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Updated Oct 13
Updated Oct 13


Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Velda. Some of my favorite brands are Tory Burch, Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostale, and Alexander McQueen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet. Have family that smoke.
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aposhfashion Hi welcome to poshmark :).
Jan 26Reply
kaleyheider Nice to meet you!❤️
Mar 06Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Mar 07Reply
amourvanessa Welcome to posh ! 🎉💕
Mar 07Reply
tdh1908 @carolynqx Hello Carolyn, thanks for visiting my closet and purchasing the green skinny jeans. I'll get them packaged and shipped out to you. Have a good evening!
Mar 08Reply
thesequinhanger Welcome to posh 💕
Mar 08Reply
tdh1908 @carolynqx Hi Velda- your new jeans were shipped earlier today. Have a good night!
Mar 09Reply
tdh1908 @carolynqx Velda, So happy to hear that guy like your new NYDJ Jeans. Thanks again. Have a good evening!
Mar 11Reply
katelynmarie29 Hey girl! Will have those glasses shipped out first thing tomorrow morning, you should receive by Friday!
Mar 16Reply
katzkoz Hi & WELCOME to Posh! Its a very supportive & social community and if you have any questions, there's always a Posher to help out Or, just visit my closet and I'd be happy to help! SHARING is KEY! When I "share" an item to your "followers" , that goes into the "feed" for it to be seen. So the more followers U have...the more that item is seen! Therefore....the followers U have...the more potential sales for U! Questions? Just come ask me for tips!
Mar 16Reply
annayb Glad to hear the listings were helpful for you! If you need anything else please don't hesitate to let me know!
Mar 23Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 25Reply
carolynqx @katzkoz thank you for info and help
Mar 25Reply
kerrir414 @carolynqx Hi Velda. What a beautiful name! I'm Kerri. Nice to meet you on here. When you have a chance, come check out my closet and hopefully find a great deal on something you like. I have bags, jewelry, clothes, accessories, and occasionally some makeup. Happy Poshing to you! 😎🛍🕶👛👜👗👚👠💄👖
Mar 28Reply
tdh1908 @carolynqx Hi Velda- Thanks for stopping back by my closet this evening. I really appreciate it. I see that you made an offer on a top I have listed. It's really lowered to the minimum. Since you're a repeat customer I'll take off some extra. Counter coming your way. Have s goodnight!
Mar 29Reply
fondfarewell Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. I've been pretty addicted to it since I started last summer. Some great places to find answers to some common Posh related questions can be found at @official_forum and @poshuniversity - they're great resources for the dos/don'ts, want you can list, sharing tips, parties, etc.
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @toffsxtufts thank u. Will definitely take a look
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @toffsxtufts your amazing..thank u
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @aposhfashion thank you so much
Mar 30Reply
aposhfashion @carolynqx You are welcome :).
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @kaleyheider thanks for .welcome
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @tdh1908 know now to reply now..thanks
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @katelynmarie29 thank u. Finally learned how to reply.
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @katzkoz thank you so much for your help Was spinning my wheels.
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @annayb thank u. Any suggestions on how to use graphics on listings
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @jassieboo92 thank u so much
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @kerrir414 thank you..was my grandmothers name
Mar 30Reply
katzkoz @carolynqx My pleasure!👍
Mar 30Reply
annayb @carolynqx I'm not really sure. I typically find a pattern/background online and use a photo editing app to add the text. Hope that's what you meant! 💗
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @annayb yes thank u again for your assistance
Mar 30Reply
carolynqx @krissyb2012 will do..and thanks for checking out mine
Apr 03Reply
lashuey Thanks for the shares!! Yes, I have two Westies. Benson and Madeleine. They're brother and sister. ✨
Apr 03Reply
solara 💗
Apr 03Reply
denayeagerperez Hi Velda....thanks for the shares. Happy poshing to you too. My hubby from TX...born In GAlveston and tons of family in Houston area.
Apr 10Reply
carolynqx @denayeagerperez its a small world. Happy poshing
Apr 10Reply
carolynqx @emejia following
Apr 12Reply
jessica10908 💞😘
Apr 12Reply
loveg1978 @carolynqx Your welcome! 😊
Apr 12Reply
baby_k Welcome to poshmark!! 😊
Apr 12Reply
carolynqx @baby_k thank u. Love it but still a lot to learn
Apr 12Reply
carolynqx @crockell.followimg
Apr 13Reply
i_cravebargains Thank you! @carolynqx 🌹🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻🌷🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻🌷🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻🌹🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌺💐🌸🌷🌹🌷🌼🌸💐🌺🌻💐🌸🌼🌷🌹🌷🌼🌸🌸💐🌺💐🌸🌷🌺
Apr 13Reply
ckbloom Thanks to you too! Love your closet 😘❤️
Apr 13Reply
shoplunagrace Welcome to Poshmark! 💕💕😊💕💕
Apr 13Reply
carolynqx @ckbloom thank yoi
Apr 13Reply
rposen @carolynqx Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for sharing!🎀
Apr 14Reply
carolynqx @sara_09 follow game
Apr 14Reply
carolynqx @ritadee
Apr 14Reply
fireflydiamond Hi, yes I know where Newberg is. Small world😀 How do you like Texas?
Apr 14Reply
carolynqx @emmagwicks follpw game
Apr 17Reply
carolynqx @kewpiedoll follow game
Apr 17Reply
carolynqx @angelalee72/follpw
Apr 19Reply
adelehaddad @carolynqx, WELCOME TO POSHMARK DOLL😊❤️😍, check out my closet. Thanx
Apr 19Reply
kimkjc2 @carolynqx Hi! I looked through everything you have and couldn't find any puppy pics. 😟 You have tons of things I like!! I wish we were the same size!!! ❤️
Apr 20Reply
tdh1908 @carolynqx Hi Velda, how are you?
Apr 21Reply
flowergirl64 @carolynqx Hi Velda! Welcome aboard! Looks like you have gotten off to a great start. If you have any questions or need help please feel free to ask me. I love to help other poshers. I got all kinds of help when I first started. I would love to pay it forward. Enjoy! Looking forward to seeing your success to keep growing. Have fun!!! 👠👛👗🎉😉🌺
Apr 22Reply
carolynqx @flowergirl64 thank u so much..still feel lost occassionally
Apr 22Reply
carolynqx @plump_petunia happy poshing
Apr 24Reply
ginger_nj Velda Thank you for sharing my listings... I enjoyed stopping by! 🎉
Apr 26Reply
51twenty Hi Velda! I'm Carolyn! It's nice to meet you.
Apr 26Reply
shopgirl1880 @carolynqx I wanted to let you know that I am going to be putting some of my items on sale in a few hours. If you are interested in any of my items I can create a bundle and we can negotiate a price. Just let me know if you are interested.
Apr 29Reply
carolynqx @shopgirl1880 thanks will look. my closet is 20% off this weekend only.
Apr 29Reply
shopgirl1880 @carolynqx awesome. Thanks for letting me know!
Apr 29Reply
terryannmarie Hi, carolynqx, thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
May 02Reply
carolynqx @dvacante interested in jewelry share groip
May 03Reply
carolynqx @iqclothessavvy think I'm finished
May 04Reply
carolynqx @spicecake thank you. Lovely closet
May 04Reply
koshik Hey Velda, I read at the top of closet that your dogs help. Awesome! Mine would too, but they enjoy the good life too much and instead like to loll about on couches and beds! Lol!
May 14Reply
wendi41 If you like sharing, and you have a big closet and cute stuff there are many category specific share groups at @hot_pink_mamas that are very flexible and you sign up daily.
May 16Reply
carolynqx @wendi41 thank you SO much for info!
May 16Reply
aishablake Welcome to Posh, doll!!!! I hope that you love it here!!!😊💖💋
Jun 10Reply
smileyjo2 Hi, Velma! You have a nice closet!! ❤️the jewelry!! Wishing you much Posh success!!!
Jun 10Reply
carolynqx @smileyjo2 thank you so much
Jun 11Reply
smith36 Welcome to postmark.
Jun 16Reply
kylej Yay Texas ✌❤️😀
Jun 16Reply
dixiebella64 @carolynqx Hi there, Velda! I'm Gina and it's so nice to meet you. Welcome to Poshmark! 😀 I hope you are enjoying being a part of this wonderful community. If I can help in any way, please let me know. 🙂
Jun 16Reply
carolynqx @dixiebella64 thank you so much
Jun 16Reply
jannies @carolynqx , Nice to meet you, Velda😍😍🌹
Jun 20Reply
mrsmogood Nice to meet you
Jun 21Reply
greenery @carolynqx Nice to meet you as well!
Jun 23Reply
tamalama56 @carolynqx 🌺 Hi Velda❣ Welcome to P💟SH🌝
Jul 02Reply
heavensparadise Welcome to Poshmark !! My name is Marcie. It's so nice to meet you. 🎉🎉💥💥This community is full of wonderful women ready to help you when you need it. 💞💞 Please feel free to tag me @marcie0707 with any questions you may have. Have lots of fun and Share, share, share!!💋💋 I noticed you like follow games too! I have a follow games tag list that I would love to add you too if you are interested just let me know. It really helps you to gain followers.
Jul 06Reply
carolynqx @marcie0707 thank you. Nice to meet you. That would be great if could add me to list
Jul 06Reply
heavensparadise @carolynqx I just added you. I have 100's of follow games. I'll tag you on some to start. Once you like the follow game it will stay in your likes so you can easily go back to it and follow everyone that follows it. I hope that helps you because it makes it so much easier to manage them once you get a lot of them.
Jul 06Reply
heavensparadise @carolynqx If you have any questions please tag me @marcie0707. I would love to help you.
Jul 06Reply
carolynqx @marcie0707 thank you so much.
Jul 06Reply
antiqueorunique @carolynqx Great closet! There are some Vintage and Jewelry share groups that you may be interested in! Nice to meet so fellow jewelry lover!
Jul 10Reply
carolynqx @antiqueorunique thank you. How do I find those groups?
Jul 10Reply
musemax You are wonderful. Thanks for your forgiveness! I no longer work but stay home with my 90 year old dad. I will be retirement age soon. It's nice that your fur babies assist you. I love dogs, but I just have a granddog. I love to see him!
Jul 12Reply
carolynqx @musemax no worries. Always glad to have a new "e" friend. Best of luck with your poshing. I was disabled in a car accident but do volunteer stuff. Staying to care for your dad is an awesome thing!!
Jul 12Reply
musemax I am so glad to have a new "e" friend! You can be sure I will be in your closet often. I love vintage stuff and have some myself...I just haven't unearthed it yet. I might have to go an an archaeological dig. lol
Jul 12Reply
musemax Sorry to hear about your accident, but it is good that you remain busy. I like to do volunteer stuff too. I love spending this time with my dad. When I was growing up he was working all the time to take care of our family.
Jul 12Reply
carolynqx @musemax I know what you mean. Lol glad time with your dad is rewarding for you both
Jul 12Reply
musemax Thanks Velda!
Jul 12Reply
heyari_ Hey love! Thanks for the likes 💕 if you see anything you're interested in or if you have any questions, feel free to comment ☺️ also keep in mind that when you bundle 2 or more items you receive 15% off of your final purchase 💟 and I'm also open to discuss reasonable offers 👍
Jul 15Reply
carolynqx @heyari_ thank you
Jul 21Reply
mjacobszem Thanks for following!
Jul 28Reply
mjacobszem Thanks so much for the shares!
Jul 28Reply
vlsavell Thanks ❤I appreciate All the Help I Can Get My Closet Doest Look That Great But Im Learning To Purchase❤❤
Jul 29Reply
carolynqx @vlsavell your closet looks great!! Just share so more and more people can see it!! Happy poshing
Jul 29Reply
cameronflo hi velda. ¡thanks for the posh love! nice to meet you. 💋💋 @carolynqx
Aug 03Reply
carolynqx @cameronflo nice to meet you also
Aug 03Reply
born_againbtq Hi Velda! I love your closet and would love any help or tips as I'm working 12 hour days trying to get my going. Thank you in advance and I totally understand if you don't have the time💜
Aug 16Reply
carolynqx @danalouf thank you so much for the compliment. Your closet looks great to me!! But if you have any questions along the way, glad to help if I know the answer!😃
Aug 16Reply
born_againbtq Thank you, Velda❤️
Aug 16Reply
justpeep @carolynqx instead of sharing this n that I shared it to Pinterest and Facebook! Happy sales! 😊
Aug 19Reply
carolynqx @minleigh thanks for like
Aug 31Reply
carolynqx @mimicherry thanks for like
Aug 31Reply
carolynqx @79littlered thanks for like
Sep 16Reply
79littlered @carolynqx My pleasure doll.
Sep 16Reply
5starfinds Hi. I have a couple of Betsey Johnson bags and a few Free People items. Also Marc Jacobs and Kate Spade. Beautiful dresses and nice boots and shoes 💗. PS some great J. crew Sweaters arriving this week.
Sep 18Reply
carolynqx @mariabessem nice closet 😃
Sep 18Reply
5starfinds Thank you. Very thoughtful of you to say so.
Sep 18Reply
carolynqx @mariabessem thanks for like
Sep 18Reply
5starfinds Of course! I shared 'you' so hopefully you will get more followers
Sep 18Reply
veronica72 Thnx for the likes 😉
Oct 12Reply
greatnanacloset @carolynqx you have a lovely closet, shared a lot for you☹️️❤️🌹
Oct 17Reply
cassmarie8406 @carolynqx Thank you for the shares 😊💝🌸💐
Oct 18Reply
obindee Velda, thank you for taking time to browse my closet and sharing! Much appreciated!
Oct 25Reply
olgomez25 Hi...I will be mailing the watch today...sorry my work schedule had been crazy and I hadn't been able to make it to the post office in time but it will definitely go out today. Thank you for your patience.
Nov 07Reply
adxbtq Hi dear! If you see anything that catches your eye in my closet LMK please! I take all reasonable offers & I'm planning on shipping out packages on Monday btw!
Nov 27Reply
bellajean2011 I need all 3 type of jeans for the bundle price. I cannot pay 5.95 per pair. There all from you? I wouldn't even of thought to do that at all. It wouldn't even make sense to even you?
Dec 09Reply
fayevitt Nice to meet you on POSHMARK. I am a poshmark suggested user. If you have any questions or would simply like me to share your items for a larger audience and my followers to see while you're getting started feel free to ask. I would be happy to help out. You're also welcome to check out my closet which is currently on CLEARANCE so I can rotate in more items. I have 100+ left to list still. Happy shopping @FayeVitt
Dec 21Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Velda, thanks for following my closet. Hope you look around and find things you love💕
Jan 09Reply
cdmonroe_ @carolynqx Hi Velda! I noticed you recently made an offer on the J. Jill.. just wanted to let you know that if you ever change your mind I would gladly accept your offer but if not I totally understand :) Have a great rest of your night!
Jan 17Reply
soxieposh Hi Velda. Appreciate your like on my closet and sharing it as well! I'm new posher and still getting the hang of selling. You're one of the nicest ladies I've met here 🎀😄🎀
Jan 17Reply
carolynqx @soxieposh thank you for such a nice compliment. Hope you enjoy poshing. If I can answer or help let me know. Best of luck.
Jan 17Reply
dianejohnson707 Velda thanks for sharing stop by anytime
Jan 28Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Check out my page. Happy poshing 😀
Jan 30Reply
teachme123 Thank you for all the shares Velda. Happy poshing and have a great day.🌺🙋🏼🌸💵🛍
Feb 02Reply
msmillicent Will also include the blue and white tie-dye top if you are able to take my offer. Thanks
Feb 18Reply
msmillicent Soory for the post. I replied to you by accident. Sorry.
Feb 18Reply
poshtaaastic Sharing is caring so thank you! Happy Poshing
Feb 19Reply
poshtaaastic Sharing is caring so thank you! Happy Poshing
Feb 19Reply
ambeeb Thank you so much for sharing my phone case listing!! 😊
Mar 05Reply
worthy0405 Ty for the follow and sharing !!! 💖💖💖💖
Mar 19Reply
kel1angel Hi Velda, I'm planning to start playing some Follow Games and trying to start a tag list. However, I want to make sure whomever I include wants to be on the list. Would you be interested in my adding you to my tag list?
Mar 25Reply
carolynqx @kel1angel that would be great. Thanks
Mar 25Reply
kel1angel @carolynqx Great! thanks! 💞
Mar 25Reply
avalonemerald As always thanks for your many shares! And thx for the like! Drop by anytime🌸🌸🌸🤗🤗🤗
Mar 29Reply
moorehair2 Hello & thanks for the "♥️like"! I"M HAVING A HUGE STORE CLEAN OUT SALE! Make me an offer! MOST responsible offers are excepted. I'm giving a 30% BUNDLE DEAL to anyone who place the first offer!😀SEE YOU AT CHECK OUT!💥🛒🛒🛒🛒
Mar 30Reply
jazzycats Thank you for sharing
Mar 31Reply
33_sales Hi!! Thank you so much for the like and share! It is GREATLY appreciated! I see you live in Spring Branch Texas... Is that the Spring Branch in Dallas? I have family that live there! 😁
Mar 31Reply
carolynqx @kgiles88 no is by San Antonio but all still Texan!!
Mar 31Reply
33_sales @carolynqx Oh ok gotcha! And yesss Texas is THE best! 💕😍🤗😁
Mar 31Reply
katiah94 💞😊 Thanks for all your shares!! 😊💞
Apr 02Reply
issa2226 Thank you for the Love.!
Apr 03Reply
sweetnsimple1 Good Morning Sunshine!! Please feel free to stop by and check out my closet sometime! Reasonable Offers Welcome or just a follow would be awesome! Have a blessed day!❤💕❤
Apr 03Reply
callielives Thanks for poshing around in my closet 💃🏽😘❤️
Apr 07Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Velda. Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers and I hope you will continue to follow my work 🌹
Apr 12Reply
kellyfrasher Hi!! Thanks for the extra shares! 😊❤
Apr 13Reply
curvygurlzrock Thank you for following me!💕
Apr 23Reply
rlynmass Hey good evening! I thought I was the only addict up at this hour (EST here). Lol! I still have to go to bed! As always, thanks for the shares!
Apr 25Reply
carolynqx @rlynmass thank you too. Woke up and can't go back to sleep! Good night to you.
Apr 25Reply
rosieismypuppy 💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I'm Wendy, I would love an opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcomed, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
May 29Reply
serenity_style_ Hi hon, thanks for all the posh luv. Much appreciated 💟
May 29Reply
honeylosangeles Nice to meet another social worker on here! I'm currently working on my hours towards licensure 😊
May 30Reply
carolynqx @chanelstarrr good luck. I loved it. Worked with variety of populations. Yeah, not many of us!
May 30Reply
urstyl Thanks for the share 💋 XOXO
Jun 04Reply
klmarler Thank you for sharing my Posh Item!😃
Jun 13Reply
klmarler Thank you for sharing my Posh Items!! Love you Closet!!! ❤️
Jun 13Reply
ronimase Thank YOU for all the shares! Your finger must be worn to the bone. Lol 💕💕
Jun 23Reply
arasplayground Thanks for the follow....🎈🎈🎈
Jun 23Reply
rimayolove Thank you sooo much for all of the shares today🤗 i really appreciate it🌼
Jun 29Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thanks for following my closet!!☺️
Jul 09Reply
vallouise2320 @carolynqx hey please look at my closet just marked down several items thanks
Jul 21Reply
spreadlove Happy Monday! Just stopping in the say hello - have a great week! :-)
Jul 24Reply
fortheloveofsam Hi there! Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing!
Jul 27Reply
belotek Glad we're all following each other so we can look at each others closet and find something we cannot live without! Lol!! Seriously, browse through my closet and you will find many of the brands that you have us favorites plus many other major brands !! All of my prices are negotiable and we offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 or more items !!
Aug 03Reply
globalboutique @carolynqx my username has changed from annieslebonheur to @globalboutique. 💕
Aug 24Reply
wildtimefashion Thanks for the share - sold Kimono Cover Up 😘
Aug 24Reply
atlantalaurie Hi. I didn't see where you had signed up for CC today (unless I missed it), but I just went back and shared you after I saw you shared me. 😉😉
Sep 03Reply
shellartgal Thanks for the share-backs! 😊😊😊
Sep 05Reply
bluestarfish Thank you for your rating! Glad the shoes arrived promptly.
Sep 07Reply
aschanick @carolynqx Hey 👋🏼 thanks for joining my share group 😁 just wanted to let you know though---I had a few poshers reach out to me about your closet so I reviewed it. It looks like you have several listings listed as boutique, but I THINK they should be listed as NWT not boutique...a boutique item is an item that comes
Sep 12Reply
aschanick @carolynqx directly from a supplier or a wholesaler. NWT items are items you have that still have the tags on them, but they did NOT come from a wholesaler or supplier. Please get back to me with feedback. I just have to make sure closets are posh compliant and properly listed for share groups. Thanks for understanding 😘😉
Sep 12Reply
carolynqx @appraisol lol. No problem
Sep 16Reply
steffi3tmc @carolynqx Hi Velda! My son is at Wash U now! He says it's really tough!
Sep 16Reply
carolynqx @steffi3tmc yes it is but it is worth it. I loved that school, got my masters there. Is a great school and he will find employment etc easier. Wow small world. U should be proud of him, which I'm sure ur.🙂
Sep 16Reply
carolynqx @appraisol the cute Yorkie pin is same price as pants if that would work for you. I know, some days are just like that. Lol
Sep 18Reply
carolynqx @appraisol creme please
Sep 18Reply
carolynqx @appraisol how nice of you. Thanks so much.
Sep 18Reply
tj_giftshop Lovely closet 🌸
Sep 24Reply
carolynqx @tjbuysell thank you.. appreciate the.compliment
Sep 24Reply
unclaimed Nice closet and beautiful pictures, wishing you much success, thanks for your support
Sep 27Reply
unclaimed Nice closet and beautiful pictures, wishing you much success, thanks for your support. Hope you are well in Texas if I can be of assistance to you or your family, please let me know
Sep 27Reply
lisabaish Hi Hun, I received four items from you today. – None of which I ordered or even liked. Looks like you mixed me up with someone else☹️. I still very much want the three items that I ordered. So I won’t be excepting this order. Please let me know how you would like to work this out. Thank you and have a great day.
Sep 29Reply
carolynqx @lisabaish omg that means someone else got wrong order also. Guess I switched orders. I am SO sorry. Has never happened so not sure what to do except u return and get to correct people and hope other person does same. Any suggestions welcomed .omg,.can't believe I did that
Sep 29Reply
lisabaish I Shirley believe that this is never happened before maybe you sent two packages out on the same day or something, maybe you could figure out who got my stuff? I will absolutely return the box as I received it. No worries hon. I’m not angry or anythingBut, I would like the stuff that I ordered. Thank you
Sep 29Reply
carolynqx @lisabaish I wrote posh as well as person I think I switched packages with Her's has not arrived yet but asked to return so can get to correct person. Still can't believe I did this!! Will definitely get to u as soon as returned. Yes mailed several that day but no excuse.
Sep 29Reply
jovigraham Thank you Velda 🌸🌸🤗🤗🌸🌸
Sep 29Reply
lisabaish Eh, We are all human, thank you for everything
Sep 30Reply
carolynqx @lisabaish as soon as hear anything will let you know. Thanks for understanding
Sep 30Reply
lisabaish I absolutely understand. Have a great day
Sep 30Reply
boopboutique Some extra shares from the Curvey Cuties group! Enjoy your day!
Oct 04Reply
jovigraham Thank you 💋🤗🌸
Oct 18Reply
chat3388 @carolynqx Hi Velda, nice to meet you, I am Kat. Thanks for following me and the likes. I like to offer new buyers a discount 🌹you may bundle your 2 likes and offer me 10. I will accept. Or keep browsing for more discounts. 😍Have an awesome day . I have shared your beautiful closet as well💋🎃
Oct 24Reply
lisabaish Hi Hun,, I have still not received my correct items or a label to ship the items I do head to the other person. Just wanted to update you
Oct 28Reply
carolynqx @lisabaish I sorry. Unless other person mails to you absolutely.nothing I can do. Posh told me refunded your money.hope that is so. Unless u want to pick something.for free don't know what else to offer. I made a stupid mistake,.switched labels and I am so sorry but if she won't mail to u....?.
Oct 28Reply
lisabaish I have not received package or refund. Eh, It is what it is. I understand we are all human. I just didn’t know if you were up-to-date on what’s happening.
Oct 28Reply
carolynqx If u want to pick something else for your inconvenience that would be great. Just let me know and will mark to $3 as low as they let us mark.
Oct 29Reply
jovigraham Thx 4 sharing my 🌸follow game🤗
Oct 30Reply
vceijas Hi Velda, Im a beauty youtuber please check out my channel!!! Please subscribe☺️
Nov 02Reply
missy5076 @carolynqx Hi!! if you would like to be added to my tag list please comment on my tag team post in my closet. I tag for follow games, share games, closet sales and posh parties. I dont go overboard and I don’t tag every day because I know it can be overwhelming. Happy New Year!
Dec 30Reply
barneysbargains Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark where the shopping 🎁 is always fun 👗 & the selling is easy💞 For men's items please ask me about my other closet! Ask for anything you're looking for but don't see! Both closets are always 100% Posh compliant! I'm an avid "closet sharer" - I hope that you'll return the favor! Sharing is caring! Watch for the parties 🎉that get posted to your feed daily & post to them. You get greater visibility that way! HAPPIEST POSHING💞 
Jan 13Reply
bubblesforme Hi Velda, Just wanted to say thanks for the sale and to let you know I shipped your shoes this morning. I haven’t seen a shipping notice yet, but they are on their way. Have a great evening!
Mar 02Reply
bubblesforme Thank you Velda for the nice comments and the top rating. I appreciate that. I’m also so happy you like your shoes.
Mar 06Reply
dawns_closet3 Aloha Velda. You purchased my Brighton Reverse Necklace. We had a sudden death in the family, so life has been on hold while we work through the necessities. I'm sorry for the delay, and thank you for your patience. I will be mailing your necklace out to you today. Sincerely, Dawn🌺
Apr 03Reply
carolynqx @dawns_closet3 no worries..sorry about your lose.
Apr 03Reply
dawns_closet3 Thank you🤗
Apr 03Reply
dawns_closet3 Thank you for the 5 star☆☆☆☆☆ rating. Enjoy your Brighton Necklace. Aloha from Hawaii🌺
Apr 07Reply
eholmes1217 Hi Velda. Thanks so much for your purchase 💕🤗💕 I will ship it out this morning💫
Apr 09Reply
carolynqx Thanks
Apr 10Reply
willowsage2 Hi Velda!, Excellent Closet. Please stop by my newly opened Closet and leave a comment/s, likes or whatever you'd like. You seem to know the trick! Thank you.
Jul 08Reply
winstonpoopi Hi there! Thank you so much for your purchase of the Caribbean Joe swim top and gift! I'll have them shipped to you as soon as possible! I hope t enjoy them!
Aug 11Reply
jennifernora32 @carolynqx Hi Love, I had to stop and tell you how nice it is to have another Texas Lady here on Posh. We live in Mesquite. Home of the Rodeo. lol. But we share so often I was looking up names and saw you're not to far away. We love the Hill Country. Scenic, Amazing People and yes Hills. Well, I'll see you in Matana's group. Have a great evening. 😘 Theresa. .
Aug 20Reply
carolynqx @jennifernora32 how nice of you. Always nice to meet a fellow Texan. My favorite is any town on the gulf! Hope we cross paths often. Happy poshing.
Aug 21Reply
jennifernora32 @carolynqx I agree on that too. We've traveled up and down the Gulf Coast. We just love it. 💖
Aug 21Reply
carriez560 Hi! I removed one item and added another 2 items If the necklace wasn’t available then the bracelet wasn’t warranted. Please make me another offer on these items
Sep 02Reply
carolynqx @carriez560 sent offer. Thanks for note. Appreciate.
Sep 02Reply
lilpolekat Thanks so much for the shares! 💐
Sep 29Reply
mee0wsers 👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 03Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day.❤️
Oct 16Reply
design4ubyjill Love your closet!!!❤️
Nov 22Reply
wrforrest Hello and thank you for all the shares. Are you from my share group??
Dec 11Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 10Reply
carolynqx @msneverending1 thank you. Same to you!
Feb 11Reply
carolynqx @vtorres0926 thank you. How nice of you. Will check closet out. I also do bundle discount. Take care.
Feb 11Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 13Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 21Reply
carolynqx @msneverending1 thanks back to you. Happy poshing!
Feb 21Reply
walshkck i see you are a veteran here, congrats!, i'm curious...have you noticed a change in activity or program functions since the update?
Feb 23Reply
carolynqx @walshkck thanks for touching base. Activity seems little slower but cycles. Lost some of my listings for a while after update but showed back up. How has your experience been?
Feb 23Reply
walshkck huge change at snails pace...bummed out...tried changing up normal routine too..any suggestions? also i know it's recommended to share entire closet 1-3x a day but as i increase listings it is daunting...i don't understand how people can only spend 25-45 minutes a day if you do everything recommended..i must be doing something wrong...advice?
Feb 23Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 23Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. You have some very lovely pieces & I love your closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 02Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 17Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. My 14K White Gold 5K Topaz Necklace that you liked , I will not go any lower than $140 since Poshmark takes a full 20% fee for every sale & the list price is already marked at 6o% off the original price I paid for the necklace. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 19Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Mar 21Reply
shegaq Thank You so much for sharing my closet!
Mar 29Reply
heatherlowens Hi Velda! Thank you for the likes and shares. ♥️ Your closet is very admirable 🛍😍💕✨
Mar 29Reply
alamodelavie Thanks for your purchase. I'll get that shipped out to you ASAP....enjoy!!!
Apr 02Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Apr 06Reply
beirutbeutifull Thank you I hope you enjoy and thanks for the stars I needed it
Apr 09Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Apr 17Reply
jeanettehotz Hello with the holiday weekend I have been super busy I will get your order out the latest this Wednesday thank u !
Apr 22Reply
pinkyy_pie @carolynqx thanks for sharing 💗
May 07Reply
_devrenee Hello Lovey, Please feel free to bundle and make me an offer I’m looking to clear out and make fast sales so I will be generous on offers/deals/discounts !! ❤️❤️❤️
May 10Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 14Reply
ly_n @carolynqx Hi! If you’re interested in share groups, I share daily with the girls at poshgirlsclub and it’s super easy/fast and the Hosts are very welcoming, just tag your closet when you go there 🌟🥀🌸🌼
Jun 12Reply
carolynqx @ly_n thank you
Jun 13Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my jewelry today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 14Reply
matbayb Thanks so much for checking out my closet and for the like 🤗. Please do visit any time , I do accept reasonable offers, just putting it out there . Happy Poshing 💃🏽🕺🏻😎🤗💐
Jun 17Reply
kellymua Thank you for your shares!!💕💕
Jun 23Reply
jensdeals37 @carolynqx thanks for the shares!!🌿🦋💚
Jun 29Reply
missesmy Welcome to posh!! Check out my page if you like! Vintage finds and good vibes 🤘🏼
Jul 03Reply
momof2boys621 Hi there! Please visit my closet I have beautiful & unique dresses from the Middle East as well as accessories! I am open to offers 💕
Jul 08Reply
cmcevers Hi I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️😀. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept. Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami 😀
Jul 15Reply
christinadmd Hello, thank you for your purchase! I am away for the weekend but will ship on Monday! Christina
Jul 19Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listings today. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jul 22Reply
xocandyscloset 💕💕💕 Hiya Gorgeous Posher! I just started following you and I love your closet!! 😍 I would love to spread the Posh & Closet love! Please like and share my Posh page! I'd love to share 10 items from your closet! Just share 10 of mine and comment #posh10 on my page! I will return the favor. Friendly comments are welcome as well! Happy Poshing! 💕💕💕 Xo, Candy
Aug 13Reply
gigi11155 Hello!! Just wanted to let you know I’m having a BOGO FREE SALE on $12.00 & below items!! Please visit and check me out!! Happy Poshing!!👍❤️😊🌹🌹
Aug 20Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Sep 21Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and let you know that I was just working on this bundle & wanted to remove some of the items from this bundle, but it won’t let me, since you put an offer on this bundle. Can you remove or cancel your offer so that I can work on the bundle, I was just putting things I liked together but did not want all of the. Thank you so much Carol
Sep 23Reply
msneverending1 Velda is the black onyx ring have a 925 stamp on the inside the band of the ring?
Sep 23Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected in Poshmark. Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 17Reply
manicmaur Thanks so much for the Twitter shares! If I wasn’t technically challenged I would reciprocate!!!
Oct 23Reply
macys_fashions Thanks for sharing all the POSH L❤️ve!!! 💞❤️❤💞 You go girl!!
Oct 25Reply
davidclark873 Happy poshing! I love your closet’s aesthetic! 🤗
Nov 09Reply
robynridge Hi! I am a New Posh Ambassador. i love your closet and look forward to sharing it. Please visit my closet to shop, give feedback and to share. Thank you! @robyncantor
Jan 22Reply
msneverending1 Velda just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet, sharing & liking My Vintage Avon Opal Jewelry Set. In 1963 Avon started giving away jewelry with purchases of their products & with the Trademark of a circle with a dot in the middle. This is the first Jewelry Set given away by Avon & is rare to find the complete set. Due to customer’s demand in 1973 Avon changed the Trademark To AVON & started selling their jewelry sets. I hope you had an awesome day
Jan 27Reply
msneverending1 today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jan 27Reply
leprof_74 Hi. I'm just getting started on Poshmark. Please come visit my closet. Apt 9. Vera Wang, Chaps, and others. All items are either never worn or almost never worn.
Feb 02Reply
welovelalv Hi Velda!! I’m in the process of accepting all fair offers. Create a bundle of 2 or more of your likes and I’ll offer you a private discount and I’ll include $4.99 flat rate ship. ❤️😃☮️
Feb 22Reply
dbbondline Nelda, I just purchased a scarf from you. I was expecting it to ask me what colors, but it did not. therefore, it just put me down for 1, so I would like the navy, please.
Mar 13Reply
sandycupcake 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on your “Love it or List it” win! Excellent cure for winter blues. Now it’s time to shop guilt free. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have something for most everyone at great prices. Love offers, likes, shares and followers. Always willing to negotiate. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy Poshing, Sandy Current Sale: Buy one, get one free on all items under $15. No limit! And on clearance items 🌟3 for$10.
Mar 21Reply
tigermoon 🏆🏆🏆🏆Congratulations on your Love it or List it Win🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Mar 21Reply
amber2286 Congrats on your Love It or List It win! It’s so exciting! They announce winners and you get posh credit to be used on posh. So I’m running a huge special for winners with HALF-OFF my entire closet this week. Please Just make sure to make a bundle and use code word WINNER so I can be sure to give you a special discount. If you have any questions about bundles, let me know. Please visit my closet for great stuff and look my great reviews!! Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself ❤️
Mar 21Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Enjoy your mini shopping spree! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing :D
Mar 21Reply
nicolet125 ❤️ Congrats or your WIN today!!! Yay!! I would love to offer you 20% off anything in my closet through March 28th!!! Just drop your items into a bundle, comment “WINNER”, and I will send you the discount right away! Have fun shopping!! Sincerely, Nicole ❤️
Mar 21Reply
hillmill61 hey V, congratulations on your recent win!
Mar 22Reply
lovedbyrach Hello! Congratulations on winning "Love or List challenge!"🎊 You deserve it 🎉 Feel free to check my closet anytime 💞😊
Mar 22Reply
omsamadhi @carolynqx 🌟Congratulations🌟 On winning the 💕Love it or List💕Challenge!!
Mar 22Reply
allure777 🎉🎉🎉🎉 CONGRATULATIONS on winning the “Like it List Challenge!” Happy Poshing!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
Mar 22Reply
mhilt0013 Hey, I’m Mary💋 Buying or Selling New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile Best of luck to you✨ Come check out my closet babes😇
Mar 25Reply
mwea Hey I got my items but the jewelry holder is broken and bent and rusted Also the earrings are rusty too
Apr 17Reply
jundanjon Hi 🌼 I have a great SALE going on right now in my closet. With items you might L🧡\/E. Please check it out. Like 1, 2 or as many items as you like and I'll sent you a private offer just for you 💕 Stay safe and I hope you have a great weekend 😊
Jun 13Reply
carolynqx @dr_ej not sure which your talking about
Oct 28Reply
cathy_phelps Thanks for the posh love on twitter!!!
Dec 21Reply
jubileejane Hey there! You ordered a top from my closet and I saw you liked another one too ... before I ship, would you like to bundle and save on both?
Dec 28Reply
ylleka You purchased a shirt from closet and only gave me 4 stars due to packaging? Can you explain. I recall mailing this in a padded envelope. I have never had complaints about my packaging before.
Jan 05Reply
carolynqx @ylleka if I remember correctly was just in envelope without any tissue paper or wrapping of my kind.
Jan 06Reply
ylleka @carolynqx was there damage on the packaging or item?
Jan 06Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 18Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 20Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi, ⭐️There!⭐️Just stopping in to say hi. 🌸I’m always looking for new Poshmark friends to share and shop🌼
Mar 03Reply
carolynqx @bestdressed995 nice to meet you. happy poshing
Mar 03Reply
hislove4you @carolynqx Hi! I was just wondering when yippy are going to shipv the track pants I purchased last week? If you can't find them feel free to cancel - will wait for your uodate. Thanks!
Mar 03Reply
carolynqx @hislove4you shipped this morning so should start tracking soon.
Mar 03Reply
hislove4you @carolynqx OK thanks was hoping to have them for this Saturday, we shall see 🙏
Mar 03Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing my item on Twitter. I am not on Twitter, so I cannot return your shares on there, but I have returned the PoshLove on Poshmark. Stay safe and God bless.
Apr 27Reply
anitap193 @carolynqx I am accepting ALL Offers on everything Must Go ! Many items New with tags ,shoes, Plus sizes and more. Hurry before its All gone !!!
Aug 02Reply
martinez_margie Hi, I'm selling beautiful Jewelry, Purses, Boots and more Jewelry. Stop by when you have a chance. Reasonable offers accepted. 💛💛💛 HAPPY POSHING 💛💛💛
Sep 21Reply
mimisiegel Hi - thank you for your purchase. Your work out pants will ship out tomorrow. Have a great day!
Feb 03Reply
clairehux74 Hello, hello! Thank you so much for your purchase. I'm excited to get your item to you! It has shipped today. Due to lobby restrictions due to COVID-19 your item has been placed in the USPS internal lobby. Please note possible delivery delays due to COVID-19 and postal service impacts. Have an awesome rest of your day!
Feb 09Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 600+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Mar 04Reply
cutehosiery @carolynqx Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 13Reply
racegal Beautiful closet!! 🤗 wishing you many speedy sales!! 🫶
Jan 30Reply
carolynqx @racegal thank you
Jan 30Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 26Reply
clothfluid hey, I accept all offers and would love if u can come check us out! Also gorg closet
Mar 06Reply
zanne0921 Thank you for following me!
Jul 30Reply
degas3011 HUGE Sale --> Just LIKE 3 items from my closet and a $25 offer will be sent to you! YES - It really is that easy!
Nov 30Reply

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New Braunfels, TX
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