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Updated Aug 06
Updated Aug 06

Meet your Posher, Tara

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Hi! I'm Tara. Some of my favorite brands are CHANEL, Coach, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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willox Welcome to Poshmark 👍👍👍
Aug 06Reply
dejavuitton The ysl muse looks good but it’s a smaller version.... inside should be lined w satin.
Aug 07Reply
luvslux Thank you @ dejavuitton I really want your bag, I hope i get the ysl soon
Aug 07Reply
novel_gem Welcome to posh!! It’s so fun! Happy buying and selling!!
Aug 09Reply
dejavuitton Do you want me to find you a gaucho? Any color?
Aug 10Reply
dejavuitton Let me find you one.
Aug 10Reply
luvslux @dejavuitton I have a certain problem and just got a little bit of a reason from the Dr to splurge on myself.. I had my heart set on your bag, and now I can't find the exact one... I guess if I were forced I'd take black the same size as yours tho but the red is first preference, I looked at every one on here, most that are nice are too high for me
Aug 10Reply
luvslux @dejavuittonplease tell me if your buyer cancels or wants to... I'll get it the same day
Aug 10Reply
dejavuitton Ok let me look. No khaki?
Aug 10Reply
luvslux @dejavuitton I'm going to get a black one I'll tag you
Aug 10Reply
dejavuitton Both good but too expensive.... both different styles .... and not the one I had. But authentic
Aug 10Reply
luvslux I c as n find the kind you had 😥 in red or black
Aug 10Reply
luvslux Cant
Aug 10Reply
luvslux @dejavuitton have you seen any yet?
Aug 10Reply
dejavuitton @toxicfeme a black one that’s super nice but it will cost more than the red one
Aug 10Reply
luvslux @dejavuitton Tag me on it please
Aug 10Reply
luvjojos_closet Lets get you selling. You need to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE your listings. Share your items 10 times a day. But do it slowly. If you hit the share button to quickly after the last share, most of your items will get lost in the news feed. I ☕ share… lol I take a sip of coffee between shares…
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet Follow everybody!!!!!! Make sure you follower your followers everyday. If you do not know how to do that let me know. I didn't know at first either. I have only been selling on Posh for 4 months or so. Anytime you see someone you are not following, follow them. Most people with follow you back. More followers the more traffic to your closet.
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet Be sure to follow my followers everyday. Again if you arent sure how to do it let me know. The reason for everyday is because you only get the last 1000 followers. That is how it was explained to me. Play follow games. It is a great way to gain followers. I will tag you in ALOT ALOT of follow games. Do not ever feel you need to do them all
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet I do not want anyone to feel they have to do anything they do not want or have time to do. I am just giving you all the options. Be sure to follow all of the people who liked my PFF post. Not sure how, just ask. Now let's talk about photos for your inventory…
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet Let Google images do the work for you. Most of the time you can pull images up on google by putting in the name brand and item #. If you don't have the item # use the name brand and color/style/any kinda details. You should find a picture. You can even go to the store, you purchased them from, and see if they are still advertised.
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet I am saving up to get some props for jewelry photos. But until then Google is my friend… 😉
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet You do need to be Posh Compliant to be chosen as a feature closet or host pick. I am taging you in a great post concerning compliance. I am still learning the ins and outs of that
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet I know that was alot of info, sorry about that. I just want to WATCH YOU GROW🌼
Aug 23Reply
luvjojos_closet I am so sorry. I was not talking about anything in your closet. When I was new I did not know anything about the Posh Compliance when I started so it is just something I let new Poshers know about. Please foegive me for making you feel any type of way.
Aug 23Reply
maidmarian Welcome to POSHMARK Tara! I’m Marian🌹 Best finds are right here 💞
Aug 24Reply
luvslux @mjos1120 oh I feel like an idiot, I only just now saw all of your messages to help me , for some Reason I caught the other one by following... So I had no idea about the messages you left me when I messaged you....😬🙄😫😘😘
Aug 24Reply
luvjojos_closet @toxicfeme no worries luv. Let's get you your first sale 😘
Aug 24Reply
americangirl66 Thank you for your purchase 🛍mailing it out today ✨
Aug 31Reply
luvslux @americangirl66 You are welcome..I just hope it's a off the charts buy, It's for a friend who is going thru chemo so I want her to just plunge into all kinds of make up .. not that Walmart stuff ya know lol
Sep 01Reply
americangirl66 @toxicfeme I enjoyed putting together your purchase, I’m known for being generous 🙏🏼 Prayers sent to your friend may she see the beauty from within 💕
Sep 01Reply
msilva3639 Welcome to Poshmark. Hope you have fun. If you have any questions, please let me know. I invite you to visit my closet. Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 01Reply
luvslux @msilva3639Thank You, how lovely of you. I will visit.. I'm trying to sell my boots really bad, they're brand new
Sep 01Reply
msvoiles Let me measure it, it should fit a size 20, I am a personal shopper.....let me get that for you...
Sep 11Reply
lovefashionyay Welcome To posh! Shared ur closet ty for the add! Come join my follow game! Happy poshing!
Sep 30Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Smashbox, Nike, Yellow Box, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 10Reply
kamikundu Welcome 😘☀️🌺
Jan 28Reply
kamikundu All Price Are Negotiable 😘 Make An Offer 🎁
Jan 28Reply
kamikundu FYI: All Merchandise on POSHMARK are AUTHENTIC See pictures and LOGOS 🎁 Used products, even in good condition you can expect stains
Jan 28Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey. I'm having a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale. My New Inventory has come in.  Wooohoo 😂
Nov 09Reply
luvslux @makeyoulaugh67 Thank You So much!! I will take a look, trying desperately to sell these bags right now for medical reasons. I wish you the best luck, I'll be sharing some of your highest priced items. Thanks again.😊
Nov 09Reply
lmoore840 Hiiii verrry nice closet, check out my closet plz if you don’t mind, see if you find anything you likeeeeee😁. ALWAYS accepting offers😁.
Feb 18Reply
luvslux @lmoore840 Please Share The expensive Items in my closet, Not the Unimportant items, Its for Medical Costs. I filter items when I Share to show the high priced items first. Then select from there. Please! Thank You..
Feb 18Reply
luvslux @beautifynails Thank you so much! I'm mostly trying to sell the bags, and the Straightener, and the Anastasia package, and the Long jacket or like long outfit topper ( I can't think of what they are called ) If you could help share those the most, And Let me know what you want shared the most, We can keep going back & forth sharing for a while 🙂
May 10Reply
luvslux @beautifynails I think your prices are too low! because if a price is too low, it says to people the product is cheap! I've been selling on here for a few years, I think your 20.00 price should go to 25.00 and bundle of 2 should start at 28.00 and then 3- $33 4- 39 5- 44 6- 49 7-54 8- 59 ect or whatever just make it higher a bit, I was doing 5.00 higher for each bundle .. I think you should try this, Maybe it will help your sales
May 10Reply
luvslux @beautifynails Your Welcome ❤️
May 10Reply
mrshark413 Hi luvslux! I'm MrShark413 🙂🦈
Jul 10Reply
luvslux @mrshark413 Hello.. please look at my closet I have great bags.. and some plus size clothes, much more to post soon too.
Jul 10Reply
sarahs567 GM shared your 16 items to my followers only today 10/17 many sales to you❤️🤗🤩 please only return my items sharing to your followers Tia
Oct 17Reply
luvslux @sarahs567 I'm not in any sharing game. I will share your items, but, I don't have 16 items for sale! So, I hope you paid attention to what you shared.
Oct 17Reply
luvslux @sarahs567 ok.. apparently I do have 16 items for Sale lol.. My apologies. but, I'm not in any current Share games or lists. not for about about 9 mos to a year now.. But, Thank you.
Oct 17Reply
luvslux @tutuwig Thank you!! I tried to message you on your poacher page but it's not set up. Finish your profile page for sure.. I will happily share back & for, I have soo many things I need to post, but, I'm really bad at it lol my items just don't look great usually 😅. Your closest it the great one!
Nov 12Reply
luvslux @tutuwig *Posher page
Nov 12Reply
cutehosiery @luvslux Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 12Reply

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Last Active: Mar 07

Kansas City, MO
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Last Active: Mar 07

Kansas City, MO
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