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Updated Jul 01
Updated Jul 01

Meet your Posher, Stacey

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Hi! I'm Stacey. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, MAC Cosmetics, CHANEL, Free People, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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mikimakes Hello Stacey and welcome to Poshmark! My name is Kasey and I've been Poshing for a few months. I know in the beginning it can be a little intimidating or confusing to start. So if you have any questions please feel free to tag me or visit my closet for some inspiration! Happy Poshing!!! 😄🙃
Jul 01Reply
zevoria Thank you!!!
Jul 01Reply
donnastreasures Hi, My name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! It's definitely addicting. There are a lot of great, friendly people & deals here. The best tips I can give you are to follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same. Also make sure when you take pictures they're bright & clear. If there's anything I can ever do to help, please don't hesitate to contact me! 💖
Jul 03Reply
zevoria Thanks!! All advice is appreciated!
Jul 03Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 03Reply
zevoria Will take a look. I have to sell a few things to make room for more. Lol
Jul 03Reply
shopbossc Congrats on getting your closet started! I have YouTube videos explaining how to increase your sales on Poshmark. Feel free to check them out by clicking the link in my bio & subscribe to my channel for more tips! Happy Poshing! Love, Cierra 🤗💜
Jul 04Reply
cookies4all Hi Stacey! I'm Julie. Welcome to Poshmark!!! 💕😘💕 You're going to have so much fun on here!!! 🎉 Check out my closet if you have a chance & I will be watching for you to fill yours. Posh Love to you!!! 💕😘💕😘💕😘💕
Jul 08Reply
zevoria Thank you so much!!! I'll check it out😎
Jul 08Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hi Stacey! I'm Vicky. It's nice to 'e-meet' you! ☺️ FYI..just a few things I have learned to reap ALL the benefits Poshmark has to offer 👏🏻 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant (PC) closet‼️💯 ( a post in my closet ) 2️⃣ you need to share your closet as well as others 👠👗 3️⃣ follow! 👣👭 4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔 ✔check out @poshuniversity & @official_forum for great info! If you have questions that these posts can't answer, I'm here!👌🏻
Jul 12Reply
cj4165 Hi Stacey. You have a fabulous closet! I look forward to shopping in your closet.!
Jul 12Reply
zevoria Thank you so much. All the advice I've gotten so far has been extremely helpful!!
Jul 12Reply
dottiekayle3 THANK YOU FOR SHARING! I'm a newby becoming familiar with it ALL:)
Aug 17Reply
zevoria Welcome!! And enjoy!
Aug 17Reply
ginger_nj Stacey Hello! Your closet is lovely! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listing! Enjoy the SUN ☀️ & rest of your WEEKEND! ⛱👙🍦🍹 っ◔︣◡◔᷅)Yesenia
Aug 27Reply
zevoria You are welcome, and thank you! I live for weekends!!😎
Aug 27Reply
sunflowergirl53 Welcome to posh!!! Should you have any questions about posh, please do not hesitate to reach out!! Also feel free to browse my closet, and feel free to make me and anyone else an offer! If people say no, no risk no reward. If they say yes, all the better! Also if you like someone's closet, like something in their closet so you can go back thru your "likes" and see what's new in their closet! Well enjoy and happy Poshing! 😉😊🌞🌻🌻🌻
Aug 28Reply
zevoria Thanks so much!!
Aug 28Reply
katzkoz Hi. & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or, visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U! Happy Poshing!
Aug 29Reply
zevoria Thanks!! Everyone here has been awesome!!
Aug 29Reply
fallonsrunway Stacey Thank you for your lovely note for it is a pleasure meeting you and doing business with you as well. I love your postings and can't wait to receive your order for it is absolutely GORGEOUS. I am new to this site and I look forward to poshing with you in the very near future. I am quite sure that you and I will be a great match. I thank you very much for your time and effort into my account and the pocketbook is something that I will treasure. Fondly, Fallon
Sep 10Reply
zevoria Thanks Lynette!!👠
Sep 11Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hope you will like it! Just make an offer with the price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 29Reply
tannerlc60 Hi🤗Stacey, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet💙💚👗👖👕
Jun 29Reply
zevoria @tannerlc60 sure will!
Jun 29Reply
zevoria @oliaposka definitely! I've been a little behind on my Poshing. Lol
Jun 29Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 05Reply
zevoria @spreadlove It’s very good to meet you too. Enjoy your Posh shopping and have a great weekend!!😎
Oct 05Reply
lesmarques Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Emporio Armani and Gucci puses that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jun 12Reply

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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Halifax, PA
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Last Active: 20 hours ago

Halifax, PA
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