Meet your Posher, Savage gang
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Hi! I'm Savage Shades. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

39 others
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Welcome to Poshmark☺️ It's a great community and you'll meet lots of really nice people from all over. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask - I'd be happy to help. Happy poshing! 😉 Jill @jillsis 🐢
Oct 31Reply

@jillsis Hello Thank You you’re so kind.
Oct 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, enjoy the shopping and selling experience .... You are going to have a lot of fun .... I am a Posh Ambassador, if there is anything I can do to help you on your journey, please let me know ... Best wishes !!
Nov 01Reply

@victoriaencinas Thank You 😊
Nov 02Reply

HI! Welcome to Poshmark⚘ I wanted to stop by to introduce myself. I am Vanessa from MODA ME COUTURE Boutique. I would like to personally invite you to visit our Boutique. We carry a beautiful collection of clothing hand picked by me and an array of accessories! I look forward to your visit.😄 At MODA ME COUTURE we are always happy to be of assistance.❤
Nov 08Reply

@savageshades thank you for sharing my Nike Lanyard
Nov 20Reply

@modamecouture Thank You 😍
Nov 20Reply

@hustlecity Your Welcome 😎
Nov 20Reply

🌹Hi 🙋🏻I'm Carolyn. Welcome to Poshmark‼️A community of Poshers willing to share Posh💕Love, help, & encourage you. Here are some LINKS to find answers to many questions about Posh Compliant Closets & other info for Beginners. 🌸YOUR GUIDE TO POSHMARK & POSH ETIQUETTE (Click on your Closet Name.) 🌸HTTPS://SUPPORT.POSHMARK.COM 🌸HTTPS://BLOG.POSHMARK.COM/ (Click on the MENU, scroll down to POSH TIPS.) Anytime I can help, just message me🦋@mysticalblue🦋. Happy Poshing🌷 I wish you much success‼️👗🛍
Nov 20Reply

@mysticalblue Thank You
Nov 20Reply

@savageshades Thank you so much and welcome to POSH😌. You make a difference 💕
Nov 22Reply

@peace1253 Your Welcome and Thank You sweet of you
Nov 22Reply

@my_other_closet Thank You If you're interested on any of them just add them to your bundle and I will send you a private offer 😉 If you have any questions please let me know.
Dec 02Reply

@savageshades good morning my posh friend! Thank you for sharing my listing any thing you like feel free to let me know I’m affordable & fair . They are really nice boots pics don’t really show the beauty of them , Have a great day
Dec 05Reply

@maeteen Good Morning Thank You When you get a chance check my closet out. If you like anything add them to your bundle and I'll send you a private offer.
Dec 05Reply

Love your shades! I'll continue to share. I just emailed your closet to my daughter. Her & her friends love funky sunglasses.
Dec 10Reply

@prettygals Hello Welcome Doll Thank You very much really appreciate it. Awesome soon I will have a big sale stay tuned 😉
Dec 10Reply

@bellaandharley Hello Doll Welcome to my Closet. Thank You😉 If you’re interested in anything in my closet you can bundle them and I’ll send you a private discount offer.
Dec 17Reply

Love your shades will b purchasing soon ❤️
Dec 17Reply

@ladybosswear Hello Welcome to my closet. Thank You really appreciate it.🤗 All shades are on sale now.😍If you have any questions please feel free to leave me a comment 😉
Dec 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 😊 Hi there! I am Gloria. Nice to meet you here on Poshmark 😊 I would like to invite you to check out my closet for items brand new with Tags from the most popular brands and in all sizes. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. Visit my closet for even more discounts such as BOGO 50% OFF on all Winter items, and many more. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Feb 03Reply

@soriag Thank You I will definitely check your closet❤
Feb 03Reply

Awesome closet!❤️ Just followed you on Instagram too!!☺️
Feb 17Reply

@dfizzal Thank You I will follow back
Feb 17Reply

@savageshades Thank you & thank you for adding your name to the post♥️
Feb 17Reply

@dfizzal Your Welcome Doll 😘
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet
Mar 11Reply

@danascloset100 No Problem Anytime 😉
Mar 11Reply

Thank you
Mar 11Reply

Good afternoon. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Mar 14Reply

@hmsimon1 Your Welcome😉
Mar 15Reply

Thank you so much for the shares... I wish you a year full of many sales 😊
Mar 16Reply

@kayymufasa Thank You likewise 😉
Mar 16Reply

Hi! I'm strictly a buyer but wondering if your shades come with any cases, soft or hard and cloths... Thanks! Love your closet
Apr 10Reply

@queensammy13 Hey Thank You they do come with soft cloth but at this moment I ran out I will be getting some more soon. I also sell the hard case😎
Apr 10Reply

@savageshades I didn't see any cases... running out of time for friends birthday and kinda panicking ugh lol
Apr 10Reply

Hi! Happy New Year's to you and your family! Thank you so much for sharing my listing sweetie! 😊
Apr 12Reply

Feel free to check out my closet and boutique. I add new things regularly and offer 15% off 3+ bundles. Drop me a line if you have questions. And happy Poshing! 🙂🌸
Aug 06Reply

Thank you so much for sharing 💖
Feb 02Reply

@connie_posh Thank You 🙏
Feb 15Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing 😁
Feb 16Reply

@michlee1969 Thank You 🙏
Mar 10Reply

Hello welcome!😁
Mar 23Reply

@ghmarschall Thank You 🧡
Mar 26Reply

Tks...😊for sharing my closet lovely 💗 you have an amazing 😉 closet!!! I gonna keep sharing your pics for sure!!!
Mar 28Reply

Such a fun posh site. I have a feeling I will he buying some amazing shades from you!!!💋
Apr 02Reply

@salablanca Thank You!
Apr 02Reply

@stylishlylynn Thank You feel free to add all your like to your bundle & I’ll send you an offer.
Apr 02Reply

💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 19Reply

Hey beautiful anyway you can possibly find me a pair of shades worn by the main character in the tv show burn notice they are Oliver people’s Victory LA 55mm gold with cognac lenses but I don’t wanna pay $400 for them lol 😝 so if you can find something close for me I’d appreciate it thanks 💜
Aug 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmania!🎪You will make new friends to answer questions & help You succeed.🛍✔️At the heart of POSH is sharing 📂listings and followers. Here’s How: Touch the list of people that “liked” someone’s closet.💃 Touch the names, one by one. Now, they are YOUR new Contacts!🤗 Goto the list of Closet(s) near the bottom of a Posher’s ‘About’ page. Touch ea. blue Ⓜ️ follow. Now, those are closets YOU follow:👣 a large % will follow you back!☺️
Please ✔️ *My Closet.
❣️Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Dec 16Reply

Hey Welcome to Poshmark! And thanks for following I’m Emily if you purchase any of my items that’s aren’t jewelry then I will add any jewelry except the cat necklace and Ariana Grande ring that I’m selling to your purchase for Free! Happy Poshing😊🎉☃️❄️🎊
Jan 23Reply

Hi @savageshades , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers on authentic luxury handbags from Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci and more! 😊
Jan 23Reply

hi there, thank you for the following support! sending some Posh Love Your way in return 🤗💖💜🍋
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for the follow! Check out my shop🤍 let me know if you are interested in anything
Mar 27Reply

Hi and thanks for following me on Posh! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
May 15Reply
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