Meet your seller! Then come look at my closet!
$1,111 $1,111
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Hello! My name is Amanda & I'm 32. I am a wife to an amazing man, daddy & soldier (combat medic veteran and on his 9th year in the Army) We have 2 great, hilarious, fun kids. Myranda Mae & Paxton Gray in this last photo explains it all! They keep me entertained & oh so busy! I love this app! As Im a stay at home mama, Im trying to do my part. Every little bit helps! ; ) I love to give great deals, communicate clearly, ship fast, package nicely (& smells amazing; Per my customers) Happy Poshing!

73 others
like this

@mannajoy very pretty!
Oct 06Reply

Aw, thank you @dawnearraiz 😘 Diddo!
Oct 06Reply

Thanks for sharing and liking so many things in my closet!! I really appreciate it. You have awesome closet!! And your family is so cute! 😊
Oct 17Reply

OMG they're adorable! You have a beautiful family! What branch is your hubby in? Mine's been in the Army ( first enlisted as a medic, then commissioned artillery) for over ten years now. Yikes! Time flies! God bless! 😘
Oct 22Reply

Hi sweety...Just wanted to thank you for letting me know about the @ ..I had no idea..well thats obvious LOL..setting mine up now..Thanks so much I truly appreciate the advice. Oh one question...I accidentally posted a pic in my do I delete that and put another one there???
Oct 23Reply

@wildkatt07 Hello love! First, you're very welcome. There's nothing worse than not knowing something and continuing to do it wrong. It's my pleasure to help anyway I can. Second, do you just want to delete a picture or the whole listing? If its just a pic you want to swap out, go to your listing, hit edit button in the top right corner of the listing, and you'll see little x's by the pic. And from right there you can reload the new pic. Just as if you were making the listing to begin with. After your changes just re-list. : ) If you want yo delete a listing, you got to the very bottom of the listing (past all the comments) and there's a red, 'delete listing' button... Hope this helps! Xo
Oct 24Reply

@mannajoy It wont let me delete the pic ..says its the main pic...I may just have to delete and redo it...I appreciate the help us :)
Oct 24Reply

@wildkatt07 No no, you click on the mane pic and there will be a camera button in the bottom right corner, click it and you can upload a different pic! ;)
Oct 24Reply

main* jeepers!
Oct 24Reply

Holy cow! Thx for all of the shares! Thk your family for your dedication & service to our country! ❤ thank you for all of the shares!! Adorable family!! 😄🇺🇸
Oct 24Reply

@lizgarver You're very welcome! When I come across closets l like and that have good prices, I love to share. It's my pleasure!... Aw thank you! We appreciate the 'thank you' and nice words! It's a life style we're honored to be apart of! God bless! Xo
Oct 24Reply

You are gorgeous! Please tell your hubby Thx from a grateful nation! 👍 And Thx to you as well! Freedom Isn't Free! 🇺🇸
Oct 25Reply

@linmp1031 well thank you! Thank you, and thank you! : ) We appreciate that!!
Oct 25Reply

Hey beautiful! I can bundle your likes for 1/2 off
Nov 07Reply

@mannajoy thx for following and sharing!
Nov 09Reply

@rdos1 you're welcome and Ty!
Nov 09Reply

Hey beautiful! Thanks for sharing my closet!!!! You rock!! PS gorgeous family! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Nov 13Reply

@shellcat Diddo, you rock! Thanks for the return shares. Greatly appreciated!.. And Thank you for that kind comment. ☺️
Nov 13Reply

@julieann444 Thanks girl! I thought the same about you!! Your eyes, plus the bangs, really make your profile pic pop!
Nov 13Reply

@mannajoy so stinking cute ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 15Reply

@theresab 😄 Thanks!
Nov 15Reply

You are beautiful, your kids are priceless and your husband is admirable, tell him I say thank you. Oh, & you also have a nice closet!
Nov 20Reply

Gorgeous family! Army veteran myself and now an army wife :)
Dec 02Reply

@tattooedbabe88 Thanks for the sweet comment. And thank you for yours and your husbands service!!! God bless! Xo
Dec 02Reply

@mannajoy Hey Sweetie!! I'm on my way out the door, but can u pls email me concerning my listing with the 4 headless women? I got an email today to remove any non posh items, & just saw ur comment that you'd like the blue & pink, I believe, from Nov 7th. If you'd like you can comment on my meet the seller & Lmk if ur still interested. Just wanted to let u know b4 I delete listing. I'll check back with you later. Ty!!
Dec 03Reply

@mannajoy too cute!
Dec 22Reply

Thanks for the share hun, I appreciate it. You have such a cute family, that last picture is adorable.
Jan 16Reply

Your kids are precious..
Jan 21Reply

@amorpmn Thank you!! Their a mess! But a mess I'm blessed with! Lol 😘
Jan 21Reply

Yes total blessing. I have a 4yr old and love him to death..
Jan 21Reply

Beautiful family!
Jan 23Reply

OMG I found u because u helped someone else that got sold a fake Gucci and I just think that's pretty awesome and a testament to ur character and someone id want as a friend. 😊. That last pic? PRICELESS. Like u seriously should enter that in a photo contest! 😍
Jan 29Reply

@bcrocca Oh my, how very kind of you to say!! I'm flattered. Extremely nice of you to take time out of your day to say this to me. Really brightened my day. Thank you!... That's funny that's how you found me! I actually have done that for a few people. But I usually will go down to a sold item (somewhere some what private) and tell them. I have even gone to the seller of an item and "called them out" on a listing. Obviously politely and ALSO privately. UNLESS they continue with the shenanigans. LOL... But I'm not here to be Robo-Posh-Cop or a pain in anyone's a**. If I stumble upon something, I TRULY just want to help if at all possible. I'd want the same done for me. 😊 .. Thank you for the compliments of my family!.. That last pic of my terrorists, has received raves from everyone!!! So many people said exactly what you said! Honestly I wouldn't know where to begin tho... I'm glad you're now following me and I have dome the same. 😘👍💋
Jan 29Reply

Those pics of the lil ones are too cotton pickin cute!!!
Feb 04Reply

@branmreeves Away, thanks doll!!... I totally agree 😉 Lol
Feb 06Reply

@agnesrose Aww thank you!!! Very nice of you to say! 😘
Feb 19Reply

R u still looking for large vs sweats?
Mar 09Reply

@dezziebear1234 hmm.. Not particularly.. Why?
Mar 09Reply

Oo Bc I saw that on someone's post u naught a pair nd Said if u have more tell me nd I have a pair an I thought I'd tell u but never mind ur not looking for any
Mar 09Reply

Omg we're did u get ur hoop for ur nose ring!?!?!?
Mar 09Reply

@dezziebear1234 Ya know, I have no idea!!! Lol. But its not a normal one. I think it may have been a lip ring. I just kept the balls off of it and pinched it together on the inside. Ghetto rigged it lol
Mar 09Reply

Lol it looks nice!
Mar 09Reply

You are beautiful! And your kids are so cute!
Mar 17Reply

@chrischris Aw thank you, thank you! You're a beauty yourself my dear! 💕💋
Mar 17Reply

Beautiful family!
Mar 19Reply

Lol! Adore the last pic!! 💖💟🎀🌷🐇Happy Easter🐇🌷🎀💟
Apr 20Reply

@dloyola you're welcome!💋
Apr 28Reply

@susu49 Thank you!!! (Sorry for just now seeing this!)
Apr 28Reply

@open Thanks doll! I love it too!!! 💕
Apr 28Reply

U r so gorgeous n your kids so adorable. Thank you for sharing my closet.
May 29Reply

Thanks so much for all your likes and sharing means a lot to me. Cheers happy weekend
May 31Reply

Gorgeous family!! Thanks again for all the likes
Jun 01Reply

Its nice 2 meet U ✌ & Thank You for all the shares. Ok, so u want to know about how to sell your items in your closet quick? At a good price for u & the feeling like you have helped some one make a great choice, right? The best way to learn is by watching and copying the successful Poshinista's and what's selling right now. I do a lot of research and read a lot of magazines. I would have to charge $250 an hr. to teach you everything I've learned in 20 years. Trial and error, knowing the dates that u have a sale, it looks like your doing great. My 1 and only advice is if you love doing something u will pay attention to it. If u can't put 110% toward it! it's a hobby. PM is now my hobby.q
Jun 25Reply

Love this! Thank you so much!! 👍🌹🌹🌹 Thanks for sharing my closet. Much appreciated.
Jun 30Reply

@mannajoy Hi, your closet is great! You look like your having so much fun in your pictures 😃 It's great!
Jul 19Reply

Nice to meet u!! Love the pics! Thanks for all the likes & shares!! R u interested in bundling your likes? I will give u a great deal!! ;) I am now a stay at home mom too to my 2 little ones! ;) do u love it? I am taking a year off from work to try it out. Any advice for me? Thanks sweetie!! ;)
Jul 22Reply

🙋Hello Amanda Joy 🙏 Nice to meet you! Beautiful family! You can feel the love & charisma & you living up to your name! 😍 I agree, the cage pic is contest worthy. Thanks so so much for sharing my entire closet!!! LOL and all the likes! Heading to your closet to give back! 🙏Happy Poshing! 💜2♻️_😎
Jul 22Reply

That last pic..heelarious!!
Jul 26Reply

OMG love your family pics lol Ty for following ;)))) nice to meet you
Sep 30Reply

What a beautiful family! And your gorgeous!
Nov 15Reply

@mannajoy beautiful you! Beautiful family💗💗💗
Nov 21Reply

I love the last one! Too cute!
Nov 25Reply

@cweidman Thanks! They are older now, but that is still them in a nutshell!😳😉
Nov 25Reply

Beautiful family 😍
Nov 29Reply

U r a beautiful young woman
Nov 29Reply

@cecilia1989 Thanks doll!💋
Nov 29Reply

Hello Amanda Joy! Looks like you have a lot of joy in your life?! you have a beautiful family your children are gorg n I just had to laugh at your last pic they are hilarious😜 nice to meet you I'm GILDA n fairly new to posh n loving it like you said every little bit helps going to check your closet out I can promise I'll buy but def share 😍 enjoy the holidays blessings to you n family !😃🙏🌲❄️⛄️
Nov 30Reply

My youngest daughters name is Miranda live that name 😍👯
Nov 30Reply

@mannajoy hi Joy! 😀 I love your user name!! It's GREAT! I'm Stacy...or MommaLaughing...or Lovinlife3. I'm a mom of 2 as well, but my babies are 2 BIG boys - now nearly 18 (Dec. 23) and 16 (Feb. 19). Can't wait to do some browsing through your closet & sharing. Have a wonderful Monday. 😊
Dec 01Reply

Beautiful pictures girl!!!
Dec 04Reply

@mannajoy Hey Amanda!! Nice to meet you (: You and your family are stunning!! I love your children's names, too cute! They roll right of the tongue lol Great closet (; and thanks for all the likes!!
Dec 11Reply

@hertelroller14 Thank you, thank you!! Haha yeah I named em like that. Lol our pets names are, Baby Jane, Squeaker Joe, and Bentley Cole. 😍😂 I'm silly that way! And I love having 2 first names 🙌👍😆 ... Birth order is:
Baby Jane (my first born, fur daughter cat)
Myranda Mae
Paxton Gray
Squeaker Joe (APBT fur son dog)
Bentley Cole (Boxer Pit mix fur son dog)
Dec 11Reply

Thanks for the likes and shares! You have a very beautiful family. Wish you guys all the best!!
Dec 12Reply

@luvcade101 you're very welcome. And thank you so very much!! Very sweet of you💕😘
Dec 12Reply

@mannajoy so nice to e-meet you 😊
Dec 13Reply

@mannajoy I'm willing to trade, if you have a coach Crossbody you can pick out whatever you want in my closet!
Dec 15Reply

Love all the pictures but the last one with the spicy little girl is my fav!
Dec 16Reply

@mannajoy Hi there! thanks for all the poshmark shares and love. I see that you liked a few of my items. I am having a December holiday sale 30%off any bundle!!! happy poshing
Dec 16Reply

omgosh, your fam is just too beautiful! The last picture is PRICELESS!!!
Dec 16Reply

Such beautiful pictures.
Dec 23Reply

@mannajoy I was about to comment "Beautiful!" Then I saw the last photo and literally burst out into a donkey laugh! No joke.
Jan 29Reply

Awesome! Great pics. Do you have any Boy clothes for sale, I'd be interested.
Feb 22Reply

Thank your husband for serving!!! Nice to meet you and your beautiful kids! Love the face of your daughter in the last photo...LOL...that looks says it all!! (wink) My name is Elizabeth. Thanks for the sweet comment on my ring! :)
Mar 26Reply

@mannajoy thanks for the shares, Amanda!! Adorable family, too 😍
Mar 30Reply

@mannajoy . Good morning :-) I'm hoping you could help me out on a sale that I'm doing as a bundle and it weights close to 10 lbs. From what I read in "frequent asked questions" it states that additional amount which I checked was 20.00 for 10lbs . That amount will be taken out of my earnings. Have u been in a situation like this?
May 11Reply

@mannajoy Hey girl! I work for Rodan + Fields and I'm trying to expand my network and was just wondering if you might know anyone who would be interested in hearing more about Rodan + Fields. Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields are the dermatologists who created Proactiv. I am looking for someone who wants to make extra income or is just looking for a change. Also please let me know if you know anyone who is looking for some new skincare products. The products are amazing!
May 12Reply

@mannajoy beautiful family!!! God bless
Jul 02Reply

I love the last pic! Hilarious
Aug 15Reply

Hi this is Kim and I want you to know I wasn't able to ship the shirt on time to get to you right away. But, I have dropped it in so I think you will receive by Tuesday. I hope that's ok with you. Thanks again. Hope you are enjoy lying your weekend.✨☀️🌻✨
Aug 22Reply

@ryanskimmy Ok hon. Thanks for the update
Aug 23Reply

@mannajoy so cute!
Nov 17Reply

Beautiful family 💐🎀🌈
Nov 19Reply

Hope you had a great holiday season thus far!
Dec 30Reply

@burymeinpurple Thanks love!! I hope the same for you and yours. God bless!
Dec 30Reply

@mannajoy thank u so much.
Dec 30Reply

Hey doll, I tagged you in a coat you were interested in on another closet. I have the same one for sale. Great closet!
Jan 15Reply

Jul 27Reply

Thanks for the likes😍❤️!! And shares!! Make bundle and I like offers!!!! Thanks happy Poshing!!!🌸🌟
Mar 27Reply

I will give you all the tops for $10 and the purse for the price I have it marked at!!!!!!😊 Just to let you know!!
Mar 27Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 28Reply

You have the cutest family ever. God bless you & your hubby for what you do for this Country! Lost my Brother in Vietnam. Two of my Brothers served in the Army Special Forces & my Dad in WWll. I am a mom of 3 grown Sons that I was also a stay at home mom & tried to do whatever I could to do my part. It's hard. Make me an offer on the things you liked. I want to bless you. Don't be shy.
Sep 07Reply

@sassysuzzy oh my word. Well Praise the Lord! With you sharing your kind words and sweet compliments, You have just made my day and blessed me (more than you know) so thank you!! And thank you for all your family members who have served. (sounds like my family) I'm sorry to hear about your brother. I know grief can be very difficult thing. I lost my mom not too long ago. But I believe there's always a little piece of them in us...
You have a kind soul. I know this to be true.
Sep 08Reply

Love the pics of your family. Kids are adorable!
Sep 21Reply

@tracijones1 thank you so much!
Sep 21Reply

@khattie thank you so much! My husband is also in the Army; 9th year. He's a combat medic veteran (Operation Enduring Freedom) and continues as a Medic. Funny our similar we are!
Sep 27Reply

@mannajoy WOW!!!😳 What a handsome family. Your children are precious and your husband is mighty fine!😁 And girl.........Those blue eyes of yours, they're beautiful!😘❤️😘❤️😘
Oct 18Reply

@tpbuell3 haha thank you!! That's awesome for you to save it. He's a good husband and they're great kids we are really blessed. My little girl Myranda loves that we all have blue eyes LOL
Oct 18Reply

@mannajoy All of you have blue eyes? Hmmmmm! Well, one daughter has deep brown eyes, the other has beautiful crystal blue eyes like you. Then I have green eyes so go figure!?!🤗
Oct 18Reply

@tpbuell3 yes we sure do! And I and all my sisters also have blue eyes just like my dad
Oct 18Reply

The four pieces you have listed now is perfect. $43 + 6.49 S&H = $49.49
Oct 23Reply

@belotek thank you!
Oct 31Reply

Hi Amanda! Just wanted to thank you for the follow and all the shares and likes! Your family is beautiful, and that last picture of your kiddos is too funny 😂😂😂I bet my daughter would love to do that to her brothers!!! Hope you are having a wonderful day.😊❤✌
Nov 30Reply

Beautiful family!!! Thanks so much for sharing my items. 💗 I’m a stay at home Mom as well of three kiddos. I just started selling on here and sell on eBay as well :-) carriew216. Happy holidays 😊🎄💃🏼
Dec 04Reply

I put the AG jeans with tags on sale with a discount shipping! For the next hour :-)
Dec 09Reply

Good evening,
Hello let me know when your done with your bundle so I can give you a nice discount. Thank you :)
Dec 12Reply

@jazkim thank you, and I accepted 😍🙌🏼
Dec 12Reply

@mannajoy Thank you for your purchase! I will
Ship tom :) Have a good night and god bless!
Dec 12Reply

@mannajoy Hey my sweet!😁 That first picture, the one of you looks like it came straight out of a magazine. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!😘😘😘
Dec 14Reply

Hello, please share 3 items from my closet and I will return the favor! Thank you and happy holidays! 🎄🤗
Dec 14Reply

@jazkim no thank you!
Dec 16Reply

@tpbuell3 aww thank you so much! Sure know how to make a girl blush! Lol 😊
Dec 16Reply

@kooky92 will do!!
Dec 16Reply

@mannajoy I am serious about it looking like it came straight out of a magazine. So,so beautiful!!! 💋 No need to blush, it’s a fact!😃
Dec 16Reply

@tpbuell3 awww you’re so sweet! THANK YOU!! I appreciate the compliment!!!☺️❤️
Dec 16Reply

@mannajoy Thank you so much for all the Posh love!!! 😘😘😘😘 I hope you have a blessed Christmas!! 🎅🏻🎅🏻🎅🏻
Dec 24Reply

@luturnbull You’re very welcome! I love doing it! I share more than I shop. Sharing is like window shopping 😂
I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!!🙏🏼🎄🎁😘 God Bless
Dec 24Reply

Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! A wonderful community of people and awesome items at great prices. I would like to invite you to check out my closet for new items with tags from the most favorite brands. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount and to pay just one shipping charge. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jan 06Reply

GORGE0US 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jan 11Reply

Thanks for the like on my closet. 💕 willing to make a great deal on a bundle for you. Just make me an offer :)
Feb 21Reply

Awww Beautiful family!! I pray someday that I will have a family too!!🙏🙏🙏🌸🌸
Feb 25Reply

Thanks for stopping by my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! I'm always open to reasonable offers and I give great bundle discounts too ❤️
Feb 27Reply

Thank you so much for the wonderful review and comments! You are amazing!!! Hope you can give them the best of love!
Feb 28Reply

Hopefully you get your order later today! It seems to have taken a little longer for the package to get to you, maybe it’s the weather!
Mar 02Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Sep 29Reply
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