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Updated Feb 11
Updated Feb 11

Posh Ambassador😊Top Rated Seller5️⃣⭐️Fast shipper

Michael Kors

$55,555 $100,000

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Hi! I'm Kerri, thanks for stopping by! I enjoy selling & shopping on Poshmark as it's a fun hobby for me! All the items in my closet have been worn or purchased to be worn by one of my family members. I take pride in my closet & pass this on the best I can!😊I am a Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller5️⃣⭐️& a quick shipper!📬I price my items really fair & can’t accept lowball offers. Please be considerate to my already LOW PRICES! I’d❤️2 ✔️out your closet 2 so drop a comment below!Tag your PFF’s!🤗
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 3+ Bundle

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vettnerscloset Hi Kerri! Welcome to Poshmark! I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. Happy Poshing!!! 👗💄👜👠👡
Feb 09Reply
katzkoz Hi  & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community and if you have questions there's always a Posher to answer them.  Or... ... visit my closet and I'd be happy to help U! More questions? on anything specific U'd like to know? Just ask me...
Feb 23Reply
fivetenandahalf Thanks so much for following my closet, yours is great!
Mar 02Reply
melanielynn5lv Hi! Thanks for the like on the Anthropologie silk shirt! It's so cute! Let me know if you have any questions!
Mar 03Reply
phyllis777 Beautiful!! 🌷
Apr 13Reply
kbbubbab14 @phyllis777 thank you! 😘
Apr 13Reply
phyllis777 👍 you welcome!
Apr 13Reply
c2victory Thanks for following me
Apr 14Reply
jeanhall34 Welcome ! Happy Poshing 😊
Apr 19Reply
justified23 Thanks for sharing my closet enjoy your day good shopping day
Apr 22Reply
nanamims Hi Kerri, I am a disabled 60 year old Nana raising our 3 grandkids since 8 years ago. It is stressing, but the were babies when we took them and they are 8, 10. & 11 now. I so PoshMart to sell trough out grown clothes, mostly and use the $ to buy what they need new! Be Blessed, Nanamims
May 01Reply
3dsmom @kbbubbab14 hi Kerri🤗. Thank you for following me💞. You have a great closet. I hope you are having as much fun with Posh as I am😍. Have a great weekend💐
May 05Reply
kbbubbab14 @3dsmom thanks for stopping by my closet!! And YES! I'm loving the "posh life" right now!! I have so much fun and have met some AMAZING FRIENDS!! 🛍❤️🤗😍
May 05Reply
tannyaustin Thanks for the follow ✌
May 07Reply
justified23 Thanks for the likes
May 14Reply
kbbubbab14 @jhwilli2006 your welcome!! Great closet!!! ❤️😘
May 14Reply
kbbubbab14 @tannyaustin you're welcome!!! 🎉🎉
May 14Reply
justified23 @kbbubbab14 thanks try to grow it as we speak lol
May 14Reply
kbbubbab14 @jhwilli2006 right!!! ✅✅
May 14Reply
lmbohanan @kbbubbab14 hi Kerri, nice to meet you! I'm Lola. Thank you for following me and sharing, it's much appreciated. I will continue as I'm able to share your items as well. 😀
May 27Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 02Reply
coldduck Hi, This is coldduck you ask about the new polo t-shirts about 2 or 3 weeks ago . I do have 1 or 2 of the size 14-16 Size Large. Just let me know thanks.
Jun 25Reply
etins28 Hi there. Just sent u an offer. The nike zip up I discounted $10 off just in case u were wondering. If u decided u want to bundle wo zip up just remove and I will send offer for 3 for 30 and discounted shipping 😁
Mar 07Reply
kbbubbab14 @etins28 ok thanks!!!!
Mar 07Reply
etins28 @kbbubbab14 im so sorry! I ment to select free shipping bc ur order is at $50 not discounted
Mar 07Reply
kbbubbab14 @etins28 that's AWESOME!! Thank you!
Mar 07Reply
etins28 @kbbubbab14 u will want to decline so I can apply it. I'm so sorry
Mar 07Reply
iamjillr Hi Kerri, I sent a special offer this am for the dress you just liked; if you’d like to receive it just add it to a bundle. Thanks!
Mar 09Reply
etins28 Hi there. Looks like u still have a bundle going from my closet. I did give u my very best offer and included me paying for ur shipping but I consider all Reasonable offers. So if u are unsatisfied with my offer feel free to send ur own 😁
Mar 09Reply
etins28 Hi there. Looks like u still have a bundle going. If u are interested please make an offer.
Apr 04Reply
grannygyo Hey thank for the greeting. I'm not all into shopping apps but you look cute and was wondering if I can get your snap or number
Apr 14Reply
etins28 Hi there. Thanks for the like! TODAY ONLY buy any item in my closet get any $15 & UNDER item for FREE! Bundle both items and offer the higher priced item of the 2. All orders placed today will be shipped out today or by tomorrow morning. OFFER ends tonight at 12am CT time. Happy poshing
Apr 20Reply
stuffsarahsells I'm not sure I should be following you!! I can tell I'm going to be spending a lot of money! Thanks for the wonderful bundle! It's all perfect!
Jun 14Reply
kbbubbab14 @skmooremama oh thanks girl!! I'll always give you a good deal!! Let's continue our Posh friendship!! 🤗♥️ I have lots more to post!! Coming soon!! 😊
Jun 14Reply
lawesome200 Love your closet! If you have the time it would be an honor if you could check out my closet! I just added new items and I would love your feedback!
Jun 28Reply
kbbubbab14 @lawesome200 great closet!!! Good luck 👍🏻🍀
Jul 21Reply
kbbubbab14 @edynn1 thanks so much!!! Great closet!!! Much luck for many sales!!! 🛍💰🍀👍🏻
Jul 21Reply
brittgillette12 I love how neat and organized your closet is! 💃🏻
Jul 24Reply
kbbubbab14 @brittgillette12 thank you so much!!! 😊❤️
Jul 24Reply
rosebisou5 @kbbubbab14 Hey, Kerri! Just wanted to drop by & say hey. I’m sorry it’s taken me so long. I’m usually about 100 days late for everything. lol. Too much to do & not enough me. Congrats on hitting 35k! That’s awesome! I’m on Posh pretty much 18hrs a day 7days a week. So I’m here if you need anything. I just may not be able to respond right away because my newsfeed is so crammed.♥️~Saundra💋
Jul 27Reply
kbbubbab14 @rosebisou5 totally understand!!! ☺️ Thanks for stopping by and giving a shoutout!! I’m SO EXCITED to finally hit 35K!! 🤗 Now on to my next goal!! 🤞🏼🙌🏼 40K here I come!! 🍀 Maybe one day I’ll be up there with you!! 😉😘
Jul 27Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Jul 27Reply
rosebisou5 @kbbubbab14 If you want it, then Dream it. Work hard. Give it all you got. Dream until your Dream Comes True. Then you will be where I am. No maybes. ♥️
Jul 27Reply
alwaysaprincess @kbbubbab14 your closet is amazing 🌸
Jul 28Reply
kbbubbab14 @reynolds57 absolutely!!! My pleasure!!! 🤗 Wishing you many sales!! 🛍🍀👍🏻👍🏻
Jul 29Reply
kbbubbab14 @rosebisou5 I’m a BIG DREAMER & am willing to achieve my goals!! Working on my next one now!! ☺️❤️
Jul 29Reply
kbbubbab14 @alwaysaprincess thanks so much love!!! I appreciate your sweet comment!! Good luck to you! 🍀👍🏻 Wishing you many sales!! 🛍🤗
Jul 29Reply
alwaysaprincess @kbbubbab14 you’re welcome 😇💕
Jul 29Reply
adeav Hey love ! You might have interest in some of my Banana Republic Shirts and LOFT shorts ! You might also enjoy some of my items which include brands like American Eagle, Under Armour, Adidas, H&M, Nike, Polo, LOFT, VS Pink, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Urban Outfitters, Loft, Simply Southern, Primark, Banana Republic, and More !!! Always open to offers and bundles are guaranteed discounts :)))
Aug 02Reply
kbbubbab14 @adeav thanks!! I’ll take a look 👀 now!! 🤗
Aug 03Reply
kbbubbab14 @autjax AWESOME!! Thanks for taking a look!! Keep checking back, lots more posting soon!!! 🤗🛍 If only I had an assistant to take all the pics & post, then I could handle the rest!! 🤣 #thatwouldawesome ✅
Aug 03Reply
adeav @kbbubbab14 it’s my pleasure ! Thanks love ❤️
Aug 03Reply
staceystuff Great closet! 😊
Aug 05Reply
kbbubbab14 @staceystuff thanks so much & thanks for stopping by!! 🤗 Hope to see you around again soon!! 😉
Aug 05Reply
janfast Hi Kerri! Thanks for following my closet!💕😊
Aug 07Reply
aperfectbuy Welcome to Poshmark. I am an Ambassador and am here to help with any buying and/or selling questions, feel free to contact me . My closet is @aperfectbuy. Happy Poshing...😊🌻
Aug 12Reply
kbbubbab14 @sue_sells you can use different apps such as Typorama or just mark it NOT FOR SALE!! That the easiest thing to do!! 😊
Aug 14Reply
lovefashionyay Hi! Kerri! ! I’m Jacquelyn ❤️ I’m new! My step mother passed away & she was an avid traveler & shopper bought from all over the World!Been slowly listing 😂 also sell Lularoe (bought off a consultant )😢 AlSO MOVING SOON & have to rid of half my stuff! Omg 😮 😢 🤣 help me Come see what I have. You never know what you may find! Share mine I’ll share yours! 👠 👞 👜 👛 👗 👔 👚 👕 👖 💎 🌹 🌺 🌸
Aug 24Reply
kbbubbab14 @janfast absolutely!!! Great closet!! Happy Poshing!!! 🛍🤗
Aug 25Reply
kbbubbab14 @peaceluvandcats aww thanks!!! My 2 yr. old daughter ❤️’s kitty’s and we are thinking of getting her one. Never had a cat though, so trying to learn more about them before make the decision to adopt one! 🤔❤️
Aug 25Reply
kbbubbab14 @lovefashionyay hey there!!! Just ✅’d out your closet, followed & shared lots of listings for you!! You do have some good items! 😉 I even liked a few possibly for myself! 🤔 I was a HUGE LLR fan and bought a TON of it, so much that a lot of it I never got to wear. So, I posted it on Posh & was finally able to sell most of it, but unfortunately had a take a loss on all of it bc all the consultants going out of business & selling it so cheap!😢 Good luck🍀 Hope your sells pick up! 🛍
Aug 25Reply
lovefashionyay @kbbubbab14 ty hun! Lol I’m obsessed w it & I just sold an outfit for $65 on another app. It’s selling like crazy! I spent a lot of $ on LulaRoe myself. It’s the only thing I wear now! But I have a ton of other stuff I’m going to be selling just trying to organize it all and about to post some new stuff now but it’s okay one at a time! Lol 😆
Aug 25Reply
kbbubbab14 @peaceluvandcats thanks so much!!! ❤️❤️
Aug 25Reply
gjenn1967 Hi!! Haven't had a chance to "set up/ post" in my closet yet so not much to follow, nor am I sure I'll know what I'm doing when I do lol. Yours looks great!
Sep 09Reply
whatcanisell3 Hi there !! Just wanted to say I’m following you now and trying to follow your followers 😁 Relatively new to Poshmark but loving it 😁
Sep 19Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💘
Sep 26Reply
kbbubbab14 @lawesome200 just ✅’ed it out!!! ❤️❤️ sharing now!!
Sep 26Reply
kbbubbab14 @janfast absolutely!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 26Reply
kbbubbab14 @gjenn1967 thanks so much!!! I’ll ✅ yours out and watch for new items!!
Sep 26Reply
kbbubbab14 @jillmsox you just click on the item from their closet that you are going to share, and hit the arrows at the very top, it will then give you the option to share their listing!! Hope this helps!!
Sep 26Reply
catinagrimala Hello Beautiful!! I'm running a Holiday Special, if you're interested. Choose any 5 items that are listed at $35 or less from my closet, for a discounted price of $60 for all 5 items, with just one shipping fee. Approximately 50% of the items in my closet are marked at $35 or less. Limited time offer, while items are available. If you wish to create your very own unique bundle. Please do so & send me an offer. Thanks so much!! Happy Poshing!!❣
Sep 29Reply
advdisfri Love your closet!!❤️❤️
Oct 04Reply
kbbubbab14 @advdisfri thanks so much!! Hope you’re having fun Poshing!! WELCOME!! Let me know if I can help you with anything!! Just shared some items for you!! Best of luck!! 🍀🍀
Oct 06Reply
kenzicate Happy Birthday 🎁
Oct 07Reply
starsinhereyes HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day of Posh Love & Sales!!! :) :) ;)
Oct 07Reply
anniemc39 @kbbubbab14 I’m from Greenville and I believe we are related somehow. My mom is a Batson. Love your closet. Please visit mine and let me know if also think we could be related my last name is Childers.
Oct 13Reply
kbbubbab14 @anniemc39 hi there! I’m not sure about relation. I married into the Batson name. All his family is from Northern Greenville County!! 😉 Thanks for checking out my closet!! 🤗 Good luck 🍀
Oct 14Reply
sargebill Hi Kerri and good morning, have a $uper great day and thank you for the follow, Bill
Oct 15Reply
kbbubbab14 @sargebill you as well!!! Thanks so much!!! 🤗🤗
Oct 15Reply
sargebill @kbbubbab14 You're very welcome and I thank you as well too
Oct 15Reply
purplepixiemom 🍒Happy prosperous poshing!🍒
Oct 15Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸, and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Oct 15Reply
mmkoriginal Hello Beautiful❣❣❣Thank you for following.  It is great to hook up with other successful and amazing Poshers 🤗🤗. You have a very stylish and beautiful closet 🛍👝👠💄💍❤❤❤ It just warms my heart❤ to connect with beautiful people like you. I wish you much success here and in your life, wishing you many blessing dear.😊🎁⚘💄❤
Oct 17Reply
kbbubbab14 @mmkoriginal thank you so much for your kindness!! 🥰
Oct 17Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 17Reply
diasnewcloset I think I just found my new favorite closet 💕 wishing you many sales!
Oct 19Reply
megan274 Thanks for the support!🤗I hope you enjoy my closet and find something you like. 👠👗👚👢If you do please make an offer I am trying to make sales! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
Oct 30Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Nov 03Reply
galeriachic Your smile is amazing!! So joyful and bright! Merry Christmas and many blessings to you and your family! Your closet is beautiful too! ❤️🙏🎄🥰
Dec 15Reply
kbbubbab14 @galeriachic thank you!!! I’m liking your closet as well!!! NICE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 16Reply
babsgilbert Kerri, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 19Reply
haltomstephenie hello! I love your closet! I gave you some friendly shares as I hope this helps with your sells :) You are welcome to stop by my closet anytime as I post almost daily!! happy poshing!!! 😄😄
Feb 08Reply
stanfwoods Hey I’m a seller and a buyer I’ve bought and sold on here I’ve been a posher since 2018. I had a case taken out on me on my last sell where I shipped a pair of like new nike self lacing sneakers I followed the tracking progress and when it was delivered when it was delivered I tried to contact buyer to remind him to rate me and he disabled the messaging so I couldn’t communicate with him then days later I get a notification from Poshmark saying I have a case on me
Jan 01Reply
stanfwoods All of my sales and purchases have been 5 star ratings this guy post a picture of some dogged out worn out sneakers and is saying I sent them to him I’ve shown posh mark all the proof pictures receipts and I’m not hearing anything from the investigator this has been ongoing for a week do you have any advice you can offer
Jan 01Reply

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Last Active: Mar 10

Greenville, SC
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Last Active: Mar 10

Greenville, SC
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