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Updated Jul 23
Updated Jul 23

🍊PETER LAMAS Detoxifying Citrus C Facial Cleanser

Peter Lamas



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saucypirate @gringa01 Thanks so much for the like💜
Mar 08Reply
saucypirate @tvolpe Thank you for sharing🌺
Mar 08Reply
tvolpe @saucypirate You're welcome
Mar 08Reply
saucypirate @ggheather Thanks for all of the Posh love, sweetie!!😘💙
Apr 07Reply
ggheather @saucypirate ty for the Posh love!!!
Apr 07Reply
saucypirate @ggheather You're very welcome! 💞😘
Apr 07Reply
saucypirate @ggheather Thank you, also!😍
Apr 07Reply
saucypirate @leighannman Thanks for sharing 😍
Apr 15Reply
leighannman @saucypirate you're welcome :)
Apr 15Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc Good morning! Are you still celebrating your birthday? If you're like me, you like to do extended birthdays. LOL🎉💝 thank you for the likes and shares. I appreciate you supporting my closet😘
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc Thank You! I was celebrating my birthday that entire week. It was wonderful and relaxing. Wine and good food. My mother came from NJ to spend my actual birth Day to be with me , did brunch and we went to the museum as I'm a science freak lol. Then last week, the bf and I had great quality time as our son was with his grandparents for 4 days! It was so awesome up until this weekend...
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc BUT this weekend I had a horrendous attack, I've had asthma since birth & have recently developed COPD. I never thought too much about it til then because I lived with asthma, whatever I was doing was just a routine for me and I've been fine. Just slight ones here and there where I need to use my pump or nebulizer. But this weekend I really realized that this is a disease and not just some cold I can manage you know? It was so scary.
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc I remember as a child having a bad attack but I haven't had one since I was like 9. So I always had my medicine with me just in case & I'm highly allergic to cats & dogs. So I was at a place with a cat & after I got home my difficulty breathing just increased to the point I was turning blue and my lips were tingling. I had to rush to the er and I've been on steroids since.
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc I end the treatment in 3 days & then I am enrolling my butt into a center that is specifically for lung & respiratory health. It just opened my eyes you know. I can't remember having an attack that bad ever. I really have to get good Dr's and I need to be going to visit the Dr monthly instead of the every 6 months I usually do. Scared the cap out of me seriously. I don't want to die yet you know. I just don't want to take all these steroids they want me to but at this point what can I do?
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc Ohhh nooo😱I am so sorry that you've been having health issues, Jenna! I am really happy to hear that you were able to enjoy your birthday; but, it sounds like you may need to hold off for a bit so that you can get your breathing under control and regular.(as regular as you can) I have a friend who has the same illness. I can imagine how relaxing you felt when it was just the two of you for four days👍😘. Also, if you want to make an offer on anything in my closet, feel free. 💝
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc Of course I'll give you good deal😍💜
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc Oh my goodness!!!! I completely understand. I have severe allergies also. A lot of times people that don't have allergies don't understand what other people have to go through, and just how hard it is to breathe sometimes. I sincerely hope you're able to get a doctor that will give you top-notch care and is 100% honest with you. I really hate that you're not feeling 100%.🙏
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc But now I realize I need to be seeing specialists and not just my primary. They want me to be on steroids but these steroids, in the fine print, can increase the chances of death due to respiratory problems. Like wth, I'm taking it for my lungs but i can die from lung issues? It's so stupid. So this weekend and this week have been BLEH for me. I feel all crazy & jittery, my stomach does not like the meds either. So I'm feeling really old today but at least I can breathe. Smh Never a dull moment.
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc Thank you so much for you sweets words 💕 I am feeling better now thank goodness just a little weird from the steroids. It's kind of gross, you just don't feel like yourself. I feel like I need to learn everything about this now from scratch. It's so scary to feel like you know nothing about something you have that can attack you at any moment. I've done enough celebrating lol I'm just happy I have this week off!
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc You're right... At least you're still breathing. You have to be extra careful🙏
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc I understand, and I will try to help support & be in your corner. If you ever want to chat just let me know.💞
Apr 20Reply
profashionalnyc @saucypirate Thank you so much Natalie. You are the sweetest ever!💕💕💕
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @profashionalnyc You are very welcome! I hope you're feeling much better than you did over the weekend🙏💜
Apr 20Reply
saucypirate @eira41 Thanks for the like 💝
Apr 24Reply
saucypirate @pattykoko Thanks for sharing 🌷
Jun 14Reply

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