Meet your Posher, Sara
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Welcome 🍀 I am constantly morphing my style, and I love doing it. It’s amazing to have an outlet like Poshmark to keep my wardrobe ever evolving. I love everything from vintage, classic to rocker glam. My favs are Ralph Lauren, Gucci, David Yurman, Haute Hippie, Burberry and 1921 Jeans.

89 others
like this

💥WELCOME TO POSH!!💥 Check out my closet and let me know if you're interested in anything.
Jan 20Reply

Check out my closet for the latest fashions 👠💄👠💄👠💄
Jan 25Reply

Hi Sara, happy to see we share the same sense of aesthetic🎉 Happy help with any questions💕I bundle and am also always open to offers!
Jan 27Reply

Hi!! I noticed you liked my Gucci! Interested? Bundle and you can save $ :)
Feb 17Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark community! Thanks for checking out my closet 😙
Feb 26Reply

💐 W E L C O M E 💐 I'm happy to help if you have any questions getting started. Happy Poshing! 💗
Mar 16Reply

Hi! I'm Lisa. Nice to meet you! Just welcoming people today, and hoping you're having a fabulous day!!! Enjoy!
Mar 26Reply

Greetings to you from South Carolina. Please stop by and visit my closet anytime. I offer great bundle discounts and I always accept any reasonable offers 🙋🏻
Mar 26Reply

Hi, Sara! Thank you for sharing some of my listings! 😘💕
Apr 05Reply

🔆Welcome to my Posh style I love all the great deals! Stop by my closet I carry high end, great quality, lots are new, and always 50%,60% and 70% off❤️❤️Happy Poshing cristadoll
Apr 18Reply

Hi!! I saw you bundled my Yurman bracelet. I also have another one not listed that hooks does not buckle. If you are interested I'll email pics and give you a better price. 😍
Apr 23Reply

Thanks for your likes chiefn
Apr 23Reply

Hi @tequilacowgirl ! Thanks for the likes in my closet (3). If you are interested in a bundle price, I'd be happy to help negotiate one. If you want, I'll create a separate listing of the items and we'll do business there. And BTW, I'm originally from Loves Park, IL! Happy Poshing in any case.
Apr 24Reply

Hi.Sara & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions, there's always a Posher to help. Or, visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U!
When U "share" an item to Ur "Followers", it appears in the FEED. The more Followers U have, the more its seen. So, the more Followers U have...the more POTENTIAL SALES U will have! More questions? Ask me.
Apr 26Reply

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am having great fun shopping and purchasing!!! I am very excited to start selling as well 🌷
Apr 26Reply

Hi Sara. Thanks for the like on the Burberry sweater and the Gucci leather purse. Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great night 😊
May 03Reply

Hello and welcome
May 04Reply

Hey there and welcome to posh🎉💃🏼 I've got a range of different brands and styles in my closet if love for you to check out, including some you mentioned as your favorite 😊 welcome again!
May 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🌻🌷🌹
May 06Reply

Welcome to the Poshmark community, Sara! I hope you're enjoying the experience so far. If I can ever answer anything at all about the app, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. Also, if you reach a point where you have items listed for sale, please feel free to tag me in a post. I would be happy to share them with my followers. Happy Poshing! 😍
May 09Reply

@tequilacowgirl Watch going out tomorrow. I've been working crazy retail hours! ❤️
May 15Reply

Thank you so much for all your shares! 😍😍😍
Jun 01Reply

@tequilacowgirl thank you for all the Posh Love!!!
Jun 04Reply

@tequilacowgirl welcome💕
Jun 06Reply

Welcome! Happy Poshing!!! :}
Jun 13Reply

Ahhhhh😘😘😘you're a sweetie!!!! Great minds think alike... Cheers
Jun 29Reply

@tequilacowgirl Thanks for the compliment!!!
Jul 02Reply

@tequilacowgirl Thank you so much for all your "likes" and "sharing"!! So appreciated!
Jul 06Reply

Greetings welcome to posh 🎉💃🏼 I've got a ton of different brands, styles and sizes id love for you to check out when you get a chance. Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing! 😊
Jul 08Reply

Welcome to Posh! Thanks for following me. I live your name!
Jul 09Reply

@tequilacowgirl hi Sara, welcome to posh! Thank you for stopping by my closet and liking some boots.
Jul 27Reply

I am offering buy two get one in latest designer BRALETTE check it out happy Friday XOXO
Aug 12Reply

@tequilacowgirl thanks for the likes!! Let me know if you have any questions! I can ship tomorrow 😊
Aug 14Reply

Sara thank you for your share !!!! Carol
Aug 16Reply

🎉😁🎯Steals and deals with timeless trendy items-->> check out my closet it's soo Mint to be fashions🎀❤️😉
Aug 25Reply

Hi, Sara! Great to meet you! Thank you for the share! Happy Saturday! :)
Aug 28Reply

Thanks for the likes girl! If you have any questions please let me know I'd be glad to help :") happy monday!
Aug 29Reply

Hey love , nickib240 is a scammer her other page got tooken down , she lies about the condition of her items and is a dishonest trader please report her new page to avoid her getting away with her scams .
Sep 06Reply

Sep 09Reply

Hi dear thanks for the likes! Let me know if you are interested in purchasing:)
Sep 11Reply

Hi Sara! Hope you are enjoying Poshmark 😍
Sep 14Reply

@tequilacowgirl check out my closet ! I have MK purses for sale!
Sep 18Reply

Thank you for the likes :) Let me know if you're intereset in anything :)
Sep 20Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of some HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items there's a % off ❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Sep 28Reply

Hi tequila cowgirl (love the name!!). When u hv some time stop by my closet for a browse or to just say hi! Peace & Posh always!!!🌻
Oct 03Reply

Hi Sara, I have some Coach and Marc Jacobs handbags which I thought you might like. Take a peek! Enjoy your evening🌹
Oct 10Reply

Hi Sara! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you're loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Have a fabulous day and Happy Holidays ✨
Nov 26Reply

Hi Sara, a couple of weeks ago you mentioned that you planned to purchase my pale pink Old Gringo boots. I've set them aside for you and it's been a while, so I want to check back with you to see if you are still interested. I keep getting offers and don't want to go forward with a sale if you still want them. Let me know your thoughts-- whatever they are! Thank you :)
Nov 28Reply

🍷Welcome to Poshmark🍷 A Great Place to Buy/Sell your New/Barely Used Clothing. If you have any Questions Feel Free to ask me anytime. 💋Suggested User/Top Seller/Fast Shipper/Party Co-Host💋
Dec 14Reply

Hello and happy new year! I hope 2017 brings you lots of happiness, good health, and fun poshing 😍 When you get a chance, follow my closet and shares. I know you'll find something you'll like. If you have any questions, let me know
Jan 10Reply

Greetings Sara ! Come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures 👸👑🌹
May 15Reply

Welcome to Posh! 💕 let me know if I can help :)
May 21Reply

hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jul 25Reply

hey Sara! thanks for the like on my designer camo jeans😊 price is flexible so feel free to make an offer!🙉🌸
Dec 11Reply

Hi Sara! Since you liked a bunch of things in my closet I figured I’d let you know my bundle discount is 20%! Any questions please ask 💞 Marian
Dec 16Reply

Hey girl i noticed you likes a bunch of items in my closet 😊 everything must go and will be deleted from poshmark tomorrow morning to be donated if it doesnt sell! 20% discount on bundles of 3 or more items!! Price is negotiable on single items as well! MAKE OFFER can ship tomorrow 😊
Jan 02Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and for the like...happy poshing
Jan 12Reply

Hello, it is Always nice to meet another Posher 🌷⚘🌻
Jan 15Reply

good morning ,your items shipped yesterday. when I pulled out the belt ( all stored in a bin) I noticed the pink one had inner flaking. if when you receive it and it's not ok or the flaking is bad please let me know and I will gladly refund the cost of the belt or credit.
Jan 25Reply

thank you for looking at my closet. I can reduce the price of many of the items a lot more than I can for the Marni shoes. Just keep that in mind. As you see, I sale my items at good prices.
Feb 09Reply

Happy to hear from you and you like your shoes.
Thank you for visiting my closet ⚘🙋♀️Have a great week.
Feb 12Reply

Check out my closet i have some amazing handbags
Feb 16Reply

WELCOME TO POSHMARK!! There are amazing Poshers all working to support one another in the name of fashion and style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, and helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, and reducing. Good luck and much success to you. I'm just a closet away.
Treasure Resale ☺
Feb 24Reply

Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment, including Lululemon, Haute Hippie, DVF, Anthropologie, free people, j crew, Nasty Gal, kate Spade and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
Feb 26Reply

Welcome to Posh!
Mar 09Reply

Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark!! There’s so much to see 👍🏻🤩🌸🌸
Mar 12Reply

Hello Sara 😁 I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I have great deals! I also offer a 10% bundle discount and I ship the next day. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Mar 27Reply

Hey girl! Check out my closet! I’ve got some of the things that you’re looking for! 💕😘😻
May 08Reply

May 17Reply

Hey there! Just added a ton of new items in my closet like Lululemon, LOFT, Birkenstock, Steve Madden, and PINK! Definitely a steal or two there if you want to check it out. Feel free to make offers. Happy Poshing 🛍💕
May 23Reply

Hi and welcome to the world of posh! I hope you have fun in the huge variety of closets! On my way! Visit me anytime I carry a large selection of new women’s apparel shoes accessories and of course jewelry! Have fun🤗 Lorrie ps I have a gorgeous pair of new cowboy boots in a 7 1/2 floral design in my closet!
Jun 05Reply

@tequilacowgirl Thanks for the like! Feel free to negotiate or ask any questions
Jun 17Reply

Hi Please enjoy Poshamrk! And don’t hesitate to check out my closet and bundle discounts! Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 17Reply

Hi Please enjoy Poshamrk! And don’t hesitate to check out my closet and bundle discounts! Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 18Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 24Reply

I have some Jack Rogers sandals in my closet (others also)....check it out! Happy poshing!
Jun 28Reply

I have some Jack Rogers sandals in my closet you might like.....check it out!
Jul 14Reply

Happy Poshing!☀️
I might have some things that you would really like in my closet!
Feel free to make an offer on anything that catches your eye!💕
Aug 04Reply

Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 09Reply

Hi Sarah welcome to pause I don't know if you've already been welcome but if you haven't thank you so much also for checking out my closet if you ever have any questions or you know just need a little advice on something please let me know and hear the help do you need anything Lori
Aug 21Reply

Hi Sara thank you for visiting my closet and liking some of the shoes ! Offers are more than welcome🐞💕
Sep 03Reply

Hi Sara, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Sep 09Reply

🌸 Welcome to the Poshmark Community!! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out any time! I wish you all the best!
Sep 12Reply

@kabeetoyzz Thank you!!! I’m excited to be a part of such a fun fabulous community 🍀
Sep 12Reply

Thank you for the like on the shorts. Please feel free to make a bundle offer if you are interested as I would love to work something out.
Oct 01Reply

Greetings Sara thanks for following me I really appreciate it. Keep morphing ur style, I do the same as I age😁😉 I hope this finds you doing well. Happy selling and shopping ok. Keep that smile shining bright
Oct 05Reply

Cute closet. Tx for checking out the purple Burberry clutch. It’s super chic. Let me know if you have any questions and feel free to submit an offer.💕
Oct 21Reply

Happy Poshing🎉 and if you happen to be looking for UGG/designer pants/jeans / premium denim brands - please consider taking a peek at my closet 👖👢💕
Nov 15Reply

T Thanks for sharing my merchandise 😘🥂💕
Nov 24Reply

@niutt72 😘🤗
Nov 25Reply

@becomewinners Awww, Thank you!!
Dec 03Reply

Hi! Thanks for the likes! Great picks 👍 I’m open to offers/bundles.. willing to negotiate so let me know! Have a great rest of the day 😊
Dec 06Reply

Thanks for the shares ❤️
Dec 06Reply

Nice closet chick
Dec 07Reply

@cat5575 Thanks girly 😘
Dec 07Reply

Dec 11Reply

@trendycutedeals 😘
Dec 11Reply

Dec 12Reply

thanks for liking my New Burberry Sweater ..willing to consider any reasonable offers!! happy poshing
Dec 13Reply

Hello📦📮I'm a Poshmark Ambassador. You receive 15% discount if you purchase a bundle of 3 items or more in my closet🛒If you have any questions, please ask. Share💌Like❤Follow💞 Happy Poshing🤩
Dec 18Reply

hi thxs for stopping by..I posted more fur pieces if interested..sorry the blk sweater sold..thxs again
Dec 28Reply

Hello 👋.I recognize you♥️💁♀️🌞 Happy Lansing here in Posh 😄 Your closet is beautiful well done. So glad to see you again. Happy Poshing.Have A Wonderful New Year.🎆♥️🎈🛍🍾I wish you many,many sales 🛍🛍🛍
Dec 29Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Welcome to my closet😀 are you interested in a bundle❤️
Jan 02Reply

Hi! Come on over and check out my closet. I think there are a few things you'd love!
Jan 04Reply

hi! I saw you liked my gorgeous Burberry Purple scarf. Happy to answer any questions, discuss price, I can be flexible! :) Let’s chat!
Jan 31Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions feel free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 03Reply

You’re closet is amazing!! ❤️
Mar 19Reply

I love your closet...❤️ and your style. Problem is that I ❤️❤️❤️it too much.
Surely all of us know that you don’t make much money on this because you find that you fall in love with all the closets❤️🌹Rose
Apr 19Reply

Isn’t Lucky Brand fun? I love all their 👖 and they have coolest tees. Never returned any purchase from them. And if you want..I might even press it before I send❤️🌹
Apr 19Reply

Lucky Brand never disappoints 🌺
Apr 19Reply

David Yurman has always been my fav❤️too! I have additional pieces you might be interested.z❤️
Apr 19Reply

Hi Sara, I just received your bundle offer and will except HOWEVER I’m moving across country on Wednesday and the top has already been packed (which I just realized trying to put everything together!) I have all the jewelry on hand and could send that out and put the top on hold or if you’d like and just make an offer on the jewelry, I can accept and send out Monday am. I’m so sorry for the inconvenience.
Apr 27Reply

@vanessafields No worries! Let’s just do the jewelry now and if you wouldn’t mind when you get moved and settled in I would love the shirt. Lol, and by that time I will more than likely have a few other things I want to add to that. Hope you move goes well 😊
Apr 27Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Thank you for understanding. I will add another necklace to the bundle that I’m sure you’ll like that I didn’t even list yet 😊
Apr 27Reply

@vanessafields How sweet, thank you
Apr 27Reply

@dustydiamonds1 You’re Welcome 💕
Apr 27Reply

Thanks for the shares!!🥰🥰
May 13Reply

Your closet is amazing! That's why the goodies are SOLD! Keep up the good work.
Jul 08Reply

@octobereyes How sweet, thank you!!! I need to get my booty busy and post more items, lol! You closet is amazing as well 😊😘
Jul 08Reply

Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Aug 18Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Small world! I lived in Rockford for 20 years before moving to Florida. Had a store there called LULAS VINTAGE. 2003-2008 :)
Aug 18Reply

@lulasvintagex2 Well hello there, pleasure to meet you!!!! When did you move to Florida and how did you like having a store here? My husband wants me to open a little shop ( I have loads of vintage clothes, jewelry and house wares) 🌺
Aug 19Reply

@dustydiamonds1 I moved here in 2013 and I LOVE IT! I would start with a booth at the Friday Market downtown. And then work with Danny Lorden or one of those that are involved in helping move into store fronts. Our store was located 221 E State St.
Aug 19Reply

Nice to meet you! You have a beautiful closet! I will be following and sharing... and after I reach my charity goals and clear things out, a customer, I hope. 😊
Sep 01Reply

@malak68 😊
Sep 01Reply

@rayrayscloset1 Awesome 😁
Sep 02Reply

About the Paige pants!
Added pictures!😊
Sep 21Reply

@garnie Thank you! Unfortunately too short but I will definitely share
Sep 21Reply

I don’t think you understand? If you want l can let out the hem I made which would make the inseam at 34 inches! Would that work?
Sep 21Reply

@garnie I apologize I did read the entire thing I just looked at the pic of the tape measure. Yes a 34” is perfect!
Sep 21Reply

Hello and thank you for the like on my listing.
Oct 06Reply

@dustydiamonds1 hi🌼sent you a message under the bundle I created🐛
Oct 08Reply

Enjoy the chloe!!! 💕 and 🇲🇽
Oct 16Reply

Hey feel free to make an offer on Frye boots thanks for liking😊
Nov 11Reply

Hello Sara
Please check out my closet. I just listed two gorgeous Burberry bracelets you may like.
Have an amazing holiday weekend.
Nov 30Reply

Thank you 🙏😀🌺
Nice closet 😘🎁💝☀️
Dec 12Reply

Hello, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. Sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a great day! Thank you, George.
Dec 15Reply

Hi! Thank you for your interest in the Gucci bracelet. It sold in another site. If you could please decline my offer. Thank you! Happy Holidays ❤️💋🌎
Dec 23Reply

Sara thanks for stopping by & the likes 😁❤✌
Dec 28Reply

Hi, tx for the likes and shares. If interested feel free to create a bundle. Have a great night
Jan 02Reply

Good morning, did you decide on anything????
Jan 02Reply

Hi, can you meet me in the middle at $95?
Jan 02Reply

I w2ould also throw the Vince boots and Italian cardigan in for another $45???
Jan 02Reply

Yay...thank you..will ship tomorrow
Jan 02Reply

@mulanjo Sounds good! 😊🌺😊
Jan 02Reply

Hi, tx for the great rating. Hope you love everything
Jan 06Reply

Hi love! I see that you like a few of my Gucci shades listings. I can go down on the price a little if you’re interested in any! Blessings to you❤️
Jan 17Reply

@dustydiamonds1 thx 4 u share earnestly appreciated. 💚 ur username n closet!!! 💚🙃💫🦋☘️⭐️🌙🌟🦋💫💚
Jan 21Reply

Jan 21Reply

Hi Sara😊 I noticed you liked two items in my closet. If you’d like I can provide a bundle discount just let me know if interested and no pressure.
Feb 03Reply

@fashionoam Thank you for the offer, right now getting ideas for a birthday gift and I will keep you posted. Btw you have an amazing closet 🌺
Feb 03Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Awe thank you so much 🥰 I just have an expensive taste 😂 and you’re welcome!
Feb 03Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Feb 14Reply

Good afternoon, how you doing today. Can you please take a moment to check my Closet. I'm a Silversmith and always working on new pieces, also have other designers as well... you can find something that you may like. I sincerely appreciate your interest. Have a beautiful evening! Thank you, George
Mar 07Reply

Hi I have a patron hat
Mar 13Reply

Sending a healing prayer of Light across our Planet 🙏🏽💙🌐☮💜🙏🏽 that We may all Heal Together as One
Wishing you Protection & Peace
Apr 05Reply

Hi Sara! Thanks for stopping by my closet. Just created an adorable bundle for you at an amazing price. Let me know if there is anything you would like to add or remove. Happy Poshing!
May 16Reply

Thanks for the shares last night. 😊I was also stopping by just to tell you I love the dusty diamonds name. I wish I HAD some dd laying around!😁Have a great weekend! Happy Poshing! ✨🛍✨
May 28Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jun 08Reply

Hey Sara 👋 wanted to invite you to check out my closet, I think you might dig the style of my collection!! Let me know if anything catches your eye💕Happy Poshing & Cheers friend 🥂
Jun 25Reply

Thank you so much for the shares and the likes. I really appreciate it- take care and stay safe, Robin
Jul 23Reply

hey i’m layla i would appreciate it if u were you could check out my closet u might find something u like :)
Jul 29Reply

Thank you for your purchase. You will love these sunglasses! Bringing down now to ship and post office picks up from me in the am. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! :)
Aug 30Reply

Hi Sara!
Thank you so much for stopping by my closet + sharing a like on the Gucci eye glass case - I truly appreciate it 💕
Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Happy Poshing 🌟🌟
Sep 13Reply

Hey hey, I’m Ashleigh. I have a closet with sizes ranging from s-3x. Dresses, Pants, Jumpers, Sweaters, Tunics, Swimsuits, boots and more. You name it…. it’s probably there. I’d appreciate if you checked it out 🚪. Oh yeah and I LOVE offers! If you don’t find anything for you, I’d like you to share something. I share back 🔄🤩 🛍 HAPPY POSHING 🛍
Sep 30Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Sunglasses liquidation, as well our Gucci limited edition collectionHandbag and wallets, and adding new deals every day. Check us out, Sharing is Caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Oct 02Reply

Hi Sara!
Wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a sale 3 items for $25.00. All sale items are marked with the ghost emoji 👻
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Happy Poshing 💕🌟
Oct 12Reply

Hi Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. Have a great day!
Nov 08Reply

Hey Sara! Thanks so much for checking out my closet 🥰 let me know if you’re interested in anything! Have a great night 💗
Nov 17Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Nov 23Reply

Thank you so much for the sweet note! I hope you have a fabulous holiday 😁
Dec 19Reply

Hi there!! I see there’s several items you liked from my closet. If you want to bulk them I’ll give you a great price! 🥰
Dec 28Reply

Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything.
Jan 29Reply

Hi hun, so sorry for delay on this bag... we are looking for it everywhere and did not find it yet... this does not happen ever but pls give us till this weekend ,thanks so much for your patience! if do not find it we will be sure to refund you asap,
Best, M
Feb 17Reply

Found your bag!! will ship today! thanks again ,M
Feb 19Reply

@awesomestuff8 Thank you. Just so that you are aware I will be out of the country leaving tomorrow until March 21 so if I don’t accept the package right away it’s because cell service/WIFI are spotty. I will do so when I can.
Feb 19Reply

@dustydiamonds1 im sure u saw already we shipped today, Thanks for letting me know ! Have a safe trip! and so sorry for the delay... Thanks again for shopping! ,Best M
Feb 20Reply

@awesomestuff8 Thank you!
Feb 20Reply

Thank you ❤️♥️
Apr 14Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 22Reply

Hi, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry, Purses, Boots and more Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted.
Sep 19Reply

Hello, you inquired about a Burberry housecheck stiletto sandal with another Posher. I have the same sandal available in a size 40 if you are interested.
Nov 14Reply

Thanks so much for your rating & sweet comments!!! I really appreciate that! You made my day!!!
Dec 03Reply

@cindersootashby 😁😉
Dec 03Reply

Hello. I hope you are doing well. ☺️ I'd like to invite you to check out my cool & eclectic closet. THE PURGE IS ON! Everything MUST GO I'm trying to close my closet by the end of the year! So, if you see something(s) that you like, put it in a 'Bundle, as I offer a 10% bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship next day. I'll even sweeten the deal...✌️❤️
Dec 19Reply

Hello Sara! Thanks for finding me. I love your closet!
Jan 02Reply

Jan 05Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewlery
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 18Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewlery
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Jan 18Reply

Hi! Thx for the like on the Harley Davidson sweater. It's a beautiful piece. A couple of people have it in a bundle, so it may sell soon
I am sending you an offer so let me know asap. Thx!
Feb 02Reply

Hi! I'm dropping the Koolaburra Women's Josie Fringe Shearling Boots 40% w/ free shipping for the next 24 hrs. Happy Poshing!!
Feb 04Reply

I also dropped the Stunning Andrew Marc Fur Lined Winter Vest Removable Fur Lined Hood 20% for the next 24 hrs w/ free shipping!! WooHoo!!
Feb 04Reply

Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊
I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry
Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Mar 02Reply

Thanks so much for the LIKE!
Apr 10Reply

@dustydiamonds1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 06Reply

Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more!
Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊
* Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 05Reply

@dustydiamonds1 - hi the Gucci ring , is brand new NWT - comes with box , linen cloth bag, Gucci ribbon, Gucci envelopes, tote bag, & other etc Gucci accessories. I can ship first thing Monday morning + free gift 🎁
Thank you & take care!
Jun 20Reply

Good Morning Sara. I’m a Poshmark Ambassador and would like to welcome you to my Shopping, Sharing and Saving community! I love FASHION!! Some of my favorites are Ralph Lauren, Guess, Free People, Zara, Young Fabulous & Broke, Jennifer Lopez, Lagerfeld, Armani…..come in in and Shop Share and Save! Never be afraid to Bundle and Offer!! Shop, Share, Save….and help save our Amazing Planet!
Aug 04Reply

@rmsilvey Thank you and have an amazing day 🌺✌🏼🌺
Aug 04Reply

Very beautiful
Sep 21Reply

@charleshamil280 Thank you 🌺
Sep 22Reply

Check out my Ricky bags by Ralph Lauren. All are new bags!
Nov 01Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Nov 03Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 17Reply

Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Nov 24Reply

Good Morning sweetheart I noticed that you had liked a few things from my closet if you would like to make a bundle and an offer we will see what we can do, Thank You and God Bless
Nov 27Reply

🌄 G'morning Sara
"with a very beautiful smile"
& Further EXPLORE 🧗♀️
👠 🎁 👢👘 💎 🕰🩱👖🎒🥾
Nov 30Reply

@sinsofcyn Good morning miss Fabulous!!! Love your closet… super fun 🌺😉🤗🐶💜
Nov 30Reply

Just saying Hi! to a fellow Rockfordian. I am Rockford born and raised. Living here in the Chicago suburbs for a gazillion years. Good luck on Posh💕
Dec 01Reply

Hi. Thank you for purchasing my Harley shirt. I hope it’s okay that I ship on Monday. I work tomorrow and won’t be able to get to the post office.
Jan 06Reply

@ladym99 No worries, that’s absolutely fine!
Jan 07Reply

Hello.... I hope that you have a blessed year! I. am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse.....
Mar 12Reply

if you will look at the other pair just like those junk gypsies, I'm running a one day sale,! thank you so much for your interest
Mar 13Reply

Blessings Sara on liking cool listing from my family closet ❤️💜. Be great send your home to love 🤟🏻🛍🙏❤️❤️💜💜
Mar 13Reply

Hi, Sara! Thanks for the like on the Prada dust storage bag. I have 20% off the price if you bundle it with Prada flannel bag. Have a great weekend! 🌺🌺🌺
May 27Reply

Hey if u still want Harley vest I can accept offer for 30 if u resend it I don’t know how I missed that I apologize
Jun 06Reply

Hi! I have a lot of vintage jewelry and accessories including Brighton and other 925 sterling silver pieces available. I offer discounts on bundle orders (2+ items) I hope you give it a look and follow if interested. Thank you! 🙏🏻❤️
Jul 14Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many unique and vintage items in my closet including china, seasonal decor, books, DVDs, video games, clothing, jewelry and religious objects. All reasonable offers will be considered and you will get a 20% discount (or more) when you bundle two or more items together ( up to 5 lbs per box)saving on shipping costs. I hope you’ll visit my closet and I’ll visit yours.
Jul 20Reply

Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I have many unique and vintage items in my closet including china, seasonal decor, books, DVDs, video games, clothing, jewelry and religious objects. All reasonable offers will be considered and you will get a 20% discount (or more) when you bundle two or more items together ( up to 5 lbs per box)saving on shipping costs. I hope you’ll visit my closet and I’ll visit yours.
Jul 20Reply

Hi ! I’m Thankful and Blessed as Well ! If you like to make an Offer on the Sam E. Shoes - I’m Easy to work with and Fair .next day shipping with TLC. Hope they have your Name on them . Have a great night 💝
Sep 22Reply

Hello, I hope you have a great day! Do I have things you might like?
Sep 26Reply

Hi Fellow Posher – I’m just stopping by to say Hello and check out your closet. When you have a moment, please check out my closet as we have a little eye candy for everyone. Thanks much, Grace.
Jan 22Reply

💥CHRISTMAS IN JULY SALE…BOGO 50% off for the month of July on all HARLEY DAVIDSON and CHRISTMAS items! Bundle selections for your special offer that will include discounted shipping too💥
Jul 02Reply
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