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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

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Sweet,Small,and Honest Posher !!!
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cargel I am glad you like the skirt.I am jealous you can fit in that skirt😍
Mar 21Reply
lovelymey Hi Pamela, I'm so happy you love the shirt you bought 😘😘 Thank you so so much for taking the time to rate me!! 😊 Appreciate your super quick rating and lovely words! ✨🍻🎉 And thanks again for your purchase. You are a very wonderful customers 💕 Feel free to browse my closet, I have so many new things added and you might find something you love ❤ They all are in SERIOUS DISCOUNT right now (see the 💲 on item title for the discounted price) Happy Poshing! 💖🌼💖🌼💖
Mar 29Reply
bhmom @timbot2 Thank you for taking the time to rate me, I appreciate it....I was having a rough day and it was a 💛nice reminder of kindness 💛
Apr 26Reply
timbot2 @bhmom thank you sweetie!
Apr 26Reply
designrogue if you come across any True Religion – Cuffed Knee Length Shorts in Size 28, please let me know :)
May 16Reply
timbot2 @designrogue go to your closet site,down at the bottom hit shop,put in true religion shorts sz 28 w & it will bring up all shorts on posh!on the true religion site the new ones cost $305!#!! I found some in my size on posh for $45 ,but I have put in my sizes for shoes ,jeans,etc!Good luck
May 17Reply
designrogue thanks for the suggestion @timbot2 :) it helped me find something similar!
May 17Reply
timbot2 @designrogue or try true religion capri
May 17Reply
timbot2 @julia_horn Yes,yes and yes! Should get them Thurs.! Can't wait! Luv lil bit
Jun 08Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Hello, just wondered if you received your order yet? I hope you are pleased with it. Thanx, Deb
Jun 10Reply
timbot2 @jomeem the hour glass necklace box chain is twisted so bad ,It is kinked! If you look u can tell in the pic,on the left side the chain is twisted! It will not come out! It's not worth $20 either! Nothing sparkles in the hour glass! Also the little "handblown" bottle is not worth what I gave for it! The little cork on the top is about to chip off,then it will not hold together!I'm just really unsatisifided with the quality of this jewelry! I know you mean well! Sincerely lil Pamela
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Something told me things would go like this, gut feeling. If you want to return EVERYTHING, INCLUDING THE ADDITIONAL CHAINS I sent you, I will refund your money. i have sold many of those items, and you are the only one that has had a problem., so... Return them, and I will even pay for return shipping!!!!!!! Thank you.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Otherwise, all I can say, is file a grievance with Poshmark and let them work this out. I am very disappointed, as I tried to be good and help you with many extras. Anyway, it's your choice.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 I contacted Poshmark support to get this resolved. You should be contacted from them. I have original pictures of what I sent you and nothing was out of order or damaged before you received it. Thank you.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 By the way, that hourglass necklace was NEVER TAKEN OUT OF THE ORIGINAL PACKAGING!!!! It came from the company like that. I had no idea. Also, the cork was NOT damaged on the vial necklace before you received it, I have checked it and will send pics to Poshmark of that also along with all the extras I sent you.
Jun 10Reply
timbot2 @jomeem U have another hour glass neclace posted,can you check the chain on it? The other one had never been taken out of the box but it looked like they had twisted it & ruined the chain..
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 NEITHER ONE HAD EVER BEEN TAKE OUT OF THE PACKAGING. There is no point in unwrapping it at this juncture. I will wait for Poshmark's reply. You said you didn't like it anyway, because it wasn't sparkly enough, so there is no point. I will let Poshmark support figure this out now. I have already contacted them.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Just return EVERYTHING in the original box and bags with a new label and I will refund your money since you are so disatisfied with everything and it was not worth the money you paid for it. I am an honest person, I will refund your shipping costs, but I WANT MY ITEMS BACK... ALL OF THEM! Thank you. Poshmark will not pay me any of the money you paid, since you will not release it, so you have nothing to lose.
Jun 10Reply
timbot2 @jomeem please don't get upset! Ihave not been able to do anything because I have been sitting here at the hospital for the past 2 hours gettig fluids because of my fibromyalgia! I can take pic for you if you wish?
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 I am upset, and I really do not care about your personal problems when you try to take them out on someone who tried to help you. KARMA!!!!!!!!
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 When you get all better, send your pics to Poshmark support. I don't need them. This is out of my hands now. I have fibromyalgia and my sister does too, so, Feeling sorry for you is not my concern. Good luck!
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 And if you just want sympathy, there are support groups for that. Poshmark is not one.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 and the last 2 hours??? Hmmmmmm, that package was delivered to you yesterday. I know because of the tracking. What happened to the last 24 hours? I am not going to be goaded into your problems or have ANY sympathy for you at all. This is business, not personal.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Drink more water!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 I also have high blood pressure and it is off the charts right now, do you feel bad for me? Do not use your illness for an excuse to take advantage of or be rude and ugly to people! Or sympathy. Buck up and get control of your problems and learn to take care of yourself. I have had to, my sister has had to, my friends have had to and they are all in much worse shape than you, my goodness!!!!!!
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 I could show you my colon cancer surgery scars, but I don't think Posh is the place for that. Get better. It could be alot worse.
Jun 10Reply
timbot2 @jomeem Yesterday,I had a Doctor's appt at the Ford Center in Cleveland,Tenn and did not get home til late! I thought I might discuss this matter like adults before I filed with Posh!!
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 Right! I believe you. That is why your comments were so ugly, with exclamation marks even. I wouldn't let my children even do that, and they ARE adults. Just drop it and leave it to the Support team. They are adults and that is what they are there for. They have gotten 2 reports from me, so, just when you get time, you can contact them too. Best wishes.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 And, if I am not mistaken, you contacted me to tell me that the quality of this jewelry was just sub-par and you were very dissatisfied with it, so I am assuming you did try to discuss this , or tell me off, like adults do.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 And, if I am not mistaken, I did try to talk to you about this like an adult and business person. I told you to send it back, ALL OF IT, and I would refund your shipping costs? Hmmmmmmm. So, we have already discussed it like adults as far as I am concerned. I offered you a simply remedy to the problem immediately, not the next day, but immediately upon receiving your text.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 And, I apologize if I am out of line, but I do not think Posh is the correct place to air your personal or medical problems, and especially photos. There are hundreds of support groups for that kind of thing. I hope you will look into that. It could help you much more.
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 And like we say here in the South... "God Bless your lil' heart",
Jun 10Reply
grinandwearit @timbot2 I sent you a check for return and shipping. I DO NOT WANT YOU HAVING MY THINGS, NONE OF THEM, EVEN THE 5 FREEBIES. JUST DO IT! I don't want to have to wait like Stellaz66 for part of it to come and then have to ask you for the rest. Check is in the mail!!!!!!!!!!!
Jun 11Reply
timbot2 CAUTION: Ignore the crazy lady on my comments!!Thank you..
Jun 11Reply
timbot2 ATTN: I won my case against the crazy lady jomeem !
Jun 15Reply
luckymlk @timbot2 😱I've found your exchanges with jomem & what a nasty lady(wait not lady) but what a nasty human that Jo-whatever is!! I can't believe how she spoke to you about your illness. People like her make me cringe. What good masks they put on when things are good, but what disgusting ugly truths come out about whom they really are when things are not so good. Things aren't always perfect but it's those whom have self discipline in adversity who are happiest & most loved by others.
Jun 26Reply
belltwinz Adorable.
Aug 09Reply
parisianlights Hi. I dropped the price on the Paige Jeans....if you are still interested. If not hope you will drop by again. Love Blue Ridge beautiful.
Nov 30Reply
jessrosestyles @timbot2 Hii! I'd love to gain you as a follower & I will follow you! If you're interested feel free to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 💗💗
Dec 12Reply
monalisavi The black ones went out today. I want to give you a better discount. Please cancel and resubmit as I can price drop for a discount on shipping. As soon as you receive notification put an offer for $15-I will accept and you will get discounted shipping as well as an additional discount since you did not bundle with the others. Message me when you are ready as I don't want someone else to get them before you. -L
Apr 19Reply
timbot2 @13amby Yes,I called our Post Office this morning! It went Blairsville by mistake!!
Apr 22Reply
monalisavi Pamela-Thanks for the awesome ratings❣ I send out each package with love and hopes to brighten someone else's day. Today, you truly made mine🌹
Apr 23Reply
miztnix Hi! I will get your item shipped asap! They are doing road work on main street here, which has made the post office inaccessible during business hours since Thursday! Hoping they will finish up in the next day or so and I can get this shipped out. So sorry for your wait.
May 01Reply
timbot2 @miztnix Thanks so much for the update sweet lady!
May 01Reply
gat8or Hi Pam! I appreciate the follow & likes on my closet!!! If your interested I can send you a private no obligation offer if you bundle the pieces together. Love bundling and giving my posters a deep discount. Thanks for stopping by & happy to have you on this posh journey. Cheers, Stephanie
Feb 06Reply
carissams @timbot2 Just wanted to let you know that I tried to mail your package today but there was a mix up with the pick up! Hopefully I can get it out tomorrow though, sorry for the delay! Just wanted to let you know what was going on. Have a good day!
Feb 08Reply
nubianteddie Hi🤗🤗🤗luv💕💗ur CLOSET💖Thank u for following Hope u don't mind but I am going to follow u back.. If u  l👀k for vintage peek my closet,  but I try to carry a little bit 4 everyone👙👚👛👡👞🎒👒🎩👗 in the household👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 I would love to be a one stop shop JUST OPENED A PLUS SIZE SECTION👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🛍🛍🛍 I ADD items WEEKLY 😄😄😄 BLOWOUT SALES💥💥 Flash sales😏😏 REWARD$$$ FOR EVERY $$ SPENT..... HOPE TO SEE👓👓U SOON
Feb 17Reply
iheart1290 @jomeem I'm reading this and seriously you need some people skills and especially selling skills. You don't get mad at someone because they don't like your product or its damaged, you don't know that something didn't happen during shipping? Don't be mean, just give the lady a refund. I know I know she hasn't accepted, but you get my drift. Really !!!!!!
Mar 18Reply
iheart1290 @timbot2 yes, just reading this shit that she was saying to you made me know that I never want to deal with her, I've never blocked anyone but she's blocked by me.
Mar 18Reply
iheart1290 @timbot2 sorry, I probably should not have said anything since this looks to have happened sometime back. Sorry, I just thought the lady was being mean to you, and you were being decent. I'm sure many others have read it too.
Mar 18Reply
iheart1290 @jomeem I'm from the south, don't use the south to be an ass, which YOU were being, I am proud to be from the south, but if all ranted this way, I would be embarrassed to say so.
Mar 18Reply
iheart1290 Sorry @timbot2 I didn't know it would add comments to the bottom, so sorry.
Mar 18Reply
timbot2 Having to go out of town to help take care of elderly parents ! Don't know when be back?
Mar 20Reply
samirashram @iheart1290 😳😳
Apr 08Reply
thishermitcrab @timbot2 it is nice to meet you! 🌹🌹🌹
Apr 09Reply
pavery777 @timbot2 Pam , my name is Pam too, about the earrings, sorry, but I'm going to keep mine, thanks for reaching out, Pam
May 01Reply
sundownlady Hey on the sailor pants if you want to trade for something else in my closet of course you would have to pick up shipping I’d be willing to trade those out.. I want you to get your moneys worth .. let me know
May 05Reply
juliettejust Hope your having fun poshing!!!💓💓💓 I have some cute clothes, and shoes!! You can make me an offer or bundle for a discount!!!🔥🔥🔥😍😍😍
Aug 04Reply
dreddessence Hey ! Hope you’re having a wonderful day , take a look at my posh shop we are a small business mother daughter boutique , that sells men and women clothing & accessories, all items are brand new with our brand tags , send offers and create bundles , happy poshing and thank you✨
Oct 08Reply

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