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My items are stored in storage containers so that they stay smelling fresh/clean after washed.
I use Tide & Snuggle. If that's an issue for allergies, please let me know ahead of time.
I'm allergic to pet dander, please let me know if you have pets/please wash any item I purchase from you or I will request a return if item is covered in pet hair. My allergies are severe.
Please know you have been warned. You can choose to not sell to me or purchase from me. Thank you 😊

13 others
like this

Hi Angie! Thanks so much for your purchase ☺️❤️ It will be sent out tomorrow.
Jan 12Reply

Just wanted to let you know offers are welcome ☺️
Jan 19Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and liking my gorgeous purse 🤩💋🥂🌸💝
Jan 21Reply

I have the vintage flats for sale. I would love to get them sold. Can we do $45:). I will ship today.
Jan 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Jan 23Reply

@znmstore ty 💞
Jan 23Reply

Welcome to PoshMark🙂. I hope you enjoy buying and selling as I do. Good Luck !!🌸🌸🌸
Jan 23Reply

I'm shipping your items today! Sorry for the delay 😩 I couldn't get my shipping label to print. Thanks for your purchase 💗
Jan 24Reply

@clbrty hey, np 😊 thx for letting me know
Jan 24Reply

Sorry I couldn’t except your offer, I just uploaded the shoes yesterday and I’m not willing to drop the price by $20 yet!
Jan 25Reply

@jenniferstrawn I totally understand 😊 if u don't sell in a reasonable time, shoot me a message
Jan 25Reply

@awatson4 I def will! ❤️
Jan 25Reply

Hey! I noticed that you are returning the sandals? i thought we agreed you were going to keep them? I hope you are having a great week!
Feb 01Reply

@ivytanner17 No, I'm keeping them. Posh sent me an email to return them, said I had 48hrs. That 48hrs was up this morning. U should have ur money today or tomorrow. I didn't print the return label they emailed me. I'm keeping the sandals, like we agreed. I'm not sure why posh hasn't released ur funds yet.
Feb 01Reply

@ivytanner17 it still won't let me accept ur order. Maybe tomorrow? The email said after 48hrs they release the funds to the seller.
Feb 01Reply

okay, I was just wanting to communicate and get on the same page. I never want anybody not satisfied, and me doing nothing about it! <3
Feb 01Reply

@awatson4 good morning! I saw you made an offer for the bundle, as I was clicking accept it disappeared. I resubmitted the offer to you. Let me know if you have any additional questions! 😀
Feb 01Reply

@msvramirez I was googling the sizing of lucky, silver, kut and a few others and I'm worried they will be too small. I wear a 10 in AE. I need at least a 16 1/4in waist, laying flat. Do u by chance know the measurements? I hate to be a bother but I don't wanna order & them not fit
Feb 01Reply

@awatson4 i have measured the jeans, the express Stella have a 17 inch waist, 7 was 15 inch, and the Lucky was exactly 16 inch. Let me know if you are interested in the Express. I can also post the pics if you are interested.
Feb 01Reply

So when should i be expecting these back? Honesty is the best policy! 😉
Feb 03Reply

@ivytanner17 poshmark sent me another email yesterday stating that the 36.39 was not going to be released until I returned the Tory Burch flip flops to sender. They wouldn't release the money after 48hrs. Idky. I sent 3 different emails. I kept getting the same email returned. So, I just sent them back b4 I went to work yesterday so it releases the funds.
Feb 03Reply

@awatson4 weird. They sent me the opposite
Feb 03Reply

Hope you received your package ❤️
Feb 08Reply

@mrscoic I did ❤ Sorry, I work 3rd, I didn't hear my mailman, I was sleeping. I absolutely adore this dress & the sandals! Rating now doll
Feb 08Reply

@awatson4 thanks for the great rating! So happy the items worked for you 😊Have a great rest of the week 👋🏻
Feb 08Reply

@mosue Hi doll, I countered with my price because I just dropped these down from $45 on Thursday 😊 Thank u & happy poshing
Feb 10Reply

Thx for sharing my listing😊
Feb 27Reply

Thank you so much for your kind words and review! I’m glad you like everything!! Have a great day, girl!! 😊♥️
Feb 27Reply

Hi Angie, I just saw your purchase. I will get them out to you ASAP. They are beautiful and you will love them. Thank you! 😊
Mar 01Reply

I am going to look bcuz I did have some other things which I’ll gladly include. My husband is going to help me go through everything now and then help me pack it up for tomorrow shipment. I love my set too.
Mar 01Reply

Turtle included for extra $500 but I’ll let you have it anyway LOL
Mar 01Reply

@sebq lol. Sold
Mar 02Reply

@sebq Thank u Ricki
Mar 02Reply

Hi Angie, all packet up and ready to ship. I included another piece which doesn’t 100% go with the set but I put it in as a gift. I know you will love them. The weight, eek. Fingers crossed. LOL
Mar 02Reply

You are very pretty. Now I like you less. And here I thought we might be Posh friends. The nerve 😆
Mar 02Reply

@sebq Awwwe thank u so much Ricki 💞
Mar 02Reply

@sebq u are beautiful as well 😊 Thank u for the compliment doll. We can be posh friends 😊 I'll just cover my face, will that help 😆
Mar 02Reply

Thx for like. You could have offered and I would have included.
Mar 02Reply

If you love the shades I’ll let you have them all for $18 and put in box if you like or elephant for $10. Just offering. As you may have seen my husband who is so young fell ill to heart failure in September of 2017 so I am letting things go. No pressure! Just offering
Mar 02Reply

Oh, just the red. If you take elephant at my offer I’ll throw them in. Your call.
Mar 02Reply

Thank you for all the likes😊
Mar 02Reply

Yes, with a big Burger King bag! Lol
Mar 02Reply

I believe in complimenting other women. My husband and I figure just bcuz we are married we can still appreciate beautiful people although I told him for Keanu Reeves I’d have to go! Lol
Mar 02Reply

@sebq I am so sorry to hear that 😔 That's devastating. My ❤ aches for u doll.
Mar 02Reply

@sebq yes I will do that 😆 the biggest they have
Mar 02Reply

@sebq my husband & I are the same! Keanu Reeves is 1 sexy man 💞 He's so hot omg!
Mar 02Reply

@sebq the elephant says it's sold?
Mar 02Reply

So kind of you. That beautiful man in my closet is my Sam. On 9/23/17 I woke up to find him on the floor gasping for air. I rushed him to the ER where we found out he. Was in Congestive Heart Failure. My world collapsed. As a nurse I feel l should have seen signs but his case is so atypical. From September to December I was in a fog....
Mar 02Reply

@sebq can u do a listing for just the red shades & the elephant? I'll buy them
Mar 02Reply

Finally after months in and out of the hospital I took him to UofM and I found an angel sent from God. Sam goes in for a procedure next week and we pray this helps him 100% but if not, then they do another. I just don’t want to lose him. We are for sure soul mates and w/o Sam I don’t think I’d survive. He’s as beautiful inside as he is outside
Mar 02Reply

@sebq That made me cry. I lost both of my parents when I was 15. My dad passed from heart failure & my mom 6mths later from pancreatic cancer. I don't feel your pain but I do know your pain. I'm so sorry u had to go thru that, alone
Mar 02Reply

If you want the elephant for $10 I’ll just give you the red shades with the case if you like
Mar 02Reply

@sebq God gives special people to angles because he knows that those angels are the only ones that can care for them properly. U are definitely Sam's angel 💞
Mar 02Reply

If so I’ll list them together for $10. We will cancel and reorder bowls with new listing if you like
Mar 02Reply

@sebq That works 😊
Mar 02Reply

Thank you. Strangely, he calls me his angel since he became sick. Thank you for that❤️😪
Mar 02Reply

@sebq whichever is easier for u doll
Mar 02Reply

@sebq It's absolutely true 💞
Mar 02Reply

Thank you so much. I am so sorry but elephant is sold. I didn’t even realize. Is there anything else. If not, I’ll gladly give you the glasses anyway. I can slip them in You have been so kind consider the glasses a gift. The red with case in front, right
Mar 02Reply

Me too! My dad died from heart failure when I was 7 and lost my mom at 20. My brother died when I was 29 and my sister is a spawn of the devil. She’s just born defective in every way. She gave her babies away. Who does that???
Mar 02Reply

I sent the red ones to your closet but I’m sure they are the ones in front
Mar 02Reply

@sebq That's fine doll 😊 I love the elephant, it showed as sold 😔 I appreciate u so much 😊 U are 1 of the kindest people I've ever spoken to.
Mar 02Reply

@sebq my goodness, I thought I went thru a lot....I have nothing on u! U seem to have the best ❤ tho. It's crazy how things that happen in your childhood can either severely damage/hinder u or make u a gracious person. U my dear, are a very gracious woman! I adore that
Mar 02Reply

@sebq yes doll, that correcr
Mar 02Reply

Thank you and you as well. I put the glasses with case in the box. I pray they don’t break but I bubble wrapped them well. I will take them to the Post Office in the morning and I want to thank you so much for your kind words, for listening to me bcuz I truly have nobody to share with. Thank you Angie for coming into my life tonight. Angie = Angel ❤️💞🙏
Mar 02Reply

I love your heart and your soul. Too many people today are too busy to share a kind word or even say hello, but you, you spoke with me like we have known each other forever and to feel that is rare. At work nurses are known to eat their own. Bad part of nursing. I only work per firm and work charge bcuz they are so mean.....
Mar 02Reply

I teach now bcuz I love filling the heads of my students who are so eager to learn or the ones who cry to me after class and say it’s too hard, I can’t do this. I always tell them, if I could do it, then so can you. You just have to want it and I love when they start to get it. I love teaching. I stopped the hospital when a 17 year old boy bleeding out from leukemia was comforting me.
Mar 02Reply

@sebq I said the same thing to another posh friend yesterday. Ricki, I'm always here if/when u need to talk to someone. Some people, like u said, don't have any1 to talk to. That causes a lot of anxiety, stress, depression etc. I was like that for many years. I don't wish that on any1. My ❤ is always open for others. I'm always here to help if I can, anytime.
Mar 02Reply

@sebq I can be an angel too ya know 😉
Mar 02Reply

You already are❤️
Mar 02Reply

@sebq I totally understand. People are so quick to judge & be mean. It's unnecessary plus extremely hurtful. No1 is perfect. We all have flaws. What ever bad karma they put out into the universe, they'll receive back 100x worse. So let them mean hags be miserable by themselves lol. It'll get them nowhere
Mar 02Reply

@sebq 💞💞💞😊
Mar 02Reply

Now the tears, but good ones. My Sam says thank you bcuz he knows I’m stressed. Thank you and please let me know everything arrives in tact. Sleep well and I’m going to thank God for you tonight. Thank you sweetheart! 🙏
Mar 02Reply

@sebq It is absolutely my pleasure Ricki & Sam 💞 Thank God/Higher power. Not me. Everything happens for a reason ❤ Sleep well, sweet dreams. Have a wonderful weekend & many blessings to u and Sam ❤ ill let u know as soon as I get them doll.
Mar 02Reply

I would have thrown that beige and white top in had I seen the like. You need big girls which I don’t have. Certainly not close to yours😪
Mar 02Reply

@awatson4 hi I added the picture you asked for with me wearing the ring. Did u see it?
Mar 02Reply

@shopmycliset I did 😊 Thank u. I'm still trying to decide if it's too big or not. I'll let u know soon doll. Thank u for being so helpful, I appreciate it
Mar 02Reply

@awatson4 not because I'm selling it, but it's a gorgeous ring. I wouldn't say it's too big, I would say it's an eye catcher. The ombre colors are gorgeous.
Mar 02Reply

Tell him to get 2 huge hefty bags for those boobies you took from me. Are you pregnant?
Mar 02Reply

Caught you!!!! I think I fainted for a minute. Your husband must be a very happy man. Lol
Mar 02Reply

No, thank you for all the shares. You shared my entire closet. You are too too much ❤️
Mar 02Reply

Angie, I just now saw your message. I am broken hearted about the bowl. First off I am going to check with post office about a $50 refund which would go to you and second I am going to look for another bowl and send it free of course. I pack everything so securely and to have it break, especially the large bowl sickens me...cont
Mar 05Reply

I give you my word I will not rest until I replace that bowl, and I’m checking tomorrow about the covered insurance. Please accept my sincere apology and if you want your money back and keep what you have I will do that as well. Please forgive me and let me know which you prefer I do but know I will rectify this
Mar 05Reply

@sebq Ricki, I adore u 😍 but to be honest, I prefer to have this 1. It has more meaning now that I've gotten to know u. I'm not worried about it being broken, I'm sure my husband can fix it. It split clean. U did pack it extremely well. I'm guessing it was dropped by USPS 😔 but, none the less, it's still a beautiful bowl/set.
Mar 06Reply

@sebq I'm completely content with keeping this 1. I appreciate all of your effort & kindness to rectify the situation but honestly there's no need doll 💞
Mar 06Reply

@awatson4 I’m just now seeing this. I didn’t see it on my text page. No idea why. You are too sweet. At first I was concerned bcuz I didn’t see your response so I’m relieved to now see it. I’m so happy you like everything but I do feel so bad and I take full responsibility. If you could send me a picture I will print it to show post office. I feel just awful. You are probably the sweetest person I’ve ever spoken with
Mar 06Reply

@sebq I guess I got extra kindness handed to me as well 😆 no seriously, I will send u a pic of it tomorrow morning when I get home from work doll. U are in no way responsible, USPS is. The pic u have shows has no flaws what so ever.
Mar 06Reply

Omg, you are a tough one. At least let me pay you money towards your order for the broken bowl. I’m going as I said to check with the post office about the insurance. Please!🙏
Mar 06Reply

Yes my luv, I see it. One of the cracks is strange. I cannot imagine how that happened. It looks like it was dropped from a roof or something extremely heavy was put on top of it. I am absolutely beside myself that this happened. Almost looks like stress fracture like it was supporting a very heavy package over it. I am going to look as hard as I can to try and find a replacement. I’m more than happy to refund you what you paid. I just feel awful Angie.
Mar 06Reply

I know a lady who deals with Haitian products only and I already put out a call to her
Mar 06Reply

My husband has an appointment for an MRI of his heart tomorrow bcuz he needs it for clearance for surgery but he said I can go to what’s called “little Haiti” here on Friday so his friend can go with me and I might be able to find one. I would send you pix first b4 I bought ok
Mar 06Reply

@sebq I'll tell u what; if it makes u feel better, if u find a new 1, no matter what style, let me know. Post it on here for me of course & I'll buy it. I don't feel right allowing u to pay for some1 else's carelessness. It wasn't your fault, therefore u shall not be held responsible for it. It's only right
Mar 06Reply

@sebq I totally agree, it looks like a stress fracture of some sort. USPS is good for not making sure people's items are tended to with care, sadly.
Mar 06Reply

@sebq No need to stress over it tho doll 😊 I'm gonna take my nap now. U & Sam enjoy your afternoon. He needs his rested for his appt this week.
Mar 06Reply

I want you to take your nap but ABSOLUTELY NOT will you buy it. If I find one I’m just sending it. Go take your nap. Are you well or do you just nap regularly
Mar 06Reply

Tomorrow I am going to a place to see if I can find you a new bowl my love. I will let you know what I find. Have a great weekend ❤️
Mar 10Reply

Happy Poshing! You should check out my page, I have some stuff you might like 😊🌺
Mar 12Reply

Hi Angie, I wanted you to know that I am avidly looking to replace your large bowl. I found only one I liked but it was from Africa and they wanted me to purchase full set. I’m not giving up and I will find one. I live in Fl so Haitian bowls are a plenty here. It’s just finding the right one and hopefully just the large bowl. I haven’t forgotten about you. Thank you and God bless🙏
Mar 13Reply

I will mail out your egg flip-flops this afternoon thank you so much
Mar 14Reply

sorry- your UGG flip flops
Mar 14Reply

@sportsgal48 lol egg
Mar 14Reply

Angie nice closet and beautiful pics,best wishes for your success
Mar 15Reply

@unclaimed Thank u 😊 U have a nice closet as well. Nice and organized.
Mar 15Reply

Hi.....I have an offer like pick any 5 for $10 bundle..as I’m moving out of country very soon..its a great deal..Please check out my closet...Thank you 💕😊💕
Mar 15Reply

Thanks for your order! I’ll ship out first thing tomorrow morning 🤗
Mar 18Reply

@stephgams Thank u doll ☺💞
Mar 18Reply

Are you still interested in your bundle? :)
Apr 02Reply

Hey Angie, pls send an offer again. We were are so close to an agreed price for the bundle! Thanks girl :)
Apr 03Reply

@beautymark55 Hey Elle, I deleted my card from here cuz I was spending way too much so I have to wait for a few people to pay & their money to be added. As soon as it is, if my bundle is still available, I will def get it doll
Apr 03Reply

@awatson4 ok, I’ll have it saved for you.
Apr 06Reply

Msde you an offer on your bundle but would love to add more items for you, if u want you can decline and ill add more. Thanks for poshing 😊
Apr 07Reply

@heatherpnw do u need me to decline the offer?
Apr 07Reply

@awatson4 only if y ok u want to add more items? Feel free to make the offer again if those are the only things you want 😊
Apr 07Reply

@awatson4 sorry if that was confusing, feel free to make an offer 😊
Apr 07Reply

Morning, my name is Maria. I came across your closet while sharing. I would love if you had some time to come visit my closet and look around. My goal is for my buyers to leave with a big smile on their faces. I usually ship out the next day. Thanks and greetings from Nashville TN.
Apr 09Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 09Reply

I couldn’t figure out how to message you, but your shoes should be heading your direction tomorrow AM. So sorry for the delay!
Apr 10Reply

@abbieberger That's fine sweetie. Thank u for keeping me up to date
Apr 10Reply

@awatson4 ❤️
Apr 10Reply

You are the best, thank you for such a sweet review!
Apr 11Reply

@samanthamkov Thank u for having such a great closet Sam
Apr 11Reply

@awatson4 hello I just brought a pink shirt from u r u shipping soon?
Apr 17Reply

Hi Angie, remember me, you bought the Haitian bowls from me and you were so very kind. I found something at an estate sale that I thought to special deliver it to your closet. It’s boy bowls but take a look sweetie and read description
May 05Reply

Let me know if you received it hun💞
May 05Reply

@sebq Awwwe 💖💖💖 Ricki, that's stunning! It's looks like a unique find for sure! I hope u & Sam are doing great 😚❤
May 05Reply

Thx sweetie, actually Sam went in for placement of a pacemaker/defibrillator and the dr had to abort the procedure bcuz he accidentally cut Sam’s aorta. Now he’s possibly facing open heart bcuz it will bleed forever. I couldn’t believe it. I sent you the globe pic bcuz I feel I owe u something for the damaged bowl you were so kind about
May 05Reply

@sebq Oh. My. Goodness! That's horrific!
May 05Reply

@sebq Ricki, I told u that u didn't have to replace it
May 05Reply

Yes, I know you did but I never forgot bcuz I felt awful. Yes, with Sam I was devastated and so now he faces more problems. No idea what God is telling us but I’ve been a wreck since it happened
May 05Reply

Hey doll, Thank you for initial offer! If you counter with 80, I'd accept. =)
May 07Reply

Hey Angie! Very sorry for such a late delay in responses i was in an accident and had to have a sudden but semi noninvasive surgery on my back my mom was trying to keep up PM for me but she was also sick anyways very sorry for my late responses it wasn't for lack of caring I honestly didn't know how lil my mom was able to do while I'm recovering or I would have taken over sooner
May 07Reply

I saw you didn't receive two items what were they and how can I help? Do you want those items still or a full refund? Pls let me know what I can do to make things right and I'll be happy to do or agree to what you'd like
May 07Reply

@alwaysannie I am so sorry to hear that Bailey 😔💔
May 07Reply

@alwaysannie I figure that since no money has been paid to you yet, I'll just redo the ship then back when posh sends me a label & I'll reorder them. Does that sound good to you?
May 07Reply

Hi Angie, if you resubmit your original offer, I'll accept.
May 16Reply

Hey, how are you? I got the pink Victoria secret top you were interested in yesterday evening and measured for you. Pit to pit is 23”. That is an oversized fit for a medium. It sounds like the perfect fit for you, so let me know if you are still interested. 😊 -thanks and happy poshing
May 24Reply

Hey girl! I tried sending you an offer on your bundle but Posh won’t let me send it because the Color Pop palette offer I sent earlier went to 18 people. You can try making an offer if you want, or just think about if you want 😊 Happy Tuesday
Jun 05Reply

@awatson4 Hello, thank you so much for your purchase, I’m trying so hard to clear my closet out 😀. I will ship your order out tomorrow 😀.
Jun 18Reply

Hey, thank you for the sweet rating. I bought the bubble wrap envelopes on Amazon 😀😀
Jun 22Reply

@cherieferguson Awe, thank you 😊
Jun 22Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares and likes!! Let me know if you would like to bundle anything as I’m happy to offer you item and shipping discounts!! 😘😘
Jul 27Reply

Hi Angie, thank you for your purchase. Your 3 hoodies will be shipping today. 😊
Aug 06Reply

@rondykins2018 Thank you Veronica 😙💕
Aug 06Reply

@awatson4 Of course 😊
Aug 06Reply

Hi, your package is on it’s way. I placed a gift inside , hopefully you like it.
Here is your tracking 9405510899359516590968
Aug 06Reply

@rondykins2018 Thank you doll
Aug 07Reply

Hi Angie, I dropped your package off this morning. Give it a couple hours or so to begin tracking.
Here is the number: 9405510899359521532625, take care and thank you again. 😊
Aug 13Reply

Thx for your offer. Trying to keep it under $40 w shipping.
Aug 13Reply

Totally understand if that doesn’t work for you
Aug 13Reply

@lizbmiller75 I understand hun 😊 Considering I just listed it a few hours ago I'd like to get a little closer to asking price for it so I don't take such a big loss on it so quick. I do hope u understand 😊
Aug 13Reply

@rondykins2018 Thank you Veronica
Aug 13Reply

@awatson4 definitely. Keep me in mind if it’s not selling soon. I have others in size L that I love. Has it been in the dryer? Just want to make sure it’s still original size.
Aug 13Reply

@lizbmiller75 I definitely will hun 😊 no dryer, I am the same way lol. Have to keep everything the original size
Aug 13Reply

@awatson4 awesome. I got a dress recently that was also a duplicate of one I owned and they had dried it (dry clean only) and the fit was awful. So frustrating.
Aug 13Reply

Hi, Thank you for another amazing review. 😀
Aug 16Reply

Hi again!! Should be able to ship tomorrow! Have a great weekend 💋
Aug 31Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, JUICY COUTURE, and SEPHORA. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers with me on anything you like!💕
Sep 01Reply

@youngdhowell I wear 8.5 - 9 depending on the style
Oct 03Reply

@youngdhowell Nah, already had those. I appreciate the offer tho
Oct 04Reply

Hi I’m Shellie and I just wanted to see if your still looking for a particular pair of Sang Real Jeans-
I have a pair that I haven’t posted yet but they’re SJP3002-2R
Size 28-
Please also check out my closet. -I’ll start sharing yours-
You have a great closet!
Thanks and Happy Poshing 😄
Oct 25Reply

Sent you an offer on the boots 👍🏻
Nov 02Reply

Comments negative things under your items for no reason . :( not a good posher. Would block
Nov 08Reply

All items have a strong smoke odor
Nov 08Reply

@bgsell Actually I looking to purchase an item of yours until I saw that comment lol. I have a posting of being a smoker so nice try troll!
Nov 08Reply

@bgsell At least I don't sell fake items
Nov 08Reply

Thank you for your likes I am open to offers and bundles. If you bundle 2+ items you will receive a 5% discount plus a private discount from me with $4.99 shipping! Happy Poshing!! ❤️🎉
EVERYTHING under $50 is 2 for $35 or 3 for $45 with $4.99 shipping!
Dec 01Reply

Hello I am packing up all sold items now to be shipped soon please let me know if you are interested in the jeans. Thank you
Dec 01Reply

Send an offer on the Frye boots! I need to sell please!! 👍🏻
Dec 11Reply

Thank you so much I just received my jeans with a little holiday gift as well 💕💕 they fit perfect 👌🏼 thanks for making my first purchase on Posh incredible 😊
Dec 13Reply

@dance0823 You are welcome doll 😊 I always try to make sure that everyone is happy with their items. I'm glad they fit great. I hope you get many great years of use out of them! Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 😁
Dec 14Reply

Hi there, thx for like. All reasonable offers welcome 💞
Dec 16Reply

Make a bundle and I will give you a Christmas discount which I’m doing thru Christmas
Dec 16Reply

Omg, thank you again for all your likes. Once again, why not make a bundle and I will give you a Christmas discount which you are by no means accountable for. But this way you can see if it’s right for your wallet. I’m doing this as I said thru Christmas
Dec 16Reply

Omg, you are too funny. Just make a bundle when you are thru. I will offer Christmas discount besides bundle discount and you can always counter, decline or remove certain items. 😊😙
Dec 16Reply

Add them to a bundle. I’ll even throw in extra. Allow me to make you an offer on your likes. You can always decline or counter or remove items. NO OBLIGATION!😊
Dec 16Reply

All of your likes comes to $193.00 if I didn’t leave anything out. I will give you $55 off plus bundle discount. That is $138.00 plus bundle bonus makes it about $127.00 for a total of $66 off
Dec 16Reply

@sebq That's fine sweetie 😁 I want you to know that you & Sam are in my prayers 😚💕 I wish him & you the best!!
Dec 16Reply

@sebq I'll have to look at my likes and let you know, ok.
Dec 16Reply

That is so kind of you my love. We are praying for a Christmas miracle and God brings him a donor match. I am so afraid he will deteriorate. Right now the IV meds and pills by mouth are keeping him alive but for how long. I need all the prayers I can get. Please pray for my sweet Sam. God bless you 🙏🙏🙏
Dec 16Reply

Of course. Take your time please! No hurry at all and thank you💞
Dec 16Reply

Thanks so much for the great review, I'm really glad you love the Express jeans. They were a bit snug on me, otherwise I would have totally kept them for me !
Dec 18Reply

@jenjen6471 Sorry it took me so long to accept the order. I've had a lot going on these past few days. I absolutely love these jeans! They're lovely. They fit great in all of the right places lol.
Dec 18Reply

@awatson4 no worries ! Aren't they great ? I'm sorry about the color variation in the pictures. Apparently I dont have the best lighting to take photos ! I didn't even notice it until you pointed it out, then I couldnt get a photo to look like the actual color !
Dec 19Reply

You have a wonderful closet! . Many blessings in the New Year!
Dec 22Reply

@michelle2137 Thank you Michelle 😊 Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and many blessings to you and your family as well doll ❤
Dec 22Reply

@awatson4 ❤❤🎅🎅
Dec 22Reply

Hi Angie, how are you. Happy New Year sweetheart! Have a safe and healthy New Year. Thx for the like on an item in my closet. Make an offer if you like. I just posted a very pretty maxi dress you may like. I can send it to you. Thx so much😊
Jan 03Reply

Oh, just noticed you liked a couple of things. If you should decide on anything to purchase I will give you a great Christmas discount! 😊
Jan 03Reply

I sent you the dress to view. It’s gorgeous on and the colors are great. It’s easily adjusted in back to wear tighter and sexier, lol, or more subdued with it loose. You look like you are right down the middle but probably would look great sexy. Lol. But serious!!!
Jan 03Reply

Jan 24Reply

@carolynclark414 I hope you're enjoying poshmark 😁 There's a lot of lovely closets, items & people here.
Jan 24Reply

Thank you for all your likes Angie☺️
Jan 31Reply

If you love BURTON like me, feel free to stop by! New BURTON listings regularly!❤️🏂🛹✌🏻
Apr 07Reply

@angston4 Hello 😊 I found the pouch that goes with the Tiffany & Co ring!!!! Let me know if you're still interested 💗
May 11Reply

Thank you dear for you very kind words, the mean a lot to me and I appreciate them as well. I will be adding more posting soon💐
May 12Reply

Are you interested in cheap pink items? Check out my page. I have a lot of lotions,sprays, scrubs, etc. prices are negotiable
Jun 24Reply

Hi Angie 🤗
Check out my closet. If you need any help, let me know. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Jun 27Reply

@leblogdejanet Hi Janet, my apologies for canceling the offer hun. Do the Gymshark shorts run small? I do like a few of your items 😊 Do you trade or only sell hun?
Jun 27Reply

@angston4 Hey girly, I only sell. & no worries, the shorts ran small on me because I am bigger, so they fit like booty shorts and the waist band was very tight, but I believe they are true to size. I am a medium and ordered small because I thought they’d fit, but they’re too tight. If you’re a small, I think they’ll be perfect!
Jun 30Reply

I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept.
Happy Poshing.❤️
Cami 😀
Jul 14Reply

@cmcevers Thank you doll 😚💕 I will definitely check out your closet to see if anything piques my interest.
Jul 14Reply

Hi and Thanks for stopping by @SharonsTrunk and liking several of my lovely Items. Reasonable offers are always welcomed...
Aug 04Reply

Thanks for the offer on the hermes case I updated the description . Please review and let me know if you still would like to make the offer think you
Oct 02Reply

@maiden84 Definitely still interested hun 😊 Thank you
Oct 02Reply

Hey!! Thanks for your purchase! I am sending this out today! ❤
Oct 31Reply

@alexrios910 Thank you doll ❤
Oct 31Reply

@alexrios910 It is Authentic, correct
Oct 31Reply

@angston4 yes!
Oct 31Reply

@angston4 hi babe I can do that offer but through @Venmo due to the fees here, And I can ship it tonight. Let if that’s works
Jan 26Reply

@nayelyvanessaa Hi hun, I don't use V enmo anymore due to issues that transpired sending payment through that app. I do use M ercari. Their fee is much less than here as well. It's up to you doll, let me know what you think 😊
Jan 26Reply

Thank you again for your patience and for the sweet review you left, so much appreciated! 😘
Feb 26Reply

Happy poshing🤗🤗 Feel free to come check out my closet - I’m having tons of deals at the moment🥳
Mar 23Reply

Thank you, Angie for your sweet and kind comments. So glad to know you liked the shorts! Have a great evening and wonderful week😊.
Jul 07Reply

Hi! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I mainly sell kids clothes:). Thank you, have a great night!😊
Aug 31Reply

So glad you loved your purchase! Thanks for the great review!
Sep 25Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 28Reply

I am so happy you liked everything! Thank you for the lovely comment. Have a great night! 🙂
Oct 09Reply

hi!! i see you added the VS pink crewneck to your bundle. i just sold it so it’s not available anymore!! i’m so sorry
Oct 23Reply

Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Feb 08Reply

hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 26Reply

Hi there! Love your closet, check mine out if you have a chance :)
May 19Reply

Hi! I’m Jaime. New to Poshmark. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself and say hi! I list a variety of items and plan on buying from fellow poshers as well! I always send a 💝FREE GIFT💝 with every order. Stay dreamy 💫 and always Embrace Your Beautiful 💜 xo
May 22Reply

@angston4 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Aug 13Reply

@angston4 hi Angie! I see you declined the offer on the Michael Kors satchel bag. Would $115 and Free shipping get it done for you? That’s the lowest I can go ! The bag is exquisite and check out the price tag. 😉
Nov 03Reply

beautiful picture ,nice closet, happy holidays .Enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more from this closet.(Free shipping on $25 purchase). l also wholesale purchase any item from my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. expires 12 12 22 Check out Poshmark''s videos on YouTube l have found them helpful in increasing my sales.
Dec 10Reply
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