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Updated Dec 22
Updated Dec 22

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My 11 yr old twin girls
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doodleneal Good Morning Tina, I wanted to make sure you are still going to buy my boots this morning so I don't keep them NFS if you've changed your mind. Please let me know as soon as you can. Thanks!
Feb 12Reply
doodleneal Good Morning Tina, I wanted to let you know that my printer is not functioning properly this morning. I was planning to go to our public library to use the one there, but unfortunately do to a community function they are having today, it is not open to the public. I will either have my printer repaired or go to the library first thing Monday morning to print shipping label & post office to mail out to you. My sincerest apologies. @doodleneal Tammy
Feb 13Reply
doodleneal Good Morning Tina, I'm sure your aware that Post offices are closed today b/c of Presidents Day. Will ship first thing in the morning. Terribly sorry for your inconvenience!!!
Feb 15Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal it's fine. Yes o knew they were closed thanks for keeping me up to date
Feb 15Reply
doodleneal I thank you very much for your understanding!👍🏻😊💖
Feb 15Reply
tinajasonthomas Are you sending boots jason said it isn't showing shipped yes
Feb 17Reply
doodleneal Good Morning Tina, I'm sorry I didn't get this message until I just now came to comment to you, I believe b/c it didn't have my name attached. I'm very upset! I shipped these Tuesday as I told you I would & have been tracking them everyday & several times a day, with not being able to get updated info until just now. Please give me an email where I can send a pick of the tracking status to you.
Feb 19Reply
doodleneal IT CLEARLY SAYS 2DAY PRIORITY & I EVEN PAID $3.60 EXTRA FOR A BOX THAT THEY WOULD FIT IN! I AM SO PISSED!! I'm so very sorry!!!!! It says they are being sent to their destination but I really would like to send you a pic of the updated tracking as of this morning!!
Feb 19Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal I'll have jason check what his tracking says
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal Hey Tina, ok. Since messaging you this morning, it's said in transit to destination & just checked now & it's saying in-transit delayed. I just don't understand!!!
Feb 20Reply
tinajasonthomas I'll have him check it he is on phone right now
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal I've never had problems like this before! Have you ever had problems receiving other things?
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal I bought a dress from another posher last week & received it yesterday, normally the tracking on posh app & email says I see you've received your order as soon as the mail man drops it off, but when I got my shipment yesterday,
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal it never said that & when I went to accept it, it asked me if I was sure I wanted to accept it. So there's definitely problems w/posh shipping app. Also, it's not even updated your status to what the USPS status is showing either. That's no reason for the package not to have gotten to you by now though! IDK.
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal I have taken screen shots of the tracking status on USPS & I will post them both on my closet page for you to view if you would like?
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal Has your mail already ran for today??
Feb 20Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal no mail usually come between 2 and 3
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal Ok, thanks for responding. Please let me know as soon as you get it. I am terribly sorry that we've had such a hard time with this.🙁
Feb 20Reply
doodleneal Hey Tina I see you finally got them...YAY!!! Now I can start breathing again!! I hope your very happy with them!😃👍🏻💖
Feb 20Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal yes I love them they are kinda snug but I think they will stretch
Feb 21Reply
doodleneal HAPPY! HAPPY! JOY! JOY! I'm so tickled to hear it!! Yes, I'm sure after wearing them they will stretch. I got a new pair of riding boots for Christmas & @ 1st I couldn't even drive in them b/c they were too tight to press the gas pedal!LOL...And after wearing them for the 3rd time they fit perfect😃👍🏻💖
Feb 21Reply
doodleneal I thought your daughters may like the removable tattoos & you the body loofah. I'm so happy for you & I thank you for your purchase! Many Blessings to you & the family💓
Feb 21Reply
doodleneal Good Morning Tina, I'm very happy that you are pleased with & love your boots. Please know that I'm not trying to be pushy, but I must ask, is there any reason why you haven't accepted them yet? Thanks, Tammy
Feb 22Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal I'll have to ask jason he bought them off his account I thought he accepted them I was sitting there when he looked at them
Feb 22Reply
doodleneal Ok Thanks. It's showing it was purchased through your posh account.
Feb 22Reply
doodleneal No actually it's the tinajason1 account. It goes to his page when clicking on that link.
Feb 22Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal it was purchased through his. Ours is almost the say user name
Feb 22Reply
doodleneal Yes, I realized that, although it still hasn't been accepted.
Feb 22Reply
tinajasonthomas @doodleneal I'll ask him he is out of town working haven't spoke to him today
Feb 22Reply

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Last Active: May 18 2016

What Cheer, IA
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