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Updated Jul 27
Updated Jul 27

Meet your Posher, Tricia

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Tricia. Thanks for stopping by! I have a huge closet full of great clothes that I no longer need. Many items have only been worn once. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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4bobbie Thanks for following my closet! Feel free to make an offer on anything you like! Discount given on bundles!
Jul 26Reply
tricia0104 @4bobbie Thank you!!
Jul 27Reply
gemmedelmondo Welcome to Poshmark!!! 🌸🌸🌸Happy to have you here💕 My Best Wishes 🌸 Elizabeth 🎀
Jul 28Reply
tricia0104 @gemmedelmondo Thank you so much!!!
Jul 28Reply
sassystylestxsh 🦋Welcome to Poshmark🦋 have fun shopping and selling 🦋I wish you luck 🦋
Jul 28Reply
tricia0104 @radaisc Thank you!!!
Jul 28Reply
nward_22 Welcome! 🥰
Jul 29Reply
tricia0104 @nward_22 Thank you!!!!
Jul 29Reply
alesandra25 Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎊👏👏🎆🎆
Jul 30Reply
tricia0104 @alesandra25 Thank you!!!!
Jul 30Reply
gemmedelmondo @tricia0104 you are very welcome Tricia, my pleasure! 💐
Jul 30Reply
hyflex Thank you for all the posh love shares!☺🙏 wanna be share friends?!😄👭
Sep 16Reply
tricia0104 @marsgems How do we do that?😊
Sep 16Reply
hyflex @tricia0104 😄cute! so, I keep my like list as my share friend list☺ i have a handful that shares me daily and the rest of them on a weekly basis.
Sep 17Reply
tricia0104 @marsgems ok. I need to create a like list. I have liked random products, but not necessarily “sharers”.
Sep 17Reply
hyflex @tricia0104 sweet! I look forward to sharing and supporting you☺👭💖 also keeping my like list as my friends help me from shopping😝🤷🛍💘🤦
Sep 17Reply
hyflex @tricia0104 😭😍😭😘😘😘😘👭😘😘😘😘😘thank you!!!! you're the bestest!!!🙏🌹🙏
Sep 17Reply
tricia0104 @marsgems No problem 😉😘🥰🥳
Sep 17Reply
tricia0104 @wholesalecloset You as well!!❤️
Oct 07Reply
oliviaami Dear @tricia0104 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Oct 30Reply
tricia0104 @oliviaami Thanks so much! You as well!!
Oct 30Reply
lizzymcboo Hi hun! Thanks for coming by my show! Happy to get those items out to you tomorrow am if you update your info ❤️❤️❤️ see you soon!!
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 @lizzymcboo Thank you!!!
Jan 28Reply
lizzymcboo @tricia0104 you’re welcome! I just wanted to let you know bc one time my zip code wasn’t up to date 🤷🏼‍♀️🙄and posh didn’t let me know, the seller had to! So once you update your payment info I’ll pack these right up! ❤️
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 @lizzymcboo Everything should be good. Thanks!!
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 Did that payment go through? My CVV code won’t stay saved. Please let me know and I will enter a different card. So sorry for the trouble
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 @lizzymcboo Ok. I added another card in case the other one won’t work. I moved recently and that could be the problem. I also am waiting for a new card on the account I usually use because their were fraudulent charges on my old one. I hope this fixes the problem 🤦🏻‍♀️. Ugh. I’m so sorry.
Jan 28Reply
lizzymcboo @tricia0104 that’s exactly when it happened to me - during a move! 🤦🏼‍♀️ so annoying to have happen! And sorry to hear you’re dealing with fraud too! It hasn’t gone through yet but no worries- we’ll both be on the lookout. I’ll send you the items in a bundle for the same price if you want to try to repurchase ❤️ it won’t charge twice
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 @lizzymcboo OMG. It looks like it went through on my end.
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 Yay!!!!
Jan 28Reply
tricia0104 Thanks so much for understanding!!
Jan 28Reply
lizzymcboo @tricia0104 it did - yay! I will get it out today! Thank you ❤️ and of course— have a wonderful day!!
Jan 28Reply
serena4957 Hey Tricia it's Serena4957. I bundled the top and dress and sent you an offer plus I'm paying for or ty our shipping. Will you let me kn ok w if you can do I try his? Ty Serena4957. Sorry can't go any lower. have a good night.
Jan 29Reply
tricia0104 @serena4957 Hi Serena! I completely understand. The clothes are amazing. I’m still considering the offer you made to me on one of the shirts. I will decline the others. Thank you so much ❤️
Jan 29Reply
tricia0104 @serena4957 Wow! Thank you so much for all of the shares. I will definitely return the favor!!!
Jan 29Reply
serena4957 @tricia0104 Did you get the offer on the shirt & dress. such beautiful items. see o love that dress it's gorgeous!
Jan 29Reply
tricia0104 @serena4957 Yes!! That’s why it’s so hard to turn down 🤦🏻‍♀️
Jan 29Reply
serena4957 @tricia0104 Why did you turn it down?
Jan 29Reply
tricia0104 @serena4957 I really love them both, but I thought you needed an answer. I need shirts more than dresses right now and you have two that I love.
Jan 29Reply
serena4957 @tricia0104 Ok so do you want to bundle the shirts? what ones?
Jan 29Reply
serena4957 Hi dear I sent you an offer on the two of tops i think you want. Please let me know if they are the ones ty Serena4957
Jan 29Reply
tricia0104 @beautifynails Thanks! I have shared some of your listings as well. 😊
Feb 13Reply
kriskris68 Do you have Instagram?
Mar 08Reply
tricia0104 @kriskris68 Yes. CajunQueen1900. I look like a voodoo doll. Lol. What’s your Instagram?
Mar 08Reply
lepfan1 At this rate I'm surely going to win a prize
Mar 18Reply
tricia0104 @lepfan1 😂😂😂. I stayed on the entire show. She was practically giving stuff away at the end. I honestly did not see her do anything that even remotely reminded me of Brooke and Beth or their show. I can’t remember who said that, but they must have caught her at a weird time 🤷🏻‍♀️. She had her own little quips like, ‘right out of the bakery’ when things were still wrapped in plastic. The prizes went to whoever bought #104 and #136(I think). See you tomorrow night I’m sure 😊❤️
Mar 18Reply
lepfan1 @tricia0104 Can you tell I'm getting angry? LOL
Mar 19Reply
tricia0104 @lepfan1 You are holding it well, but it’s so hard when someone does that. Some people have their damn heads in the sand.
Mar 19Reply
lepfan1 @tricia0104 I say if you can't read the room, keep quiet. She's obviously looking for an argument
Mar 19Reply
tricia0104 @lepfan1 I agree. She was looking for it. Idiots.
Mar 19Reply
lepfan1 Got my approval this morning. What did you do? LOL
Mar 20Reply
tricia0104 @lepfan1 That’s awesome, Lori!!! I’m so happy for you. Let me know when you schedule a show so I can support you. Yay!!!!!!🎊🎊🎊🎊💥💥💥💥💥💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
Mar 20Reply
tricia0104 Now I’m really scared 😱. I wish you lived close by. We could do them together
Mar 22Reply
calistylz Anytime Tricia 😚. I really do mean it also, it’s no trouble for me. I would enjoy selling your stuff. Once a get the hang of selling here I’ll be able to do it. 🤗
Apr 25Reply
tricia0104 @sacfashionista Thank You ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 25Reply
pamedwainer @Tricia0104 Thanks so much for showing your beautiful earrings… I am so happy with my purchase. So sorry you didn’t feel well , I get into your show almost in last min, I woke late today, because my body aches too I am with you girl…Sleep, get you plenty beauty sleep and enjoy the afternoon 🥰🥰🥰
Jun 04Reply
tricia0104 @pamedwainer You are so kind!! I was trying so hard to stay, but I started breaking out in a cold sweat. I’m so used to being in pain, but I hadn’t slept or eaten. I love being on this platform. I get to meet such nice people like you. Thank you for being so understanding and I hope I see you in my next show ❤️❤️😴
Jun 04Reply
pjopampaints03 I enjoyed your show, the clearance on earrings with a $3 start. Please let me know when you will do again
Jul 10Reply
tricia0104 @pjopampaints03 Thank You!! If you like the colored pictures I use to run my items, you will be alerted when I am live. I have some beautiful new jewelry that I will be unboxing in my next show 😊. Hope to see there❤️
Jul 11Reply
tricia0104 @tutuwig Thanks so much!!
Aug 23Reply
sonjafe Hi, is your show coming up a vintage show?
Oct 05Reply
tricia0104 @sonjafe Next week will be 💯 vintage. I have some beautiful things. I hope you can make it. I even have a Juliana piece among other great designers. I also have a lot of really pretty jewelry that isn’t marked. It will be fun 😊
Oct 06Reply
angellady7773 is this where you want me to ask
Oct 13Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 Sure, sweetheart.
Oct 13Reply
angellady7773 @tricia0104. I've been on POSHMARK for awhile as a buyer. I'm new at being a Seller though. Have several of my personal items to sell on here. I need help on how to start selling! I've contacted POSHMARK for help and questions and no one called me back or emailed me. I have alot of Beautiful Clothes several NWT & NWOT and several hardly worn, alot of Jewelry Antique, Vintage, New, Rares and Oddities! Don't even know what types of tools I need to start out with etc...
Oct 13Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 The first thing you need to do is start listing all of your items. Check your posh stats to work on gaining Posh Ambassador status. Work on these things and share your listed items a minimum of 4 times a day. Let me know if you need help or get stuck 😊
Oct 13Reply
angellady7773 @tricia0104 I don't understand that
Oct 13Reply
angellady7773 @tricia0104. How many Listing can I put at 1st? Can I put up all the listing 1st without being charged anything before I start putting them out to sell
Oct 13Reply
angellady7773 Do I have to be ambassador Stat? Why? I'm not doing as a Business, I just need to sell my belongings. 4 Family members passed within 10 years.
Oct 13Reply
angellady7773 @tricia0104. Can I give you my Email &/or Phone Number or VisaVersa?
Oct 13Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 Sorry sweetie. I fell asleep 😴. Lol. You can list as much as you and you only pay Poshmark when you sell something. For $15 and under, Poshmark charges $2.95. Anything over that, they just charge 20%.
Oct 14Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 I am so sorry 💔💔. You don’t have to do that at all, but it does elevate your status and increase your chances of being ‘seen.’
Oct 14Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 Please come to my next show. We will figure out how I can help you without breaking any of Poshmark’s rules. You are always welcome and you never need to buy anything. We will figure it out. I promise 😊🙏
Oct 14Reply
angellady7773 @tricia0104 when is your next show? Can my listings go on other sites to sell on there too?
Oct 14Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 Next week is going to be a little different, but I’m hoping to be on Tuesday or Wednesday morning. If you go into my closet and like one of the colored pictures, you will be alerted when I’m on
Oct 14Reply
tricia0104 @angellady7773 Yes, you can use other sites.
Oct 14Reply
juicesteen Looking forward to your next show! Hope you're doing well 😊
Nov 03Reply
tricia0104 @juicesteen Thank You, sweetie. It should be soon. I miss my friends ❤️❤️
Nov 03Reply
pamull0514 It’s me, your new STL friend from last nights show. Can you go ahead and send me my bundle and I will take care of it? Got some Posh money I was waiting for so I don’t have to wait til Friday. It was great to meet you and chat about our fav STL foods even tho neither of us live there anymore. Loved your show and look forward to joining again!
Nov 08Reply
tricia0104 @pamull0514 Of course! It was so great to meet you too. 😊❤️. I can’t wait to chat again. I will tag you on the listing I make. Poshmark approves all listings so it won’t show up right away. Thanks so much for the purchase ☺️
Nov 08Reply
pamull0514 @tricia0104 when i click on it, it says “unable to load, please try again”
Nov 08Reply
tricia0104 @pamull0514 Weird. Let me check. Posh glitches🤦🏻‍♀️
Nov 08Reply
tricia0104 @pamull0514 yay! It will ship tomorrow 😊
Nov 08Reply
juicesteen I hope all is well 💜!
Feb 05Reply
tricia0104 @juicesteen Hi sweetie. Thanks for checking on me. I’ve not been well, but I am hoping to feel better soon. I thought I moved my scheduled shows to late February 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️. So embarrassing 😳. I miss you all so much. I hope to be back soon ❤️
Feb 05Reply
juicesteen @tricia0104 We all miss you too and hope you feel better soon 💜!!! Glad to hear back 😊
Feb 06Reply
amoxygirl It was so fun meeting you today during your live. I hope to catch your next show. Until then, take good care!
Apr 18Reply
tricia0104 @amoxygirl It was so great to meet you also!! Thanks so much for hanging out with me and I’m definitely looking forward to doing it again.
Apr 18Reply
jenesh86 Hi there!!! Long time no see, hope you remember me. Are you still doing your jewelry shows?
May 23Reply
tricia0104 @jenesh86 Hi!!! So great to hear from you ❤️. Of course I remember you! I am still doing shows, just not as frequently and sometimes I do vintage. I’m hoping to have a show soon. If you bookmark the Wednesday Addams picture that says ‘jewelry purchase’ you will be notified when I am on. Let me know if you are looking for something in particular because I can always create a listing for you. Hope to see you soon ❤️😊
May 24Reply
jenesh86 @tricia0104 awesome! I think I bookmarked the right post. Hope to see you soon! 😊
May 25Reply
tricia0104 @jenesh86 You did!! 😊😊💕
May 25Reply
regit1 Do you have bronze blood lipstick from Jeffrey star? I’m new to POSHMARK so I saw your live but didn’t know how to comment on it
Jul 21Reply
tricia0104 @regit1 So glad to have met you! I can’t wait to hear about your opinion of the makeup 😊🌟
Jul 21Reply
justinhildre756 your very pretty
Jul 30Reply
marki_r Hello :) Do you have lot of Ramla items?
Aug 12Reply
tricia0104 @marki_r I only have one set of earrings right now.
Aug 12Reply
bereal1977 AMAZING seller and generous and I just placed my order tonight!! Looking forward to following her closet…. Thank you again… 💙
Aug 20Reply
tricia0104 @bereal1977 You are so kind!!! Thank you!!!☺️
Aug 20Reply
bereal1977 @tricia0104 I shop plenty on here.. Good service and friendly and REAL sellers aren’t easy to find…. Thank you again
Aug 20Reply
pjopampaints03 Hey Tricia, this is pjopampaints03 have you considered?
Jan 10Reply
pjopampaints03 Hey Tricia, this is pjopampaints03 have you considered?
Jan 10Reply
tricia0104 @pjopampaints03 Yes. I’ll definitely sell it. It’s just a matter of counting it and splitting it up into bundles I’m willing to sell. Are you interested in everything or do you prefer specific brands?
Jan 10Reply
pjopampaints03 Bold pieces like Thalia, Chicos , big earrings etc a a variety of, whatever you can spare.
Jan 10Reply
tricia0104 @pjopampaints03 I can spare all of it and I have a lot of what you just mentioned. Lol. Do you have a budget? I have receipts. You know the wholesaler and I just want to get back what I spent at this point. I don’t know if I’ll do lives anymore.
Jan 10Reply

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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Charlestown, IN
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Last Active: 5 hours ago

Charlestown, IN
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