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Updated Feb 16
Updated Feb 16

Meet your Posher, Shandell

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Shandell. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, 1 Madison, American Eagle Outfitters, and Silver Jeans. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

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fashionsdirect Welcome to poshmark
Mar 29Reply
vintagejelyfish Welcome to poshmark dear xo!
Apr 01Reply
spamoney Welcome to Poshmark and Happy Poshing 🛍
Apr 09Reply
shoplunagrace @sste20 Hi Shandell! I’m Lisa & it’s nice to meet you! You have a really cute closet and great photos! Welcome to Poshmark!💕😊💕
Apr 11Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 02Reply
eledana Welcome to Poshmark!
May 03Reply
baseballbtg11 When are you shipping my item? I ordered May 24...Decree jeans....
May 28Reply
theottercloset @baseballbtg11 I usually ship next day. However you're being the holiday weekend I am delayed until tomorrow I apologize for the inconvenience. They will be in the mail tomorrow
May 28Reply
baseballbtg11 Hello..I am wondering g when you will ship my order I placed on mY 24..
May 28Reply
baseballbtg11 May 24😂
May 28Reply
baseballbtg11 Thank you !
May 28Reply
theottercloset @baseballbtg11 again, I apologize. Thank you for understanding ☆
May 28Reply
gracecouture1 Good morning! Thank you for your patience while I was on vacation - I have reopened my closet if you are still interested in those items. Have a great day!
Jul 23Reply
monroemacks You don't like my offer on the super long gold chain?
Aug 05Reply
monroemacks Hi. So whrre have we leoff off!!! We kind v of want to pick out a couple more things now then buy !! Asao
Aug 05Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks go ahead and add them to the bundle that you have going. And let me know when you are finished. All you have to do is go to each individual item and click add to bundle and it will go ahead and add that to your shopping cart
Aug 05Reply
monroemacks Assistant again! My boss keeps making offers and is forgetting to bundle. I can't figure out how to message you, so please help!
Aug 05Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks your best bet is to accept the offer I sent for the bundle. That way no more shipping costs will be added after this order
Aug 05Reply
monroemacks @sste20 thank you so much! Doing another bundle right this time :)
Aug 05Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks I'm glad it's working out for you 😁 I am currently getting the packages together and they will be in the mail tomorrow. You should get them for sure by the weekend
Aug 05Reply
diansdsign Thank you Shandell for accepting my offer, Love those items, great selection of fashion jewelry! Of isn't enough! 🤣🤗🛍I look forward to wearing them! Your daughter is an adorable little girl!
Aug 09Reply
theottercloset @diansdsign. Thank you so much! I just carefully wrapped up your items and I am dropping them off very soon ❤😁 everything is so greatly appreciated
Aug 09Reply
diansdsign @sste20 thank you! 🤗
Aug 09Reply
monroemacks Hey sweetie. I'm about to open my items from you! I'm so excited! I've been waiting until I have time to myself..... X
Aug 10Reply
monroemacks Having trouble with a couple items email me at I'm creating a bundle to exchange 2 items. The purse and the silver necklace. Let's talk.
Aug 11Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks. I'm sorry im not supposed to contact you outside of poshmark per the rules.
Aug 11Reply
monroemacks I wasn't trying to get you to break rules. I am in business. I thought you may have wanted to discuss this off site. Idk
Aug 14Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks I understand completely. I just wanted you to be aware. I hope I can help you out anyway you need
Aug 14Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 01Reply
fortheloveofash Hi there 😊 Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash! Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕 With Love, Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Oct 19Reply
monroemacks Hey poshbff I really owe you site communication. It's been a lot!!! A lot has gone down. We will catch up later..And I'll have to take a look at your freshened up closet....xo
Dec 08Reply
theottercloset @monroemacks. Yessss!! Ive missed you! I'll hook you up lady :)
Dec 08Reply
liv_style2 @sste20 Good Monday evening, I saw you like the Lakers Jersey, if you are interested you can send me an offer. Thank you and Happy Poshing
Jan 28Reply
piccicu Oh my heavens! Your little one looks just like you! How wonderful....two beauties. Thanks for coming by my closet. If you are looking for something or have any questions, feel free to drop me a note. Nice to meet you..Stephanie
Feb 21Reply
spfeifer99 Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage and today jewelry (at some pretty great and reasonable prices too LOL)! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Mar 16Reply
pouderpuf Question - do you know where I can get them the same boot clips I purchased??? So many compliments.
Apr 05Reply
theottercloset @pouderpuf I'm so happy to hear that! I honestly have no clue where to find them. I'm sorry
Apr 05Reply
chellier Thanks for following
May 01Reply
flowersforher Hi I love your Posh nice picture
Jul 20Reply
monroemacks I've missed you do so so much. I'm finally going to get id next week. Biz has been slow. But hey. I'm gonna look. Create a bundle. And for old times sake let's see if we can do a little biz
Jul 20Reply
nadiahmartinez Nice page!! 😍 Happy sales to you
Aug 08Reply
wifeof1man Welcome Shandell💐Thank you for sharing your lovely closet and pictures with us! All the while supporting others, Have a fabulous Wednesday! Many many sales to YOU💐
Oct 16Reply
amiebear91 I was wondering with the dress I just got if I paid extra for quick shipping could we do that? I need by Friday the 25th
Oct 20Reply
theottercloset @amiebear91 I'm shipping it out Monday. Will get to you by Friday
Oct 20Reply
monroemacks I'm baaackkkk
Nov 01Reply
theottercloset Welcome back girl! @monroemacks
Nov 01Reply
ramospat10 Hi Ms. Shandel! How are you? If you want good clothes for a really great price, take a swing by my closet! I got some great deals :)
Nov 07Reply
dekern27 @sste20 Hey there 😁 Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark🎉 I would love for you to check out my closet sometime! Hopefully you’ll find something you love 🙂👍🏼
Nov 12Reply
flipntravel5 Thank you for all the posh love!!
Nov 17Reply
stcr0430 @sste20 Hi, I hope you got the email from Poshmark resolving the order! I’m sad that it happened, but I guess sometimes shipping mishaps happen during the holiday season :( Sorry and I hope you have a nice holiday!
Dec 19Reply
theottercloset @stcr0430 I did and I very much appreciate your understanding. I just wish you could have enjoyed them. it all worked out in the end after all :) thank you again
Dec 19Reply
marymarypj Hi, I recently ordered a gold bracelet delivered on 2/18. I ordered the twist bracelet but received a different one.
Feb 20Reply
theottercloset @marymarypj can you open a case and submit a picture of the one you received?
Feb 20Reply
marymarypj @sste20 I tried to open a case and they are telling me funds were released which makes no sense. How do I add a photo? I received the gold bangle made up of small beads
Feb 20Reply
theottercloset @marymarypj I notified them also. I will let you know as I hear anything
Feb 20Reply
macecrowel Hi, I’m so glad you followed my Closet ! I love to do bundles and negotiate prices, feel free to check out my closet as i will to yours 🤩
Jul 08Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jul 14Reply
rstreasurechest Thank you so much for all the shares. Love your closet. Happy Poshing!
Jul 22Reply
pitatere52794 thanks for the great offer. I'm waiting for my daughter to respond to me.
Jul 24Reply
shopbymary Hello, first thanks for your purchase. I have bad news and good news for you. The good news is that I already sent the order. The bad news is that the shoes were stored for a long time and I have noticed that they were damaged. Anyway they can be used but I could not get a refund for you, so I ask that if you want to receive them, open a case and I accept it and you can receive your money back. I apologize for this inconvenience. 😔😔😔
Jul 27Reply
nichailajacques Hello! Just checking in to say: You are absolutely, positively amazing. Keep being awesome! Love your store 🥰🌟🙌🏾.
Jul 31Reply
beckysgems Hi there! Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Aug 17Reply
heidieva04 Hi Shandell. I wanted to leave a message regarding the purchase I made recently. If you'll recall, there were several items, one of which was a swimsuit that was stained. Although the stains never came out, I wanted you to know that my grand daughters really enjoy everything you sent. Thank you very much for getting it all to us so quickly, and for being so responsive to the problem we had with the suit. I hope all is well with you and your family. Best wishes always. Heidi
Sep 18Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Oct 02Reply
matadora1978 hi there shared 10 of your lovely items wishing you lots of sales xoxo
Oct 03Reply
matadora1978 hi there ! i just shared 10 of your items wishing you many sales ! 🙋‍♀️
Nov 10Reply
shopmakeitchic Hi there! Allison wants to talk to you about a recent purchase she made. Can you please send her a message on fb: alli dimi ck THANK YOU! Your closet is lovely.
Nov 11Reply
shopmakeitchic it's about the vintage suitcase brooch that you sold. Her grandma is a collector and she wants to know where you bought it or maybe talk to the seller because she is ready to buy it at a bigger prize. It's important to her! (I am just the messenger and trying to help someone). Thank you :)
Nov 11Reply
fashion_pulses I really appreciate you to share my closet thank you so much
Jul 15Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal I’ll accept anything. So if you see anything you like please go ahead and send some offers!
Mar 15Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Apr 04Reply
cincypuffin Love your closet name!!! Otters rule 🦦 💕
Apr 26Reply
gracie607 @theottercloset Thanks for stopping by my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 20Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 15Reply
thesmileyshop Hi! I’m having an everything must go sale and accepting any and all offers 😊 feel free to check my closet out!
Jul 21Reply
mimi23wbl Thanks for sharing
Sep 01Reply
mimi23wbl Thanks for sharing
Sep 01Reply
mimi23wbl Thanks for sharing
Sep 01Reply
potatoes2021 Please check out my closet!
Sep 10Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile well over 2900 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Sep 25Reply
watsonlilmommy @theottercloset good morning check out my closet see something you like send me an offer all offers accepted
Sep 29Reply
liledeglace @watsonlilmommy thank you both for being so cool! I love the 50% or 30% sale you’re running but is it just the handmade mugs? USPS has been looking down on the heavier package and assuming they might be bombs which is quite rude of them and there is a 5lb shipping limit so they hate shipping my expensive packages and time pieces:( I figured if they were all mugs and no clothing items, it would definitely exceed the 5lb shipping limit?
Oct 03Reply
liledeglace I just saw some irresponsible litterers today throw out old clothes and stuff outside my bank and it wasn’t even in the donation bins and free envelopes with leaf designs on them so it’s crazy irresponsible of people but I appreciate you both offering to ship fragile packages that may be over the 5lb limit!
Oct 03Reply
nikkicola122 I absolutely love the stuff on your page! I literally had to stop scrolling because I sent myself a budget and have already gone over this week. but geesh where has your site been the whole year of me buying from posh.. such a shame!
Dec 02Reply
elliottc1963 Hello, I missed your offer of 11 and 5.95 shipping on mug. Could you send it again please
Mar 31Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply

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Last Active: Feb 23

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Last Active: Feb 23

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