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Updated Sep 01
Updated Sep 01

Meet your Posher, Ruth

Meet the Posher

$99,999,999,999 $1,000,000,000

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Hi! I'm Ruth. I'm from New York and love to shop around and see what kinda wonderful and interesting items are collected. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Also, please don't hold back from making any offer. I really need to thin out my closet. I'm even willing to combine some things.
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wandalemmons Hello I am Wanda. Poshmark asked me to drop by and welcome you to the site. Most of any questions you might have can be answered in the FAQ section. What can be sold here. The parties. Following and sharing. This is a very social site so have fun!!!
Nov 02Reply
cynthiaaking Hi Ruth just wanted to say I love your hair.
Nov 21Reply
drruthie Thank you so much. I liked your quotes and loved the pic of the doggie. Is she/he yours?
Nov 21Reply
vaporqueen47 @drruthie Hi there! very first experience was a bad one that's for sure! I felt so stupid & violated! I thought.. "Who does this????" I have connected with a few amazing sellers (gals) & they have given me some tips & good advice as what to look for when buying & trading! I was able to intercept my bag before the scammer got it (thank God)! Now I will only trade with a select few. Best of luck to you😘
Dec 05Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟 I love your animals❣❣❣❣
Feb 16Reply
drruthie @callie5510 Aw thank you so much. A little humor is alway helpful in soooo many ways 😆😆
Feb 16Reply
sozee @drruthie my pleasure. Thank you for sharing as well!😀
Mar 01Reply
drruthie @sozee you are very welcome. You have such great stuff.
Mar 01Reply
hismrs You are STUNNING! Beautiful Posher, Beautiful Closet! Can't wait to mark my Likes in the morning!
Mar 04Reply
drruthie Oh my goodness!! Thank you ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Mar 04Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Do you like the follow games? 🤔 I love to share PC closets 💕 and people need to see yours!! 💁 just let me know & I will add you to my tag list! 👍🏻 ✔️increase your followers 👭👭 ✔️Increase exposure🤓 ...✔️increase sales..🤑🤗 if not, that's okay too! 👌🏻
Mar 04Reply
drruthie @vickyss I would be honored if you'd added me to your list. Thanking you for thinking of me.
Mar 04Reply
vicky_ymcagirl 👍🏻🤗💕
Mar 04Reply
foxythreadazine Hey you are hilarious! !!Everybody need some 😁 😁 😂 LOL
Mar 15Reply
drruthie @foxythreadazine I couldn't agree more!! So glad you enjoyed a good laugh!!! After all, it IS the best medicine 😁😋😁😋
Mar 15Reply
sandy37 @drruthie thank you for sharing I done the same for you!
Mar 20Reply
drruthie You are very welcome. Thank you too.
Mar 20Reply
drruthie @sandy37 ☝️☝☝😆😆😆
Mar 20Reply
foreverfortyone Greetings to you from the state of South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offer.
Mar 22Reply
cattyo Hi Ruth! I have to say I've had the best time browsing through your closet and cracking up at the hilarious pictures and captions! Too adorable! You are so much fun!😉😽
Apr 02Reply
drruthie @cattyo thank you so so much. You totally made my wknd. Im all giggly and blushing from your kind words 😍😘😍😘
Apr 03Reply
fashionista21 Hey! I'm having a meet up in Rockville Centre if you're interested Sunday 4/10. The listing is in my closet. Would love to meet you. I look at the pup on the swing when I want a pick me up. Lol Daneen
Apr 06Reply
drruthie @fashionista21 aaaawww that is the best compliment EVER!!! I wish I could come but I will be out of town this wknd. Hopefully there will. E something else in the near future that I can meet you and some other fabulous poshers. Thank you so much for reaching out. Have a great time Sunday. 😍😘😍😘
Apr 06Reply
tezza630 💚✳️✳️ Great humor! Great closet! Nice to meet you! I'm Tari. 💚😽
May 02Reply
cattyo Hope you have a great week my friend.😊❤️
May 09Reply
cattyo Happy Friday eve my friend! Sending happy hugs and smiles your way🤗😊. Have a wonderful weekend!❤️
May 12Reply
jenlove901 Welcome☺️ I see you are in Bellmore, me too!
May 21Reply
drruthie @jenlove901 Hi there. Thank you 😄 Yes. I take it your from bellmore too?!
May 21Reply
jenlove901 Yes, been here 14 years☺️ my sis recently moved to Pa and has a lot of animals, do you have goats here??
May 21Reply
drruthie @jenlove901 ha ha. No Goats at home but I like to visit all animals upstate or in PA 🐶🐱🐭 I've resided in Bellmore for over 25 years now. Gosh, I feel old 😕😕😕 do you have animals or you just visit them at your sisters? Are you north or south Bellmore?
May 21Reply
jenlove901 Yes, been here 14 years☺️ my sis recently moved to Pa and has a lot of animals, do you have goats here??
May 21Reply
jenlove901 Sorry about that I must have double clicked. I have 2 dogs. north of Sunrise near the Bellmore ave/Bellmore rd split. You?
May 22Reply
drruthie @jenlove901 of yes, I exactly where you are. I'm south of Merrick Rd near Kennedy H. S. And I do have one kitty. He's s total turd. 😸😸😸
May 22Reply
jenlove901 Lol! How did you make out with Sandy??😱 that was a horror. I also have 2 boys 6 and 11.
May 22Reply
drruthie @jenlove901 we got hit about 4 ft in. Cars drowned. It was very unpleasant to say the least. At least we had hot water. The water didn't reach you, right? Thankfully. My hubby and I are trying to start a family so little ones yet. Do you work on LI too?
May 22Reply
jenlove901 Oh that's awful! So upsetting. No, we did not have flooding but no electric for a few days. Yes, I work on LI at the dept of social services in Uniondale. Right near Nassau Community College. Do you work on LI also?
May 22Reply
drruthie @jenlove901 must be nice to work near home. I, on the other hand, work in the city the commute kills but but luckily I only work 3 days a week. And some days I work from home. I manage a dental practice.
May 22Reply
jenlove901 I could never work in the city. That commute would kill me!! That's great three days a week though. I'm jealous!
May 22Reply
cattyo Hello my beautiful friend! I've missed chatting with you! I was away for a few weeks dealing with some health issues, but alas I'm back and playing catch up😬. How are you? Sending lots of love your way😊❤️
Jun 30Reply
drruthie @cattyo hello gorgeous!!!! I've missed you too. Been thinking about you. What health issues? Are you ok? So happy to hear from you!!!!! Please tell me what's been happening!!!!
Jun 30Reply
cattyo I'm ok now thank God. It was a rough month. I've been dealing with Psuedotumor cerebri for many years and last year they found a small brain aneurysm as well. I started a new medication last month and it didn't go well at all. Made me really sick so I've been on the mend for the past few weeks. But I'm feeling much better now and getting back to normal life. Enjoying summer with my boys. I'm so thankful for the mercy and grace of God. How are you? Did I miss anything exciting? 😉
Jun 30Reply
drruthie @cattyo oh my dearest!!! I'm. So sorry to hear your going through this. You are never alone. GOD Is with you and so is your family and they all love you so much. Always remember that. Glad that you are feeling better these days. I only hope for the best and keep you in my thoughts.
Jul 02Reply
drruthie @cattyo I can't say that you missed too much. Some drama here and there but nothing out of the ordinary, if you know what mean! I did miss hearing from you. Happy that your back. Welcome 😸😻😽🌻🌼🌻🌼 how are you enjoying the summer so far. Any travel plans?
Jul 02Reply
cattyo Thank you so much my sweet friend. I can't imagine going through all of this without God and my family...and the love and encouragement from dear friends like you. It means a lot, so thank you! No big travel plans this summer. My mother in-law was here for a month from Kenya Africa. We flew her and my husbands aunt in for the first time to the USA and they loved it. Stayed in Orlando at a nice resort for a few days and my husband drove them to NC to see aunties daughter and grandson...
Jul 02Reply
cattyo Our bank account has to recover from all of that so we may take our little guy to Lego Land in Tampa for a few days but that's about it for travel plans this summer. We're enjoying late night movies here at home and sleeping in😊. Truly I'm just thankful to be able to be out of the bed finally to enjoy my family. How about you lovely? Any plans for the summer?
Jul 02Reply
drruthie @cattyo how nice to hear that your so close with your family. I think you and I share the same feeling of family importance. As for my travel plans; nothing crazy. My hubby and always go to Maine for camping and lobster 🦀🦀. And then venturing off to another state near by. It's always great to see other part of America other then NY. Sometimes I don't care where we go as long as we take a break from the everyday routine.
Jul 03Reply
laslollipop @drruthie I absolutely love all your animal pictures you put up!! So funny!!! 🐼🐶🐭🐼🐭🐨🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒🐷🐨🦁🦁🐰🐧🐦🐤
Jul 03Reply
drruthie @laslollipop aaw thank you very much 😄😄😄
Jul 03Reply
cattyo Happy Sunday my gorgeous friend! just stopping by to share some love. Hope all is well and enjoying your weekend. Big hugs 🤗🤗🤗😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
Jul 10Reply
drruthie @cattyo helloooooo my darling 😄😄😄 I'm so happy to see and hear from you. My wknd was nice and productive. Loving this great summer. Everyday is a blessing. I hope your enjoying it as well. Sending you lots of good vibes and big hugs. Xoxo 😸😻😸😻😸😻😽😽😽
Jul 10Reply
cattyo We've actually been inside most of the weekend since it's been so so hot. We broke 100 already! Of course the high humidity here makes it feel much hotter. Hopefully we'll get back down to some normal temps. But regardless I just enjoy spending time with my family. I'm glad you've had a nice weekend and hope you have a lovely week as well. Thanks so much for the love my friend. ❤️😘
Jul 11Reply
zardiva1 @drruthie Awww, such beautiful big ol' fur sweeties! 😊💕💜💕😘🐾
Aug 04Reply
lovesta_shop @drruthie Thank you for all the shares😍
Aug 05Reply
lemonposh I love New York and your closet😍
Aug 25Reply
drruthie @millicentgar NY is pretty great. Thank you for the compliment and the shares. Love your closet too. I'm really enjoying going through it 🎀😁🤗😁🤗😁🎀
Aug 25Reply
lemonposh 🤗😍
Aug 25Reply
cattyo Hello there my beautiful friend!! How are you doing? Haven't chatted in awhile so Just stopping by to share some love😉❤️😘❤️
Aug 31Reply
drruthie @cattyo you know what's funny?! I've been thinking about you all week. Hope you and your family are doing well and enjoying the sunny days. I'm trying to take advantage of this free week before heading back to a hectic office 😭😭😭😭😭 Anyway, sending you lots of hugs.
Sep 01Reply
vintage_reborn @drruthie Hi Ruth, I like your funny inserts with dress up animals. 💕Funny and clever. Makes you want to scroll down through each category 😊
Jan 30Reply
drruthie @vintage_reborn thank you so much for such a nice compliment. I'm flattered that I got your interest. Happy poshing 😊😘
Jan 30Reply
cattyo Hello beautiful friend. Just sharing some love😉❤️😘
Feb 22Reply
drruthie @cattyo hiiiiiiii! I'm so thrilled to see you happy smile gorgeous face!! Thank you for so much love. How have you been? It's been some time since we spoke last.
Feb 22Reply
cattyo @drruthie You're the sweetest!😉. I'm well thank you! Haven't chatted for awhile. I went home to Idaho to spend some time with family. My granny ended up in ICU and passed away. It was tough but I'm thankful she's at peace. How are you doing? How's your family? I'm sending love and hugs your way beautiful friend❤️😘
Feb 22Reply
drruthie @yougotitjim gosh! Thanks Jim. I'm blushing 😊
Apr 02Reply
drruthie @yougotitjim lolol there's a reason why the game "hot potato" is played in private. Enjoy the wknd too.
Apr 02Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Ruth. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 05Reply
drruthie @hmsimon1 did you really make all those? They are absolutely beautifully done.
May 05Reply
hmsimon1 @drruthie I make everything. Which ones you speaking of.
May 05Reply
drruthie @hmsimon1 wow Hank!! You have quite a story to tell. I applaud your determination to keep going and to never stop. Life is way too short to not enjoy every single day!!!
May 05Reply
hmsimon1 @drruthie 👍👍👍❤️
May 05Reply
drruthie @hmsimon1 I like the elephant a lot and I absolutely love the watch piece on the disc.
May 05Reply
hmsimon1 @drruthie I accept reasonable offers😊
May 05Reply
tracyhmyers Hi! I purchased your gap jeans and just wondered when u would be able to ship them. Thank you! Tracy
Jun 04Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers hi Tracy, I already dropped it off in the box. They should be on their way toward you Monday morning. Thank you
Jun 04Reply
tracyhmyers Oh wow! Thank u! I have a pair and they have so many patches. I have been looking for another pair for what seems like forever!
Jun 04Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers I'm so happy that I had them for you. I hope you are pleased when you get them. Did you like the top that I had in the 1st photo with the jeans?
Jun 04Reply
tracyhmyers Thank you! I was really only looking for these jeans. I need to get rid of stuff in my closet.
Jun 04Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers hee hee I wasn't trying to sell it you. Sorry if I gave that impression.
Jun 04Reply
tracyhmyers Hi! Ruthie, I can't explain to u how happy I am right now. I just received the jeans and they are in fact the ones that I have spent literally countless hours looking for. I had originally purchased my own pair from the gap when they were first released and I wish that I could send u a pic of them.
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers I have had to patch them so many times because I have worn them out. Thank u again and thank you for the necklace. That was very sweet of you. If you ever come across another pair of those jeans in your closet or someone else's closet, please think of me because I will buy them! Thank you again! Tracy
Jun 07Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers you are very welcome!!!! I'm so so glad they worked out and I had them for you. I'll check my actual closet and see what I have and get back to you. Or I'll keep my eye on others for you like you asked. Enjoy them.
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers Thank you and thank you for making my first time purchasing something on this site so wonderful!
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers Also, is there a way to link the website to my email so that I don't have to check this site to see if I have messages?
Jun 07Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers yes, when you register it asks for your email and usually you automatically get alerts. Check your spam folder. Your email could be blocking unknown emails.
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers Thank u! I just checked and they are in my spam! Thank u!
Jun 07Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers Btw, I'd love to see a pic. If you wanted to, you can take a pic and posted as an item in your closet only listed as "not for sale"
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers Ok, I took 2 pics of my jeans....let me see if I can figure out how to upload them
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers I did it!'n
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers Make sure to look at both pics, the holes and patches
Jun 07Reply
drruthie Oh yeah! Now I can see the dilemma. Believe me I've been there before.
Jun 07Reply
tracyhmyers And I LOVE them so much! I love yours even more because they are darker and hopefully they will wear better over the years
Jun 07Reply
drruthie @tracyhmyers me too. So again, enjoy and thank you so much for sharing. I'll be in touch if I find more.
Jun 08Reply
tracyhmyers Thank u!
Jun 08Reply
fashionminga @drruthie love your fur babies!😍 is that a grey hound?
Jun 12Reply
drruthie @fashionminga yes it is, those babies in the pics are adopted from a specific Organization that saves those dogs after they retire from the races. They're so so sweet.
Jun 12Reply
cattyo Hello my beautiful friend! Just stopping by to share some love❤️. I hope all is well for you! Sending hugs your way!😉❤️️
Aug 09Reply
drruthie @cattyo OMG!! Hello gorgeous!! Would you believe that I was thinking about you the last couple of days? Thank you so much for dropping by and saying to say hi. Hope you're enjoying the beautiful summer. So great to hear from you and to see your beautiful face 😁😊😝😍
Aug 10Reply
ademurjian Hiii thanks for the follow 😁 I took a look at your profile and I think there may be some things you will like in my closet! Feel free to ask me any questions, I’d be happy to offer you a huge discount!!
Oct 30Reply
fashionistasue Hi Ruth, I measured the shoes and put info in description in my listing I measured the widest part of the shoe / top part where foot is widest under toes i measured bottoms of outer soles sorry a little late doing it. Hope this helps!
Dec 13Reply
rustic_melody Hello! We are looking to re-home some of our vintage jewelry. If you like it, we love receiving offers ! Happy Poshing 🙂
Apr 03Reply
free_woman Hi Love! please check my Little Bohemian Closet, you may see something you love 🌺 Ty, Iva
Oct 01Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

Bellmore, NY
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Last Active: Feb 25

Bellmore, NY
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