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Updated Aug 13
Updated Aug 13

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Hello there! My name is Julia and I live in Maine with my wonderful husband, 2 year old pup, and newborn son. When I'm not poshing I'm creating beaded leather bracelets and necklaces (of varying materials) and mobiles of driftwood and seaglass. (My etsy shop is jlinteglia). I also am a major foodie and lover of great beer and wine. I am a pediatric occupational therapist which I am very passionate about! Please feel free to leave a comment and introduce yourself :)
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nic39 Hey girl it's so nice to finally put a name with a face!! What a blessing you are to so many children😊 Very cool 😘 Nicole🎀
Sep 03Reply
emily21202 Thanks for the follow! Enjoy your day💚❤️💜
Sep 05Reply
mokiesmarket You have such a cute closet! 💗
Sep 12Reply
jinteglia @helloagainshop thank you, I love yours too!!
Sep 15Reply
eholder Hi! I'm Elizabeth from Santa Moncia, CA. I went to college at Smith and love New England area. Nice to meet you!
Sep 18Reply
jinteglia @eholder hi Elizabeth! So very nice to meet you! I live in Maine and I do love it but also love California! My dad was in the navy and I lived in San Diego twice and loved it! Thanks for introducing yourself and thanks for the great sharing :)
Sep 18Reply
kmcnett Hope you're always as happy as you look in these pics!
Sep 25Reply
jinteglia @kmcnett for the most part, but we all have our days!
Sep 25Reply
auchieau48 So great how you're working with kids and good luck with your studies! 💕💕
Oct 01Reply
jinteglia @auchieau48 that's so sweet of you to say so, and thank you! Your closet is gorgeous, I love your pictures :)
Oct 01Reply
auchieau48 thank you! 😘✨
Oct 01Reply
jinteglia @dzntfit2 thank you so much! You have such a beautiful collection of handbags!
Oct 04Reply
kedybee8 I love your closet! 😁
Oct 12Reply
jinteglia @kedybee8 thank you so much!
Oct 12Reply
tdetersrokey Love, Love, Love your closet!!
Oct 14Reply
jinteglia @tdetersrokey thanks so much! I love yours too! We have a love of fun prints and color in common I think ;)
Oct 14Reply
tdetersrokey 😃👍must be why I love browsing your closet!!
Oct 14Reply
kewpiedoll @jinteglia Recognize Fenway👍🏻 New England girl myself👍🏻
Oct 18Reply
jinteglia @kewpiedoll you got it! Go New England sports!
Oct 18Reply
kewpiedoll @jinteglia Waiting now for the Pat's to play 👍🏻🎉🎉🎉👍🏻
Oct 19Reply
jinteglia @kewpiedoll same in our household, all day!
Oct 19Reply
kewpiedoll @jinteglia Oh ❇️❎❇️ Dallas just got a touch down 🏈🏈 😤😤😤
Oct 19Reply
chloejoy15 Just wanted to say you have a beautiful closet as well :) I forgot how many things I liked in your closet!
Oct 24Reply
kedybee8 Thanks for always sharing my items!
Nov 05Reply
jinteglia @kedybee8 of course, thank you!
Nov 06Reply
5starfinds Cute closet💙💜💕
Nov 08Reply
jinteglia @mariabessem thank you! I love yours especially the jewelry and pjs :)
Nov 08Reply
5starfinds Thanks!
Nov 08Reply
aparsons15 @jinteglia Fellow New Englander as well :) Thanks for the shares! Love your closet and appreciate the sharing of mine!
Dec 14Reply
jinteglia @aparsons15 awesome! Love it here :) and of course, thank you as well!!
Dec 14Reply
thestylehive Hi Julia, I am also Julia and I also work with children with special needs! I'm currently studying early childhood education. Nice to meet you and love your closet! ❤️
Jan 04Reply
jinteglia @thestylehive hi Julia, wow don't we have a great deal in common! Early childhood education is great, as I'm sure you can imagine I work with a lot of people who went to school for that as well. I wish you the best of luck and thanks for reaching out and saying hi :) love your closet by the way!
Jan 05Reply
foxythreadazine @jinteglia Welcome and thank you for your shares.
Jan 12Reply
autumnlynn3 I will totally share!! I still want that bracelet too!! My sales have been soooo low!! I'm hoping I can get it this next week!! ❤ ❤ ❤
Jan 17Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 thank you so much! And no worries, I totally understand I'm in the same boat! Just let me know when you're ready and we can work something out ;)
Jan 17Reply
autumnlynn3 Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! Please tell me if you have any offers on it! I don't want it to disappear 😉💕
Jan 17Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 I will for sure, you have first dibs :)
Jan 17Reply
autumnlynn3 😘😘😘.. I hope you're having a great weekend!
Jan 17Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 thank you, hope you are as well :)
Jan 17Reply
faithsuccess @jinteglia Hi there Julia! I can feel a kind heart in your words and pics! All the best to you! Happy Poshing!
Jan 22Reply
autumnlynn3 Hey girl! I tried to find your etsy shop... But the name didn't work 😔
Jan 23Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 hey! So my etsy shop is jLinteglia - the link is on my about page. Let me know if you still can't find it!
Jan 23Reply
wenrelas_boutiq Love❤️Love ❤️Love❤️ your meet the posher. Love from Wenrella ⭕️❌✌🏽️
Jan 27Reply
voguebeautiful Gorgeous closet! Love every cover shot 😍💝
Jan 27Reply
jinteglia @voguebeautiful thanks so much, love yours as well!!
Jan 28Reply
sami023 Nice to meet you!! 😄 Love your closet. Occupational therapy- that's awesome!! What made you decide to do that? I'm almost done with radiation therapy school myself. 💕
Jan 29Reply
sami023 It is now officially February...the real wait begins!!!😄 I'd totally be camped out next to my mailbox if it were me 😂
Feb 02Reply
santorinigirl You and your boyfriend are so cute together :) I wish you all the best
Feb 03Reply
jinteglia @sami023 ahhh i know! though i went to the graduate admissions today and she let me know that I could possibly not here till the end of march even though the deadline is in february :/
Feb 04Reply
sami023 Uhg well hey at least you have a somewhat more legit timeframe for when you'll hear back! Fingers crossed ✌🏻️ (seriously how is there a middle finger emoji but not fingers crossed!? 😂)
Feb 04Reply
jinteglia @sami023 I have an interview friday!
Feb 06Reply
jinteglia @yayaittta thanks so much, you're so sweet! But yes I'm open to offers so we can get you a great deal for your birthday :)
Feb 06Reply
jinteglia @southernstyle28 here is my meet the posher page - my etsy store name is listed - you can also find the direct link if you click "about" at the top of my closet :) and thanks so very much for your offer, I just have another offer so I'm just trying to figure it all out but will let you know asap!
Feb 10Reply
kodiakkitty @jinteglia totally understand, just found your page and I LOVE the wind chimes! Super cute!!! ❤️✨
Feb 10Reply
abstractdreams Do you also sell your jewelry here?💕
Feb 15Reply
jinteglia @abstractdreams if you're talking about my etsy shop - yes :)
Feb 15Reply
abstractdreams I am...I did see some handmades. I love beach glass!! Do you have a link?
Feb 15Reply
jinteglia @abstractdreams if you go to my about page you can find it but if not its - there is an L in there. But yes I am mildly obsessed with beach combing - send me a message there and we can chat :)
Feb 15Reply
abstractdreams I will!!💕I live in MI and had a house on Lake MI which is like an inland sea! It's on our "West Coast" and is sunset heaven! My ex stopped paying the mortgage after our divorce...👎🏽😠
Feb 15Reply
jinteglia @abstractdreams ugh I'm sorry to hear that :( it sounds like a beautiful spot!
Feb 16Reply
wenrella Hi, it's @wenrelas_boutiq but from my second closet. Are you getting excited about your upcoming party?🎉👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Feb 16Reply
kristikreations Hi!! I also make some of my own Jewelry. I make bracelets, necklaces and earrings. I hope you will check out my closet for a possible Host Pick!! Also, please click "like" on my Party Listing! I will be co-hosting my 3rd Party!! Thx!!
Feb 17Reply
fancyinflats Good luck with OT school! I'm a speech pathologist at a skilled nursing facility, so I know all about it! 😀
Feb 17Reply
jinteglia @nic39 - I'm trying to get a consensus- do you mind telling me if you used the full amount of HPs from your own closet? I'm not but it's pretty close and I kinda feel bad...
Feb 17Reply
nic39 I didn't share any of my closet but I had handbags and only had 2😂😂😂 my co hosts actually shared them both so I didn't have to worry!! You have the right to share yours I wouldn't worry about that at all!!😊💕💕
Feb 17Reply
jinteglia @nic39 thanks so much Nicole!!
Feb 17Reply
nic39 Your welcome!!😊
Feb 17Reply
sami023 I didn't even notice your comment sorry!! How was the interview !? And so excited I'll actually be able to party today with you!! Usually I'm asleep/busy/at work! 😝 now I'm just procrastinating cleaning the house 👍🎉
Feb 17Reply
jinteglia @sami023 no worries! Thanks so much for asking 😊 it went well I'm pretty sure but obviously don't wanna jinx it! Now I should hear within a couple weeks 😁 but glad you'll be able to join the party, it's gonna be great!!
Feb 17Reply
sami023 That's great to hear!! And I'm sure it will be 💕 who says hump day can't be amazing 🐪😆
Feb 17Reply
jc11900 @jinteglia good morning! ☀️ I really want to post my first host pic on my listing but it sold and I couldn't edit! I wanted to again say thank you! It's was so exciting and really helped with traffic to my closet. So much appreciated! Have a wonderful weekend! 😘💕
Feb 19Reply
jinteglia @jc11900 you are so sweet 😊 I'm so happy I helped with your closet gaining more exposure! You create beautiful pieces and I as a fellow jewelry maker understand the hard work and effort that goes into it, so you deserve getting your work acknowledged! Hope your weekend is off to a wonderful start!
Feb 20Reply
jc11900 @jinteglia It is and I hope you'd is as well 😊 And agree! Support handmade 100%! 😉 You should add more of your things. I love the beautiful bright colors!! Don't see enough of it. I don't think I'll ever outgrow them!!
Feb 20Reply
autumnlynn3 Oh my goodness! It was crazy! So my friend Michelle I'm co-hosting with was talking to me Friday about how cool it would be I'd we could host together! She had already received her date and I had already gotten an email from Posh saying I was on the list to host again so it would be any day! Long story short.. She emailed them and they added me to her day!! Within the next 20 min she made the pics for us both and posted hers!
Feb 21Reply
autumnlynn3 Ha ha ha... So i had to get my butt in gear and put mine up quickly!? I haven't even had time to compute any of it?! 😉 😄😂
Feb 21Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 haha I can definitely imagine!! That seems to have come up quickly! It feels like you only hosted a little while ago, I'm so excited for you😊
Feb 21Reply
autumnlynn3 It was actually Oct?! 😉
Feb 21Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 ahhh I'm getting older times going by faster and faster!
Feb 21Reply
autumnlynn3 Do not get me started?! Wait til you have kids!!!! I feel like I just had my 10 year old a tear ago and my 4th is going to be 3 this summer! 😢.. How old are you?!
Feb 21Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 haha I'm 28 but I just mean I already feel older from when I was 18, like how I could eat whatever I wanted or not workout for months and then go an run 6 miles like it was nothing 😩
Feb 21Reply
autumnlynn3 Right?! Just wait til you hit 30...😝😝😝.. I just turned 32 this month 😄😉😂
Feb 21Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 haha oh i can wait haha, tho i think/hope ill handle it better than my boyfriend did (he's now almost 32 also) he had a mini freak out but has learned to embrace his age, we've learned from his parents that its all in how you feel but its easier said than done!
Feb 21Reply
jinteglia @jc11900 im so glad to hear you say that! Because Ive had a lot of women say that the bright colors are too "young" but i love bright! it adds a fun punch when you need it ;) and i need to make more things - poshmark is taking up almost all my crafting time haha - and i think people are looking for more inexpensive things here - the materials i use are pretty expensive so I can't be as flexible with what i sell them for here :/
Feb 21Reply
jc11900 @jinteglia well I'm 50 and still make friendship bracelets like the ones in my closet! So you keep making those bright wonderful colors! 💕
Feb 23Reply
jinteglia @sami023 I GOT IN!!
Feb 24Reply
karens54 @jinteglia Julia! Congratulations 🎉
Feb 24Reply
jinteglia @auchieau48 @nic39 @stephxred @autumnlynn3 @chloejoy15 PFFs I wanted to share my amazing news that I found out I am one of 50/400 students who got accepted at UNE's occupational therapy program and I am freaking out!!!
Feb 24Reply
jinteglia @karens54 thank you so much!
Feb 24Reply
autumnlynn3 @jinteglia.. What?! That is so awesome!! Good job girl!! I'm so happy for you!! You deserve it 😄😘❤👏❤👏
Feb 24Reply
nic39 Oh Julia that is absolutely amazing!!!!! How exciting!!! I'm sooooo happy for you!!! When will you start?👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊💕💕💕
Feb 24Reply
stephxred Julia!! Congratulations!!! That is fantastic news and I am so happy for you!!!
Feb 24Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 @nic39 @stephxred thanks so much ladies, you're the best!!
Feb 24Reply
stephxred You are going to love grad school! It's way different from undergrad because it's so specific to EXACTLY what you want to do! I had a blast and miss it! lol.
Feb 25Reply
auchieau48 Oh my that's amazing!! Congratulations and what a really great thing you're doing! 🎉🤓💃
Feb 25Reply
chloejoy15 Go Julia!!!!!!! That's AMAZING!!!! Congrats and I feel so honored that you told me your news! ❤️
Feb 25Reply
ericarose1989 Congrats on your masters! 🎉🍾 Weeeeee!! Such a huge accomplishment! 💕
Feb 25Reply
jinteglia @zebra_x3 @stephxred @auchieau48 @chloejoy15 @ericarose1989 you girls are so wonderful, thanks for sharing with me in this excitement!
Feb 25Reply
jinteglia @stephxred I'm so excited for it because you are exactly right! Undergrad I was an archaeology major! I loved it but knew it wasn't the career for me, so happy to have finally found what I want to be when I grow up!
Feb 25Reply
sami023 AHHHH OMG YAY!! Huge congrats Julia!! 🍾🍾🍾💃🏼😃
Feb 25Reply
stephxred Such a great feeling! Congrats again!
Feb 25Reply
jinteglia @sami023 thanks so much Sami! You've been so sweet and supportive I appreciate it!
Feb 25Reply
jinteglia @stephxred thank you Stephanie 😊
Feb 25Reply
sami023 Pfft girl no need for thanks!! So excited for you 😄 And hey, like I said ~a month ago, you were totally a shoo-in 😝
Feb 25Reply
jinteglia @sami023 😘😘😘
Feb 25Reply
chirocarly you rock!!!!! Way to go!!!! I am so happy for you :)))))
Feb 27Reply
savannah_slim Congratulations!! That is awesome, and a lot of hard work!!!🎉✨🐬✨🎉
Feb 27Reply
jinteglia @chirocarly thanks so much Carly, youre so sweet, that means so much to me! I'm very excited!!! : D
Feb 27Reply
jinteglia @savannah_slim thank you so much, i am beyond thrilled!!!
Feb 27Reply
jenniferkharris Congrats on grad school!! That is so exciting!! I actually thought I wanted to do OT for a while too! Good luck!
Feb 27Reply
jennifernicoleb @jinteglia yay Julia on your masters OT accomplishment!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 so happy and excited for you!!! 😘😘😘😘
Feb 27Reply
verocarbona Great for you! Congrats! I think UNE is a great school. I used to be a preceptor fir their OA program. I have to say that have been nothing but impressed with how well prepared the students from that program are. Now some of them are my colleagues 😊
Feb 28Reply
verocarbona I meat PA program 😋
Feb 28Reply
jinteglia @verocarbona that's so great to hear Veronica I'm so glad you reached out and told me that! I've heard the same from a couple of people so knew it was the school I needed to go to and didn't apply anywhere else, so thrilled to have gotten in! thanks so much for the congrats 😊
Feb 28Reply
verocarbona 😊💕
Feb 28Reply
effiekats @jinteglia Hi! Pleasure meeting you. Just wanted to congratulate you. That's a wonderful field. Wishing you lots of luck and success. 😊💕
Feb 29Reply
jinteglia @effiekats thank you so much Effie! And congratulations to you and your family on your new adorable puppy addition!
Feb 29Reply
effiekats @jinteglia Thank you!!!! He's such a mush. 😊💕
Feb 29Reply
angel10 CONGRATS! 🎉
Feb 29Reply
katolarae Congratulations!!!👏👏👏🌟🌟🌟👍👍👍💐💐💐
Mar 01Reply
jinteglia @jenniferkharris thank you so much jennifer, so cool that you were thinking of it too!
Mar 01Reply
jinteglia @jennifernicoleb thank you so much jennifer :)
Mar 01Reply
allisonpatin Congrats on your acceptance into OT school! It will be one of the best decisions you have ever made :). I will be finishing up with my masters in OT this May! Good luck ❤️❤️
Mar 01Reply
jinteglia @katolarae thank you!!!!💗💗
Mar 01Reply
jinteglia @allisonpatin thank you! I'm so thrilled! And early congratulations to you for graduating in May! I wish you a fantastic career 😊💖
Mar 01Reply
drea04 @jinteglia hi Julia CONGRATS ON YOYR MASTERS..what a mile stone💃💃💃💃
Mar 01Reply
chessiekat Congratulations!🎉🎉🎉🎉😊💞. Great reason to celebrate 😘
Mar 01Reply
maidmarian Congrats! I love my OTs! Great career choice!
Mar 01Reply
jinteglia @drea04 @chessiekat @maidmarian thanks so much ladies!
Mar 02Reply
deniminiquities Congratulations!!!! I've walked that blood sweat and tears trail, know what it takes so must give you a woo hoo, way to go and stick with it!!!! ❤😘
Mar 02Reply
nikole_a Congrats 💖💖✨✨✨
Mar 02Reply
jinteglia @deniminiquities @nikole_a thank you so much for your kind words of congratulations!!
Mar 05Reply
zenee @jinteglia : Hi Julia, congrats on getting in school 🎉🎉and thank-you for sharing my posts.
Mar 05Reply
peacehopelove Congratulations, neighbor!!
Mar 06Reply
jinteglia @peacehopelove thank you! and yes hello fellow mainer!!!! 😘
Mar 07Reply
jinteglia @zenee thanks so much!
Mar 07Reply
ssatkins73 Congratulations! Wishing the very best!
Mar 07Reply
janimack7 CONGRATULATIONS! No small achievement, Julia!💖💞💖💞💖💞
Mar 13Reply
jinteglia @janimack7 thank you Jan! 😊
Mar 13Reply
janimack7 💞😄💙
Mar 15Reply
newmaciel A huge congrats on getting into your program!
Mar 16Reply
jinteglia @newmaciel thank you!!! 😊
Mar 16Reply
mdwhidden Congrats!
Mar 16Reply
catsstuff @jinteglia Congratulations!
Mar 17Reply
jinteglia thank you @mdwhidden @catsstuff!!!!
Mar 18Reply
jinteglia @amuser thank you so much, great to meet a fellow teacher!
Mar 19Reply
autumnlynn3 I love the new pics! 😉❤
Mar 19Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 thank you! Thought it was time to change it up 😊
Mar 19Reply
autumnlynn3 I'll have to get get some Spring pics up eventually! My little one just biffed it on her face on concrete today 😣
Mar 19Reply
jinteglia @autumnlynn3 oh poor peanut! I was always doing stuff like that, my mom had to have photographers photo edit our pictures! 😬
Mar 19Reply
nicolebana I love everything in ur closet!!! I seriously want it all ❤️
Mar 24Reply
jinteglia @nicolebana thanks so much, I love yours too!!
Mar 24Reply
buyhipe @jinteglia just stopping by to send some love , hope all is well lovely 🌺
Mar 24Reply
jinteglia @roselegagneur aw you're so sweet rose, thank you! Sending some back your way as well, hope you're having a wonderful start to your weekend!!!😘💗💗
Mar 26Reply
isleofchic @jinteglia Hi Julia! Lovely to meet you! In that 2nd photo, are you standing in front of Trunk Bay, St. John in the Virgin Islands?! If so, did you enjoy your stay?
Mar 26Reply
nudnicksfam55 You have a really cute closet! Happy Poshing!😊💕
Mar 26Reply
jinteglia @nudnicksfam55 thanks so much, you do as well 😊
Mar 27Reply
jinteglia @dressmechic hello LaToya😊 yes, good eye!!! My boyfriend and I just got back last week from visiting friends who live there! And you live right across the way in st thomas, amazing, so jealous! You live in a beautiful place 😊 so glad you reached out, very happy to meet you LaToya!
Mar 27Reply
isleofchic @jinteglia Aahh wonderful! Glad to hear you enjoyed it :). You're closet is pretty neat and amazing. I'll be sure to stop by again!
Mar 27Reply
jinteglia @dressmechic thanks so much! I love yours too, really like how your items are pictured too!
Mar 28Reply
buyhipe @jinteglia I had a great weekend! Hope yours was Just as Fabulous ❤️
Mar 29Reply
jinteglia @kiarasruth thank you, love yours too!
Apr 03Reply
tiana_v Love your closet!! 😊
Apr 05Reply
jinteglia @tiana_v thanks so much! Yours is great too, love the jewelry!
Apr 05Reply
jinteglia @jules_m_bell no problem! Sorry it takes me a bit to return them, I'm a few days behind!! And I know! Glad to see you're loving it!!!
Apr 15Reply
sbousquet12 Wow God bless you love , my son had his first OT session today( if you mean Occupational therapy hehe) he is seeking input sensory visually and we are trying to fix that 🙏🏽he is 23 months ... Any advice?
May 10Reply
jinteglia @sbousquet12 hi sue! So I haven't started school yet so I'm not the professional to ask but I would talk to your sons new OT and ask them for a list of activities you could engage him in. In the work I do now I'm more familiar with the tactile sensory activities such as making sensory bins of different items such as sand or rice or applying deep muscle pressure to them or utilizing a weighted blanket or vest. Thanks for reaching out!
May 10Reply
sbousquet12 Thanks so much good luck love
May 10Reply
couplescloset Thank you for sharing my listing!!! Appreciate it a lot :)
May 12Reply
jidgey16 Gorgeous closet❤️
May 12Reply
jinteglia @jidgey16 thanks so much, love yours too! wish those pink zara flats were my size, so cute and such a great price!
May 13Reply
styleinthebag I love your shop and the styling!
May 20Reply
jinteglia @styleinthebag thanks so much Ellen, I love your beautiful closet too!!!
May 21Reply
wanderousla Gorgeous Closet!!! 👽✨ If you happen to be shopping for items, feel free to browse my closet. 10% of all sales are donated to Speak Up Bangladesh which works to keep young girls out of child marriage and from sexual exploitation. Any support is super appreciated!! 🌏💜☮
Jun 26Reply
glitzylife Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come visit sometime. Happy poshing!
Oct 14Reply
buyhipe @jinteglia hello darling, it's been awhile, just wanted say hello and hope you're doing fabulous 🌺
Jan 03Reply
chloejoy15 Starting off this morning on the wheel... it's going to be a great day! 😘
Feb 27Reply
jinteglia @chloejoy15 awesome! I've missed poshing with all you great ladies, I've had to neglect PM for a while since starting school and can't remember if I told you - I got engaged and am getting married in June! How are you and your beautiful family?
Feb 27Reply
jinteglia @roselegagneur Hi Rose! I meant to get back to you so long ago I'm sorry it's taken me months and months to get back to you! I've been great, busy w school so I haven't done much poshing! Hope you are well also 😊
Feb 27Reply
chloejoy15 @jinteglia -- I was talking about you being 2nd on the wheel! Did you get a big bump in followers? I was on this afternoon and got about 650 so that was nice. I'm so excited for your engagement! Tell me a little about him!
Feb 27Reply
buyhipe @jinteglia happy to hear from you darling, I've missed you on here 😋 I had taken a few months off (twice) myself ... so when I got back I wanted to say hello 🌺 andddd happy new year! 🎉
Feb 28Reply
jinteglia @chloejoy15 haha yes I had no idea what you were talking about with the wheel so I'm glad you explained! But Matt's the best, he's been so helpful during planning which to be honest I wasn't expecting. We're so excited!!
Mar 02Reply
jinteglia @roselegagneur I've missed you too! Hopefully I'll be back much more often soon, and happy new year to you too!!
Mar 02Reply
adoptedapparel Go Pats!!
Mar 05Reply
workingmermaid Love your closet!!
Apr 02Reply
angielee217 Hi 👋🏻 Julia nice to meet you. Feel free to checkout my closet and make an offer ✨😉✨
Jul 26Reply
jojomall Hello Doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️ Please pop in & check out our closet. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on from 450 women's Items, 90 home goods, 170 kids & baby clothes🥰 & maternity. A nice & clean smoke free home. New, newish & always worthy items. We are a mother & 2 adult daughter fashionistas so lots of variety & we are top rated sellers so you have more security with us💕🌈Visit us at @Jojomall
May 14Reply
godizgracious So cute!
Mar 17Reply
cutehosiery @jinteglia Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 24Reply
jewelsbysara Hi lovely 🥰 I would love for you to stop by my closet for amazing deals on everything!!! If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 12Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Portland, ME
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Last Active: Feb 27

Portland, ME
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