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These are just some satisfied purchasers to provide you with security when doing business with me.

I tried to do business with her and she never acknowledged my purchase or my comments after purchasing . After 4 days of asking and asking she still never responded and then canceled my order with out reason for the tori burch shoes . I don't recommend buying from her at all unless she starts acknowledging her buyers and communicating her intentions. She lead me on for 4.5 days . Not good
Aug 27Reply

I happened to be on vacation when you purchased these. I would apologize for not responding if you had not been soooo pestering. I've never done business with anyone so ignorant and will not tolerate it. ✌🏼️ @leemari11
Aug 27Reply

@leemari11 bye bye FeLEEMARIcia! @goodiegoods is one the best person I've ever purchased anything from. that girl was just harassing you commenting on most of your post. If you really want them tory burch shoes then go to the store and pay full price if you really need them like the rest of us. HAHA
Aug 28Reply
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