Personalized Wedding Wire Name Hangers!
$15 $15
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Personalized Wedding Hanger!!!
Don't forget a personalized hanger to show off your gorgeous wedding gown! I can custom design a hanger for the bride, bridesmaids, flower girl, or other members of the wedding party. (The total letters per hanger must be under 16 letters including spaces.)
Buy 2+ for 10% off & $6 shipping!
Leave a note with these details at checkout:
~Name on Wire
~Color of Ribbon if desired (I have most colors of ribbons, message me if you have questions about a ribbon color)

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Soo...question...Your post says that they must be under 16 characters, including spaces....I really like the Mother of bride/ groom which is 19 characters....are they extra?....and I may need 13 of it still 10% off with that many, or is it a greater discount?
Oct 31Reply

@lehopety Hey! Thanks for your question! I could set up the listing to have 15% off an order of three or more hangers! I can't go lower than that due to the amount of time it takes to create the hangers, and the fees due to poshmark. But it would only be $5.99 for shipping for however many you want, which is a really great shipping deal! Yes, I can fit "Mother of the Bride" or Groom on the hangers, however some other names and phrases with that many letters I can't fit!
Nov 01Reply

@lehopety it. Let me know if you have any other questions or want to place an order! It would probably take me a week to 10 days to have 13 hangers designed. I use a thicker wire than most of my competitors on etsy, and can add most any color of ribbon too! I also have other colors of hangers if interested. Emily
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for ur quick response...That's great!!..I will get back to you in a few days after I decide how many and for who!!!
Nov 02Reply

Dec 30Reply

@emmalou_202 Hi! How much for 9?
Jan 21Reply

@emmalou_202 Please let me know
Jan 27Reply

@classyfabcoco @classyfabcoco Hi! Thanks so much for commenting! I apologize for missing the first comment!
I could set the listing to do 15% off this price, for 9 hangers, and the total shipping would only be $6 for everything! The cost per hanger would be $12.75. They can come with pearls, ribbons, and your choice of hanger wood color! Let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 28Reply

@emmalou_202 Thank you! Are you the one I messaged on etsy too? Wanted to see if you were the same person: )
Jan 29Reply

@classyfabcoco Hey! I am on Etsy! :) I don't see any messages from this same username though... do you have a different one for Etsy?
Jan 30Reply

@emmalou_202 My name is Danielle actually :) I don't have the same username but I asked about the 9 hangers. Are you Gotjoygifts?
Jan 30Reply

@classyfabcoco Yes, I am Got Joy Gifts, and I got your message! :) Let me know if you have any questions on either site! :)
Jan 30Reply

@emmalou_202 I think I'd rather buy off of here since shipping would be cheaper! $20 is a lot for shipping. Sorry I didn't respond on there yet. I was going to but wanted to see if this was you first. :) so each hanger would be $12.75 on here?
Jan 30Reply

@classyfabcoco Yes, I just set Poshmark to take 15% off 3 or more items, so the total cost of each hanger would be $12.75 for you. I love that Poshmark will let me ship heavy items for just $6... such a great deal! The fees that each site takes out of my price differ, that is why there is a price disparity between the two sites!
Jan 30Reply

@classyfabcoco I think you should just be able to select 9 hangers from here, and it should bundle the shipping. You'd be the first person to purchase hangers on my Poshmark, so let me know if you run into any problems, and I'll figure out how to help! :)
Jan 30Reply

@emmalou_202 hmm I'm actually thinking my total would be cheaper on Etsy unless you'd be able to go any lower on here. I'm also not ready to buy just get, my wedding isn't until May 26, 2018 but I have purchased some of my gifts already. Just starting my planning early and I do love your hangers more than others I've seen so far so I'm very interested! 😊
Jan 30Reply

Hi! I would need 3 hangers, one that says mother of the bride, one mother of the groom, and one bride. Do you have Navy or gold ribbon? And do I buy a separate listing? Thanks!!
Jan 31Reply

@classyfabcoco Sounds great! Just let me know if you would like to order! I might have both sites closed during the summer, but I'll be open definitely until June 15, and after September!
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 Great, thank you so much! I may purchase on the earlier side instead of waiting until closer to the wedding. Haven't decided yet! Would Mrs. Chamberlain fit on any type of hanger you have? I know it's long.. Not sure what type of different options you have. :)
Jan 31Reply

@classyfabcoco Yes, I can definitely fit "Mrs. Chamberlain" on the hanger, and pearls would fit as well if you want them! I have just about every basic color of ribbon available, and I do have other colors of hangers that you can see examples of on Etsy if you prefer a different color (Black, White, Dark Walnut, Light Maple)
Jan 31Reply

@algshops Hi! Thanks for your comment! I could definitely make those three hangers for you! I have both navy and gold ribbon to choose from. I think you should be able to bundle three orders of this item for the combined shipping. Let me know if it is not letting you do that, and I'll create a new poshmark listing for you with a 15% discount and one shipping charge. :)
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 Hmmm for some reason it will not let me add more than one to a bundle! If you would like to make me a separate listing I can buy now, and gold ribbon would be great, thank you :)
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 Oh great, thank you! Do you do the ones with the double line font? Like Mrs. On the top and Chamberlain on the bottom line? Just worried about it looking too cramped. Open to suggestions :) is the ribbon in the third picture a burlap one?
Jan 31Reply

@algshops Just set it up! I tagged you in a comment on the new post, so hopefully you can see your special order listing. :)
Jan 31Reply

@classyfabcoco Hey! Yes I do! I do charge $3 more to do two line hangers, and I'll change one of the pictures in this listing to show you a double line hanger. I can fit words like "Mother of the Bride" on the hanger no problem, so it would definitely fit as a one line. If you have a dress with sleeves, then the double line would definitely show up better though!
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 that would be great, I'd love to see a picture. My dress doesn't really have sleeves but the straps are a little thick with lace. If you want to look it up to see which hanger you think would work best it's Maggie Sottero Melanie :)
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 thank you :)
Jan 31Reply

@classyfabcoco The "Mrs. Christensen" hanger would be similar to what your name would look like length wise on one line. thanks for sending the dress information, that is a GORGEOUS dress! I think with those straps it would be a safer bet to do two lines, and I could move the bottom line a bit higher on the hanger to lift the lettering to show between the straps better. :)
Jan 31Reply

@emmalou_202 Thank you so much! I will go with the double line one for mine and the single one for the bridesmaids I think. I think the regular double line one will be fine without moving the lettering up. :) now im trying to decide if I should do the single or double line text for mother of the bride! She doesn't have her dress yet.
Feb 01Reply

@emmalou_202 Can I also see the hangers you said were maple and not as glossy you'd sell on etsy for $8 each? :)
Feb 01Reply

@emmalou_202 Just wanted to make sure you saw my messages. No rush either way :)
Feb 02Reply

@classyfabcoco Yes, so sorry! I will send you the picture on Etsy of the non-glossy light maple hangers since I can private message it there! And any of my ribbons is included for full price hangers (not the $8 price). 🎀
Feb 03Reply

@classyfabcoco Sounds great! I can definitely do the double line for your hanger! I'll send a picture of my two line "Mother of" hanger on Etsy too for you to compare. If she plans on having any type of sleeve, the two line will probably fit better. :)
Feb 03Reply

@emmalou_202 ok I'll be looking out for the message on Etsy. Thank you :)
Feb 03Reply

Hi, I read in a previous post that you said you offer other colors of hangers? If so, what other options do you have! I really love these, they are adorable and so neatly made!
Apr 08Reply

I want one made kristina
Apr 19Reply

No pearls but I would like crystals or sum bling if you have it
Apr 19Reply

@emmalou_202 I need two one saying Kristina no pearls and one saying Madison W/ pearls
Apr 19Reply

Hello are you there
Apr 20Reply

@emmalou_202 is this still available
Apr 20Reply

@christina24444 Hi! Yes these are still available, they are custom made! I could definitely do them with those names, but I don't have any crystals.. just pearls! Let me know if you still want them? I would make a separate listing with the price of two hangers for you to purchase from, otherwise it will charge you for shipping twice!
Apr 20Reply

@valenxia Hi! Thank you so much! I have black, white, dark walnut, and light maple hangers available. I also do pearl encrusted and glittered hangers for an additional price!
Apr 20Reply

@emmalou_202 I want both light maple and would I get 15% off if I bundle the two hangars cause ur listings says 2 or more u give 15% off
Apr 20Reply

@emmalou_202 can u make the listing
Apr 20Reply

@christina24444 hi! Yes, I include a 15% discount when I make a new listing. I am prepping for a huge Bridal fair, and don't have a chance to set up the listing this morning, but I will try to set up the discounted listing around 4pm today. I'll tag you in it when I have it ready!
Apr 20Reply

Hello! This is Marisa. I just purchased one hanger. Can't find another place to message you. I'd like it to say "Mrs. Benway" and have an ivory bow. Will this ship out in 3-5 days? Thanks!!
Apr 20Reply

@emmalou_202 OOOOhhh is there anyway that you can send pictures of what the pearl encrusted hangers look like and how much would those be??
Apr 20Reply

@emmalou_202 can u make me a listing please
Apr 22Reply

@christina24444 setting it up right now! I will tag you in a few minutes in it!
Apr 22Reply

@risa1515 Hi! Thank you so much for your order! I will have your personalized hanger sent on Monday! Thanks for sending all the order detail information! Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. :)
Apr 22Reply

I would like to buy 2 hangers please. Both with pearls and dark do i proceed?
Apr 28Reply

@queenchic2u Hi! Thanks so much for your comment! I just tagged you in another listing for two hangers, set up just for you!
Apr 28Reply

Hi! I really love the hangers, however if I submit an order today how soon will I have it? My wedding is this month and I would need it by May 20.
May 04Reply

@selbyrne Hey! Thanks for your question! If you order today, I would be able to ship your hanger by Saturday, and it would arrive 2-3 days after that! Do you just want one? If you are ordering multiples, let me know and I can make a personalized listing for you!
May 04Reply

@emmalou_202 Thank you for replying. Yes only 1 hanger and you can ship it by Saturday May 6th or May 13th?
May 04Reply

@selbyrne I can ship it by Saturday May 6th! It would most likely arrive either on Tuesday or Wednesday (May 9/10).
May 04Reply

@selbyrne Just comment here with the name for the wire, and the preferred color of ribbon if you order. :)
May 04Reply

@emmalou_202 I just placed my order. I would love to have the date on top and my name on the bottom.
May- 28- 2017 (top)
Mrs. Byrne (bottom)
The ribbon can be white and with pearls. Thank you so much for your help. I'm looking forward to my hanger.
May 04Reply

@selbyrne perfect! Thanks so much for your order, and I will get it shipped out asap for you! I should have all the details I need now, but I will comment if I think of anything else. :)
May 04Reply

I would like to order 5 hangers and I would like to know what the pearl incrusted hangers look like? Thank you.
May 09Reply

@valenxia hi! Thanks so much for your question! I will get back with more details in about an hour! :)
May 10Reply

@valenxia Hi! I just tagged you in a post for pearl encrusted hangers! I would give you a 15% discount for 5 hangers, and will set up a separate listing to reflect this discount for you when I hear back! :)
May 10Reply

@emmalou_202 Thank you for getting back to me!! I did see the link for the pearl encrusted ones, however I think I will actually go with the dark walnut hangers with the pearls on the wire. Thank you so much for also including a discount as well!! I will be looking out for the separate listing when you get a chance. Thank you so much!
May 10Reply

Hi! Could I get a white hanger, with the date, and name?
Jun 26Reply

How long would it take you to make one hanger? I would like one for myself and need it by July 14th.
Jul 02Reply

@emmalou_202 good morning, what is the turn around time if I were to buy 8 hangers?
Aug 08Reply

Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Aug 13Reply

Hi there I’m new to Pinterest but would like to order a bundle of these hangers. I need “bride” “mother of the bride & 7 bridesmaids ... how can I get in touch with you to discuss - thanks - Anna
Dec 06Reply

@emmalou_202 hey please reach out to me. I would like to place an order thanks
Dec 06Reply

@amelam0308 Hi! Thanks so much for your comment! You can either purchase them here on Poshmark (I'll create a new listing specifically for you!), or check Got Joy Gifts on Etsy. It's usually easier to communicate on Etsy! I can give a discount for purchasing multiple hangers too! I would just need to know- preferred color of hanger (black, white, dark walnut, or light maple), pearls/no pearls on wire, and preferred ribbon color!
Dec 06Reply

I am trying to purchase but it’s only allowing me to purchase 1. I am trying to purchase a few so that I can purchase as a bundle but I don’t see the option here. Once again I’m a new user maybe it’s me. Please help.
Dec 07Reply

@amelam0308 Hi! Yes, I will have to set up a separate listing with the discount to purchase multiple hangers the way it is set up on here! Was it 9 total hangers that you wanted?
Dec 07Reply

Ok so one hanger for myself with the pearls to say Mrs. Malyar , 1 for Mother if the Groom with pearls, 1 for Mother of the Bride .... how much would it cost for 3 hangers? Also do you have a lighter wood hanger ... these are too dark
Dec 07Reply

@amelam0308 I just created a new listing for you! It has the discounted price ($38), and I put some pictures of other hanger options on there as well. :)
Dec 07Reply

How do I order the tan color ... it keeps asking me if I want dark walnut with pearls or without but no option for tan color
Dec 12Reply

@amelam0308 hi! Just go ahead and order it with/without pearls as a dark Walnut and I will make a note on the order that you want the light Tan version! :) if you order, I will post a picture of the final product to make sure you love them before I ship!
Dec 12Reply

Ok sounds good ... will do in just a bit
Dec 13Reply

@amelam0308 sounds great! I just put the listing for your three hangers as the first item in my closet for you to find easier to purchase them!
Dec 13Reply

Ribbon the same color as the Mrs. Guess November 15 picture - it’s like white satin ... since I think my dress will be satin silk
Dec 14Reply

@ambergus22 Hi! I noticed you were adding this to a bundle! I actually have to make a separate listing for you with the discount for you to purchase this. Let me know if you are interested in buying hangers, and I can get a discounted "bundle" listing set up for you!
Dec 18Reply

I’m ready to place an order for my daughter. Just needing one hanger right now but I’m going to get them all hangers for the wedding. So what she’s wanting is one with same colors as the mother of the bride pic. Same ribbon, hanger and wire but on top: Dani on bottom: Man of Honor so is that $15 plus shipping and how do I order and how long before it could be shipped? Thanks!
Jan 21Reply

How many might you potentially be needing? The exact ribbon color on the Mother's hanger picture was discontinued, so I need to check that I have enough if you want that exact one! If you purchase them all at once, you only have to pay the shipping once!
To purchase, it will be $15 plus shipping. I think you've already covered these details in your comment, but I just need to know the following to make it!
1. Name for wire
2. Pearls/no pearls
3. Color of ribbon
4. Color of hanger wood
Jan 21Reply

@mmdouthit I can usually make it in 3-4 days, and it takes 2-3 days to arrive after that! I left one other comment above for you as well!
Jan 21Reply

@emmalou_202 perfect. Yeah my order won’t be until September. I wish I had the money now but just had knee replacement surgery last Monday so I’m out of work for several weeks. For ribbon color shes was just wanting a navy blue but liked the shine of that one. Her colors are burgundy and navy so if you don’t have enough of that ribbon left either color will work. No pearls since he the man of honor & whatever color the hanger is in the MOB hanger is what she wants
Jan 21Reply

@emmalou_202 I know it’s late, so you’re probably asleep. Just let me know if you’ll create me my own unique post to claim or if I just but from the one we’re messaging on. Thanks! So excited 😊
Jan 21Reply

@mmdouthit Hey! Gotcha, I do have a navy ribbon with the same sheen as the one in the mother's hanger! I can definitely make this for you! Go ahead and just purchase it from this listing! :)
Jan 21Reply

Hi, just wanted to double check if it is $15 for the hangers with the names as well as the date of the wedding. Thanks
Jan 22Reply

Also in the wire is that pearls ? Thanks 😊
Jan 22Reply

@emmalou_202 ok awesome! Just ordered it. So just we’ve got it all right:
Top: Dani
Bottom: Man of Honor
Hanger color & ribbon color: same as MOB picture
Thanks so much! Can’t wait to order more in September 😊
Jan 22Reply

@mmdouthit Awesome! Just made the wires for it, will be working on assembling it later today. I'll set up a separate listing to show you a picture of it to make sure everything is correct before I mail it! :)
Jan 22Reply

@designer4life Hi! Yes, right now the date is included in the $15 price if desired! That may change in the near future though. :) And I have faux pearls that I can string on the wire if you would like them , they are also included in the price! :) Let me know if you have any questions, I just need to know the name, date, color of hanger wood (black, white, dark walnut or light maple), and preferred ribbon color to design it!
Jan 22Reply

@emmalou_202 ok perfect . I will have s decision on how many I need by Saturday . Is that ok ? Thank you for your quick response .
Jan 22Reply

@designer4life yes that will be just fine!! :) I look forward to hearing from you on Saturday! Happy wedding planning!
Jan 22Reply

@carlyjhorvath Hi! Yes I can do that for you in plenty of time! I definitely have light blue ribbon and I will check at the store to see if I can find Tiffany blue. Go ahead and order whenever you are ready and I will get started to make sure you get it in time!
Mar 19Reply

Hey hun, I am going to be placing an order for a hanger on Monday. Do you only have the two color hangers listed ? Also, just want to make sure I am placing my order correctly. I have to click buy now them just write you a comment of what I want ? Because when you checkout it doesn’t let you type a message to the seller. I noticed you have an account on Etsy, are you cheaper on Etsy?
Apr 06Reply

Hi, following up on the above .
Apr 08Reply

Hi are you taking orders ????????
Apr 18Reply

@designer4life Hi! I have black, white, light maple, or dark walnut hangers available. Yes, just click "Buy Now" and write me a comment including: name for wire. color of hanger, pearls/no pearls, and preferred ribbon color! So sorry, I've been taking a break from Etsy/Poshmark but could make them now. :) I think my Etsy site is like 50 cents cheaper, so not much of a difference! It is currently "on vacation" but if you want something I can reopen it for you. :)
Apr 19Reply

@emmalou_202 hey hun, just saw your comment thank you for getting back to me I am getting married in June . I am going to purchase this hanger now .
May 02Reply

@emmalou_202 do you have any pictures you can post of a white hanger with the name and pearls ? Thanks
May 02Reply

Is this a set? also are these are sale? can you do mother of the groom and mother of the bride as pictured? how much extra is that? also can you do some that says Mrs. Miles??
May 30Reply

Hi I was interested in purchasing 5 hangers for my friends wedding... Do you do any kind of discount when buying multiple ?? And then another question I have is do you do hangers with two line ? Like for an example on the top line it have the date and on the bottom it have Mrs. Bass.. Like this in the link
Jul 02Reply

@carlyjhorvath hi! Yes I can do that for you! I’m about to have a baby so I had closed down my hanger listing, but I just reopened it so you should be able to purchase again!
Sep 13Reply

@carlyjhorvath Hanger is done and shipping out tomorrow via 2 day mail!! Congrats to your sister! :)
Sep 19Reply

I ordered some of these almost 2 yrs. ago and I may need one more do you still make them?
Oct 29Reply

@valenxiia hey! Yes I could do one more! I just do them on a very limited basis anymore due to a new job! What color of hanger would you need?
Oct 29Reply

I would need the dark brown one! No worries about the time I’m in now rush!
Nov 01Reply

@fornursingmamas Sorry I’m confused is this a different account than the Emma one? Anyway last time I ordered I got the walnut hanger with the pearls on the wire!
Nov 02Reply
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