is saying I made retaliation feedback.
Oct 21Reply
rosinajadajacob I spent hundreds with her!! and all I asked is that she recheck the price of a bundle she was offering me because she sent me a charm . It was broke and probably during shipping I get it ,it happens no prob. I accepted order told her about . she said to put it in next bundle and she would send it free . well on the closet she marked from $36 to $199 she said so no one else buys it. it was her last one.
Oct 21Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Oh that's so unfair. I would block and that way she can't comment. That's so unfair to say retaliation feedback. Unreal ! I feel so so sad for you. You are so nice and you give truthful feedback.. So she cant take it however she wants but that's unfair. I'm sending prayers this awful experience will end. I am so sorry this has happened to you.
Oct 21Reply
rosinajadajacob so when I was done with my bundle she gave me a price. I said to her hey ...don't forget the charm price is in the bundle so that would affect the price . so instead of taking off $199 from the bundle price she took off $30!!!!!
Oct 21Reply
rosinajadajacob I mean I was born at night but not last night 🤦
Oct 21Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 love n hugs honey ❤️🙏 ty ..I will stay on and it's because of people like you . I wasn't going to block her at first . I was hoping she would just apologise and we could put it behind us. I like resolution especially in business and among women. we have to support each other . but she obviously just out for a quick dollar so God bless her and I'll move on .
Oct 21Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Thank you so much for purchasing from my closet again! Please pick out something for $150 or less and I’ll include it w your package as a gift.❤️😘😊
Oct 21Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Aww God bless you..You are an amazing person. I just wanted to say thank you for today. My son will get the money for the Nintendo but the rest is being donated to a special cause ! So its going to a good place. I'm going out tomorrow morning to get some supplies. I want it to be perfect. I just wanted to say Thank you and I prayed and gave God thanks as well ! God bless you !
Oct 21Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 Amen Sha that's awesome stuff ♥️♥️♥️I teach mine the same. . you've been a real blessing to me pass few days . You know we can only be who we really are and when our hearts are truly in the right place and someone else can see that it's special.
Oct 22Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Yes Amen ! I'm a true believer in God and helping people, it really is my passion. I'm working on your bundle right now. My son and mom are helping which is so sweet ! You have been a blessing as well. I truly believe everything happens for a reason and I feel truly blessed by you as well ! I hope you have a wonderful day ! : ) Thank you ,your words are so uplifting! : )
Oct 22Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 your very welcome. You make it easy though uptown . Always such a pleasure .it's really nice how you make each of your customers feel so special♥️🥰🤗
Oct 22Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Thank you! You made me teary eyed its nice to be recognized and I truly hope you are blessed for your kindness and all you do ! You are a wonderful person!
Oct 22Reply
shanaandy3944 They cancelled the order this morning : ( They said the Nintendo switch was an unsupported item. I didn't know that you cant sell DVD, Playstations ext. So let me know after they mail it back if you want me to relist the other stuff :( sad morning
Oct 28Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart! I have not been home my mother fell and I dropped everything to go help her. I’m going home tomorrow and I’ll ship your package along with goodies. Please lmk you got this message. Thank you, love❤️❤️😊❤️
Oct 28Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 omgsh no way !! had no clue
Oct 28Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 oh wow I'm so sorry family first always just keep me posted thanks
Oct 28Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Yes I'm so sorry. Its packaged so pretty when they send it back would you like to repurchase. I had no idea till I read the email this morning. Hope we can work some thing out.
Oct 28Reply
shanaandy3944 I had no idea because you can sell games .. I don't know or we could do 2 separate sells and break it up. I had no idea about that.
Oct 28Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Thank you for understanding. I appreciate you so much❤️🙏
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 I lost my husband in Jan and my dad in may!. my mom 11 years ago . my family always comes first. it's no prob . I understand completely hon. I hope n pray all is better or as good as is can be . keep me posted thx hon
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 Sha no worries honey...I don't think we can do the switch because of the battery in it. it's not so much posh but the post office. something about the lithium batteries. I only know because my son's friend had just told him about what happened to him
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 my son told his friends about our deal and he told my son about the post office flagging his switch when he tried to mail it. so kinda glad posh caught it for us. I didn't know about it either. At first I thought being as though there younger they packed it wrong .
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 but they told him it's actually the batteries and they kept it!! so at least that didn't happen to us. and yes of course I still want the bundle we can just deduct whatever the switch price I don't rem off hand honey
Oct 29Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I am so sorry, love. My prayers are with you 😢❤️🙏
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob I'm so glad you told me that. I'm so sorry that happened to your sons friend. That makes since about batteries and if they wouldve kept it that would have been more heartbreaking.
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob I will let you know once they mail the bundle back and I'll minus off the switch.
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob I am so truly sorry and will be praying for you. My heart breaks for you I am so sorry for your losses. If you ever need to talk I'm here but your in my daily prayers now I'm so sorry : (
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 @uptowngirl69 you ladies are very kind . I appreciate that n thank you. I know it's been rough year for all of us. Little things like this happen n you meet people like you all and it helps💞💞.
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 and yes honey son just casually mentioned it over the mic playing with his friends. His good friend said "oh no" n explained what happened to him. Lol like I said there 20 yrs old . I really thought they packed it wrong or got wrong address?? something silly ya know how kids are (esp boys+ usps) lol
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Yes I agree. I believe all of us cross paths for a reason. I'll be praying for your son and family as well. Its just heart breaking just know there are good people on here a lot. Praying God helps ease your pain and Comforts you all during this difficult time 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Yes actually my mom and son helped packed. It's so pretty. The only other thing was it weighed 13 pounds and I upgraded to 10 pounds but Poshmark doesn't support anything over 10 pounds. a lot of people just do 2 separate sales. I wasn't aware of the poundage till it was weighed at post office but they took it. Posh Authentcation had it 2 days then I got the email about the Nintendo which I completely understand now.
Oct 29Reply
shanaandy3944 Anyhow I will keep you posted. The coat was pretty heavy and the switch was 5 pounds alone. So I'll see but I hope you have a blessed day ! 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Oct 29Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart! I shipped your package this morning 😊👍
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 awesome thank you so much 🥰🥰🥰🤗
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 you too my dear ty❤️❤️
Oct 29Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 hi honey hope all is well . when you get a chance today please can we talk ? thanks
Oct 30Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Of course Hun, what’s up?
Oct 30Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Is everything ok??
Oct 30Reply
shanaandy3944 hi, I hope all is well. I just got everything back yesterday. so I read all the guidelines I can ship up to 5 lb I upgraded the label last time to 10 lb and they charge $20 so I'm thinking of doing two or three separate listings and I already have everything wrapped up so just let me know when you're ready and then I'll put everything back up there together I will figure everything out hope you have a great day
Nov 01Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Hi , I hope all is well. I relisted everything together for you at the top of my page with the exception of the Nintendo. If you hit add to bundle I can send you a new offer. If you see something you want to add just add that as well. Thank you and sorry for the delay ! God bless and stay safe 🙏🙏🙏
Nov 02Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart. I am so so sorry about the mistake. I am so sure it was in your package. Can you please check one more time? I hope you liked your ring? Either way I will make it right!!
Nov 03Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 hi yes honey everything else was there . I doubled tripled checked I even checked the order thinking maybe I didn't order the bracelet. but it wasn't there honey
Nov 04Reply
shanaandy3944 hi I put everything into one package it's still in the package from Poshmark LOL the wrapping is so pretty I don't want to mess with it you still want to purchase right? Everything is in there except the Nintendo switch I tagged you please let me know when you're ready to purchase @rosinajadajacob
Nov 04Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I am so so sorry!! I’ll be home today and I’ll find it!☺️
Nov 04Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart. I’ll be home this evening and I will find the bracelet and ship it to you in the morning. I apologize again for my mistake 🙏😔👍
Nov 04Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 thank you ,I really appreciate it . I know you have so much going on this week . I've been thrown a few curve balls myself. I appreciate you keeping me posted and staying in touch with me. it means a lot thank you
Nov 05Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I hope your week gets a whole lot better🙏
Nov 05Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Hey can you please get back with me as soon as you can. I'd really appreciate it. I just dont know what's going on . I made a promise to donate that money last week ... it's all my good closet stuff. I hope your okay. please let me know. If you want to speak more privately hit anything in my closet into a bundle and we can talk there. I pray your okay. I just dont know what to say to recipient of donation. Thank you.
Nov 05Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart. I found the bracelet. Could you please tell PM you want me to ship it? TY🙏🙏
Nov 06Reply
shanaandy3944 hi @rosinajadajacob Your bundle is still for sale for you. I'm not sure what's going on I have commented a few times and I have waited about a week I believe I really didn't want to relist everything because it literally took me about two weeks to get everything up with a pictures and every single listing and I lose all my likes once everything is bought as well so I was really hoping to not have to relist I relisted a couple of items but if you still want it I would much rather sell it to you
Nov 06Reply
shanaandy3944 as I absolutely understand life circumstances but I have not heard back from you so I'm not sure what's going on I saw that you replied to someone else so I at least know you're okay I was very worried about you. if you still want the bundle just let me know please either way so I know what to do again I understand that life happens but I also have an obligation I hope all is well please reach out to me
Nov 06Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 hey I'm so sorry I didn't mean to purposely not answer you. I just assumed our box was on its way
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 OMGsh I'm so so embarrassed right now !!!
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 yes honey I do definitely want it. I had 2 packages stolen from me this week. not from posh. they were from the auction house I buy from. I'm heartbroken because it was my family member 😭😭😭
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 I'm so stupid when u said u re-bundled everything without the switch I just assumed it was a go !!! and in the mail ..... with everything else I wasn't even thinking plz forgive me and I thank you so much for your patience. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ OMGsh ty honey
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @uptowngirl69 ohhh praise !!!🙏🙏🙏💗 I'm so glad honey.
Nov 07Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob I shipped it yesterday with a Pm label.
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 Rosa I am so sorry I just thought maybe you were having a hard time or something I apologize you still not understanding how Poshmark works I do still have everything with your name tagged in it in a bundle but I was trying to reach you all week I know you're a good person so I knew something was going on I just didn't know what I'm sorry miscommunication please do not be embarrassed
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 no basically they put the money back in your account when the box came back to me so you have to re-buy it and I have to reship it and everything but we can do it in one fixing so it's not confusing.
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob oh my gosh I'm so sorry you had packages taken off your porch that is awful! This package was redelivered to me on Halloween and as I was leaving in an Uber they put the Nintendo switch and everything on my porch could you imagine a kid walking away with that I thought oh no and I grabbed it and put it inside I think they should have us sign for packages I am so sorry that that happened to you
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 I'm so sorry for the misunderstanding as well I completely understand as I'm reading your messages how you could easily think that. I just left it at the very top of my page for you whenever you're ready. I'm sorry I just thought you weren't interested or something anymore I'm sorry you went through all of that I really am if you have the tracking numbers you might be able to get your money back on some of the packages that were stolen? I really hope so I'm sorry I feel really bad
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 yeah girl I couldn't believe it. My brother I've been helping him out letting him stay with me . he started dating a girl . well I live in a building. and what happened was I took a little break last weekend. so Fri sat I didn't open anything it was a light weekend. because like I told y'all I was opening my closet soon too.
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob well everything is on camera . I had the fedex delivery time of drop off. she was seen walking threw the lobby looking around she walked by it 3xs and finally swiped it!! it was the only package I didn't get that weekend and the only thing delivered. he tried to say it was toilet paper !!!!
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob and it was a Tiffany necklace!!! $300 gone I just keep trying to pray about it shay because I know the demons !!! they wanna come out girl !!
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob and my brother I told him I said either y'all did it together or you need to break it off with her. He turns to me and says ...I don't believe she took anything!!! so sadly that means he is back on whatever he is doing (drugs) and it's just a sad situation. you know like I told you my dad passed in May I lost my husband in Jan.
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob anyways girl .. like I said I had a big curve ball thrown my this week so I'm so sorry . let's get this bundle out so we can be a blessing to someone 🙏❤️💗
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 I'm so sorry that happened I put all your stuff together on the first page sorry the first listing. But I cannot find the black Coach wallet if you see something else you can add it but I put your whole listing together in one if you hit add to bundle I can send you an offer. I can't wait for you to open your closet I will definitely share and help you along the way with anything you need to build your closet I'm really excited for you
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 oh my gosh I'm so sorry and it had a Tiffany necklace in it at least you know who did it and it's on camera but I'm going to be praying that they'd return it for sure it always seems like when you try to help people someone does something wrong and it's so wrong because you were probably the only person who was willing to help her my notifications weren't on so I didn't see that you were on a few minutes ago I'll keep checking and I'll be praying I'm so sorry for your whole situation
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 if you go to my closet the very first listing top left that one's yours and it has your name on it if that helps and you might have to click women and it will pop up I'm so sorry this is such a pain in the butt this was my first time ever having sending something to California so it was a little confusing for me to
Nov 07Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 thx honey's just sad it really is. it's hurtful to my spirit. you mentioned something honey about california?? I'm not in ca hon. I'm in NJ . when I try to add the other stuff to the bundle it doesn't let me . idk how to buy it?
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob no those Rings were just a prop I sold one of them a while back I have to look for the pink one if I find it I'll throw it in there for you
Nov 07Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob when they pick the package up for me they send it to California to be authenticated and then they send it to you
Nov 07Reply
poshable4u Hi, I’m sorry if you would like to resubmit your offer for $60 for the coach bag, i will gladly accept since i would have sold it to someone else for the same price. I was half asleep this morning please forgive me! Haha. Happy Poshing!
Nov 09Reply
poshable4u Hi, just letting you know your bag will be shipped tomorrow. I wasn’t feeling well the beginning of the week, so i couldn’t get to the post office with my packages. Rest assured, your package will be on its way to you tomorrow :)
Nov 12Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍💕
Nov 12Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Hi ,hope all is well with you. I still have your listing up. I just added 20 more dollars from what we discussed. I just really don't want to relist. It could take months and I deleted orginal pictures. I had another seller ask but I don't want to give that discount to them just because if our agreement and both trying to figure this out. Let me know on the listing
Nov 12Reply
shanaandy3944 on my page I'f I'f thats okay. okay thanks so much. I hope you have a great day.
Nov 12Reply
uptowngirl69 @rosinajadajacob Hi sweetheart! Could you please write a review on the order? Thank you so much!
Nov 12Reply
anitracarter Hey there🤗 I’m Anitra & I would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. If you have any questions ask away! Thanks & Happy Poshing😉 Posh Ambassador
Nov 13Reply
shanaandy3944 Hi @rosinajadajacob. I'm super happy Posh finished the Authentication process and all went great. They are shipping it to you. So be on the lookout next few days you should have your order mailed from California by Posh. I hope all is well with you. I'm hanging in there too. Prayers up always.
Nov 20Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 that's awesome hon thank again so much prayers up
Nov 20Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob Yes , your welcome. Yes prayers up : )
Nov 20Reply
shanaandy3944 hi Rosa it says your package is out for delivery so I just wanted to let you know it's coming in today to keep your eye out thanks so much and prayers up as always. God bless , Shana
Nov 23Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 oh thx hon ...gotta few things coming on today . Front desk will lmk . But I will DEF stay on top of it baby girl. !! ♥️♥️♥️ty
Nov 23Reply
shanaandy3944 oh that's great that the front desk is looking out wonderful okay have a great day I hope you enjoy everything!♡
Nov 23Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 thx bdbe God bless n thx again ..n kit u here ❤️❤️🙏
Nov 23Reply
shanaandy3944 @rosinajadajacob God bless you too and Thank you : )
Nov 23Reply
shanaandy3944 thank you so much and I hope you have a really blessed and Happy Thanksgiving as much as you can I am sending prayers and thinking of you today
Nov 26Reply
rosinajadajacob @shanaandy3944 thank u much honey happy Thanksgiving n God bless stay well today n enjoy 🙏❤️🌷
Nov 26Reply
spreadlove Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Dec 09Reply
rosinajadajacob @spreadlove hi sntmu and ty so much same here plz whatever I can do to help I'll try so thx
Dec 11Reply
dulciesdelites thank you for following me🙏🏻
Dec 25Reply
dulciesdelites thank you for following me 🙏🏻
Dec 26Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Jan 18Reply
vg2020_store Hello!❤️ If you like jewelry we have beautiful 14K and 18K solid gold and 925 silver items! I can give you a special discount and if you do a bundle with other items I can give you another discount with free shipping. Let me know what you think!
Jun 23Reply
rosinajadajacob @vg2020_store hi ty I’ll follow and look often right now tho I’m looking at selling more of my own inventory of jewelry. Trying to decide whether or not to lot or sell individual pieces esp my Pandora items, tyvm n lots of luck with your shop
Jun 24Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet on social media 🎉🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Jul 08Reply
cutehosiery @rosinajadajacob Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 12Reply
rosinajadajacob @tutuwig hi and so many ty s everyone !!! My oldest son Jacob,22 went home to be with the Lord in Feb . He wasn’t sick - didn’t drink drug or smoke - turned out to be salmonella- I’ve been just sick and heartbroken - but I wanted to come on and at least explain why I hadn’t been on or active .,
Aug 17Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 20Reply

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Last Active: Nov 09 2022

Pleasantville, NJ
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Last Active: Nov 09 2022

Pleasantville, NJ
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