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Updated Jun 02
Updated Jun 02


Nasty Gal

$100,000 $100,000

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STOP THE JEALOUSY! You guys need to stop harassing and bothering people about non sense. Life and time is so precious, use it spending time with family/friends you love and doing things that will benefit you. Leaving negative comments doesn't benefit you unfortunately. 😊Because it doesn't change ANYTHING! The sales continue to roll. " Money Talks, BS Walks"😘👑
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pattonfe Woman to woman...... Keep doing your thing.... Love your closet. Much respect to you, your brand and everything you. Let's be great as women...... #Diva #businesswoman
Apr 10Reply
gold911 @pattonfe Thanks ❤️! Much appreciated.🙏
Apr 10Reply
pattonfe You're Welcome
Apr 10Reply
devonlbb yaaaasssssss!!!!!!
May 11Reply
gold911 @devonlbb Thanks Beautiful.
May 11Reply
nicoleyjoseph Girls will be girls but Real WOMEN Empower one another! I love you closet💕 keep posting more things...I do plan to buy from you!!!! Mucho respect!
Jun 18Reply
gold911 @nicoleyjoseph You could have said it better! 🙏Thanks Babes!😘
Jun 18Reply
gold911 @nicoleyjoseph couldn't have said it better Beautiful!😘
Jun 18Reply
nicoleyjoseph @gold911 : 💋 keep ur head up and keep it moving ......make ur money girl... Don't let your money make u😉🌹
Jun 18Reply
gold911 @nicoleyjoseph Thank you, Thank you Doll!🙌😘😘
Jun 18Reply
nicoleyjoseph You're welcome love!!!💁🏽🍷 #cheers 2 the weekend
Jun 18Reply
gold911 @baaaditude @nataliaveladez😘😉
Jun 18Reply
gold911 @roselene24 😂😘😘😘
Sep 23Reply
gold911 @destineej22 @serianmckenzie #BusinessWomen #BossBabe😘
Feb 21Reply
gold911 I ❤️how your proud to say you have A JOB AND DONT MAKE A LIVING OFF POSHMARK LIKE POSHMARK IS A BAD THIMG!😂 All jokes aside Love you have the typical mind of an EMPLOYEE. Smh You proud to say you work for someone and I work for myself and answer to no one. Poor girl I feel sorry for you. You never going to go any further then a job. "If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs"
Feb 21Reply
gold911 Poshmark is AN AMAZING PLATFORM for female bosses and entrepreneurs that will not work for ppl the rest of their lives. You obviously have a lot to learn keep working you 9 to 5 and I will be quitting my part time job by the end of 2017 if everything go as planned🎉🎉🙏 I will continue making a killing from my boutique and Poshmark. You keep your job beautiful, because I DONT NEED OR WANT A JOB!😘 Thank Posh
Feb 21Reply
gold911 Enough time waisted, you probably be one of the girls I hire for my company in 5 years. A passionate employee that loves her job. We always will need employee on the world. Good night love!😘
Feb 21Reply
cs_jojo I love this saying, your closet is amazing. Thank for the shares. I could just share your entire closet. 🌹💕❤️
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 Thanks beautiful!😘
Mar 11Reply
cs_jojo @gold911 I totally agree, I have been being tagged by people on my items, then they try to tell me to delete them, and one started a huge issue and started tagging me in her stuff about unsupported things, she is not the only one who has tagged. if you look at my ear piercing gun the tags on it with my note beside it. Drama I don't deal well with. Have a great weekend and watch for those tags. ❤️
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 Yes, women have to stop being negative all the time. Life is about being positive, being around positive people, and enjoying life. I don't know why they take their precious time to interfere with other people closet prices and rules. It's a sad thing. Just keep to yourself but and sell.
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 Some of these women call themselves saving and helping other women. Smh Each person is an adult. You have no business come under someone's comment section make comments to their customers PERIOD! OUT OF LINE. Stay in your lane and stop being a troll. Your not help anyone, because sells continue to roll. What you won't buy, someone else will. So keep it moving. Some of these women have no life.
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 And I love when they say "why you getting offended, I have a JOB and don't make a living off Posh" Like really your bragging about working for another person/company slaving 8 hours PLUS to make their company dreams come true. The Entrepreneur Women are the real BOSSES and BAD CHICKS. Us women are business owner and make money/sale while we're sleeping. They knock Poshmark but I make their monthly salary in a week.😂 So it like who's really winning babes?!
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @serianmckenzie Food for thought.☝️😘
Mar 11Reply
cs_jojo @gold911 I totally agree with you, I had to delete 5 posts because of the B.S that was on there and just had to block her, that is until she started tagging me from the closet she opens to tag then closes it to make it look like it isn't her. Then whined when I called her on it. Oh well I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing, until I can't do it anymore. Just wanted to let you know I definitely love your closet. Keeping it beautiful💕. I'm still learning myself haven't been on to long
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 Yes Beautiful, if you every need any help or have any questions about selling, business, etc, feel free to reach out to me anytime! I'm happy to help! I love and have a passion for helping other women succeed and grow. I'm all for empowerment of women! If I can help you with any of my knowledge, I'm more than happy. Having an amazing weekend Babe!!Enjoy!!😘
Mar 11Reply
cs_jojo @gold911 Thank you! I'm not sure how long I will be able to do this though, just found out yesterday I have pancreatic cancer, that's why I lowered prices on a lot of my items this morning, I'm just hoping and praying I can beat it, I'm definitely going to give it my best fight though. You have a great weekend also.
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 I'm so sorry to hear that! It can happen to anyone of us. That's why it's important to uplift one another. People have to stop with the unnecessary drama.. You never know what someone can be going through! Your definitely in my prayers, my heart goes out to you. Remain positive because miracles do happen, I have seen it many times!! As I mentioned earlier, we have to take the time to appreciate life and the people we care about.
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @jojo826 Thanks for sharing something so personal! You just taught me a valuable lesson. I told myself I was not going to not respond to anything or anyone negative. It take too much time, energy, and typing. Therefore, going forward, I am just going to block people with no hesitation! And also do this in all aspects of my life I will not respond to any negativity! Thank you! Best wishes and prayers!🙏🙏
Mar 11Reply
gold911 @beyondblessed11 Thanks beautiful 😘😘
Apr 13Reply
aarikabc Amen!
Apr 24Reply
blackbarbies Double Amen!
May 02Reply
gold911 @blackbarbies Thanks beautiful 😘😘
May 02Reply
beyondaffordabl That is soooo true! I'll drink to that. 🍹 Thanks for posting. 🤗
May 10Reply
gold911 @beyondaffordabl 😘 Thanks beautiful!😘
May 10Reply
posh7posh Said it well girl. And love the closet 💗
Jul 27Reply
gold911 @posh7posh Thanks Doll😘😘😘
Jul 27Reply
posh7posh @gold911 sure! 💗☺
Jul 27Reply
wilddarling @gold911 Darling.Do whatever you wanna do. We can't never please people so
Aug 06Reply
miah100 Yassss
Aug 06Reply
annmahrii Hi, Super sweet of you sharing those jeans for me, I really appreciate it! Keep on smiling and keep on Poshing!
Aug 15Reply
gold911 @chychy1396😘
Oct 18Reply
gold911 @wren4964 😘❤️
Dec 21Reply
mjackman983 Hey, thanks for following me and sharing the shoes. As I said I’m open to reasonable offers and bundle discounts of your choice doll 😉
Dec 26Reply
britbaby27 Omg I LOVE THIS! I can’t stand the haters 👊🏼👋🏼👋🏼 thanks for the shares, girl! xoxo
Jan 03Reply
hellodarkness80 This🙌🙌❤❤ can we be real life friends? Lol It's so hard to find this in my area :(
May 09Reply
gold911 @michellek1980 😘😘😘
May 09Reply
mommymontague @gold911 Your closet is absolute 🔥🔥🔥 Best of luck to you, Queen, on your Posh journey 😊
May 26Reply
gold911 @mommymontague Thanks Beautiful!!
May 26Reply

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