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Updated Oct 21
Updated Oct 21

Meet your Posher, Zoe

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Zoe. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Coach, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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beautychic23 @zoe2729 Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers and sellers! If you ever need advice or helpful suggestions let me know! Happy to help! I can offer more than my stated bundle discount depending on the items! I'm also negotiable! Happy Poshing ❤❤❤
Apr 16Reply
zoe2729 @beautychic23 Thank you so much I'm glad there is people like you that love to help the new girls get started and for sure I will take your offer on asking questions wen I have them thank you so much for the warm welcome I appreciate it☺️
Apr 16Reply
beautychic23 @zoe2729 My privilege!
Apr 16Reply
byfeliciaip Hello there! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you get to love this app just as much as I do! If you have any questions about the app feel free to let me know or check out my YouTube video to guide you through the process + Tips & Tricks to make more sales!! The video is linked in my bio and here as well! Feel free to check out my closet and if you see anything you like let me know! I give discounts and free stuff for big bundles!! Happy Poshing! ☺️❤️
Apr 16Reply
thechicbohemian Hello, Zoe! Welcome to Poshmark! May I introduce you to some stylish, supportive fellow Poshers? Please meet @karint @matana @abandonedlove @onisifora @barbiemartha @winsomewardrobe @winterlayers @holdrelf @hautecloseteur @shoplittlebird @momoretro @vintage_rocks
May 07Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Hi Zoe! You're the 25,000 Posher to follow me! I'm so excited! As a thank you for following (and being the magic number) I'd like to offer you anything in my closet $20 or under free of charge and shipping! Just let me know what you'd like!! Thanks again!
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson OMG 😲 is this for real no way omg thank you so so much
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Absolutely! I had it set in my head a long time ago that IF I ever made it to 25,000 followers, I would do "something"! Lol. So, have you found something you like?
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Let me also say it would make more sense if it were $25 instead of $20. Lol. If you find a couple items, I can put them together. Whatever works! Just let me know what you'd like, I'll mark them "not for sale" and ship them to you! I'll just need an address though.😉
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson OMG for sure I'll take your offer ahhhh you made my day yayyyyy
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Yay! Another thing...Lol. I hope to post some Lia Sophia jewelry this afternoon if you want to wait for that!
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson ok I will wait just tag me OMG thank you so so so much
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 My pleasure! Also, your info says you're in Tucson, right? That city holds a dear place in my heart. I can tell you if you care to hear. But as far as where you need to send your address, my email is
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson yes I would love to hear it and yes I'm in Tucson AZ we moved from California to Tucson wen I was pregnant with my second baby boy in 2008
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Wow! I have family in CA too! Tuscon is where my grandparents (dad's parents) retired. I visited out there when I was young and loved it! Btw... I'm in Indiana and that's where my family originally was. Anyway, my dad moved to Sierra Vista in 2011. His dad had been stationed there at the beginning of WWII at Fort Huachucha and my grandparents are entombed at the Veterans Memorial Cemetery. (Cont'd)
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 So...I'm making a long story! Lol! My dad fell suddenly terminally ill and was in the hospital in Tucson. My brother and I flew out to his house and drove to Tucson every day for a week to see him. He passed away 4 days after we left. He is also entombed in Sierra Vista at the same cemetery as my Grandparents. But really those two cities just have a special place in my heart. Sorry this was so long. Yikes...
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson I like it in Tucson wen it's not so hot. It's a great place to raise kids especially with a teenager soon to go to high school. Well the little town we came from it was a great town but the economy there is so high and expensive I do miss San Luis Obispo and the great weather we had there 😪
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson Don't be sorry I love to hear lovely stories and thank you for sharing your story with me. I would have to go and see that city can you believe that I've been in Tucson AZ since 2008 and I still haven't explored AZ haven't even been to the Grand Canyon
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Lol! Have you been to Tombstone? I've been there twice and watched the reenactment of the shooting at the O.K. Corral both times. It's a neat place!
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson I've heard of it and passed by there but no I have not I'm such a boring person Lol 😂 and it also makes it hard wen you have kids that complain that every thing is boring
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 I understand! My stepkids are 20, 18 and 15, so I've been through it too!
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Oh my goodness Miss Zoe! You've been busy! Thank you so much for sharing my closet!! I was getting back on here to give you a quick update. I'm struggling with getting decent pics for the jewelry. I just wanted to let you know what was going on. Also, there should be around 20 listings of L.S., all bundles. I'll keep you posted!
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson ok thank you so much and sharing is all I can do to thank you for the generous gift 🎁 thank you
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 A very dear friend of mine was very generous with me and a lot of my listings. So, I am happy to pay it forward. 😀
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson that is the way to do it I've noticed the more I share the faster things sell so if I can help you promote your items the more people see and eventually buy 😉
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 I sure do appreciate it! I feel so bad that I've not been able to get the L.S. posted! My pics, even after editing don't do the items any justice! So, what I can do (totally up to you), is go ahead with the items you already selected and let you know when all L.S. is posted and have you pick something again. Your thoughts?
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson It sounds good 👌 I appreciate it and no worries 😉 on the other items I'm happy with what I are giving me thank you so so much
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Really, it's okay! One question though - your preference - silver or gold?
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson I prefer silver ☺️
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Me too. I wore gold all throughout growing up and into my 20s. Then, a sudden change of heart and haven't gone back! Lol!
Jun 19Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson That is all I've worn I just love the color
Jun 19Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Hey sweetie! I was just checking out your closet. I'm by no means trying to get in your business, but you have a few unsupported items listed. I did too until I read up on how to become a suggested user.
Jun 20Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson Hi chikity it's ok i can take corrective advice if it helps me I'll take it im new in this Poshmark community and If I'm doing something that can get me kicked off I would like if some one told me what I'm doing wrong
Jun 20Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Hey! Umm...Keep in mind I'm going to be posting like 23 more Lia Sophia listings similar to the ONE (lol) that's on there. 😉. Also, I'm in the same boat as you I think. I only started a month before you. I was constantly asking people questions and searching the site for any info I could read. I want to eventually have posh be my full-time job!
Jun 20Reply
zoe2729 @suzalbertson Amen sister this is what I want I want to do this as a full time job I love it 😍
Jun 20Reply
nellz90 Zoe! Thank you so much for the shares, doll! Happy poshing!
Jun 22Reply
zoe2729 @nellz90 You are so welcome I love ❤️ to share and thank you so much for sharing my closet much love 😘
Jun 22Reply
exi13 @zoe2729 Thank you for all the kind shares!!😊
Jun 24Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Zoe. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jun 25Reply
zoe2729 @hmsimon1 You are so welcome your jewelry is so beautiful 😍 tobad im allergic to metals ☹️
Jun 25Reply
suzalbertson @zoe2729 Hey sweetie! My apologies for not being in touch. I had been under the weather and didn't do much of any poshing for awhile - let alone anything else. Just wanted to touch base & let you know I haven't forgotten about you and your gifts!!
Jul 05Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 18Reply
sweetsteph3 I see you boo. Thanks for the shares ! 😚
Aug 24Reply
zoe2729 @sweetsteph3 You are so welcome I have sleep apnea and sharing actually helps me sleep 😴 I help you and sharing helps me Lol 😂
Aug 24Reply
jackiethomaz Hey! 🙋🏻Thanks for liking/visiting my closet! 🛍 I just wanted to let you know I give huge discounts on bundled items, I'm also very fair if you want to make an offer! 🛒 All purchases receives a free gift as well as same day shipping! 📫🎁 I package all my packages with a lot of ❤️ Happy Poshing! 💕✨
Aug 24Reply
katreenah808 Hey Zoe! Thank you so much for sharing! ❤ I'm still new at this so trying to feel this out h how it works 🙄 Btw I absolutely LOVE your closet. Too bad I don't fit any of it. I will def share tho!!
Aug 26Reply
zoe2729 @katreenah808 I know how you feel I was there it feels overwhelming but once you get the hang of it it's awesome and thank you for the complement and if you need any advise or have questions I'm here to help ask me at any time if I don't answer I'm sleeping but other than that I will help in what you need😉
Aug 26Reply
katreenah808 @zoe2729 thank you!!
Aug 26Reply
zoe2729 @katreenah808 If you want to increase your sales share your closet one by one start from the bottom up and fallow as many people as you can wen you look for followers you can filter the search with your brands you are selling I share my closet 3 times a day and you will see how fast you will sell
Aug 26Reply
zoe2729 @katreenah808 Also take more pictures front and back if any flaws take a picture and describe it in the description box it's for your records so the buyer can't complain. You know what your items cost don't feel obligated to accept any low offer you can always reject some will persist that happened to me many times so be firm
Aug 26Reply
katreenah808 @zoe2729 Wow both are awesome advice. Yah I kinda rushed the postings & should've put more time & effort in them. Thank you so much for your tips!!
Aug 27Reply
zoe2729 @katreenah808 No it's ok I do that and then I take my time to add more pictures and if you have any questions I'm here to help
Aug 27Reply
cookienom97 Check out my closet :)
Sep 04Reply
hectormejiajr Hi this Hector I purchase the Chicago Bulls sweater off of you thank you for the card and the key chain the sweater is nicer than I thought THANKYOU
Oct 28Reply
zoe2729 @hectormejiajr Hey there you are so welcome and I’m super glad you loved it. Again thank you so much for the purchase happy Poshing
Oct 28Reply
mjackman983 Happy new year 🎊🎆😘, thanks for following me and sharing my profile. As I said I’m open to reasonable offers and bundle discounts of your choice doll 😉
Jan 01Reply
zoe2729 @mjackman983 Happy new year 🎊🎆🎈 and you are so welcome and thank you for sharing mine happy Poshing 😘
Jan 01Reply
mjackman983 @zoe2729 you’re very welcome, thanks again and happy poshing to you too 😊
Jan 01Reply
gee67 Hi Zoe! I'm glad you received the phone cover. Thanks so much for the awesome review!!
Jan 17Reply
zoe2729 @gee67 you are so welcome much love ❤️ happy Poshing
Jan 17Reply
gee67 @zoe2729 hello Again Zoe! Maybe you can help me understand ..... I get requests from people saying they want to bundle one of my items but it is ONE item. Do you understand this ? I'm confused . Thought bundling meant you could add a few items together for a lower price but not just one item. Any idea ?? Thanks so much !! Angela
Jan 17Reply
zoe2729 @gee67 I’m thinking that they want to press the like button but accidentally press the bundle button I’ve had people do that and never add more items or bought anything
Jan 17Reply
gee67 @zoe2729 ok perhaps that's what is going on ! Thanks so much for your time!! It is appreciated !!
Jan 17Reply
zoe2729 @gee67 you are so welcome anytime you need help I’m here to help out
Jan 18Reply
mamia88 Thanks for the follow I'm new too it gotta see what's the talk about
Oct 28Reply
xoxo_shopaholic Hello 🌸 just stopping by to share the love! Be sure to check out my closet for 2 for $30 deals on NWT Nike Adidas and Under Armour items. Wishing you speedy sales and best of luck! Happy poshing ☺️💕
Feb 17Reply
cutehosiery @zoe2729 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 30Reply

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Last Active: Nov 17 2023

Paso Robles, CA
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Last Active: Nov 17 2023

Paso Robles, CA
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