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Updated Jan 22
Updated Jan 22

Meet your Posher, Sharon

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Hi! I'm Sharon. Mom of 3 adults on the autism spectrum - younger 2 are nonspeaking but type with assistance since 2016. I am a facilitator and help others communicate! Sharonsweb Autism Foundation.
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

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luvin_life I ❤️❤️❤️what you do!!!
Sep 10Reply
ladykrc @sharonsweb Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 30Reply
mysonwithautism You have very nice items but, the shipping for each item that the seller has no control with I am not happy with not matter if the item is one ounces still 7.11 for shipping. I would buy from you many items.
May 17Reply
sharonsweb @mysonwithautism it took me awhile to get used to poshmark as I’ve been doing eBay for 25 years. It’s one shipping price when you bundle and poshmark will offer lower shipping on closet clearing days when you lower prices publicly. What I do like about Poshmark is that they encourage everyone to promote each other. I was doing that on eBay on social media to promote my autism foundation. But very few people did the same.
May 17Reply
mysonwithautism Good day and again thank you BTW did you include this Cleveland Indians chief wahoo long sleeve tee xl as a bonus or did I pay for it? Thank you John I will list the nonverbal cards you gave me. Peace, Be Well and Be Safe.
May 21Reply
sharonsweb @mysonwithautism you bought the Indians shirt :) it was discounted as a bundle.
May 21Reply
mysonwithautism Thank you, as you said I am new to poshmark. John
May 21Reply
mojogecko thank you for the work you do! I am on the spectrum as is my granddaughter who is non verbal. Infinite blessings to you and your family : )
May 29Reply
wmu_mba The male in the Santa hat looks so much like my 22 year old nephew. My nephew was diagnosed with severe autism when he was about 2 and a half.
May 31Reply
art_stone Hi, nice to meet you, may the coming day be a great blessing for you. New do, new jewelry))) new friends! I work as a fashion photographer, traveling a lot, and collect vintage and antique for years. This is my passion and the way to discover the beauty of this World. Please check my closet, you may find your one treasure too))) Arthur.
Jun 06Reply
nice_matters11 🌵🙋🏻‍♀️🧩 🌵Hi,Thx for all the shares 🥰 🌵I’m here to Spread Kindness, 🌵Happiness and Gratitude 🙏🏼 🌵Sharing your Lovely Closet 🌵in hopes of many sales 🛍 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵🧩🌵 🌵 🧩 🌵 🧩 🌵 🌵🧩🧩🌵 🌵🌵 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Jun 19Reply
mysonwithautism Wonderful Item Toy Story T-shirt
Jun 20Reply
mysonwithautism Wonderful Jaws T-shirt Thank you.
Jun 20Reply
triscuithawes Thank you so much for the wonderful review🌻🌻🌻
Jun 29Reply
posher_bree Hello, me and my son are both autistic. 😊
Jun 30Reply
mysonwithautism Nice New Pic. Have a Safe and Happy Fourth of July. John
Jul 04Reply
vellagmama Hello Ms. Sharon! Your purchase and shares are greatly appreciated. I will ship tomorrow.
Jul 05Reply
vellagmama Thank you Ms. Sharon, for the Great feedback and the shares!! 😀😍
Jul 08Reply
ssparber Thank you, thank you for sharing my closet! I’ll share yours piece by piece! It is quite extensive and unique! Good luck with your sales! Have a great weekend! 😊
Jul 24Reply
fashiondsgnr28 Hi I'm Kate, thank you for sharing my items, I have long followed you on twitter, my son is also autistic. Have a wonderful day ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 28Reply
dmartea Thank you so much for sharing my List greatly appreciate it
Aug 01Reply
sharonsweb @uccelloblu we can zoom or have him catch one of our Facebook live videos on your (or a friends) account. Noah is becoming a gifted energy healer and Adriana will be learning more about stones and other energy to help calm the body. They both love meeting and helping new friends.
Aug 12Reply
prettifaces2 lots of cute things in your closet! I appreciate the 20% bundle discount too!
Aug 19Reply
kindlylinda Love your closet & your family! I just started following you on Instagram after seeing your closet & learned a lot more about you all. For 15+ years, I worked w/ adults w/ various disabilities, many w/ Autism, & I'm familiar w/ communication devices, tactile prompting, & echolalia. Please tell Noah, Adriana & Quinn that I admire their hard work (and yours!). A lot of people give up when things are difficult; it makes me happy to see a family committed to loving growth! From Chicago kindly, Linda
Sep 05Reply
kindlylinda Also LOVE that they enjoy modeling the clothes! How cool!
Sep 05Reply
sharonsweb @elboogie83 thank you so much! It’s all about connecting with others :-)
Sep 05Reply
sharonsweb @jenz0325 thank you so much 🥰
Sep 05Reply
chio_1 HELLO pretty I wanted to stop by to Say HEY🖐🏻 Hope You are having an awesome time🤗 buying/selling on posh I'd be so happy 💕💕💕💕 if You would accept My invitación to check out My closet :) Happy Poshing👍🏻🎉🎉😉😉💕💕
Sep 06Reply
mysonwithautism Sharon, I have bundled many items. Please look for a rectangle priority box. Thank you, Peace, Be Well and Be Safe.
Sep 08Reply
jasbaby111 So happy you loved the zen garden! It is quite amazing. Someone recommended to put moon sand in it to make it cooler when using but i never tried it. Always enjoyed using it as it came. Moon sand has that alive looking movement and texture. I kinda feel like it would defeat the zen raking feeling. I enjoyed how fine the white sand was when using it really helps with the zen feeling. Anyhow have a wonderful weekend and I am happy you love it.😃💖
Sep 26Reply
onlineapparel HI! I am so bad with Posh procedures. Sorry. I didn't know how to contact you. I am sorry but the Desigual shirt is gone. I"m going to decline the offer and then remove the item and if you'd like to offer again please do. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience
Sep 28Reply
onlineapparel HI! So the desigual shirt is missing and i went ahead and made another offer reflecting that if you're interested thanks
Sep 28Reply
thehippiesden ✌️💕 Many Blessings to You❣️You are an Amazing Lady,🙏🙌
Oct 01Reply
thehippiesden Bless you and your family 🙏🙌💕 Sharing your closet. Thank you so much for the discount you are such a sweetheart☺️💗 I'm definitely interested in more purchases. Have a fabulous weekend ✌️🌼🍃🍁💕
Oct 02Reply
thehippiesden Looking forward to getting my items! I'm following on Twitter! I'm cross posting & tagging some people. Hope it helps generate sales!!! ✌️♥️Many Blessings❣️
Oct 04Reply
sharonsweb @thehippiesden awesome - that’s what it’s all about - sharing and helping others! ❤️❤️❤️🧩🧩🧩
Oct 04Reply
mysonwithautism Good day Sharon, When you last purchased from me and I couldn't find an item you said to me any item large size. Did I include a L.L. Bean men's vest? Thank you, John
Oct 11Reply
sharonsweb @mysonwithautism no vest, there were some pants. Good luck - been there!
Oct 11Reply
bookworm130 Thanks for the share on Twitter! Take care and stay well! 😀💕🛍😀💕🛍
Oct 12Reply
ellen_hovanec Hi! I am a mother of 4 and grandmother of 7. I have a son with ASD. He has Aspergers and is 22 years old. I am an RN and used to work for the state of TN in early intervention for non verbal children. I taught the children and their parents sign language. I am now caring for my son and my mom with Alzheimer’s. ❤️ for you and your family.
Oct 19Reply
sharonsweb @ellen_hovanec 🥰 we will be in Louisville ky on oct 31-nov 1 for a small event if any of your families would like to meet. We will travel more after this pandemic. We are collaborating with all who help mind and body connections. All forms of language expanding to full conversations
Oct 19Reply
luluslatenight Hi Sharon.👋Thanks for following me and sharing some of my items. I returned the favor and left you a little extra 💜💜💜share love💜💜💜 because I believe in your cars. No reshares necessary. Linda💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Nov 19Reply
blanca55 Hi Sharon - you purchased three items from me, a bag, shorts and t-shirt. I am sorry to say, i do not have the blue short. I do have read angry birds medium shorts that I can replace with if you would like. If not, totally understand. Please let me know what you would like to do. I apologized - Thank you🦋
Dec 10Reply
sharonsweb @blanca55 no problem. It was the bag and shirt I wanted most. Any substitution on the shorts is fine 😜
Dec 10Reply
blanca55 @sharonsweb - great, the replacement shorts are new with tag. I will put it in the mail in the morning. Thank you🦋
Dec 10Reply
deannamarie83 Hi, my son and I are both on the autism spectrum. It’s so nice to meet you! 💙❤️💙❤️
Dec 12Reply
sharonsweb @deannamarie83 nice to meet you too! 🥰
Dec 12Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check my closet if you have any time 🥳💕
Jan 03Reply
aboholife Hi, Sharon; did you see my message about the gold shoes?
Jan 09Reply
sasha242157 God bless your family. I do have an adult daughter who is nonverbal. I know part of your journey 🌸💕
Jan 09Reply
jacksynmiller Thank you for sharing my listings!!! Much appreciation getting my closet noticed!!!
Jan 23Reply
thehippiesden OMG Sharon❣️ I love you lady 😘💖✨thank you so very much for accepting my offer on the bracelet 💞May I ask what is the sign your son is holding?
Jan 23Reply
sharonsweb @thehippiesden his aura drawn by a new friend.
Jan 23Reply
thehippiesden @sharonsweb That's amazing 💖I love it! My best friends son is autistic he is 10yrs old. Love him so much we have a bond. Many Blessings!!!🙏🙌💖✨
Jan 24Reply
edunc22 Hi Sharon, thanks for taking a look in our closet & for the shares & likes. I've been browsing your closet as well. I see some of my likes have already sold!! that's great for you!! hopefully I'll get a bundle started(if they don't sell first), but I'm waiting for some sales to be accepted. I'll let you know when I get a bundle up.
Feb 14Reply
Mar 08Reply
cliffordbbailey Congrats on your Co-HOSTING PARTY I hope you have a Sell out for your Event    💲💲💰💰👔👕👖🧥👗🩱👚👝👜👠🥾👟 Once again Congrats:I also SHARED YOUR Co-HOSTING PARTY & FOLLOWED YOU 🌞🌞CLIFF the Posh Ambassador 🌞🌞 I really 💘 the way your closet is designed. Very Professional, You inspired me to do the same in my closet.Happy Poshing 😊 I SHARED A FEW ITEMS FROM YOUR CLOSET to get the PARTY STARTED RIGHT 💞😊
Mar 08Reply
krede715 Congratulations on hosting ❣️ Stop by my closet if you still need any host picks ❣️ I’ve got lots of beautiful dresses and skirts ❣️ Wishing you lots of sales too❣️ 🍀🎉🌸🎊🎈🦋🛍🌺
Mar 08Reply
sharonsweb @cliffordbbailey Thank you! My first cohosting LOL I’m listing dresses and skirts now to prepare for tomorrow. Love sharing ideas with others!
Mar 08Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting the best of dresses & skirts party. Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have some great dresses & skirts listed.
Mar 08Reply
mskatmadden Hello! Congratulations on hosting the "Best in Dresses & Skirts Posh Party" tomorrow! Wishing you lots of sales and follows! I have quite a few dresses in my closet, in a variety of sizes, and some are NWTs. I would greatly appreciate it if you would take a look and consider one for a Host Pick. Thank you, and Happy Poshing! :)
Mar 08Reply
jillian0404 Congratulations on co-hosting the "Best in Dresses & Skirts" party. Please consider one of my items for HP. All the best for success.
Mar 08Reply
dianahadit_ Hey Girl 👋 CONGRATS on HOSTING! I was hoping you could consider one of my items for the party 🎉
Mar 08Reply
thisgirlmarlo Hi, thanks for hosting tomorrow’s category party! Come by and check out my dresses and skirts!
Mar 08Reply
spreadlove CONGRATS ON HOSTING!! I shared some of your items and followed you. I hope you'll consider one of my items as a host pick! No pressure though! Thank you!
Mar 09Reply
magnetiq Hi Sharon! Congratulations on hosting the party! 🥰 If you have a chance to check my closet for a host pick, I would appreciate it. Only if you feel that some of my dresses or skirts deserve to be a host pick🤗thanks a lot! Happy hosting, poshing and many many sells💌
Mar 09Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Dresses & Skirts Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you🤍🤍🤍
Mar 09Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East💕Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Mar 09Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Mar 09Reply
fancycandy007 Congratulations on Co-Hosting another fabulous posh party! 🎉📣💰 If you have a moment, I would love for you to check out my closet and see if one of my many dresses and skirts would fit your pick! Thanks much and sending positive vibes your way! ~~FancyCandy007🧁️🍰🍫🍬🍭
Mar 09Reply
mommab33 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍 Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it." —Diane von Furstenberg 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍 *Congrats on hosting The Dresses & Skirts party today!* 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍
Mar 09Reply
mommab33 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍 Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it." —Diane von Furstenberg 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍 *Congrats on hosting The Dresses & Skirts party today!* 😍💜👗👗👗👗💜😍
Mar 09Reply
Mar 09Reply
breahs4you SHARON....any directional tips....please... I admire you SO....( A great heart)---lots similarities..." builds character and you--continue to promote awarness....🤟🥳
Mar 11Reply
breahs4you dahhh---Whats "HP"".
Mar 11Reply
sharonsweb @breahs4you I like: 🏆Host Pick🎉 - I wouldn’t have realized hp was host pick at first LOL
Mar 11Reply
sharonsweb @breahs4you 🏆HostPick🎉 just added to the two dresses that Adriana is modeling. I always think of HP as Hewlett Packard LOL
Mar 11Reply
breahs4you @sharonsweb As pick gift....I need to Google and read up.....I host rtc....tkx....also add CAARDS ATI MY PKGS( awsrness)----- ty.....pls keep new kid on blk it
Mar 11Reply
breahs4you sorry typos.....( neurpoathy)---what was your host pick.....( always seeing that...this aft.n---Ill polish up on ALL OF IT....Thank M you.....for...THANK YOU!!!
Mar 11Reply
sharonsweb @breahs4you the Taylor dress black sequin. 😁
Mar 11Reply
123eloise Happy autism awareness month! 🎉
Apr 02Reply
cat5575 Nice closet chick. Happy selling
Apr 04Reply
melanomawarriot Received my shipment however there was an added item I don’t remember purchasing a Brown Full zipper like jacket with rhinestones by Cracker Factory ??? I’d like to return if I didn’t purchase or tell me what I owe
Apr 11Reply
sharonsweb @melanomawarriot I included it as I offer 5 items $5 or less for $10 - you paid more than that for the 4 items. It was on your likes. I hope you like it. 🎁
Apr 12Reply
xanadutn god bless you! great closet and absolutely great cause.
Apr 24Reply
butterflyally Hi Sharon, Thanks so much for sharing one of my listings. I really appreciate it, although I can't follow through because I'm not on Twitter. Also, thanks for all you do for autism.
May 05Reply
treasuredsoul @sharonsweb I just finished reading this listing and am so totally moved...for starters, I never even considered the concept of a totally non-verbal child/adult (shame on me!). Secondly, you and your family are true angels. God bless you all...🥰😍😘💙🙏🏻
May 12Reply
sharonsweb @treasuredsoul thank you 💗 Adriana and Noah are reaching so many people who can help find those overlooked or misunderstood.
May 12Reply
preppy22 @sharonsweb hi I noticed that you liked the Wheelchair side bag just wanted to let you know that I am open to all offers also if you see anything else you like I give 20% off two or more things in a bundle and I’m open to all offers if interested 😊
May 24Reply
sharonsweb @preppy22 thanks we are planning a wheelchair car wash fundraiser soon so I’m getting ideas for raffle/auction.
May 25Reply
robin_healy It is so wonderful to find you all here on Poshmark!
May 27Reply
docspot I am very impressed with your closet. it looks very nice. please take a moment and look at mine. I also have a YouTube channel called doc at the barn Snyder. please look at it and subscribe if you like it. I think you will. thanks again
Jun 07Reply
sharonsweb @docspot subscribed on YouTube - your closet is huge! Would love to do a big Charity garage sales!
Jun 07Reply
docspot thank you
Jun 07Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey love your closet:)All orders placed today on mine will go out ASAP!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo free gifts included with every purchase♥️
Jun 07Reply
docspot I too have an austic adult son that lives with us. but 3. that's amazing . keep up the good work .y they might like my Chanel too with my puppet
Jun 07Reply
manrosscar thx for ur purchase Keep on Poshing !
Jun 08Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Oct 09Reply
xanadutn bumped into this dad onEtsy helping his autistic child.
Nov 09Reply
xanadutn @salliemcg bless your heart
Nov 09Reply
xanadutn @ellen_hovanec love from Tennessee
Nov 09Reply
wildfam05 Thank you for your order. I shipped out today. 😊
Nov 26Reply
terri_wowk Thank you for all the shares Sharon! Hope you have a great day, filled with 💰 sales 💰 and of course lots of smiles! 🙂🙂🙂
Jan 20Reply
sharonsweb @terri_wowk back at ya! Good vibes is what we are all about! 💗🧩
Jan 20Reply
loesha88 Fantastic closet. I was thinking how awesome and what a fun poshmark seller ❤️
Mar 13Reply
sharonsweb @loesha88 thank you! Love sharing and shopping - that will be the theme of my upcoming posh n coffee!
Mar 13Reply
loesha88 @sharonsweb 👍🤗 I will look forward to it.
Mar 13Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi!! I made a bundle from ur closet I'm a disabled RN just out of a 3 yr divorce .I get paid 3rd Wed of each mth..I can't afford a lot.i shared some of ur items m having a clearance sale.all deals listed under pic of my red dog! for ex.u can pick 3 items listed at $25 or less and get them for just $20 plus shipping and choose a free ⭐🎁 .u can do 2 deals in one rural carrier never weighs my packages so even if u choose a shoe deal.i can still do 2 deals and u get 2 free 🎁 s!!
Apr 15Reply
gearheadgirl50 hi.i made a bundle and shared some of ur items too please lok at the message on my bundle I'm having a clearance sale details under pic of my dog
Apr 15Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! Just dropping by to say hi. Please give my closet a browse and a follow. I list a variety of items. I also send a 💝FREE Gift💝 with every order! Happy poshing! 💫Stay Dreamy💫 and always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! xo 💜 Jaime
Jun 03Reply
2020fashion such a beautiful family
Jun 18Reply
anythngsposhabl Hi! I’m a mom of 2 unreliable speakers on the spectrum. Boys ages 8 and almost 10. My eldest recently started Spelling to Communicate. The things I am learning are fascinating!! I’ll check out your website!!
Jun 22Reply
danamariecre8 Hello. I’m Dana, and I’m a mom to an adorable 4 year old boy with autism❤️💕I also love shopping on posh and I’m a posh ambassador. I’ve made 584 sales..Selling a variety of items ❤️❤️Really hope you can check out my closet. Wishing you speedy sales and lots of success💕💕All the best, Dana ❤️
Jun 28Reply
cutehosiery @sharonsweb Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 11Reply
victoria9980 Hi Sharon! Thank you for your interest in my closet! Love your closet! Just letting you know I sent you an offer on the ring sizer you liked!🙂
Sep 26Reply
sharonsweb Today is #givingtueday See listing for TODAY and like and share.
Nov 29Reply
glitterbabi 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓹𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀 👣❤💞
Dec 23Reply
gearheadgirl50 so sorry for late try.i didn't get to open my package til today!!!love it all ty..I've been I'll and so has my elderly dad
Jan 07Reply
alli_65 Hi! Thank you for the like on the KIZIK shoes. I sent you the offer and just wanted to let you know that if purchased I always ship the same day priority mail 😊
Jan 11Reply
sharonsweb Closet clearout today! Prices dropped and discounted shipping on liked items. +30% off bundles of two or more. Please share our information about spellers the movie for our nonspeaking community. autism foundation is hosting a virtual screening plus meeting with families for communication support! Thank you 💗
Feb 26Reply
ashleighb1687 Have u bought Vans slip ons with glow in the dark skulls?
May 18Reply
sharonsweb @ashleighb1687 not yet, but I keep looking at them!
May 18Reply
neetahsn hi do you have 2 of the Vera Bradley peacock garden market bags ?
Oct 27Reply

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Last Active: Jan 04

Fortville, IN
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Last Active: Jan 04

Fortville, IN
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