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Please look at pictures these bags are both replicas and one had been chosen 14x host pick and the other one 5x. As a Posh Ambassador you should know that you are not allowed to choose replicas as host picks look at last slide. These have been reported along with the people who chose them as HP. I let the seller know more than me has let her know and she deletes our comments or reposts. She’ll never see the money for the LV replica because it has to go through poshmark authenticaters. Please report these bags and stop picking them as HP if you’re not sure just don’t pick them. Also as you know replicas are being sold right and left here. The last 2 bags was sold and they both are replicas. You are not allowed to post any bags that has the name of the designer on them. This is a federal offense to sell replicas as real . I just try to help people by telling them in case they don’t know most will take down but the sellers who don’t what does that tell you about that person. BEWARE OF REPLICAS BEING SOLD AT POSH PARTY LIVE OR LISTED
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✨️💝PLEASE don't send offers💝
This piece has been individually selected to represent your closet in the Best in Bags Posh PaRTy coming up today at 3 pm EST‼️🥳🎊🎉
💡Enjoy your moment 📽 in the Spotlight‼️🔦
PS. Share it often to bring your item back to the top in the HP showroom. 🥰
@toptncat This needs to get out by sharing. There’s so many ambassadors not taking the time to make sure they are authentic. Or they just don’t care and if that’s the case they shouldn’t be party hosts or ambassadors.
I'm not sure what you mean?
I just chose it as a HP from your closet. 🥰
@toptncat This post is about ambassadors cohosting and choosing bags that’s not the real brand. It’s against posh rules. Please look at all pics and descriptions then you’ll see what I’m talking about. Thanks
@toptncat Thank you for the host pick too
I understand your point.
Realistically, I don't have the expertise to authenticate bags. There's a possibility that I've unknowingly selected a replica as a HP, but would never do that intentionally. There are imposter items in most every category these days. As a party Host, it isn't possible to authenticate every item by viewing it online, not to mention the extra time investment. I don't believe that makes me or other hosts bad ambassadors.
Blessings to you,
@toptncat I’m not saying it makes you bad I’m just saying that if your going to cohost parties then people need to learn to tell the difference between real and fake. It plainly states on the email poshmark send people when they get selected to host that you are not to pick replicas as host picks under any circumstance. I’m not saying anyone’s bad I just think people who cohost need to get educated on real vs fake
how the lv over 2000 pass posh
@eschellapurvis What do you mean?
@faithoverfear07 you put a lv up saying fake it's over 500 goes to posh all mine do all five stars others def that's what i mean i mean, posh sends me every week on my feed whst real or fake half fake over 1500 I say no
how about dysons I ask warranties lol I get blocked their 500 up not 300 all over people just sign up and people buy I get blocked lol I own one comes with warranties , have a great weekend those bags are ugly anyway thanks for sharing I shsred my love note from my buyer of a lv she bought nine things all love notes all warranties tagged
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