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19 others
like this

@lilliantaylor Not for all the gold in the world!!! I guess I need to be more clear. I keep getting people asking me what is the lowest I will take instead of using the offer button.
Jul 22Reply

@lilliantaylor I love dogs too. I made some changes, hopefully no one else will interpret this listing the way you did.
Jul 22Reply

👆Lol!! Nice Closet! @lexiemadeit . Love Your Pup❤️🐾🐾
Jul 22Reply

@janet0103 Thanks for the compliment and the extra shares! Very sweet of you.
Jul 22Reply

@ctampa1972 thank you, she is a sweetie too.
Sep 19Reply

What a beautiful pup!
Sep 28Reply

@cboyd221 Thank you, she is also very sweet.
Sep 28Reply

@tpmom Hi Randi, how are you? I just shared some of your items as a way to thank you for tagging me on so many of the party listings. DO NOT share back. Hope you have a great day.
Oct 27Reply

@lexiemadeit You are a doll. My dog is in for procedure 2 today and there is so much going on here, I really appreciate this today !
Oct 27Reply

@tpmom I am praying everything goes well. XOXO
Oct 27Reply

@tpmom Hi Randi, how is your pup?
Oct 28Reply

@lexiemadeit She had the last treatment today and is sound asleep. Poor thing, catheter and injections 2 straight days.
Oct 28Reply

@lexiemadeit Thanks so much Sandra, I hope all is well with you.
Oct 28Reply

@tpmom I am hanging in there.
Oct 28Reply

@lexiemadeit Me too, I am glad, you are so nice !
Oct 28Reply

@lexiemadeit I love your dog too! Thanks for sharing
Oct 29Reply

@thesilkcloset1 Thanks Sharon, thank you for sharing too. You have a beautiful closet, great taste in clothes.
Oct 29Reply

@lexiemadeit Thanks Sandra, I'll be back
Oct 29Reply

@lexiemadeit - Oh My!!! I want to snuggle her all day! That face is too much! Congrats on such a great dog to rescue you lol :)
Oct 30Reply

@hannahm9292 Thanks Hannah, she's very sweet too, loves to give kisses.
Oct 30Reply

@tpmom @kookc @cileia @nic39 @resthomas @dvacante @nanookmom @whatsleft Happy New Year to you all great ladies!!
Dec 31Reply

@lexiemadeit Happy New Year 🎉🎊🎉
Jan 01Reply

Happy New Year to you my friend!!!😊💕
Jan 01Reply

Awwww Happy New Year to you and your pup!! Be safe. Im grateful to have met you!!!!
Jan 01Reply

@lexiemadeit Happy New Year to you! I love her! She is beautiful! Love all the pink🐶💕💕🐶💕💕🐶
Jan 01Reply

@tpmom Hey Randi how are you? I have sent you a few messages and haven't heard from you. I hope you're OK. How is your pup doing? Thanks for all the tags btw.
Jan 10Reply

@lexiemadeit I am o.k just a bit over my head. How are you doing ? I apologize for missing your messages. I think the world of you.
Jan 10Reply

@tpmom I am glad you're OK. It is very overcast today, so it's depressing. Have a great afternoon. I hope your pup is OK too.
Jan 10Reply

@leximadeit How are things with you ?
Jan 10Reply

@tpmom Unfortunately there is no change but I have a few ideas and hopefully they will work.
Jan 10Reply

@lexiemadeit Praying for a change.
Jan 10Reply

@tpmom Thank you!!
Jan 10Reply

@resthomas Dearest Robin thank you so much for so many extra shares!!!! You're such an amazing woman. Have a wonderful evening. XOXO
Jan 12Reply

@nic39 Sorry you're not feeling well, I hope the pain subsides soon. I was wondering if fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease. If it is you might want to try taking L -Glutamine. The Naturopath that figured out I was having a thyroid autoimmune problem had me take and my disease went into remission. If you want more details let me know.
Jan 14Reply

I would love more details!!! Fibro isn't auto immune its basically a nerve problem and a whole slew of other problems it can cause. My rheumatologist does think I could have an auto immune disease that hasn't shown up yet on blood work. 👇🏼👇🏼
Jan 14Reply

When I first starting seeing her which has been over 20 years ago I tested positive for Lupus but never have again. My mom has rheumatoid arthritis and her mom, my grandmother, had fibro but that was before they knew much about it. I am always willing to try anything to help!! Thank you😊💕
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 The Naturopath had me take 1 gram of L-Glutamine twice a day on an empty stomach, you can get it at any supplement shop like GNC or online. He also had me avoid anything with gluten. The theory is that the lining of the intestines gets damaged and allows substances to get into the bloodstream that shouldn't, which causes the immune system to overreact. The glutamine is used by the body to repair the intestines.
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 This problem is called "leaky gut syndrome" you can find more info online about it. My antibody count went down by more than 60% in six weeks and it took about 10 months to finally go into full remission. You can find info about glutamine online too. I hope it helps.
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 I forgot to mention to get the glutamine in loose powder form mixed with water or juice and not the capsules.
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 I meant to write: and take it mixed with water or juice, and not the capsules.
Jan 14Reply

Thank you Sandra for the info!! I will definitely give it a try! I have heard of leaky gut syndrome. I have all kinds of stomach issues on top of it. I tried gluten free because my dr thought it would help and it's so hard!!😫 everything has gluten in!! I lasted about 3 days!!😂 I may try it again though. I've heard so many say it helps!!😊💕
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 I truly hope it helps, I know first hand how these type of long term illnesses can affect every aspect of our lives so profoundly.
Jan 14Reply

Yes it truly does!!! Thanks again I really appreciate it😊💕
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 I totally understand about the gluten free, but now there are a lot of gluten free products on the market. I am of chinese decent so eating products made from rice comes very easily to me. LOL The brown rice pasta is very close in texture to wheat pasta. Have a great evening.
Jan 14Reply

@nic39 Hi Nicole, I hope you're feeling better. There are a couple of more things I wanted to share with you that might help. For the pain, have you tried drinking really strong ginger tea? Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and detoxifier, it is also good for the digestion. The other thing is about something called histamine intolerance.
Jan 18Reply

@nic39 It can cause digestive problems and it is present in the central nervous system too, I wonder if it could be causing the pain? Look it up online there are a lot of articles about it, none link it to fibromyalgia, but who knows, maybe that is the problem. Have a great evening.
Jan 18Reply

Thank you Sandra!! I definitely will! I am on a fibro group on FB and one lady said her dr stated that is what is causing her fibro! Interesting! I'm going to research and talk to my dr when I go next month😊💕💕
Jan 18Reply

@nic39 The only reason I know about it is because I think I have it so I've been reading about it, it doesn't cause me pain but it gives me other symptoms that you'll see listed in those articles. Wouldn't be great to finally have the cause and a solution? I hope my hunch is right. Good luck.
Jan 18Reply

Girl what??? I would be so happy to know the cause of this and to be able to fix it!! I would shout out to God Hallelujah!!🙌🏼😊💕
Jan 18Reply

@joannb14 Thank you! She is a very sweet dog.
Jan 21Reply

@tpmom HAPPY BIRTHDAY you wonderful lady!!! I hope you had a great day!!! XOXO
Mar 04Reply

@lexiemadeit Thanks my sweet friend !
Mar 04Reply

@nic39 I have fibromyalgia.I I was in major agony for years. Tried everything from supplements to accupuncture. I am on Cymbalta (off label use) from my rheumotologist and ironically so is my cousin. It has changed my life !
Mar 04Reply

@tpmom wow Randi I didn't know!! I've met so many women on here who suffers with it! I could not take Cymbalta!!! Horrible side effects! Unfortunately that's my problem with so many meds is I'm not allergic but have pretty bad adverse reactions! I take Lyrica but have suffered so much really this last year since I had to quit my job. I see a rheumatologist also now for 20 years. I'm glad you have found something to help you :) that is awesome!!!
Mar 04Reply

@nic39 Hi Nicole, how are feeling? I hope you're doing better. Have a great evening.
Mar 04Reply

@tamarismom Hi Cora, just shared some of your items to show my appreciation for tagging me on all the follow games. DO NOT SHARE BACK! Thanks again and have a great weekend.
Mar 12Reply

Thank you. My pleasure.
Mar 12Reply

@jenimadedesigns Hi, please don't"t take this the wrong way, I am just trying to help, not give you a hard time. We're not allowed to sell perfume on Poshmark, it has to do with Post Office rules. Some of the women won't follow or share your closet if they see things not allowed by Poshmark. The same goes with some "share groups". Have a great evening.
Apr 25Reply

Thanks for writing me. What I don't understand is that my supplier uses Usps to mail the perfume to else am I supposed to get walking into Macy's?
Apr 25Reply

I'm not trying to be sarcastic or mean at all, I'm just very curious about that! It has come in the mail at least 100 times! I have a ton of it not listed & I guess I won't list it now...I just don't understand it!
Apr 25Reply

@jenimadedesigns Hi Jenni, go to the Poshmark Support Center and then go to Community Guidelines and it says no perfume or nail polish. If you go to the Post Office, they have a poster that shows what you can ship through them and any thing flammable is not allowed. Perfume has alcohol and nail polish has flammable chemicals. Maybe your supplier is not aware if this either.
Apr 25Reply

@nic39 Hi Nicole, thanks again for my HP. You seem to be doing really well here and I was wondering if you know about the Small Business Administration, they have "micro loans" and that could give you some working capital to be able to add "retail" items to your closet. Have a great weekend.
May 28Reply

@lexiemadeit thank you Sandra for always thinking of me😊 your too kind!! I know nothing about it but would be interested if it's something I could do😁 Here is my worry. I don't know if you know but I'm in the process for trying to get disability. I wonder if that would affect my chances?? Does that make sense? Sometimes I have a hard time explaining myself, Fibro fog is an awful thing, but I would love to throw in some retail. Con't below
May 28Reply

Since I had to give up my job a year ago, wow, it's been a real struggle for our family!! Being a hygienist I made good money and now nothing!! I don't really sell enough on Posh but every little bit helps! I would love to help us more!!
May 28Reply

@nic39 Hi Nicole, I wasn't aware about you applying for disability or how they would interpret selling"retail" on this site. But maybe wait until the disability is approved and then go and get the micro loan. The Small Business Administration is a federal agency tasked with helping people either start or expand small business, they have all kinds of seminars related to business and they also help get loans. The micro loans are loans, I believe, less than 5K. 👇
May 28Reply

@nic39 They have offices in every State, if you Google SBA you'll find the office closest to you. I am in very similar circumstances as you, because of a long term illness too, so I am looking into all kinds of options and that's the reason I have this info, plus you were so nice when I asked for prayers. I will be giving you more info as I get it. Hope it helps.
May 28Reply

Awesome Sandra!!! Thank you so much!! Yes I think it might be best to wait till after disability is decided 😁 I don't want anything to mess with that!! I will look into though so I know and yes keep me posted on how things go with you!! You know you are on my daily prayer list!! Your name hasn't left💕💕💕
May 28Reply

@nic39 My sincere thanks for keeping me in your prayers. It's working because I am almost back to normal. I will still need a lot of prayers because I am starting a non profit organization to try to address the so many problems I see and it will be an uphill battle. Have a great evening.💜💜💜
May 29Reply

Oh wow, that sounds awesome and I'm sure a lot of work!! Best of luck to you on your endeavors and yes I'll continue praying! I believe in the power of prayer!!💕💕💕
May 29Reply

@tpmom Hi Randi!!! How are you? I shared your stuff to thank you for tagging me on all the parties, you're not supposed to share back. I hope you're having a great weekend.😘😘😘
Jun 12Reply

@lexiemadeit I hope things are better on your end. The weather here is uplifting, but things are fair. I am hoping this will be a decent sales weekend. I have had some large unexpected expenses and am crossing my fingers.
Jun 12Reply

@tpmom Things are improving very slowly. I hope you have a lot of sales. I'll try to give you a hand, do not share back! 😘😘😘
Jun 12Reply

@lexiemadeit I am glad that things are improving, don't worry about sharing me, that is my job tomorrow. You a
Jun 12Reply

are a doll.
Jun 12Reply

@tpmom Thanks, right back at you! Have a great evening. I am going to bed now.
Jun 12Reply

Nov 29Reply

@1hermitcrab Hi Lori, I am very very sorry that your sweet puppy is sick. Lexie is my third dog so I understand the pain of loosing such wonderful friends. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, I hope it helps you cope. Have a wonderful evening.
Jan 30Reply

She's so pretty!! 💖💖💖💖💖💋💋💋
Feb 22Reply

@pinkysclosetoc Thank you 💕💕 She's a sweetie, loves to give kisses.
Feb 23Reply

Hi Sandra, So delighted you’re following my closet & glad to meet new posh friends. Have fun & feel free to let me know if you ever have any questions about my closet goodies or Poshing, as I’m here to help, & always open to feedback. ✨🌸✨
Warm Wishes of Success to Us All,
Posh Ambassador & Mentor
May 14Reply

What a little cutie 💓💓💓🐾🐾💓💓
Jul 16Reply

Happy Veteran’s Day! I have a huge 🍁Autumn🍁 sale going on right now on top of my low prices!!
Get 30% off 3 items, 40% off 4, 50% off 5+! Basically giving it away. Look for the leaves!
Nov 12Reply
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