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Updated Oct 17
Updated Oct 17

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Hi everyone!:) I'm a brand new posher but have known about posh for a long time through my two daughters:) Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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cmay2132 Hi mom!😂
Aug 19Reply
posh_by_design Hi! Nice to meet you! My name's Ali, and I've been on Posh a few months. 🙋🏻 I really love it here, and value all the nice women I have met/meet almost every day! I hope you have an equally great experience. ☺️ Let me know if there's anything I can do for you as well!
Aug 19Reply
lilyndaize @aswrich Thank you so much for sharing my listing. It is very nice to meet you I have already checked out your closet and you have so many nive things! Again thanks for being so nice to me.
Aug 19Reply
posh_by_design You're absolutely so welcome! Thank you so much for the amazing compliment! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to pop on over. 😉🙋🏻❤️
Aug 19Reply
kkayo4410 Awwwwwww, so cute 😘❤, I love your fur baby!!! @lilyndaize
Aug 22Reply
lilyndaize @kkayo4410 Thank you do much! She truly is like a baby to me. She loves to sit on my lap while I posh😃😃.
Aug 22Reply
kkayo4410 Omg 😂😂, I thought I was the only one that did that..Lol. By the way, my name is Kelly 👋👋, please to meet you. I see you're new to Posh, will you start selling items soon? @lilyndaize
Aug 22Reply
lilyndaize @kkayo4410 Nice to meet you too! I hope to have some things up in the next couple weeks but right now Iam so much fun looking at all the wonderful things in everyone's closet😱😃😃😃 all I need is more money to shop!😂😂😃😃😜 By the way love the pic of your family!
Aug 22Reply
kkayo4410 Why hank you 😘❤, those are my 2 sisters; I'm the one in the middle with the red top. When you start let me know, so I can introduce you to my Posh mentors...@lilyndaize
Aug 22Reply
lilyndaize @kkayo4410 So cute! You are so blessed to have sisters I dont have any. I will let you know when I post. Again thank you its been such a lovely chat😃
Aug 22Reply
kkayo4410 Likewise...❤😍💐
Aug 22Reply
clothesaddict72 Welcome to Posh Mark! It is a Happy Place!💕😄💕 Thank you for stopping by my closet. If you need anything, please let me know!
Aug 22Reply
lilyndaize @clothesaddict72 Thank you so much! Having lots of fun so far!!😄
Aug 22Reply
snowretrix Ruff ruff so cute !! :)
Aug 22Reply
judieannb What a cute baby
Aug 23Reply
lilyndaize @judieannb Thank you so much, and she is much cuter in person!!😃😃😃
Aug 23Reply
lilyndaize I see that you have TWO doodles...they are so incredibly sweet and so intelligent.😊
Aug 23Reply
sunshine_barnes @lilyndaize Thank you for sharing my posts😊
Aug 25Reply
allureofbrazil @lilyndaize WELCOME TO POSH!! Your baby 🐶is adorable... Thank you so much for sharing my closet, keep me posted if you added items to your closet I would love to share them!!! I hope you have good experience here so far😉☺️👊💐
Aug 25Reply
lilyndaize @allureofbrazil Thank you I will let you know when I finally post something😃. So far Iam enjoying sharing so many beutiful things like yours. You are a sweetheart for reaching out to me and you are right God is so good!! Love to hear about your blessings and hope many many more to come your way!! Have a wonderful night😃😃😃
Aug 25Reply
allureofbrazil @lilyndaize ☺️...🐶❤️... THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!👊💐
Aug 25Reply
kbordeaux Cutie pie
Aug 25Reply
beansmama19 💋💋💋💋
Aug 25Reply
riedelni Thanks for the shares! Welcome!
Aug 26Reply
prissybailey Thanks for the shares 💕 welcome to posh . Sweet baby you have there 🐶🎀
Aug 28Reply
tarynaudrey Thank you for sharing! What a precious pooch you have! 🐶😍
Aug 30Reply
missidoll @lilyndaize Welcome to you for officially opening your own closet😘. I'm Tracy, and I live in PA with my Husband, and family. I'm addicted to Poshmark, and I have sizes Small to XXL, and all in between! Have fun Poshing🎉🎊👑🎈😎
Sep 01Reply
lilyndaize @missidoll Thank you so much Tracy! It is so nice to meet you...yes, Poshmark is so addicting! 😱😃😃😃
Sep 01Reply
ariellemilara Welcome to the Posh world!! I am fairly new myself and your dog is absolutely adorable :) hope you have fun putting your closet together, can't wait to see what you have
Sep 02Reply
lilyndaize @ariellemilara Thank you so much her name is Daize and she really is a cutie pie!! You've got some really cute things and they need to be shared!😃 Glad posh is working out for you!😃😃😃
Sep 02Reply
kutterbest Welcome
Sep 13Reply
sweetabell Welcome to PoshMark! It's a wonderful community of people. If you ever need help, just ask. 💞💞
Sep 14Reply
lilyndaize @donnaw1 Thank you so much for the welcome! It is so sweer of you to take the time to reach out to me!😃
Sep 14Reply
sweetabell You are so welcome Ma'Lady!
Sep 15Reply
mailecabral Hi--- welcome to Poshmark! 👯 and congrats on the new closet! 🎉 I've been here shopping, sharing, buying and selling since 2013. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I'm happy to help. Also, I suggest you read the Poshmark FAQ's they are really helpful. See you around Posh! 💕 Cheers, Maile
Sep 20Reply
lilyndaize @mailecabral Wow you have been around for a minute!!😃 I am happy to finally have something listed...and there is ALOT more to me. I will take your advice and read the FAQ. Thank you so much for reaching out to me.😃
Sep 20Reply
bteboop64 @lilyndaize , thank you for you kind words about my mother. I think she is the most beautiful woman I know, inside and out. Love your fur baby.
Sep 20Reply
mdwhidden Hi there! My daughter introduced me to Posh too several years ago. Thanks for checking out my closet. ☺
Sep 28Reply
steampunky Nice to meet you! I'm just a day old and HAVENT known about Posh at all and I feel super unhip. Hope you're having as much fun as I am :)
Sep 28Reply
tship @lilyndaize what type of dog? Ours could be related or the pictures look similar. He's a cock-a-poo and will be 2 in January. Thanks for the shares also 😊❤️😊
Sep 29Reply
lilyndaize @tship Hi. She is a Malte-poo and she will also be two around February. She is so sweet and a total lap dog 😊. I also have a Pommy that is going to be ten years old ...but manages to keep up with the little one. You are right the two could be twins, must be the poodle in them!😄😄
Sep 29Reply
letty_may24 🌻Welcome to Poshmark!🌻
Sep 30Reply
had09 Welcome to poshmark 🌺🌸🌺 Thanks for checking my closet 🌸🌺🌸 Feel free to ask any question have been using this app for long time 😉😉 Happy poshing 🌺🌸🌺
Sep 30Reply
lilyndaize @had09 Thank you that's very sweet if you!😃
Oct 01Reply
lilyndaize @dogloover Hi! Would you be willing to take $12 for the creme shrug?
Oct 27Reply
lilyndaize @dogloover Thank you so much! Happy to be your first sale hopefully the first if many many more!😃😃
Oct 28Reply
jennabear09 Welcome to Poshmark!! ❤️❤️
Nov 03Reply
lilyndaize @jennabear09 Thank you sweetheart!😃😃😃
Nov 03Reply
lal30305 Your dog is so cute!! Look at this dog mom ☺️ @tracyj63
Dec 03Reply
lilyndaize @lal30305 Thank you so much! Her name is Daizy and she's my little buddy...Love her!
Dec 03Reply
lal30305 Aww!! I have a sweet little Yorkie names Lindsey. Is yours a Maltese? Or maltipoo?
Dec 03Reply
lilyndaize @lal30305 She is a maltese. I used to have a yorkie a few years ago, they are so cute and sweet.😃
Dec 03Reply
tracyj63 Cute pup ❤️love mine to.
Dec 03Reply
poshmark8530678 Lovely closet! 😍
Jan 07Reply
lilyndaize @member2016 Thank you so much! You are so sweet to say so!😊😊😊😘
Jan 07Reply
lilyndaize @purplej Hi! Yes, she is a real cutie and my little baby!😃❤Yes, I will be happy to bundle. Just let me know which ones you are interested in.
Jan 26Reply
lilyndaize @purplej Good morning! I can bundle the three pair for $25.😊
Jan 26Reply
lilyndaize @purplej Good morning! I can bundle the three pair for $25.😊
Jan 26Reply
lilyndaize @purplej Just to be sure, its the tennis, the naturalizer slio ons,and thecomfort pumps with the strap?
Jan 26Reply
lilyndaize @rosedragon1959 Hi! Thanks so much for the welcome!😃😃😃
Mar 24Reply
briegirl Awww, you have a cute furbaby!!!!🐶❤️
Jul 11Reply
lilyndaize @briegirl Aaaww! Thanks so much, that's my sweet little fur baby girl! Your's is super cute too...and great closet by the way.😃
Jul 11Reply
briegirl Ty😘😘
Jul 11Reply
zardiva1 @lilyndaize Awww, such an adorable little curly sweetie! 😊💕💜💕😘🐾
Jul 28Reply
lilyndaize @zardiva1 Aaaw thanks, Pandy is totally cute and cant believe he is that old! You must take great care of him.😃😍🌻
Jul 28Reply
zardiva1 @lilyndaize Oh, my baby is super loved & cared for, LOL! 😄 He'll be 13 in September & doesn't look or act like it at all; still energetic, still can run at warp speed, LOL, and no majorly-debilitating health issues 👍 YESSSSS! (LMBO) 😄🎉 So far, so good 👍😊 (He does have chronic kidney disease though, but it was caught very early & has been in remission for about 6 years; prescription food has kept it from progressing since it was diagnosed and it hasn't caused him any problems so far 👍😊)
Jul 28Reply
regine1946 Thank you for your purchase this is my first sale and I am having trouble with putting my birthday in to get the shipping label do you know what to do? Thanks Regine1946
Feb 11Reply
lilyndaize Hi, I don't think you need to put your birthday in to get the shipping label? I didn't have to do that. You just have to put your address in and posh will send the label to you via email or you can download it off of here.@regine1946
Feb 11Reply
regine1946 Will ship tomorrow am thanks
Feb 12Reply
regine1946 I am so sorry the shipping is taking so long I shipped Monday 8 am
Feb 16Reply
phoenixmam Your poochie is adorable!
Feb 16Reply
readwriteteach @lilyndaize looks like your bundle arrived! I hope you love the pieces, and they get a lot of wear in your closet! Please remember to accept the package in the app. Enjoy your day! (ps your dog is adorable)
Jul 06Reply
spreadlove Good morning! I just stopped in to say hello and share a little bit! I would be grateful if you checked out my closet too! Either way, have a wonderful day!
Aug 03Reply
lilyndaize @dogpacksports Hi! Of course you can add my closet, thank you for the invite! 😘
Sep 20Reply
theposhbowtique What a sweet pup you have! 🐶
Feb 08Reply
atlantalaurie Hi 👋🏼. Thanks for liking so many listings from my closet. I just sent my B2G1 sign to your dressing room, but also wanted to let you know I’ll accept an offer 1/2 off the total dollar amount of a bundle with 6+ listings 😉😉
May 19Reply
cherylshopper Thank you for your purchase! I packed it in a smaller box to avoid it moving around while in transit as I don't want any sequins to possibly become loose. Im shipping it out to you today. Happy holidays!
Dec 06Reply
lilyndaize @cherylshopper Thank you so much! Looking at the posts I realized we’ve spoken before! Good to talk to you again!😀
Dec 06Reply
cherylshopper @lilyndaize Yes!!!! You too!!!!
Dec 06Reply
ladykrc @lilyndaize Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jun 03Reply
sainthelenaposh So happy you LOVE the lace up booties Please visit my closet again, soon Be Well, Annie
May 01Reply
brittanyminkus Please take a look at my closet, I have some pieces you might be interested in!
Oct 27Reply
abel6583 Hey there , I’m Ashleigh. I wanted to invite you to my closet and wish you happy poshing!❣️
Dec 08Reply
cutehosiery @lilyndaize Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 11Reply

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