Meet your Posher, Tammy Ann
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My name is Tammy Ann from Pittsburgh. I am in the remote television production business & travel the world. I look forward to sharing my closet with you all! I love fashion. I love the color lime green. I am open to offers, no low balls please. If you have questions just ask me, I will answer honestly. All my items are from a non smoking/pet free home. My closet follows all Posh rules. Happy Poshing to you all!!!! Peace, love & awesome shoes!!!!

29 others
like this

Nice to meet you Tammy Ann! :) I have been to Pittsburgh once two years ago and it's a beautiful city. I plan to go again for work in September! Mucho Posh love, I shared your closet no need to share back:)
Mar 30Reply

@sesimo61 Nice to meet you too!! Thank you for all the shares. I am born and raised in Pgh, love this city. It really has changed over the years, and is such an awesome place to be or visit!! Happy Poshing to you!!
Mar 31Reply

@countryroads Thank you so much for sharing my "Meet the Seller/Buyer". I really appreciate it. Been on PM for about a month and having so much fun!!
Apr 02Reply

@countryroads Thank you so much, nice to meet you. Thanks for sharing.
Apr 03Reply

@taammers69 Thanks for shipping my leopard shoes. They are very comfy, cute and can't wait to wear them out. And my free gift came in very handy!- I'm using it as we speak. :)
Apr 06Reply

@nefferatari I am glad they found a good home. Enjoy and rock that leopard clutch with the shoes!! Enjoy.
Apr 06Reply

@taammers69 Hey girl! I work for Rodan + Fields and I'm trying to expand my network and was just wondering if you might know anyone who would be interested in hearing more about Rodan + Fields. Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are the dermatologists who created Proactiv. I am looking for someone who wants to make extra income or is just looking for a change. Also please let me know if you know anyone who is looking for some new skincare products. The products are amazing!
May 12Reply

@kristina7777 Thanks so much for sharing my meet your seller/buyer!! Super sweet of you to do so. I am glad you are enjoying my closet. Sometimes I post outfits and I am like, why am I selling this, LOL. I really appreciate the Posh Love in your shares and likes. Nice to meet you as well. Cheers.
May 28Reply

@taammers69 you are more than welcome, we have to help each other out on here, it is a win-win for all. That is so funny you said that, I dress up my manneqin in outfits and my husband and daughter are the same way "why are you selling that?", my response is typically : it looks WAY better on her than me, or I am just sick of having it in my closet.
May 28Reply

Done sharing. This is my first time in the group and hope this is correct. Great Closet!
Jul 06Reply

@sparty75006 Thanks so much for liking my closet. First time on share group it the hardest. After that its easier. Make sure you note on the sharing page that you are done!! Welcome.
Jul 06Reply

@julia00 Thanks so much dear for liking my meet the seller/buyer page. Thanks for all the likes of items in my closet as well. Let me know if you are interested on any. Peace, love and awesome shoes to you!!
Jul 07Reply

Gosh! You had me going there for a minute. I love Posh but sometimes I am still confused by who is telling me what. HA! I thought somehow I had been named a host and didn't know it! Any who, thanks for the recommendation and back at ya. Really like the short do btw. :-)
Jul 07Reply

@jax_lux Hey there. Just trying to get your closet more Posh Love. The more exposure the better, and hopefully more sales for you!! Thanks for liking my new cut. I am loving it too. It grows so fast, I am sure it will be long again in no time. LOL. Have a WONDERFUL day my friend.
Jul 07Reply

Funny how I feel like I know you!
Jul 08Reply

@kenandfelicia It is funny!! If we lived closer, I am sure I would be raiding your closet for all the awesome items you have!!! It's nice to have a "Posh-Friendship". Nice to have positivity from someone you never have met in person. Right back at you. Thanks!!
Jul 08Reply

GM! Glad to see your snug sold. I am still working on the red/white maxi 😊 have a great day!
Jul 09Reply

Hey there friend. Yesterday was a good day, had a dress and skirt sell. Just need to get more sales for both of us. Hope all is well in your part of the world. Take care and Posh On!!!
Jul 09Reply

@jax_lux Forgot to put your name on the comment above. Sillly me.
Jul 09Reply

Hi Tammy Ann . Very nice to meet you .
My name is Julia .
Jul 15Reply

@julia00 Hello Julia, so nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my closet and saying hello. If you have any questions, or are interested in anything in my closet, please let me know. Happy Poshing to you!!
Jul 15Reply

I have just noticed that you have not received any host picks which is quite surprising to me bcoz u have a lovely closet . I will definitely be suggesting your closet to few of my posh Freinds who are hosting soon . Just want you to be aware of that when I tag them .
Jul 15Reply

I have received 3 Host Picks. Green Sequin purse, Embroidered boots and Tommy Hilfiger flats. I was very honored to receive those indeed. Thanks so much for feeling I should have any. That makes me very happy that we feel my closet has worthy items. I hope to get more soon!! I appreciate any suggestions to friends that are hosting soon. That would be very sweet of you. Thanks again.
Jul 15Reply

@sakshi9984 Forgot to tag you on the above post. ^^^^
Jul 15Reply

I m so sorry dear , I missed them . Pls forgive me 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻But your closet is worth way more @taammers69 . Your pics are beat , description is clear and most important you follow posh rules . I want your closet to have lot more attention and I really mean it .
Jul 15Reply

@sakshi9984 Thank so much for all your Posh Love to my closet. I really appreciate it and strive to follow the Posh Rules. Thanks again, and I really love my statement necklace. Look forward to receiving my pants. You are the best. Peace, love and awesome shoes to you my PFF.
Jul 15Reply

Jul 15Reply

@rudenka Thanks so much for ALL the shares!! You are a doll. Also thanks for liking my meet & greet!! Much appreciated!!
Jul 21Reply

sure!! Thank u too!! We have similar style;)
Jul 21Reply

@rudenka Thanks so much for the compliment. You look so stylish with your awesome hair. Look forward to visiting each others closets often, LOL.
Jul 21Reply

I want to give you free shoes. They are Coach heels. They have been returned to me cause I was off in my heel measurements.(check them out in my sold items) and let me know. You are my first buyer who bundled over 40$ and I promised to give something extra;)
Jul 21Reply

Jul 21Reply

Anyways... They are yours;) Im out of boxes and need to go to the post office soon. So Im gonna ship your package as well. If you don't like them just give them away to Salvation Army or so.. Xoxo Aga
Jul 21Reply

@rudenka Sorry I missed this message. Had to go to Target on the way home. This is so nice of you to do. Very sweet indeed.
Jul 22Reply

I just shipped it😘. Have a nice night. About to CrossFit 💪😄
Jul 22Reply

Hi @taammers69 thank you for the invite to the blue party. I am not quite sure where to add my name or how to add my blue skirt. Sorry I am so lame. 😏
Jul 22Reply

Hi. That was some event yesterday. Here is a laugh for ya'. I think I was only suppose to share in the group I was tagged in. But I thought I was suppose to share every tag in every post. I just finished this afternoon. 😜😱
Jul 23Reply

@jax_lux WOW, I did the same thing. I hope I got everyone. I was cross-eyed by the time I was done. That was very nice what they did to give her a tribute. Hopefully all that you shared will share back. Hopefully that results in sales for us!! Have a wonderful night.
Jul 24Reply

Thank you. Let's hope🌸🌸🌸😊
Jul 24Reply

You have an amazing closet will be purchasing a bundle tomorrow👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼👸🏼
Jul 25Reply

@lazulitect Thanks for the wonderful comment about my closet. I love clothes and it shows. You are welcome at any time to visit or share my things. I appreciate the Posh Love. Have an awesome day.
Jul 25Reply

Thanks Hun for nomination. I will blast your closet to the Moon and back as soon as I'm home. I'm at my Oath Ceremony🇺🇸😃 along with 5 thousand other people. Damn LA! I thought that would be more personal. Well. Happy to become American though ( I should have done it like 5 year ago but postponed it and postponed it...) xoxoxo ❤️
Aug 19Reply

@runwayposh OMG, congrats my friend!!! I am so happy for you!! That is sooo cool. I am sure you will celebrate with your family tonight!! Have fun!! Posh Love to ya!!!
Aug 19Reply

Hey there PFF. Hope you are well. It's been awhile. Just starting to feel a bit more like myself. Got a ways to go. Trying to be patient.😱 Not my strong suit. Have a great week. 🌸
Aug 24Reply

Hi. Crazy thing happened today. As soon as you shared My Kate Spade bag I got offer and sold it in bundle!! You definitely send good vibes girl. Love!! Aga
Sep 08Reply

@runwayposh That's totally awesome girl!! I am so happy for you. WOOT WOOT!! I will keep sharing for you. Maybe you will get more sales today!! I just found this awesome blazer I want, but need some sales to counter balance it. Went shopping with my Mum yesterday and spent a fortune at Kohl's and Steinmart. Yikes!! I can't stop buying clothes!!! Can you tell??? LOL. Cheer Chica!!
Sep 08Reply

You are like my Trevor. He spends fortune at Kohls. I am more Nordstrom person. Too bad cause Is so expensive there ;) lol. Well. We deserve it.!!
Sep 08Reply

Thanks so much @taammers69 for all the recent shares. Always appreciated. 🌸 It's been dead in my closet for a long time. Appreciate all the help. Hope you are well. 😊
Oct 14Reply

Thank you for the Posh 💖 lovely friend!!! Glad we've met 🤗 Happy Sunday and hope you have a great week!
Jan 10Reply

Love your closet!
Jan 19Reply

@girlonfire35 Thanks so much girl for the great compliment!! I love my closet too, LOL!!! Sometimes too much. Come back any time.
Jan 19Reply

Good morning friend! Woke up to a whole lot of Posh love this morning!!!!!! You were a busy bee last night LOL!!!! Thanks and back at ya PFF!!! Hope you get some sells today xoxox
Jan 23Reply

Love the newest pic @taammers69 🌺 Lovely!
Jan 31Reply

No way are you 46! You look amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing my closet all the time! I just started a new job and I am offline more! 💕💕💕
Feb 03Reply

@midmom Yes way, and this month I turn 47!!! Love sharing your closet, always such cute stuff. Getting my Host Picks ready for tomorrow nights party. Thanks for the kind words. Good luck on your new job too!! xoxox Tammy Ann
Feb 03Reply

@taammers69 Yay!!!! I hope you enjoy your party and have had a ton of traffic!! You are such a kind and generous posher! Much deserved!
Feb 03Reply

Hello beauty! Been thinking of you and wanted to check in with you and see what's up girlie?
Feb 08Reply

@cbltrio Hey girlie!! Thanks for checking on me. Been spending time with friends and trying to have fun. They have been a god send. Got back in the race and back on So trying to put myself back out there. Doing ok. Appreciate your support. xoxoxox
Feb 08Reply

Thank God for friends!!!! Glad to hear about and that you are willing to get back out there girl. You're beautiful and have so much to offer. Don't lose hope, the right one is out there waiting on you!!!!! xoxoxoxo
Feb 08Reply

Hey girlie 💃🏻 I was just thinking about you!! How ya doing? I'm packing up some sales. I've got some Posh 💖 coming your way when I get back 😊😊😊
Feb 22Reply

@cbltrio Doing really good today. Thanks for asking. I have been having some sales here and there too. Hopefully it's picking up again. Appreciate the Posh Love girl!! Back at ya!!
Feb 22Reply

Glad to hear it friend! I'm especially glad that you are doing good but I did Take it one day at a time girl! Glad sales are starting to pick back up.....I was in a drought LOL. Take care and know I'm always here!
Feb 22Reply

OMG! We must be on the same wavelength! I just finished adding a couple items to my closet and got it arranged and then I thought I would share you and I look and there you are!!!!!
Feb 25Reply

@taammers69 Hi Tammy Ann, I'm Teresa Annelise! I love your style and your closet! I'm a fairly new posh (since Nov I think) still have quite a bit to add but find myself shopping and looking at other peoples closets instead of my own 😬 I was just curious if you could tell me how to get host pick or suggested user and such and what it means or if there is a page or person you could direct me to.
Mar 22Reply

@taammers69 hi! I am a interior designer. If you purchased one thing from my closet I will give you a free 30 minute to a 1 hour consultation about re decorating your home or apartment. it is all up to you!!
Mar 28Reply

@plriley You are so welcome!! Enjoy!!
Apr 27Reply

Ohhhhh!!!! @taammers69 you have so many looks. Love it!!! Thanks for the shares. I promise I will return it soon. 💕
May 11Reply

@taammers69 Welcome back!!! I so enjoyed the Olympics and attributed all the coverage t you. Hope you had time for fun.
Sep 05Reply

@jax_lux Hey girlie. Thanks so much. I am glad to be back To Posh and home. Had an awesome time. So beautiful. Felt safe and the media had everyone flipped out for no reason. I have so many pix. Can't believe it's over...
Sep 05Reply

@taammers69 The business has changed in so many ways over the years. Change is constant but sometimes I wonder about its heavy negative impact and our perceptions. Well, I glad you had a great time. Hope you can post a pic or two as a banner from time to time. Take care. 😊
Sep 05Reply

My Oh My! You have been a super busy bee today!!!😊😊 it will take me the weekend to catch up. Thanks for including me girlie!👏
Oct 07Reply

@taammers69 Note above. Forgot to tag you!❤️
Oct 07Reply

@taammers69 Thank you for the shares 😊💝🌸💐
Oct 18Reply

@cassmarie8406 You are very welcome!!
Oct 18Reply

@taammers69 🌹🌺🌸🌻💐
Oct 19Reply

@taammers69 hope you are well. What good tricks do you have for endurance travel? It's been three different trips back to back for three weeks solid. I am beat. Any "go to's" to keep you going? And thanks as always for the shares. I have lots to catch up on.
Oct 28Reply

Hi!!! 😄 I received the package today and I thank you for the gift I released the funds and if course gave you a 5. Unfortunately NOTHING fits me! Ugh. So upset. So now I need to post and try to sell ... new here so trying to figure it all out.
Thank you though so much!!
Feb 15Reply

@mvks1968 So sorry they did not work out for you. I have done that many times here, unfortunately. Thanks for the 5 stars. Wish you a quick sale on the items to recoup your funds.
Feb 15Reply

@taammers69 NP. It's part of the deal.... can I reuse your pics?
Feb 15Reply

@mvks1968 Sure.
Feb 15Reply

I love your hsir in last pic! 🤗
May 05Reply

May 05Reply

Gorgeous new photo! @taammers69
May 27Reply

@skeeterposh Thanks so much. My boyfriend took it for me. He's a professional photographer. 💚
May 28Reply

@taammers69 Well, he had a beautiful subject to work with!
May 28Reply

Tammy Ann, your closet is beautiful - wow. I'm not working at the moment so I can't afford to buy right now - however, I can share. I love sharing, giving items more exposure but please don't think you need to reciprocate. I have time on my hands. I don't share to get you to do the same, okay? I hate making people feel guilty or pressured. You have a great closet!!! Happy Poshing.
Jun 26Reply

@sammmmmmmy Thank you so much for the nice comment. I admit I have a shopping problem, LOL!! I will share your closet too, not bacause I am pressured, but I want to. Happy Poshing to you!!
Jun 27Reply

@taammers69 thank you for all the shares! Very sweet.
Jun 27Reply

Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addictinmg. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Jul 01Reply

Wow. Thank you for all the shares. You are so kind!!! Hope you had a great 4th. 😘😘😘
Jul 05Reply

Woman!!! You are so kind to keep sharing my stuff. Thank you so much. 😘😘😘😘
Jul 10Reply

@sammmmmmmy You are welcome. 💜💜
Jul 10Reply

Hi Tammy! Love your closet and will be back when I sell more. So far I've spent more than I've sold! Lol I've noticed that's a newbie thing so I fit right in lol 💕💕
Jul 12Reply

Hi pretty one....ok. I can't say thank you every time you share but know that when I see you do it. I have a huge smile on my face. I feel like we should exchange email addresses so we can talk offline. Hope you're having a nice day. It's beautiful in San Francisco today. Sunny and warm, which isn't the norm for us this time of year. How's it by you?
Jul 17Reply

@sammmmmmmy you are very welcome. You have a great closet. Beautiful and 72 today. Now I have a friend in SFO!
Jul 17Reply

@taammers69 samyoungsf At gmail. Let's take this offline. Ok? Your San Francisco friend.
Jul 17Reply

THANKS SWEETIE!!! You always have my back and I'll always take care of you. 💕💕💕
Jul 21Reply

Hello Tammy. Thank you !!
Aug 03Reply

@jovigraham You are very welcome. Be sure to be at the party tonite. I have selected one of your beautiful items as a host pick! 💕💕 See you then. I look forward to you having many sales! 🤑
Aug 03Reply

@taammers69 oh wow !!! You're Awesome whooo hoooooooo. Thank you so much .. just made my day a little brighter 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Aug 03Reply

Awww so sweet of you to suggest my closet for a HP !!!! Thank you so much !!
Aug 03Reply

@jovigraham You will receive official notice of it on that exact item tonight during the party. Look forward to partying with you.
Aug 03Reply

@taammers69 ok. I'm looking forward to it !!!!!!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗. I was thanking you as well for suggesting my closet for another persons party. I'm thankful !!!!
Aug 03Reply

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you again. Have a blessed night
Aug 04Reply

You're AWESOME !!! Thank you for all the shares 🌸🌸🌸💕💕💕💕💕🌸🌸🌸
Aug 05Reply

Hello Tammy 🌸🌸🌸thank you 🌸💕🌸
Aug 07Reply

Hello Tammy. Could you please tell me how to become a host of a party? I am still learning. So much to know.;-) Thank you sooo much. P.s. Are you going to the Posh convention in Chicago?
Aug 09Reply

@elizabetho28 I am not going to the Posh convention in Chicago. I wish I could sounds like fun. To become a host you need to email Poshmark that you are interested in becoming a host. There is a waiting list, and once you place the request, it may take a while. check out information at @official_forum. I will tag you on the listings there so you find exactly what you are looking for. Hope this helps.
Aug 09Reply

@taammers69 that helps allot ! I really appreciate all the love and help... ty ty ty ty
Aug 09Reply

@taammers69 hi again. I thought of a question I need help with. Have you ever had a customer not give you a rating? I was kinda bummed my last customer didnt. I shipped it out very fast and wrapped it with pretty tissue paper, left a personalized thank you card.... I dont get it.... I even sent her a text asking her if there was any problem since she didn't give a rating... no response :-(
Aug 10Reply

@elizabetho28 Unfortunately some buyers don't give a rating. I know it's frustrating. Hopefully you next sale will get a rating and kind words as a love note too. 😉
Aug 10Reply

@taammers69 I hope so, I use to be in a happy customer is my goal.
Aug 10Reply

Thank you so much and you're quite welcome 🌸🌸💕💕🌸🌸💕💕🌸🌸
Aug 14Reply

Hi again... I need help with something.. I am sorry to keep bugging you ...when I search under the Q&A It's impossible to scroll through and find ...anyway- can you tell me how I can pay for the shipping for a customer?
Aug 16Reply

oh yeah and are you going to PoshFest ?
Aug 16Reply

Enjoy your vacay !!! I'll be sharing when you return 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸💕💕
Aug 24Reply

Hello Tammy my friend ... how are you
Aug 31Reply

@jovigraham I am good!!! Just catching up after vacation in LV.
Aug 31Reply

@taammers69 awesome. Hope you're enjoying !!!!! 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Aug 31Reply

Hi Tammy.. remember me? lol j-k. Thanks fir the shares again... Did you see I have not 1 not 2, BUT 3 HOST PICKS !! ? I was so excited, nothing sold but it's still a huge compliment.;-)
Sep 20Reply

Heyyyyyyy Tammy. I'm back gurl !!! I hope all is well with you 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🤗🤗🤗
Sep 20Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Oct 23Reply

Hi! Thanks for your kind bundle offer! I had not expected to adore sooo many of your items. I’m going to decline, I have mortgage and car note due soon. Hopefully the items will still be available in a couple of weeks 🍀
Oct 26Reply

Hi there posh sis😍😘😀💞look at me.. I'm now an ambassador. ⭐💥🌟
Nov 20Reply

@elizabetho28 Yay that’s great news. Keep up the good work. 👍 🤩
Nov 20Reply

@taammers69 ty so much 😀💓
Nov 20Reply

Thanks for sharing ❤️
Dec 05Reply

Hey @taammers69 You are back!! Hope your experience was fantastic! Thought of you every time I got a chance to watch. One day I’ll get to an Olympics. Thanks for sharing this morning. Let’s get some sales going. IKR! 😊
Mar 01Reply

Heyyyyy Tammy welcome bk PFF. Hope you enjoyed your well deserved time away.
Mar 07Reply

@jovigraham Thanks. Not a vacation for me though. Was over in South Korea working the Winter Olympics for 45 days. Resting at home now. Back to work on Monday for me. Glad to be hone. 🙂
Mar 07Reply

@taammers69 OH WOW .. although working - sounds exciting, but guess depends on the aspect of it !!!! Anyway
🌸🤗🌸welcome bk home !!!! I'm sure it's feels good 2b in the comfort of your own home.
Mar 07Reply

@taammers69 Hey there. I have not fallen off the planet. My mom has required a lot more of my attention. Hope all is well with you
Jun 04Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 05Reply

@jax_lux Hey girlie! Nice to hear from you. Throwing you shares here and there! 💜💜
Jun 05Reply

@spreadlove Nice to meet you Melissa! Always nice adding new PFF’s! Enjoy!
Jun 05Reply

@taammers69 Always good to hear from you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for the shares and all. I’ve been in intense care mode with my mom. Can’t even describe it all. It tough. Still serious about the relo. Making the time to find it is another thing. Anyway, glad to hear from you. Think of you often and always share when I can. Be well.
Jun 05Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares. I definitely feel the ❤️ 😘
Jul 19Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares. I usually do immediate share backs and I’m sorry I haven’t until now but my daughter has been in the hospital. Things are just now settling down so I can Posh again 😊
Aug 02Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares.💃😄💕
Sep 12Reply

I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Sep 23Reply

Cute closet! I shared and liked a bunch. Hope they help. 😀💕
Oct 05Reply

Hi there 😊
Thanks for stopping by my shop, For The Love of Ash!
Please let me know if you have any questions. Sending some share love your way. I’ll check back in later to see how you’re doing 💕
With Love,
Sara Ash @fortheloveofash
Oct 18Reply

@taammers69 Happy Sunday! I don’t think I ever saw the Emmy photo. So awesome. Just a quick check in. Hope you are well and off to some place exotic. It’s been a few years since we met here on Posh. So happy to share and chat when there is time. Life is busy here. Still looking for new opportunities in communications and culture. Have a great day and week.
Nov 18Reply

Thanks for all the shares!💖
Dec 10Reply

hello beautiful 💕if you read those first 2 party slides can you tag me in a NEW /ACTIVE/ COMPLIANT PFF (clean pics) that you would like to nominate. Dresses .. skirts .. suits. If not tag me in something of yours they hasn’t been HP’s yet 💕💕💕💕@taammers69
Dec 16Reply

@taammers69 Happy New 2019! Hope it is as full of adventures for you as the last. Happy Poshing too!😊
Jan 11Reply

@jax_lux Same to you my friend. It’s been crazy at work so far! Pulling my hair out. Hope you are well. 💕
Jan 11Reply

Hi love. Long time. No see. I’m closing my closet. If there is anything you want. Bundle it and I’ll give you an awesome deal. Hope to close this by end of week. My husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness and I can’t do this anymore. Thank you for all your kindness and support.
Jan 15Reply

Thanks love. Wishing you all the best. Xoxoxo.
Jan 15Reply

Thank you for the shares
Jan 23Reply

Hi, Tammy I am Laura who made the offer for Python shoes. I hope you accept, cause they r my size and I had a pair I paid 40.00 for brand new in the store on sale but they got ruined and would love to get these second hand. Thank you
Mar 08Reply

Thank you so much for accepting my offer.
Laura Turner
Mar 08Reply

Very nice closet❤️ Following and sharing! Thank you for sharing mine!
Mar 13Reply

@tbzhoze Thank you! Also for the shares! ❤️
Mar 13Reply

Hello are you willing to take $10.00 for the Scottie tank top?
Jul 28Reply

@rhedd714 make me that offer thru the offer button and I will accept.
Jul 28Reply

Hi! Thanks for your purchase. I dropped your shoes off at the post office this morning. Hope you like them!
Sep 18Reply

@modmommd Thank you! I am sure I will. Need a gold pair for a ball that I am going to! Thanks again! 😃
Sep 18Reply

@taammers69 Wow! Sounds like fun. Thanks again!
Sep 18Reply

Hello, I hope you enjoy Poshmark as much as I do! Please feel free to check out my closet, I sell vintage and today jewelry (at some pretty great and reasonable prices too)! 📿💖 Happy Poshing!
Sep 19Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 09Reply

Thanks for sharing. Bonnie 🐝
Mar 10Reply

Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. I have everything from Women's, men's, kid's,(in all sizes)makeup, skin care, home name it! I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like and bundle! We can all use a little joy in these tough times. Come check it out! 😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Health. Be safe. xoxo @Goldneyez311
Apr 29Reply

Congrats on hosting!! Love your closet def going to bookmark and save. If you get a chance please check out my closet :) xoxo happy poshing
May 19Reply

Congrats on co-hosting the Spring Posh party tomorrow!!! 🥳😁🎈🌟 I would love to be considered for Host Picks if possible. Thank you❣🌹⚘
May 23Reply

I congratulate u on hosting the Posh Party. I wish u the very best and much success. I would appreciate if you check out my closet for your possible host-pick. I have followed you. U stay happy and healthy ❣💖
May 23Reply

Hi! Beautiful closet!! I see that you’re hosting a party tomorrow. I will be attending! I wonder if you would be so kind to consider checking out my closet for a possible host pick. Thank you so much! Hope you’re staying safe and healthy during this difficult time.
May 23Reply

Hello and congratulations on cohosting the Springtime Favs! I would love for you to take a look at my closet in consideration for a host pick! I posh for a cause! Thank you!
May 23Reply

Congratulations on hosting tomorrow!! 😊💕✨😊💕✨
May 24Reply

Congrats on hosting!!!!!! That’s so exciting!! If you have the time, please consider one of my cute springtime listings as a host pick :) happy poshing🦋💕🌙
May 24Reply

@taammers69 Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
May 24Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my fantastic finds 🛍🤟🏻🌸🌴🌹
May 24Reply

Congratulations on co-hosting today’s party: Springtime Faves! I’d really appreciate it if you could please check out my closet, full of jewelry and hair accessories! Thanks, and congrats once again! ☺️🤍🌺
May 24Reply

💛🧡❤️💜💙💚Hi! Congrats on host party today! Please check out my closet - I would love you to consider for a HP. LOVE your closet btw! Stay safe & Happy Poshing! 💛🧡❤️💜💙💚
May 24Reply

Can’t wait until the Posh party w🌸🌷🌼
May 25Reply

Congratulations on hosting tonight’s party 🎉 Please consider my closet for a host pick💕🛍
May 25Reply

I’m new about the bundle thing 🤷🏼♀️ hopefully soon I will figure it out . Sorry if I messed things up , really sorry . What do I do from here ?
Feb 14Reply

I went ahead and paid your asking price
Feb 14Reply

@latonnac56 I can cancel the order and then you can re buy at lower price if you wish. Let me know. No mail on Monday anyways.
Feb 15Reply

Hello. I’m Dana, and I’m a mom to an adorable 3 year old boy❤️💕I also love shopping on posh and I’m a posh ambassador. Really hope you can check out my closet. Wishing you speedy sales and lots of success💕💕All the best, Dana ❤️
May 28Reply

ALOHA! I hope you can stop by my closet! Im selling women/girl clothing.I also have many types of accessories. ALL in preowned or NWT condition!! Much love from HAWAII :)
Aug 19Reply

@taammers69 hey check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers accepted also have some beautiful bracelets sets you maybe interested in
Aug 24Reply

@taammers69 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 16Reply

@taammers69 LOOOOOOONG time my Posh friend. Hope you are super well. Too long a story to tell, but I am still kicking.😄 Did Shoeflozy decide to step away from Posh? I was gone so long I didn’t catch any announcement. Ok. Take care.
Feb 22Reply

@taammers69 Hi friend. Thanks for the shares. Your closet is great as always. Hope you are well. Are you going to Paris next year? Take care.
Aug 28Reply

@jax_lux Hey there! Just saw this today. I will be working Paris Olympics, but doing it from the states. No Paris trip for me. Hope you are doing well!
Feb 24Reply

@taammers69 Supper nice to hear from you. Maybe Paris another time for fun instead of work would be better. Hope to be on a hiking trip with a college friend on the Camino de Santiago end of July/August. Otherwise life is good.
Feb 25Reply

Happy Easter @taammers69 You are the best! Thank you and will return the kindness!
Apr 01Reply
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