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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17

Meet your Posher, Valeriya

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Valeriya. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and UGG. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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edoring6 hi, valeriya!! 💝 my name is emily, and i’m a posh ambassador here to help! I am clearing out my closet, prepping for a huge move- so make me an offer! 🤍 I absolutely need to get rid of everything- so as long as I don’t lose money I will take anything I can get❤️
Apr 11Reply
batmanbosto1964 Hey beautiful, what a pair of face wear!
May 03Reply
batmanbosto1964 Tell me more about how you come up with those? I have seen lots of stuff in my day and I know original when I see it but more than that I know a fellow artist. smh, love your face wear. Dennis
May 03Reply
jstudio Welcome to Poshmark 🥰
May 05Reply
batmanbosto1964 Hey there, thanks for the shares and by the way happy mother's day to you . Hope your doing something nice for it or even better hope someone is doing something nice for you. Devil's wink.
May 08Reply
evergreenholly You have great taste, nice closet!
May 08Reply
liledeglace @evergreenholly haha! valeriya,what an interesting look! is this fashion accessory dangerous to wear? do they come with a box? i would be so startled if i saw anyone walking around like this,but agreed that you do have some great tastes! have a lovely&safe day now,my loves!
May 09Reply
polotorriss Welcome to Poshmark!!
May 09Reply
mpenn Hi and thanks for following me on Posh! ❤️Check out my closet for lots of items that are reduced. Select 5 of the $5 items for only $15! ❤️❤️❤️Have a great day!
May 13Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Valeriya and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L
May 17Reply
dulciesdelites Thanks for following me🙏😎
May 17Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Valeriya. Thank you for the shares. I really appreciate it! Happy Poshing! 🙂💖
May 18Reply
lj61 @xoryok88 Ty ❤️ for the shares 🤗 Have a wonderful day 🤗
May 19Reply
nancyconner645 @xoryok88 Hi, Valeriya! I'm Nancy. I wanted to introduce myself and thank you for following my closet. I have shared some random items from your closet to my followers, and hope you are blessed with shares from some of those. Have a great day!🙂🌻🌻🌻
May 21Reply
lj61 @xoryok88 Love ❤️ the continued shares Ty so much 🥰 Have a wonderful weekend!
May 22Reply
zardiva1 I love these big ol’ fun 🕶 and your pretty curlies! 👍😀😍😘👩🏽‍🦱🎉
May 25Reply
rmsilvey Hi Velariya. I’m also a Poshmark Ambassador and I would like to welcome you to my community! I’m a complete Fashionista. I worked for years in Network TV and Internet Media. While I did that I worked in the evenings as an Actor/Singer/Dancer/Entertainer/Director. I then adopted 2 beautiful daughters and opened a Classical Pilates Studio. Closets and closets of beautiful clothes, most still with tags! So shop, bundle and save, safely from your home. If you do go out, wear a mask.😃😴
May 25Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 28Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi⭐️Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling 🛍 When you get a chance, please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me... and I will do the same. I wish you all the luck ☘️in the world
May 31Reply
nancyconner645 @xoryok88 Thanks for sharing from my closet. I know the time it takes, and appreciate you for using yours this way. Shares have been returned. 🙂🌻🌻🌻❤
Jun 03Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🙃 Happy Poshing 🛍!
Jun 17Reply
ropitavieja Hey! Thanks for the shares 🤗
Apr 13Reply
cokema77 hello! I left you a message on a pair of shoes. did you get it?
May 16Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. Love your closet! We are over-stocked, so we're accepting offers at well less than our posted price. If you get a chance, take a look. Happy Poshing!
Jan 24Reply
krystalmcc1621 👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👜 closet👖 to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day ☀️ and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
Jan 30Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 05Reply
tatnaples Hi Valeriya! Thanks bunches for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Feb 05Reply
oldesires Hello 👋 & THANK YOU for your interest, (Like, Follow or Sharing). Please feel free to visit, browse, ask ??’s or make an offer. Wishing your Posh journey to be fun & successful🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Feb 05Reply
pjhb Hi Valriya! Thanks so much for sharing my listings! I appreciate it so much!😃
Feb 18Reply
mimswind Hi Valriya, Thank you for checking out my closet! Excited to explore yours! Happy Poshing!
Jun 16Reply
bau_babygirl @rarumrerum Thank you for following my closet. I thought I’d let you know I offer a discount on bundles of 2 or more items if you find anything you like. The larger the bundle the larger the discount as long as the weight doesn’t go over 5 pounds. Also, I’m running a swim sale. Any of my $15 swimwear is buy 2 get the 3rd free (equal or lesser value). If you’d like to create a bundle feel free to do so and if you’ll message me when finished I’ll send an offer. Thank you.
Aug 23Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Madison, VA
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Madison, VA
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